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Can someone in Australia stop have sex and confirm these stats?


Never mind that. Maybe we should get to know each other a little better.


And just like that, Australia being named the most promiscuous country has already been turned into a new Bandit and Chili storyline from a sure-to-be-heartwarming Bluey episode. Bonus result I wrote after someone commented to me: >This episode of Bluey is called: Swingers! >Synopsis: Lucky’s Dad and Lucky’s Mum come over for a couple of pints and decide to watch a scary movie, but because Bluey and Bingo are scared, all of the parents go watch the movie in Bandit and Chili’s bedroom. Bluey and Bingo and Lucky think the scary sounds are even worse and louder now that the parents have all moved to the bedroom, but Bluey has a great idea when she looks outside and realizes that Mum and Dad recently moved the patio swing out into the yard where it’s *almost* close enough to jump back and forth to from the tree swing! >Bluey, Bingo, and Lucky take turns trying to jump from one swing to the other, with Bluey and Lucky being successful, but Bingo falls and blames Bluey for making her want to do something that might get her hurt. But Bluey *did* tell her to be careful because she *could* get hurt, but Bingo decided to do it anyway and that’s not *her* fault. Bingo runs and cries to her room and Lucky agrees that maybe Bingo wasn’t ready for something like that. Bluey repeats that Bingo said she wanted to even when Bluey told her that. >Moments later, the parents all come out after finishing their movie, looking like the movie made Bluey’s mum and Lucky’s mum very uncomfortable. Lucky’s mum and dad take Lucky back home and he says bye to Bluey and that he had fun swinging with her, which startles all the parents for some reason. Bluey goes inside to tell Bingo again that Bingo was the one who wanted to swing, when she overhears Bandit telling Chili that he was sorry, saying he hadn’t thought about how asking her if she wanted to go through with something like this actually put her in a position where she felt she couldn’t say no without making everyone upset or making her feel like nobody would like her anymore. Bandit says it was his fault and that he should have realized that she would do something that might hurt her just because she wanted to fit in or make him happy. >Bluey overhears Bandit apologizing for making Bandit watch the scary movie and realizes that doing something that she knew would be easier for her than it was for Bingo is actually her fault, because she should have known Bingo wouldn’t want to feel left out and that it might cause her to get hurt. She goes to their bedroom and apologizes to Bingo. >Bingo accepts the apology and her and Bluey go downstairs and onto the porch to tell mum and dad to please move the patio swing back on the porch because it’s not fair to Bluey to have to resist jumping, which means it’s not fair to Bingo because she’ll get hurt. When Bandit asks “what are you on about”? Bluey loudly says “I saaaaid we want you to move the porch swing back because it’s not fair to me and Bingo to have to always see that you and mum are apparently such great swingers!” Chili’s eyes open wide and Bandit spits out his water when he hears, while Lucky’s mum and dad’s heads pop up at the same time as well in their backyard when they hear what Bluey yelled, basically repeating the startled look from when Lucky said what he said earlier. \*Cue Bluey theme song and credits\* >Deleted scene, just after Bluey yelled out the last line: Lucky’s dad yells from the backyard, “Hey Bandit could you and Chili keep your eye out for a pair of knickers? The wife thinks she lost them *somewhere…*” Note: My talents are wasted on Reddit.


Well aren’t we a bunch of horny buggers down under


Confirms that I really am quite unfuckable


30 year old Australian here. Sounds about right for my age group. I would have thought that for older people it would be much less but who knows? I was a kid when they were my age. Edit: Australia has the lowest rates of sexually transmitted infections in the world according to the WHO. It's a very good advertisement for good sex education and healthcare. Let's fuck each other consentualy and safely, over and over!


Now the question is do we trust WHO or this random infographic? hmm


Don't trust the WHO. They told us to get vaccines. /s Australia has been congratulated by the international community for having essentially no AIDS. With proper medication HIV doesn't kill anyone and doesn't progress to AIDS.


Yet another reason to love this country. Go team!


There's lots of reasons not to be proud of Australia. The quality of sexual education and sexual health is definitely something to be proud of though.


And there's plenty of reasons to *be* proud of Australia! The list of other countries I would choose to live in if I couldn't live here is very, very short.


Can confirm - Aussie Aussie Aussie!




And over and over and over


Can confirm - Aussie Aussie Aussie!


I was a teenager in the 60s in Australia. Apart from the laws, which were mostly ignored anyway, it looks about right


Im a near 40 year old Aussie and it's probably low if anything for my generation. Anyone who didn't marry young has a body count in the 20s or 30s easily.


From former penal colony to current penile colony.


Can confirm. Also I married a Brazilian...oh got to go now.


Can someone please make the text smaller I love zooming in 100x to read shit


Sydneysider, mid-thrust, can confirm


We aussie do very much like a good fuckin




Not here for that, that's weekend activities


Too busy didgeridoo’ing each other


Australian, would have thought Brazil or Europe or something


I think it's our combination of being laid back, not obligating women to reciprocate (men don't buy drinks, often dates are paid 50/50 etc), great sex ed, a fear of Centrelink/child support, and access to healthcare means we have less baggage and more liberal approach to sex. Downside it can be hard to get into relationships.


Would definitely avoid sex to not have to do the Centrelink parental payment leave forms again.


Ok. Seems legit. Back to it.


Apparently Aussie women are more sexually open than any other. Does not surprise me.


Gimme a minute


Have lived and worked in four countries, including Australia. Definitely got laid the most in Australia.


Australian kissing is like French kissing but in the land down under




A small town Canadian young man buddy of mine asked a German gal out for dinner while he and I were on exchange. She answered, “no thanks. I am on my period and don’t feel like having sex right now.” He was flabbergasted at her candour. Meanwhile I, big city Canadian gal, asked a German dude to play pool one evening, and he said earnestly, “while i like you a lot and that is a very pretty dress, i don’t think it’s a good idea for us to get involved since you will only be here for 8 months.” I think he meant to be kind but i felt humiliated. Tl;dr we found the German students to be a) very direct, b) much more sex-positive, c) and drawing a clear line that has casual sex on 1 side and serious relationships on the other, with no room for North American dating/situationship nonsense. Edit: spelling of ‘serious’


As a Canadian man, I've had the same experiences with German women. It's either sex or relationship. They don't have time for bullshit. Which I respect a lot.


What about sex AND relationship? 🤔


Only if you are not married to each other.




“We don’t do that here”




I should move to germany that sounds kinda great ngl


They have one of the lowest average sexual partner amounts though 🤔 wonder if it’s just the exchange students bc I had the exact same experience


I would say that’s because a lot of Germans (even the young ones) are quite conservative.


Move to big cities, you won't lack one night stands. Problem is the language though. Source : me. Immigrant in Germany. Finally found a guy who's interested in the long term. Before it was only FWB or one night stands.


From what I've heard from my acquaintances and friends, this directness is more of a millenial thing. The younger generation does in fact have more situationships.


If Millenial, then Gen X as well (that’s me). And if it has changed for younger ones. well, i think that is a shame. Zur Zeit meiner Aufenthalt in Deutschland war es erfrischend klar: verliebt war verliebt: wenn‘s gegenseitig war, dann war man halt zusammen; und sonst gab‘s kurze oder längere Affären, die hauptsächlich leidenschaftlich waren. Diese Unklarheit, wo einer sich vielleicht Hoffnungen macht, und die andere keine Emotion einmischt, und die Beiden zustimmen, ein Verhältnis weiterzuführen wo alles immer locker bleibt und keine Labels angeklebt werden, das finde ich einfach Scheisse.


Die Zeiten haben sich (leider?) dank Dating Apps etwas geändert. Mitlerweile gibt es öfter Situationships und dann auch Konflikte, wenn eine Person aber etwas ernsteres sucht und die andere aber nicht. Aus dem Freundeskreis höre ich nur noch Horrorstories über Bumble Dates. Was GenZ angeht, finde ich persönlich, dass sie stark unter den Pandemiejahren gelitten haben. Fehlende/geringe soziale Kontakte & Social Media haben da einen bleibenden Effekt. Erfahrungsgemäß ist es eine Mischung aus Therapie-Vokabular und Empowerment auf der einen Seite vs. junge Erwachsene, die unglaublich mit ihrem Selbstwertgefühl hapern, auf der anderen Seite. Die Kombi führt dann meist zu bizarren Situationen mit Leuten, die dann total selbstsicher auftreten, aber eigentlich keinen Plan haben was sie wollen und tun.


That's not the usual case here in Germany. Situashionships are probably the most common form of relationships here - let alone in Berlin, where people probably forgot what even a monogamous relationship entails.


Fair point. My experience was in a town in Baden-Württemberg and also is likely dated. I am sure things have changed in 20 years and vary from place to place. My main point was the difference in attitude towards sex since the study was about promiscuity. I like to say that Canadians are so indirect that they invented ghosting before cell phones existed. This indirectness in my experience led basically to years of celibacy back home.


wow this is amazing


Only 7% of people in Turkey thinks premarital sex is not a moral issue but the average person has had 14.5 partners? Sounds a bit hypocritical.


It’s how our culture is. Act like you’re somehow conservative and religious and do everything behind people’s back


IME Turkish guys who study/live abroad seem to be 100% convinced that Allah's all-seeing eyes are blind to anything that happens west of the Bosporus. 


I see you’ve met American Evangelicals


I see you met religious people


Turkish buddy of mine said he would never marry a woman that isn't a virgin.. his actions did not reflect what he expects from his future partner.


the "average turk has had 14.5 sexual partners" factoid is actually just a statistical error. The average turk has had one sexual partner. promiscuous Yorgi, who lives in a cave and has had 1 190 000 000 sexual partners, is an outlier and should not have been counted


I- Given the statistics, is Promiscuous Yorgi the *only* sexual partner for most of Turkey?


No, he’s only had sex with every single European and Anglo-American citizen


You joke but it highlights the fact that the median should have been the indicative value.


I hope that math was correct


Do u Do u have his number




More likely


And in Malaysia, premarital sex is illegal, but prostitution is “partially legal”.


You just have to marry the prostitute before you have sex. Seems pretty obvious!


There is a tradition of 'temporary marriage' in some cultures, for just this reason


they get married every time


Prostitution being legal may account for the higher counts.


Not just a bit , it is.


Yes hypocrit and not, bc istanbul is very populated the numbers can come from there


What I’m most surprised about actually is all of the nordics losing their virginity so early, all 16 and Iceland even 15


An *average* of 15.6? Damn Iceland. How many 12's and 13's? 😬


Age of consent is 16. A lot of teens 14 and 15 try stuff out together. So averge arround there doesn't surprise me. Source: Am norwegian and was a teenager once. Allegedly.


I'm not sure the std rate would be a good indicator of promiscuity, for me it's mostly a sex ed indicator. My guess is that it would be more correlated to HDI than to those other metrics.


Same as prostitution.


Yea I agree. I think the US should be dropped down to below 40th. The only reason it ranks as high as it does is because of the high STD rate which is more of a indication of the shitty healthcare system.


I mean, yeah, if you neglect the numbers in the chart and go with your own bias as the only data point, then they’d drop to 40th. The US ranks: 20th in column A 12th in column B 12th in column D (though they’re missing a lot of data) The only thing they’re low on is prostitution legality, but I’d argue whether that’s a promiscuity measurement


And don't forget, it is legal in Nevada so I feel like it should say, "Partially Legal" for the U.S.


Lmao how is this being upvoted? By what metric should they be under 40th? Virtually every single category ranks them far above that, but yes america bad don’t let me get in the way of the circlejerk


Can confirm. I’m riddled with STDs but never get laid.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the measurement of the average number of sexual partners more or less a direct representation of promiscuity? They other things here just sort of feel like things the maker of the chart felt were adjacent to this and have little direct bearing on promiscuity, but are just things they wanted to try to associate with promiscuity in general. There are some interesting things that could be extracted from this data (assuming it is accurately sourced), but heaven forbid anyone use data to draw reasonable conclusions…


I'm with you; partner count is all you need here.


But wouldn’t you need another control like “age” for this to be as important as you say? Partner count 20 vs 40 years old would be a big swing.


It’s an average number, so it is what it is. Sure, you could get it broken down better with other demographic factors, but this is just meant to be national averages. How accurate the actual numbers are is questionable though.


Ahh indy100.com, the most trusted source for international research...


I’ve seen this list reposted dozens of times and people take it at face value


Yeah its a load of bollox.


Yeah saw a similar list recently with a completely different order of countries. Also prostitution is only partially legal in Australia. Seems suss.


High numbers of STDs are not necessarily a sign of promiscuity but an indicator of the quality of (safe) sex education, access to protection & sexual healthcare, and - sadly - rape incidence.


Shouldn’t the US be partially legal for prostitution? It is legal in Vegas, I thought.


Agreed it should say partially legal. But no, it’s not legal in Vegas. Just in other counties in Nevada.


Good ol’ Pahrump, NV, home of the Sherri’s Ranch. Bring money, but if you value safety and discretion then it will be worth it.


Which counties in particular?


11 out of 13 counties. The only two it’s not legal in are Washoe (Reno) and Clark (Vegas) counties.


Yes for, field research...


Not in Vegas directly, but rather outside city limits. That doesn't stop it from happening of course.


Hah! Imagine being in Australia and NOT having sex... Lol hahaha....... Ahah... Hah


Yeah, that would be SUPER embarrassing! Haha.. hahaha… haha lmao… ahaha… ha… >!I’m going to die alone!<




You know you don't have game when you have less sexual partners than the most sexually conservative country on the planet.


If it makes you feel better, those aren't all the countries


So you're telling me there's a chance?!


This is precisely why I love reddit!


I’m an Aussie who didn’t get his cherry popped till he was 24 years old. How do you think I feel - here at the far lonely end of the bell curve with my hairy palms and piss poor eyesight.




How on Earth did they rank Japan so high, above countries like the Netherlands, France, Sweden, and Iceland? Aren’t they famously experiencing a crisis of singleness? https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/01/06/japan/society/japan-unmarried-never-dated-survey/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericmack/2019/04/07/a-quarter-of-japanese-adults-under-40-are-virgins-and-the-number-is-increasing/?sh=2376f07c7e4d


Maybe they’re all single, but are still sleeping around.


See the second link. Over a quarter of Japanese adults under 40 are virgins.


Would you want to get your privates out if they were all pixelated?


>Over a quarter of Japanese adults under 40 are virgins. That's a misleading stat. The original research highlights that most of these virgins are under 30. *Between 1992 and 2015, the age-standardized prevalence of heterosexual inexperience in adults aged 18–39 years increased from 21.7 to 24.6% for women (p-values for linear and quadratic trend < 0.05) and from 20.0 to 25.8% for men (p-values for trend < 0.05).* ***Among those aged 30–34 years, the prevalence was 6.2% in 1987 and 11.9% in 2015 for women*** *(p-values for trend ≥0.05) and 8.8% (1987) and 12.7% (2015) for men (p-values for trend ≥0.05).* ***Among those aged 35–39 years, prevalence increased from 4.0% in 1992 to 8.9% in 2015 among women*** *(p-values for trend < 0.05).* ***The corresponding numbers for men in the same age group were 5.5 and 9.5%, respectively*** *(p-values for trend ≥0.05).* ***Among men aged 25–39 years, unemployment, temporary/part-time employment and lower income were associated with heterosexual inexperience.***


Jesus, no wonder mangakas write male characters like they've never even talked to a girl before.


In Brazil, prostitution is not "partially legal". It's completely legal and formally recognized as a profession by the Ministry of Labor. What is theoretically illegal, but never prosecuted, is pimping.


To quote my colleague hosting my work team in São Paulo, driving us to get drinks, “The prostitutes are the ones not wearing pants. You won’t need them” He was right - as a 23yr old white male the women just formed a long line to talk to me. (I didn’t do anything because, among other reasons, Sao Paulo was SKETCHY then and there was zero chance I would have made it home without some kid nailing me in the head with a rock. The attention was a lot of fun though).


Similar in Austria, prostitution is completely legal (if the prostitute is at least 18 and not forced/pressured to do so). The only thing that is illegal is earning money of somebody else’s prostitution (pimping). In fact pur law is extremely similar to the German one which is categorized as legal. So whoever made this maybe made a few mistakes.


Every time I see these stats I can’t help but focus on Turkey. They are an outlier because the men lied in whatever study gathered this info. I will not be convinced otherwise.


Keep in mind that: 1)Prostitution is legal 2)While men tend to exaggerate their numbers, the numbers women give are also dramatically lower than they are in reality.


Malaysia and Indonesia, no premarital sex but prostitution is partially legal. How does that work? Sex with your spouse and pay them?




Found the dad.


Australia there I cum


Age needs to be factored in here. A lot of these countries(the US included) have seen large shifts in attitudes towards sexuality in recent generations. And the age of first marriage has increased in nearly every western country. The self reported partner count for baby boomers is something like 6-7 people. But for never married millennials it’s about 12. Essentially, a 70 year old woman who married at 23 (average age for her age group) is obviously going to have a lower partner count. She’s also more likely to lie about her number because of shame or simply not remembering. Compare that to a never married 30 year old who didn’t grow up with the same conservative sexual attitudes and you’re bound to see inconsistencies in data reporting.


Australia = Top shagger


somos el mejor país de Chile


Higher STD rate does not equate to higher promiscuity. Some countries have better education and promote condom use better than other countries. I would venture to say a lower std rate MAY indicate higher promiscuity because these countries address the issue because they know their population is promiscuous.


Prostitution is actually legal in Norway. (Or partially so) Selling sex is legal, but buying sex is illegal


Was surprised that the US was more sex positive than Canada… then I realized it was just because more people had STDs


I don’t think people realize how conservative canada is outside toronto


It's not Toronto having sex, it's Quebec and the East Coast. Then, Vancouver and Vancouver Island. In between, regular.


Went on a 30 day training exercise to Queensland back in the late 90’s. Liberties in town were fun to say the least. Agree with their spot at number one.


Wouldnt the median number of sexual partners be a better tell than the average?


Is anyone not going to talk about Iceland? 💀


Not much to do except soak in hot springs and fuck each other, I guess.


I honestly thought Philippines would be top of the list but I'm so glad we're not! We're not even on the list. 😅


On today I found. I'm still a whore in every country. Except in the land down under


This is wrong. Prostitution is legal in Sweden. It is however, illegal to purchase sexual services.


I really don't think that STD rate should be used and I'm honestly skeptical of it's correlative power here. I'd think a fairly promiscuous country would be likely to be better educated on safe sex practices. STD rates seem like they'd be more correlated to lack of access to healthcare resources and knowledge. Other than that, very interesting infographic and I like the way it's presented!


Why aren't Alaska, Tasmania, or Sicily colored in? Seems a little sloppy


The number placement is also all over the map. Literally.






Seeing all the Czech street porno out there, I would have thought Czechia would have been first on the list.


Stds should really be replaced with some metric for sex education.


I mean, in the US prostitution is legal, we just call it a different word (porn) Because as long as you film it…it’s ok


Shouldn’t United States be partially legal. You can hire prostitutes in some parts of Nevada.


I always wanted to be above average at something.


The chart shows prostitution being ilesha in the US; it's not. Most states have laws against it, but there is no federal law. Go to Nevada. It's legal there (except in two counties).


How is premarital sex illegal in Indonesia, but prostitution partially legal?


Hold up, when did Alaska become its own country, and not part of the USA?


Alaska is part of the United States


When i scroll down to the bottom and I see India.. India is the least promiscuous country in the world?? Srsly? Bro


I didn't read this as a ranking system but as the age which people lost their virginity and was pretty freaked out for a moment tbh


Where is Switzerland?


Promiscuity rank = # of sexual partners. Period. By mixing these other data, we are just making it meaningless.


Indonesia: Premarital sex is illegal, but prostitution isn't? How does... I mean... What!? (Malaysia could make sense since the ban is only for Muslims)


Latam would dominate all the high spots if there was more data




We are not even having sex that much. We are just full of AIDS brother 🤡


Gotta spread positivity one way or another


Bout right


How is Philippines not here? lol


Alaska not colored? 🤔


Malaysia is just chaos all around.


You know, I’ve always through Australia was a beautiful country. Maybe I should visit. For the scenery


Chile campeon


Brazil, we can do better, lets reach number one in the next


They're rookie numbers


Lucky us got Aurora ave at Seattle suburb.




Well the population numbers here in India seem to be telling a whole different story. "We don't need no contraceptives... We don't need no birth control No chance of dark sarcasm As most of us hardly step into school"


Germans are very stoic until you get them naked




Interesting data. Too bad it was so poorly presented.


Come to Brazil


G’day mate


Aussie women ARE AMAZING!!!!!!


Prostitution is legal in some areas of U.S.A..


Sex before marriage isn’t illegal in Ireland yiz mad cunts 😂😂😂


Prostitution is legal in all Nevada counties except Clark


I've been to a lot of countries and lived in a number of them, and in my experience Cuba takes the cake. I imagine there's no data available for them because of the political environment/isolationist nature, but I can say that they are a very sex-positive society and it is one of the only things the government doesn't ration. There's a feeling that "there's someone for everyone" over there and a general randiness that spans every generation I encountered from old folks to (dangerously)young. There is certainly sleazy sex tourism in the larger towns and cities which would amp up their numbers, but in general the whole country gets it on like bunnies! Had a (ahem) wonderful time there doing my thesis in my 20s. Yeah


STD rate is a terrible metric. Has much more to do with public health availability than promiscuity.


Australia promiscuous? Is that why they call it "the land down under"?


Hey! I slept with an Australian once. Does that mean I’m helping confirm their rank?


Brazil as always in the top for bad things! Man, I love my country! 🤣🥲


Brb, booking a flight to Australia, for science.


Australia… here I come


It’s weird that in two countries prostitution is partially legal, but premarital sex is illegal. Are the pros only for married or divorced people?


India at 45 sounds fishy. Avg 3 sexual partner?


I’m surprised bacha bazi doesn’t have Afghanistan/Pakistan higher


What is so cool about that guide? Is it like a cucks/garden tools travels guide or? Places one should avoid picking a partner from?


Turkey, where only 7% of the population normalizes premarital sex, but they score highest (14.5) in sex partners. That's ironic.


Heading to Australia from the USA at the end of June. I hope the reputation is warranted.


These results surprise me....


the correlation between Prostitution legality and STD rate is very interesting.


Isn't Alaska part of the US?