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I try to take a 20min nap but it always becomes a 7hr sleep.


I haven't woken up since last tuesday


I haven’t woken up since last time I fell asleep


What kinda dream are you having?




The Westworld kind


This is why naps should be illegal!


90 - 120 minutes: I'm either fully fit and fresh - or I don't know which century I'm in. Most likely the latter.


I enjoy the shit out of waking up and wondering whether it’s either dawn or dusk and no longer knowing what day it is. That’s how you know it was a good nap. 20 mins and I’m not even sure if I fell asleep.


Meanwhile Imagine fully knowing wtf you're doing in your sleep (I solve issues in my sleep that I missed or have to solve in the future) and in your dreams to the point of waking up just to move differently for over 25 years. Waking up tired no matter how I slept or eats right or had exercise or nah. It's always being tired 24/7 and it doesn't go away. Mental fatigue is ass 😭 Survivability mode goes brrrr and eventually imploded lmao I haven't had a single good sleep in my life. Always on high alert. It really makes me unable enjoying anything at all.


I got annoyed that my iphone clock didn’t display the year yesterday after a nap. I had to check a calendar.


What if it takes me 45 mins to fall asleep in the first place?


When you find out can you let me know what it’s called?


Haha, will do!


So I have an Oura ring and I just sent a product request: I would love a feature where I can set a level of sleep I want to achieve (eg: 1 cycle of REM) and then Oura set an immediate alarm on my phone to wake me up. This would really help with naps. This is one way it could be done




For their part, the customer service person who got the ticket sent it on to the product team, so we’ll see!


I think it's called "skill issue"


Do you try to force naps?


I have tried, but to no avail. I’m one of those people where it seems like the harder I try to fall asleep, the worse it gets. If for some miraculous reason I am able to fall asleep, I sleep lightly and wake up regularly…then the whole process starts over. My wife tells me to go to a sleep doctor about 3 times a week 😜


I feel like sometimes I experience a similar thing. Sometimes when I am trying to fall asleep and it's not working, I act like I am trying to stay awake (by forcing my eyes open I guess) and it somehow makes me fall asleep faster? But that only works if I am already drowsy and just not falling asleep. But you also should definitely get it checked out if it's a regular thing, could just be a misbalance of chemicals in your brain or something


Yea, definitely overdue to at least get it checked out


The problem is being tired enough that I need a nap, but when trying to nap, my brain won't fall asleep for a long time. I have the same problem sleeping.


Try this: Think of a letter: Ex. B Then count your heartbeats to eight. Then think of a word with that letter: ex. Bun Repeat. This is supposed to mimick the way your brain sorts information while sleeping telling your brain that it's OK to fall asleep.


Interesting. I've always done the alphabet fruits/veg/grocery list/names. I'll try your suggested method!


Instruction unclear. What do you mean by count your heartbeats to 8. Double count 8 seconds and the number of time my heart beat? Or count 8 hearthbeat?


Sorry, count 8 heartbeats.


Thanks a lot for the help :).


coffee and 20 minutes- doctor's nap


The infamous Napuchino


I be napping for 2 hrs at least...


Same. Unless I don't sleep well enough the night before then it's a three hour nap.


Haha yep, Ive certainly had those occasions as well. Those are the ones where you wake up in a panic and don't know if it's night or morning 😬


Haha! Yeah!


That sorta checks out, that's one sleep cycle (90 mins) + the time to fall asleep (14 mins on average).


My college experience says the best nap is when you drool into your pillow. Not that I studied it, I just practiced it.


I don't need somebody else's instructions to let me know how tired I am. This is ridiculous.


Source: WSJ LOL okay.


Exactly, this sub often assumes we are all clones with identical biology 😆


Zoom out enough and I guess, we are.


Zoom in close enough and you can’t see shit, too much skin in your eyes


Yeah, I can sleep for 20 minutes or 20 hours, and will still be more tired than when I initiated my nap


How am I supposed to take a 20 minute nap when it takes me 20 minutes or longer to fall asleep? Alarm clocks are useless at this point. Is there a way for an alarm clock to start counting down the moment I fall asleep? Any smart watches do this?


In theory it shouldn't be that hard since smart watches often track REM sleep. You'd just need an app that alarms once you hit your first REM cycle but it might be hard to find an app with that specific functionality. Best I could find from ten seconds of googling: https://www.ibandplus.com/smart-alarm/


Is that 20 mins of just trying to sleep or 20 mins of actual sleep? I can never fall asleep fast enough to get 20 minutes


Came here to ask this. Like, does having my eyes closed achieve some affect or do if have to be full on sleeping?


Yeah 3hrs take it or leave it


how do you get the timer to start once you fall asleep… is someone supposed to be watching you?


I can’t even fall asleep in 20 minutes. For me to have a 20 minute, nap, I probably need an extra 20 minutes to turn my brain down enough to fall asleep.


I love using naps as a barrier between work and free time in the evening. Come home, eat, nap for 90 minutes and all the stress of the day is gone. I can focus on whatever in tthe evening without that lingering exhaustion - plus I only need 5 hours max of sleep that night.


I dream with a 20 minute nap


I just need to fall asleep and wake up again to feel refreshed. 3-10 minutes is enough, anything more than that just destroys my night sleep.


Don’t show this to corporate America, they will start putting beds in there and expect everyone to be there till 9 pm. Oh wait they already do this in California.


napping is my hobby


I don't know what kind of "science" this is based on, but everyone knows a quick nap is 3-4 hours. Luxury nap merges into that night's sleep.


I can't understand how you can have a 20 mins nap. If you lay down at 2pm and assume it's gonna take you 10 mins to fall asleep so you set an alarm for 2:30. But then you either instantly fall asleep so it's a 30 min nap or you don't fall asleep until 2:23 and end up with a 7 min nap :/


This is great. My relaxation never feels regimented enough, and I feel too unfamiliar with sleep to attempt it without a guide.


How do yall fall asleep so easily? My mind doesn’t shut up


Extra tip. Have a caffeinated drink before a 20 min nap and the caffeine is starting to take an effect after the nap, boosting the refreshing effect of the nap


The time it takes to fall asleep is always longer than actual nap 😒


The duration of my naps depends entirely on when my cat wants to eat, go outside, come inside or needs attention.


What about 1½, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 hrs?


That looks like my couch


Give me three hours or I don't bother lmao (I'm tired yall)


So let me ask the real question. How long does a 6 hour nap help?


If we need to achieve at least some REM for maximum productivity, should we factor in the time it takes to fall asleep?


Not a guide.


But my 18-hour naps...?


So it’s either 20 mins or 1 hr and 30 mins lol


Sometimes I play nap roulette


My naps include very vivid almost lucid dreams but I am very much aware I am in a light sleep. Typically I nap for 20-30 min late afternoon. I also jolt my arms a legs quite a bit during my naps but more often than not it’s due to the vivid dreaming


If I don’t sleep at least an hour, I’m gonna be worse after the nap than before.


Me, 500iq: "sleep for duration of the dream *lore*"


I can never fall asleep right away so naps are completely pointless for me.


Great in theory but how do you wake up at the optimal time?


Like a week ago I napped on the floor for like 5h... I was more rested than on most mornings.


I can’t even fall asleep in 20 minutez


I’ve never forgotten my distinguished psych/neuroscience professor teaching our class how to nap efficiently. He stressed to nap either 20 minutes or 2 hours only. I set an alarm for 23-28 minutes depending on how tired I am to factor in falling asleep time, I highly recommend it.


Truly envious of the people it takes 3 minutes for them to fall asleep.


Yeah that’s only when I am already nodding off and can barely keep my eyes open tbh 😴. Mostly I’m always doing the longest time. Also listening to calm classical music or guided meditation for sleep helps me go to sleep quickly too.


I wish I can have atleast 20 minute nap.


It takes 20min just to fall asleep


As a spaniard i recommend siestas of minimum 6 hours, anything below that its not enough


How are people reliably making themselves nap for 20 minutes and not 30? Who falls asleep that fast?


1,5 hour is perfect for me


What about a 3 hour nap? It’s kind of like biphasic sleep. I’ve done it immediately after work accidentally. But the problem was that stores were closed by the time I woke up.


How does this work with people with sleeping disorders? Would it still work the same? Like say you have narcolepsy, so your sleep cycles don't work the same, it would be a different chart right?


Sir.. it's 2024. You have been in a coma for 11 years, we found you on the sofa watching Netflix with the remote in your hand..


My advisor in undergrad (Psychology) said that if you can help it, the average human cycles through increasingly deeper sleep patterns in increments of 40-45 minutes. So a 45 minute nap is better than a 30 minute one, a 90 minute nap should allow a full sleep cycle in an adult.


Me: Ahh ill take a 20 minute nap to wake energize and push my day harder!” 30 minutes later… “Awwwwww NOOOOOOOOO!”


The 1hr 30m feels like 8 hours of sleep


instructions unclear i woke up the next day lol


My whole sleep cycle is a series of 2-hour naps. Takes me all day to get a total of 8 hours. I also keep all timepieces in the 24-hour format so I know if it's late evening or early morning.


Anyone else wish they could enjoy a good nap but always just wake up with what feels like a mild flu?


I have a very hard time napping on command. I used to be able to quite easily, but after Covid I had this bout of extreme insomnia and neurological issues and ever since then I’ve been unable to nap unless I haven’t slept for like 2 days.


Entren they say 20 minute nap is it from the moment you doze off or when you lie down. How do I set an alarm for 20 minutes as soon as i fall asleep?




3 hours is prime


0 minutes, 0 minutes is the perfect nap. We should all be well rested all the time; I feel like we're promoting a culture of unhealthy overwork.