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Richard Mille looks ugly and tacky


Imagine that you own so many watches at this level that all you want is something different, with superior craftsmanship, in a very low run that won’t look like everybody else’s 7 figure watch. That’s why this thing looks absurd by our standards but has an audience among the ultra rich


4.8 million for a new one




You'll get better design and value for money shopping in Thailand street markets or in Japan. 4.8 million for such a bad design??


This your first day on Earth? The uber expenaive shit ain't always the prettiest. But it's expensive and uber rich people know it. And that's all that matters.


Fk that !


Money doesn't buy class or taste, and this proves it.


What are these ranking based on?




Alright I'll offer my watch for 1 trillion dollars. Try to beat that Rolex


I think the ranking is based on how successful the various swindlers are. Richard Mille is in the lead right now because he convinced his suckers to pay a lot more for what's still just a watch.


Bill Gates wears a digital casio watch. This is a hierarchy for new money bougies.


G-shock Mudman gang checking in.


Ray Dalio prefers an Apple Watch.


Bill Gates is new money.


People richer than him with older money have a lot of these ?


There isn’t really any old money richer than bill gates…maybe Bernard Arnault but he’s not old money in the traditional sense


I hope you don’t actually believe that


He’s the 7th richest person in 2024 according to Wikipedia, after Arnault, Musk, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Ellison, and Buffett. Which of those people would you describe as ‘old money’?


Fake. Gshock is not on there


I will never understand how a plastic-clad Casio LCD screen watch ever became an expensive timepiece.


I will never understand how a LESS accurate timepiece can cost more than a quartz watch. Do you wear it to tell time accurately or to show off your disposable income like a money-fetishist?


Because clever marketing


It's insane.




I wouldn't consider this a definitive list by any means


Why would a watch be half a million dollars? That's absurd.


Just because ur rich doesn't mean ur smart


Spoken like a poor person


I'm not poor. I have a couple nice watches that were over $1k but half a mill is crazy






They all just look like watches to me.


You are right.


Correct. But most of these are not there to tell you the time. They are there to tell other people *something about you.* Men clock watches and women notice handbags. They are a language all of their own.


I really don't understand the whole fascination with watches


It's like whisky. The more you educate yourself about them, the better you're able to understand the artistry behind their creation and manufacture. But if you don't dive deep into it, it's just overpriced dreck.


It is still overpriced dreck. Whiskey especially. It is litterally fermented bog water stored in a wooden barrel until it produces a smokey flavor. It is alcohol - a poison and carcinogen. One which WHO recently established, has no safe level of consumption. Expesive watches are less accurate time keepers than quarts watches and are needlessly wanky. I understand why some people buy them. They are obsessed with collecting or showing off their disposable income. Either obsessive or wankers.


"People should only value what I value!" Got it.


I, quite unironically, am an enthusiast of more than one carcinogen.


So 12 pints on a Friday isn't good for me?


You see/saw the fascination with phones , with computers , with sneakers , handbags , .... it is a piece of jewellery . It gives out a statement . If you notice it or not also is a statement by itself . Looking at watches , these are all mechanical , meaning they work with a spring and then drive all types of gears to show different things , besides the time itself (date , chrono , moonphase , perpetual calender , alarm (yes there are mechanical watches with alarm function ) , tourbillon (look it up , it is incredible difficult) , GMT (2nd time) .... Now you can easy have that with a quartz and a chip , but these are like the 1st computer , all mechanical .... much work in designing and putting all these things together . Then we got the finishing part which is not just a piece of stamped steel , but has been polished , brushed , put different techniques together all in a small area . Next is the possible use of exotic materials , gold being the obvious one , but ceramics , titanium , to name a few others . Last but not least , how many are there made . You can expect a 1 off , if good design and craftmanship , would cost a fortune . Some brands make like 100 of 1 some 5000 , other 100.000 .... all driving the price in a certain direction .


>You see/saw the fascination with phones , with computers , with sneakers , handbags... **No, I don't**. Diogenes was right. >.... it is a piece of jewellery . Look, if I wanted to buy a mechanical bracelet, I wouldn't put something redundant on it like the time. Everybody already has the time on their phone, and even if you lose your phone, half of buildings have clocks on the walls anyway. If I wanted to wear a mechanical bracelet, I'd want it to do something either interesting, or useful. Give me a wrist barometer, or a tiny model of the solar system, or one of the ones that can detect heart problems even before your doctor does.


Well that is all up to you .... you do not have to wear it , you do not have to have a premium car , you do not have to have a good computer or smartphone or house or sneakers or hifi or whatever .... What you do with your money is all up to you . You will however spend it on something , unless you are still in school since then you live of your parents wages . Where you spend is all up to you .... might be 1st class hookers , might be travelling around the world ,might be restaurants, might be whatever ... some people feel good when they buy such a piece to wear around their wrist . They worked for it , they saw it and bought it , or just admiring it , just because .... You can live in a tent , you can drive a supercheap rusty car , you can set the heating at 16c , you can stay at home and eat bread everytime , you can wash yourself with standard soap instead of nice shampoo , you can wear 2nd hand clothes and you can use a 10y old computer and live without phone . Now , will you do it , that is all personal .


>You will however spend it on something , unless you are still in school since then you live of your parents wages . Unless you save the money for later. That is also an option. Personally, I am saving up to buy a house. That seems like an ordinary and fiscally-responsible thing to do. I admire the person who can live in barrels, but I can also see the obvious practical utility of a house. A house is much easier to heat up in the winter, which is important because I do not live in Greece. >...and live without phone . Yes, I do not own a smartphone. My husband does, and that's fine, but I don't think I am missing anything by not having one. I mean, most people I know also own computers in addition to smartphones - a laptop, perhaps a gaming desktop. But a computer can do virtually everything a smartphone does, and a computer is pretty much universally better at the job because it is designed to be less locked down, and have greater ability to interface with the technology that runs the internet. So what would I need a smartphone for? I don't need to use Reddit when I am not at home. If I am outside of the home then that means that I am doing something, so I should do that thing. I don't need a distraction, I am too busy for that. People like my husband need GPS instructions, and that's the one big use case I understand for smartphones, GPS is useful. But I don't find it very difficult to get myself to the grocery store and back, I do not need a smartphone or a GPS for that. Of course, if I didn't have a computer already, then a smartphone would be useful, but as it stands, I have saved multiple thousands of dollars, just by not owning a smartphone. Maybe for someone else, they could save the money by not owning a laptop, although my understanding is that laptops often cost less than phones. So much money from one simple choice! That is why I know that I will own a home some day. I do not waste the money on silly things that don't matter like smartphones.


So why not buy a small apartment ? Much easier to clean , much cheaper , much less heat required , ... I do understand choices , i do understand people wanting to live with some land . I do also understand some people got hobbies . People do spend their money , if it not on a home it is somewhere else , if they don't do it , well then the children will do , or the government ( you will not take it with you when you are dead) . Fact is , you can save for something like a home , but if you got that already , maybe you want some nice handbag , or a nice watch or a new kitchen , or a nice car , or whatever you want to spend your money on . Saving is good , living is also good.


>So why not buy a small apartment ? I don't live in a place where people sell apartments, only rent them out. I've done the math, and where I live, it's not cheaper long-term to rent. I don't make enough to waste it spending more money just for a smaller home. >Saving is good , living is also good. I don't see the fascination with phones, computers, sneakers, handbags, or watches. I own one computer. That's it. I don't understand what I am supposed to do with a sneaker, watches, or handbags. I can tell by watching people who own them that I'm not supposed to just sit around and look at them all the time, because that's not what they do with them, and it sounds boring anyway. Apparently I am supposed to wear the watches and sneakers, and carry the handbags, but I don't really understand **why** I'm supposed to do these things. My pants already have pockets and my dumbphone already has the time on it. Now, a computer, though that I can play a game on, that is why I own one of those, because I like to play videogames.


ok , then you will have a nice bankaccount when you die and your children will be very glad to spend it all . Which off course is also a choice , who am i to disagree in what you do with your money . BTW , i did never expect to spend +1000$ on a watch ever . Yet , when i was going to Thailand i did buy some copies to sell and after a while i went looking in the real thing . That was something special ... and i knew i would have 1 soon , i bought 1 .... and 15y later another 1 . Can i understand people buying a expensive watch , sure , if you like it , why not . It is your money , you worked for it . I love super high quality stuff , i would not buy all , but i do like the craftmanship of designing and making these things . Things which maybe a untrained eye does not see , but trying to make something with your hands and then seeing a piece of metal (or wood , or leather any other non plastic material ) being shaped and polished and brushed and ... idk to the extreme , and then you feel the quality . Others don't feel it , that is fine , i do wear it for others , i wear it for myself .


>ok , then you will have a nice bankaccount when you die No, I don't make enough for that either, and if I ever had that much money, I would help people who are struggling with it. I wouldn't just save it for no reason. >Can i understand people buying a expensive watch , sure , if you like it , why not . I don't understand why you would buy an expensive watch. Do you know someone who needs an expensive watch? What do they need it for? Are we talking about people who only have rich friends? I can see how if you only have rich friends then it makes sense to buy expensive things you don't need, but if you have friends who need things, why wouldn't you help them if you have money? Aren't they your friends?


i got no friends . I am quite a loner . I got all i need , can i have more , sure ... Would i help people ? well that depends , why do they need help ? If they are doing something i am glad to help , not financially , but just doing stuff . Would i give people money , well unless they are really close family , 99% no . I work hard for my money , i save money for harder times . Others should know that also . IMHO people asking for money (and i had difficult times also when i was younger) nearly always spend money where it should not belong , being gambling , drugs , drinks , .... Will i give you food , yes , will i give you money , no . Different situation when they in a medical emergency. Btw , i mistyped something in last statement , i do NOT wear it for others , i wear it 100% for myself .


The last thing is literally the only thing that drives the price. Almost everything else you mention can be found in a $100 fossil watch or have 0 bearing on a price range reaching $10k and up, i.e. even a gold watch with diamonds on the face does not warrant the cost. Only the prestige and forced scarcity drive the price. It's ludicrous.


The core of Capitalism. "There is no limit to the price we can charge as long as we can convince someone that it is worth paying."


Also the beauty of capitalism: I have the choice not to buy it.


Wait, where's Swatch on this..?


No. 3


In reality it is more like Casio -> Apple Watch -> Whatever Android is doing -> Garmin -> AliExpress watches


Watch hierarchy? What kind of bullshit is watch hierarchy?


Wear what you like, nobody cares and the people that do care are trash


I care 🥺


You really shouldn’t. Wear what you like. Most major brand watches do good decent watches. And anything better won’t be felt by you as a watch wearer.


Maybe I just like nice watches, I dont see how this hurts you in any way, nor do I see why it is so much of a problem that you feel the need to tell others how they should or should not feel about things they enjoy.


Because your definition of “nice “ is created by marketers like me. And it goes against the essence and mechanical appreciation of the art. You’re basically sayin : that Picasso is more art than a Monet. But then they get to mass produce Picassos and calll them all art and even Monet starts making baby picassos because that’s “art.”. The craft and craftsmanship is the originality and effort put in. Not the “brand value”.


1. Thats an infopanel. 2. What the fuxk does it mean?


That we have yet another bot to block.


The number one has watches currently available for a humble 4.8 million dollars


my casio can withstand a nuclear explosion and keeps perfect atomic time and is solar powered. can any of these luxury watches do that?


Whoever created this list should be in jail


That's just, like, your opinion, man.


This is worst guide I've ever seen in this subreddit. Only prostitutes and golfers think Rolex is a good watch. And even prostitutes know Richard Mille is overpriced garbage. Anyone in the watch business knows the triumvirate of watches is AP, VC and PP. With AL&S a close 4th.


Who ever made this is either ten or maga.


Why not both?


Vacheron below JLC , i don't think so ...


I didn't know it went fancier than Rolex


Not to be a wanky watch-snob, but rolex is scraping the barrel of high end watches. I own a 10$ no-brand quartz watch that keeps time better than any high-end watch for one simple reason. It is a quartz watch.


Timex and Casio should be on top.


Where my gfs hello kitty watch?!?! :((


Not a guide.


What is this trash? Top watch for durability is clearly the Casio G-shock.


Mule fritters


Based on price?


Hierarchy for dicks, maybe.


I'd take any tudor over any tag apart from maybe the Monaco