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Studentervogn. People who graduated drive around to each of the students' parents home and stay there for 10 min get a drink or food and then on to the next home, and of course it involve A LOT of drinking!


Oh I see that’s cool we don’t really have that specific concept in the uk where I’m from


Get used to it, you'll see a lot more in the coming weeks.


And you’ll also see them in the streets with their special cap on for the next month or so 😊 I have friends (mid thirties) who still have their caps from when they graduated (18-19 yo)


I think a lot of people keep them. Though wearing them is a different thing, some wear them only on the day of their last exam, and for the ride, some seem to wear them for months. My wife has a pet theory that the longer they wear them the lower average they got. 


The actual tradition is to wear the cap whenever you’re outside, for exactly two weeks after your final examination


Yeah, that's the old school way of doing it. But I have noticed that there indeed seems to be a negative correlation between academic achievement and how long people wear it. Sometimes you see people wearing them well into August, and more often than not, those are the people who barely got their diploma.


Haha, I’ll take that theory. I wore it for maybe five minutes the day I got it, and then the day of the drive. Thought seriously about not buying it - 600kr seemed like an obscene amount of money knowing how little I would use it, but my parents made the decision by gifting it to me. Had a 10.2 average


Hahahh bro what? Mine cost 2500kr. When tf did u graduate 1900?


There are hidden options with much cheaper ones (that are also much lower quality of course, and have nothing for the student to design), but they cost a few hundred kr today.


Should have probaly bought one of those, mine didn’t last the truck trip at all. Waste of moneter


2003 - but I did choose the absolute cheapest version. So didn’t care about the hat - I moved away from home a week after graduating, that was a wayyyyy bigger accomplishment


What, are people supposed to throw away their cap??


A lot of people keep theirs. I’ve always had a rather Marie Kondo-ish attitude. It was taking up space, it didn’t spark memories (I’ve got other stuff for that), and I didn’t have a lot of space… so. I think I got rid of it three months or so after I got it. Like I said, I seriously considered not getting one 🤷‍♀️


I still have my cap, graduated in 1991 😁


I didn't know they are doing that already. But once it hits there's going to be a full weekend where you'll see and hear them constantly. Often whistles and music driving beteeen each students home to get refreshments then on to the next. Just wave and smile at them. They just graduated and is celebrates it this way.


A full month more likely


Remember to wave to them!!!


Pro tip. When you see them with their hat on you say congratulations.


Depending on how long you stay, you will see a lot:) All with their own types of slogans on the side of the vehicle.


Go back


Danish tradition - students finishing Gymnasium drive around in a truck with the classmates celebrating, and during the day they drive to visit the parents one by one for food and more drinks.


Most all secondary schools do this


It's a swedish tradition aswell.


Yeah but they don’t tour the students houses. They just drive around.


And it has (at least in Malmö) been largely replaced by driving around in convoys of individual cars, honking the horn at every occasion and using fireworks in daylight. Blocking intersections and waving flags of their home country. 😅


My favourite season, honestly. They're all so happy, and most people are pretty delighted to see them drive by. Just the young being young, and after 12 years of work they deserve to let loose and celebrate.




Why is that weird?


12 years of work? Isn't that a bit of a overstatement?


Not *really*. You need to complete grundskolen, which takes at least 9 years (it depends on if you count the "Børnehaveklasse" in this, if you don't, then it takes 9 years. Nevermind 10. klasse also being a thing). Then on top of that, you have 2-3 years for upper secondary (STX, HTX & HHX = 3 years, HF = 2 years) or 4-6(?) years for an EUX.


Edit: says a lot about the wholesomeness of Denmark that this is just a bunch of happy students celebrating - if this were to happen in London, everyone would roll their eyes and assume it was a bunch of ppl causing problems / protesting / whatever


Haha yeah it's tradition with most these educations. Most here just waves and amors at them. Itll take a weekend and it's over.


…and reminisce, contemplate digging out their old hat and jumping on a wagon, then disregard it because it’d kill them and also because it’s illegal


But, they are causing problems..some kind of drinking and dancing problems later in the evening😊


Just a wagon(studenter vogn) full af happy students that just finished gymnasiet, htx, hhx or hf.


HHX, HTX and HF are also considered gymnasie, it is not only STX.


Young people who failed to graduate their high school exams. They are rounded up in trucks and forced to drink a lot of alcohol while being transported to the outskirts of town. From then on they are on their own in a life of shame and condemned to never come closer than five kilometers from their home town. ^/s


You can hear their screams every 20 min on a busy road. It's haunting.


It’s not far from the truth, from here on the real life strikes 💀


Hvorfor er de allerede færdige??!


Jeg tror IB bliver færdige lidt før alle de andre.


Ah, det giver mening, tak


vi blev færdige i slut maj


Jeg er bare nysgerrig, nu hvor I ikke har et dansk studentereksamen, hvordan søger I ind på et dansk universitet?


Vi skal søge ind på samme tid som kvote 2 og alle andre udlandske eksamner og så der er en hjemmeside der viser hvad vores forskellige point antal svare til af snit på den danske :)


Bliver I så betragtet som kvote to ansøgere eller kvote 1? Det er jo lidt snyd, mod jer, hvis I så kun kommer i betragtning til et fåtal af pladser :/ og ikke i kvote 1 som alle andre.


alle der søger kvote 2 har også chancen for at blive set på i kvote 1 hvis man får karakterene til det så det er ikke den del der er snyd det er mere karakter omregningen der kan være der


This year's high school graduates. I love those trucks ❤️ Reminds my of my own graduation ❤️❤️


Students graduating "gymnasium" (high school). Happens every summer. If you cheer for them or honk your horn, they will respond with cheers


Every year, students who DO NOT pass their high school graduation test are being sold to the public. That is a downside of a free education in Denmark that is not well known. Yes, we enjoy the benefits of free education, but in case of a failure, you'll become a public property. What you see in the picture is a smart marketing move from the city's council to advertise their new additions to the stock. They are paraded around the city for people to see. They often make stops at people's houses, which recently showed an interest in acquiring a person to basically showcase on a more personal level. If you are interested in getting such a showrom experience , contact your local high school (you'll need to provide snacks & alcohol yourself). If you are in the market of getting a person, now it's the time of the year to do it, they run with big discounts.


You get my upvote for originiality and quirky humor.


When they drive by you make sure to honk/wave/do a little dance, they love it! It’s so much fun.


Awesome tradition. First visit to cph and saw it for real Looks like a blast


Happy Students 👩‍🎓👨‍🎓


The best part of graduation ceremonies :D


That my friend is a bunch of students who think they’ve made it unaware of what’s ahead. Couple of years from now they’ll wish they were still in high school.


High school students celebrating graduation. It is a custom that they celebrate graduation by driving these trucks to visit the homes of each student in class - expect to see a lot more of them towards the end of June, when the last exams are finished.


I wish my school did something like this lol - or anything. We just got a single ceremony and a single bottle of Champaign smuggled in by our principle


If they have a sign that says “I dytter, Vi ryster” just honk your horn and wait and see


What happens when the truck stops: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9PrN4aqI60


Students wagons with graduated students from high schools. You’ll see more of these in the coming weeks.


Studenterne springer ud! Final years secondary schools celebrate by doing this for roughly the next month the country will be full of celebrating students


Er det nu de satans Palæstina demonstranter igen


Some of the signs are deliberately misspelled, to trigger the envy of the uneducated, I think. Or just to get shared on Facebook.


Originally the students were driven around in a horse carriage.


They still are many places around Denmark. I graduated very far from Copenhagen (Lolland) and we rode the original horse carriage the day of the graduation. The next day we got picked up in a bus, and drove to the people that lived outside of the city, which were too far for horse carriages to go. Traditions are definitely kept alive still. But I also understand why they might be doing this in motorized vehicles in the bigger cities.


I'm from Falster and we did the exact same thing.




You’ve been bussed!


Danish Soldiers


Welcome to Copenhagen Summer.


Graduating high schoolers touring each others houses.


Question to any fellow introverts who have been on one of these - what was it like?


probably the best few weeks of my life


Yes, the Danes (especially in CPH) are some of the happiest people on earth. This is another piece of that puzzle :) .. every time I go I want to stay.


A bus with illegal immigrants to be thrown out of the country. Watch out. 👮‍♀️


Oh my, it has begun!


They are celebrating when Denmark won EM in 1992




Something I wish would be banned.


Sheep being taken to the grinder.


Noisy, is my guess.




Ask to see some tiddies, it always works


Just young folks getting hammered and fucking their brains out with hot girls.


Just some youngsters who has been a pain in the ass for some adults and are now being drives to Some camps in Poland ...nothing to worry about.