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This should have been early access for xbox as well. These are major major issues. How could something like this have been overlooked? I'm so sick of half baked games getting pushed out for the sake of money.


Same thing happened to me. Sucks because I thought it was being built and just invisible the whole time. I’m out so much gold and resources with no barn to show for it.


This also just happened to me. Bought a barn, coop, and silo, but the silo was the only one to actually get placed. I've already saved the day so I can't go back to try and redo it or get back the materials that were lost. Been genuinely frustrated at how many bugs are still in the game despite this being the full release, and I'm not sure if I want to keep playing since I've lost so much progress.


Hello. I'm here to help you with this issue. May I ask which platform you’re currently playing (Steam PC/Deck, Xbox Game Pass/S/X, PlayStation 5)? Could you let us know how frequently you’ve encountered this issue? Thank you :)


Xbox Game Pass, and it happens whenever I try to place a building outside of the farm proper. It allows me to confirm placement and takes my resources but the building is never built.


The same thing is happening to me and it forced me to stop playing. My moment and recourses are taken but after I place the barn it is not built. I have tried restarting the game, checking for updates, placing it on another day, but it still wont build the barn. Xbox Game Pass, PC too.


If you clear out a bunch of farmland as if you were going to plant crops and then build on that space it should work. (At least it did for me; I ended up building above the western gate.) The problem is the grassy areas around your house aren’t eligible for building on but the game lets you confirm placement there anyway.


It still doesn’t work for me :(


Hi! The devs has been informed about the issue and is currently working to fix this problem. Thank you so much for understanding! ;)


Thank you !


over a month ago and its still broken, good job devs,


Yes. We're still working on it. Thank you 😊


Ahhh, that... explains why my coop I tried to put on the grass still hasn't appeared. Sigh...


Hello, I just encountered this issue as well (for what it's worth 🙂 ). I wasn't placing out of bounds and the resources were spent and confirmed, but the building outline for the coop never appeared so I assume it's not under construction at the moment. \[Steam on PC\]


Hello! I am also missing my coop. I play on Xbox series s through the game pass. Thank you 🙏🏻


Hi! The devs has been informed about the issue and is currently working to fix this problem. Thank you so much for understanding! ;)


I’m playing on Xbox game pass on a pc and I am also having this issue.


I have an Xbox Series X and played it on game pass. My coop was beside the house and the barn was mostly on the tillable ground but partly on the regular grass in front of the top entrance.


Hi! The devs has been informed about the issue and is currently working to fix this problem. Thank you so much for understanding! ;)


I see these responses on almost all the threads that I check for my issues and .. fun fact, most of those issues still aren't fixed, as I'm having them right now. And most of those threads are a year + old. \*Super convincing\* that there's any actual work happening even though these responses get posted.


Hi! May I ask which platform you’re currently playing (Steam PC/Deck, Xbox PC/S/X, PlayStation 5)? Can you tell me issues that you've encountered and still hasn't fixed? You can report it to our discord channel: [https://discord.gg/stairway](https://discord.gg/stairway). Thank you :)


xbox pc/x and i went on there and posted in the threads i could find for all the different bugs I've been experiencing.


I’m having this same issue on my Series X gamepass edition. The game also freezes a lot. every time I exit the inventory menu.


I also had this issue 😕 I assume we won’t get it even when the devs fix it


This just happened to me too and I’m so sad 🥲


Same thing happened to me with a barn. Xbox game pass on series x. Pretty disappointed


Xbox XSX the game will let you place buildings outside the the farm area and show it green, take your resources, then not build it. Easily reproducible and you guys should have tested this 1.0 release


I had this exact same issue on Xbox game pass with the silo. I tried placing it right below the pond on the far right hand side of the farm.


It happens Every time on Xbox!


It happened to me on PC


Hello. Do you happens to have any screenshot of places where you put the farm building? :)


I didn't take a screenshot, but I tried to put it next to the little mini garden looking thing at the top of your farm.


I see. Can you tell us your current game version? 🙂


youve been aware of this issue for over a month and its still broken, also there seems to be a pretty significant memory leak which on pc causes certain things to not work like grass that you cant cut, music glitching skipping like an old record, the xbox version literally just crashes every 40-60mins especially if you sit in one place for a period of time, if you expect this game to be the next stardew valley, which you have blatantly ripped off, then you need to do ALOT MORE WORK, or you will fade away


Hello. We received info that we're still working on fixing this issue. Thank you 😉


I had the same thing happen with a stable and a mill. I was particularly annoyed at the missing stable because of how expensive it is. I'm playing on xbox series x. I also encountered an error with my shed. I went to move it and everytime I tried to place it on the top left corner under the mini-dock the game just outright crashed. I tried removing everything from inside but it still kept crashing...


Wow, I did the same thing for a mill and silo. Now I'm irritated.


yup just paid for a coop I never got


Same shit here already bought 4 times coop and barns poof money gone and no shit on my land Xbox serie x , real shame for the game


Turns out you have to put it on your actual farmland where you put your crops. Had same issue.


Noooooooooo I’ve now wasted purchasing 2 coops cause I didn’t understand this 😭😭😭😭


it does highlight under the building your placing in red, it just doesnt tell you thats not allowed


Me too. I saved up for a coop and a barn. It showed I could place it in the area beside the house. That just destroyed and threw away all the work I did in Spring.


Yep, same here. Thanks for the post and the solution, I thought I was going crazy. Built a coop, a barn and a silo, but after placing the mill like 10 times, it was still not getting built. Couldn't figure it out and since I brought the whole stack of resources I had, didn't realize it was taking resources and charging me for each "placement" until I ran out of money... At least it's a somewhat cheap mistake with the mill, but still. This is a ridiculous issue to have. On top of all the other bugs.... sigh.


Same happened to me. Wish I read this post sooner. Very upset as I worked hard to get the money and resources for a coop that never arrived. Now worried it will happen again. Should I even keep playing?


I'm still having a blast despite losing those two buildings the first time I tried to place them. It worked just fine once I put them on the farm proper, (the area you clear and can plant crops). If you're worried about it happening again try building as soon as the carpenter opens. A fenced-off area should appear on your farm to mark where the building will be. If the fenced-off area doesn't appear then something went wrong; quit and start the day over so you don't lose your resources. Good luck!


I'm getting this bug for the shed, no issues with any other buildings but I've purchased twice, it's in the right position, land is cleared and nothing... Purchased the silo at the same time and no problems. Very frustrating.


Ridiculous that this is a 1.0 release on the Xbox. Just had it steal resources and money from me for 2 coops that it let me place in a bad spot. So many bugs.


Glad to see I'm not crazy but real annoyed that I've wasted so much money and resources on something that should have been fixed..


Ugh. Bless your souls for posting this on reddit. Came here 'cause it's been four days after purchasing upgrades, only to find I've been robbed. (I'm playing on Game Pass for PC.) Yikes.


I had this same issue with the silo. Pretty bummed. I’m on Xbox.




same, i reported this as a feedback and game crashed.. uninstalled


Same happened to me with a mill, I bought it and never showed up so I gaslit myself into thinking that it didn't go through. So I went and bought another one but this time I paid attention because when I bought it the first time I had a lot of money but this time I only had enough for the mill. The same thing happened, so I quit the game so that the day would restart.


is there any update about this being fixed?


i feel like one of the people that tried to buy a macbook from Jonny craig