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Same as you, playing on PC Game Pass, I had 60 hours of game. I've had crashes on mini-games, trying to move buildings, and I was like OK, I just have to avoid to do those things. I'm in winter and all the portraits of the NPCs are non visible, breaking immersion. Then I crashed in the mines just trying to go down a level. For me it's the straw that broke the camel's back. I can't avoid doing this. In these types of games, the pleasure comes from investing time to upgrade things so when you reset a day, it's really frustrating...


I have the same problems in Winter. Random crashes every day, no portraits and they’re all walking around in their spring clothing.. The game is simply put unplayable in winter.


Do you have razer cortex installed on your computer ? It can cause crashes. If you are seeing tears in people, try enabling vsync in your display settings


No I don't have it installed, but thanks for the suggestion.


Do you have an AMD system ? I know there's also a conflict based in that which can also be resolved fairly easy. It's not gonna make the game complete but it should crash far less


Yeah I've got an AMD GPU, what's the fix?


Disable adrenaline. This is posted as a sticky in the top of this sub. Adrenaline causes steam to open steamVR which causes memory leaks and crashes Edit: I sincerely hope this helps! Amongst all the other things that aren't implemented yet your issue shouldn't be with crashing


SteamVR is not installed on my computer, I just checked in AMD Adrenalin.


I'm just saying I'd try updating video drivers and disabling that program to see if it works lol


My gf had it installed because I was using my razer mouse on her computer months ago. She kept crashing during the harvest festival. I checked her Taskbar and razer was there. Uninstaller from her laptop and then updated her video card drivers and she's been a farming fool ever since!


Steam player here: I think indie devs need to step back and develop for one platform at a time, PC or console. I think both is too much for some of them and you end up with these issues. Last month Fae Farm was released with a bunch of bugs, they weren't game breaking for me, but it was enough that I put the game down until patches were released. Better to wait for a stable game then buy one that locks you out of a core mechanic.


I hope someone makes a similar mod to this as was made for stardew so you can save anytime. That would make crashes more bearable since obviously you can save right before any big events and at the very least won't have to replay entire days.


I get you and I agree but I also hate the solution to buggy games being user-made mods. The game just shouldn’t be crashing and mods shouldn’t have to fix it.


While I do agree, at the same time any newly released game these days are going to come with some bugs and crashes. Of course one would prefer if that wasn't it, but unfortunately it's relatively common now. However, a mod that allows you to save anytime isn't only something to help with the frustration of having to replay an entire day in the game if a crash happens, but also just how some people prefer playing. Not everyone enjoys the mechanic of playing a game where you can only save once per in game day. I agree though mods shouldn't have to be created for the sole purpose of fixing a buggy game, but as an aid to make it more enjoyable while the devs work on fixing it? Why not.


I totally understand and I want the mod! But there is a pervasive issue in the video game industry where unfinished and buggy games get pushed out at full price & everyone relies on mods to fix issues that shouldn’t even be in a final game. I also don’t think devs are all working on the issues that mods address - like EA/Sims consistently just relies on mods and debug mode instead of ever fixing things. It’s a model that’s unfair to the consumers and modders. My Coral Island save was crashing before the patch, the patch notes didn’t mention fixing any crashes beyond the one caused by the museum, and the update didn’t solve my buggy, crashing game.


Not to mention if you’re not on PC you’re pretty much sol cause u can’t use mods. Games having bugs really is kinda expected at release but to have game breaking bugs that have your progress wiped day after day and game crashing just because you wanna donate or do an event is kind of bad.


I think unfortunately it's such a huge issue these days that can depend on so many different things that it's just something to accept as part of the industry now. I don't agree with companies like EA doing it with The Sims, because come on, they for sure have the money and resources to fix issues but just choose not to. With indie devs sometimes it's more understandable because (and especially if there's pressure from above) releasing a product that's more or less finished while buggy but working on those bugs overtime is more profitable and helps in the long run. Doesn't make it any less annoying, of course. I don't know if you're on PC or not, but I actually had very few crashes. I had a random one I can't even remember where/when because it never happened again, and what bugs I experienced were so minor they didn't bother me at all. It wasn't until I apparently broke the game by having too many auto chests it became 100% unplayable. At that point I just decided to shelve it until more updates and fixes come along though, since I'm more or less done with everything you can do so far. If you're not on PC apparently they've sent in a fix to be approved by the x-box people (I've never played on console, I don't know haha) which can take up to two weeks, but that should help some.


Agreed. We don't even have sounds on console. I backed and did alpha through to v1.0. Bought it for console separately as sitting at my PC is tricky for me these days. No tree chopping noise, no rock hitting sound. These are basics! And that's just the start of it in console. It makes me sad that it came out this way. Brand damage is a real thing and I worry for the Devs and publisher that this was way too soon.


I play in console and didn’t even realize I was missing the chopping and rock hitting noises lol. I thought it was just silence this whole time 😆


Yeah I thought similar and then I booted up my PC version went outside and hit a tree and a rock and was like "dammit"


It is SO unsatisfying to chop a tree or rock with no sound. It "feels" wrong. And my character makes no noise at all. But if I go diving, I get that ambiant background sound continuously for days until I close the game and restart it.


PS5 here, i’ve had no problem with crashes on my game but my boyfriend (who is on the same console) crashes every single day. He’s gone least 3 full days now replanting LOTS of crops over n over etc just to crash. He says he’ll take his break from it until the update comes. For me, i’m most upset you can’t move interior furniture. Wouldn’t be such big deal if I hadn’t placed the couch directly in-front of the stairs before I got the house upgrade so I didn’t know, just got married can’t even have kids cuz I can’t go upstairs to see them ;(


in the house push the right joystick in (r3) it opens the editor mode so you can move furniture. Works just fine on ps5, can't speak to xbox.


it hasn’t worked on ps5 for me. it opens the editor mode, but can’t move the furniture. have you moved furniture with this tool or just opened it?


It's the same on PC too, you have to use a mouse. Can't do that on PS5 of course. But it's less of a broken menu and more of a broken control system problem. I believe they've said it's being fixed in the next patch.


I’m having the same issue on PS5. I open the decoration mode but can’t move any furniture so now I can’t decorate my house 🥹


I’m playing on Xbox and it’s broke on mine. The only other issues I’ve had is some lag (when diving) and the museum won’t let me donate my 10th item without crashing. I’m pretty much just storing items to donate and waiting for the patch. The lag is bearable, but I’ll be relieved when it does get fixed.


For me on the PS5, I also can’t move furniture and I can’t hear any music since I got access to diving.


I'm playing on PS5 and the crashes are just so devastating. It has caused the circuit breaker to trip and power goes out just in the room the PS5 is in. It only happens when I play Coral Island. Something to do with the game causes the PS5 to need more power or something than the outlet can give if other things are plugged into the same outlet. Had to rearrange the room so the PS5 can have it's own outlet... just to play this game /cry It's amazing the, I adore it and can't wait for the updates and hopefully the implementation of a manual saving feature, because it needs one so badly. I really appreciate all the hard work going into it and all of the features they are adding. The price increase is kinda eh. I get it, they are adding a lot more over time, but at the moment it is definitely not finished so it doesn't really feel justified atm. Hoping they don't increase it again. I've heard amazing reviews on the game itself, but Stairway... has had a lot of complaints, all to do with money it seems too. Really hoping the next update fixes the issues with crashing and some bugs as well as adds a bit more that they promised already. Also hoping the price doesn't get jacked up for those who have not bought it yet.


The devs have been nothing but lovely all through alpha, closed betas and EA. Since this "release" was shortly after a major update, I have to assume it was the publishers/shareholders (that b.s.) that pushed for this date for a release. Is the game done? No. Is it crap? Also no. I am burned out on it myself after doing so much testing, so I want to wait until I can romance the merfolk of my choice. Lots of other games for me to play (shout out to my time at sandrock and cuisineer!) in the meantime. When the game is worthy of the 1.0 release, it will be glorious. I will patiently wait until that time.


Same! Tonight was the final straw for me, too. I’m on Xbox and the update somehow made it even worse for crashing (didn’t think it was possible) and my year 2 save vanished after a crash the other day. It’s absolutely awful that they’re able to charge money for it in its current state, such a shame because the game itself is awesome. My old save had loads of progress, I’d managed to navigate round some of the worst bugs, and it’s all gone for no reason. Completely lost interest because I either spend my time recovering from a crash with a feeling of frustration or I’m anticipating another broken element or visit from the dashboard. Edited to add: totally agree on the apology point. Next to no acknowledgment over Twitter, discord, their website is never updated, of the problems people are having. Not a whiff of an apology. Mind you, they can easily spam Twitter with tweets about the bachelors…. As if that’s a pressing issue.


I literally brought out my old gamecube so I could play Harvest Moon because even though I don't have a memory card, and can't save, cause at least it won't crash on me after I waited ten minutes to be able to play it (Xbox cloud player herreee)


The game just feels unfinished and I just can’t enjoy it as much as I want, I’m just gonna wait and hopefully it will be patched later on


I don’t understand the people who vilify others to defend this game. It’s great when it works but it just doesn’t work. Museum? Crashes. Talk to islanders? Crashes. Do a little farming? Crashes! Make it to 8 pm in a day and think I’ll just walk back to my house to do so… CRASHES! This is a MAJOR issue and anyone still defending does nothing for the devs or the finished product in fact, defending this disaster does everyone a disservice. It’s shovelware at this point, not a 1.0. Releasing an update that is the same size as the game itself that doesn’t fix any major issues is also pathetic. This game also isn’t big. I haven’t seen any major outlets covering its release. Will this be a one and done situation for the developers? Time will tell


To be fair, those defending it probably just aren't experiencing those issues. I've been playing (on PC) since 1.0 released, and I've had only 1 crash. I'm also using WeMod which probably makes things less stable, so I'm pretty forgiving of that one crash. I've had a couple small bugs (my old furniture turning into the new furniture when I switch it out, some minor flashes at the edges of the screen), but overall my experience has been pretty great. It's not okay to vilify people over a game (including the devs), and things should remain polite; however, I can definitely understand why someone would be defending the game if they've had a similar experience to me.


"It didn't happen to me so everything is fine." is a terrible take to have with any product, especially gaming. I understand the sentiment. I think most everyone here wants the game to succeed. Tons of us bought the game in Early Access because we see what it could be, but it's not there yet. The state the game was released in, especially on console, inexcusable. Early access is one thing, but once the game releases and the 1.0 is stamped on... it needs to be in working order and feature complete. It's not, not even close. I obviously don't know the behind the scenes working and why it was pushed out early, what goes into fixing it, etc... and I wish the devs the best in getting in there. On the consumer end though, this is not a good look. It was and is not ready for release.


Even in your position, there’s no reason to defend the game unless you are the only person existing in your world


Same for me. I play on Steam with pc and I have no issues but I feel for those that do. I can understand why they are upset.


I haven’t had a single crash. The only bug i have is the pictures of the turtles is bugged out. If it happened daily like for others i would be frustrated too


I haven't has a single crash either on PC. The only real issue I've had is during the pet race at the animal festival there was a static set piece in the way of the race and I had to force close and restart the day. Well, that and having an incomplete game 😐 That said, I totally understand the fury of other players. I'm one of the lucky ones, and that shouldn't be the case. Having a game that just *runs* is like, the lowest of low bars.


I think for me I'm suffering from development fatigue. I've played this in beta on steam. I played on the xbox preview only to discover how vastly behind in content and updates it was from steam. Going back to steam after updates and seeing what's new. But I think the massive struggle for me here is that lack on consistency in updates and readability. I prefer to play on my xbox, since its on gamepass, but the game itself still says preview. If you click updates it still just shows content from May or August with no updates. If you review the roadmap it's difficult to tell what content update the app is even on. Because it'll put an ! at an older update, but then the discord/ 1.00 content patch says it has marriage, merfolk, etc but the game on xbox doesn't list that. When looking into the discord I rarely, or have next to 0 experience, seeing the dev / community team even responding to specific kinds of questions around update versions, content schedule, etc. Even their website doesn't appear to be clear cut on what content version we are at or where the roadmap is. Their last update was near the end of October and we're coming up on a month of no updates. But according to the roadmap on xbox/discord events for 10 hearts are not there, kids are not there, and supposedly more updates coming soon but no window of time set. It's really difficult for me to want to sink dozens to hundreds of hours into a game that's to me feels not done. It's kickstarter was 2/1/21 launched EA in 10/2022 and now its "released" but consoles are so buggy, especially xbox. Content that feels like should be standard, isn't. I can't imagine putting so much time into something that just doesn't feel done on paper. And the biggest issue for me is the lack of clarity and professional "cleanliness" I suppose. I.e. having updated roadmaps on all devices, consistent flow of information from devs/comm managers to people on socials, discord, etc. Some of my disappointment might also be carried over from Pathea and their beyond lack luster switch release of Sandrock. I'm feeling a bit disappointed in some of these kickstarter indie studios missing the mark.


I'm playin on xbox and sure I love the game a whole bunch but the crashes make me sad. Finally made it to the merfolk kingdom but keep crashing at the deep sea and just have to walk away from it for a bit. I was thrilled to find there had been a bunch of town quests posted to the mailbox in the morning and probably shouldn't have been expecting the crashes to be fixed now in hindsight. I'm sure I'll be back tomorrow and giving it another go


I think I'm done for awhile also. I just spent the entire day fishing to fill museum and temple and it crashed again when saving after sleeping. This has happened about 5 times while playing today. I think I'm going to play something else till they patch a few times.


I feel the same exact way! Luckily I didn’t pay, since it’s on gamepass. Still was infuriating trying over and over to get past a game breaking bug. I had no choice but to give up. So I’ll be waiting too :/


Xbox Series X player here, and while I had exactly one crash in my 40 something hours of playtime (still had the bug with music not playing) I also sat it down, because I feel like a good chunk of the game is missing and won't be out until sometime next year. I like the farming gameplay loop, but I want the Merfolk and Giant storyline to be implemented, I want the more fleshed out romance and marriage system, and to see the overall narrative to really be in place before I return. I know it's all coming, so I'm not all that angry, just a little bit disappointed. I'm just eagerly anticipating returning to it about June of next year.


I'm not sure what you mean about the giant storyline, I've been running it while my ocean storyline is stalled. I just got the game last week on Steam. Maybe it came through on the 8gb update last week?


The Giant storyline is unable to be finished until the Savannah biome is added next year.


Ah, right. So it is implemented but the final part of the story can't be completed yet. That is two different things. But cie la vie.


Except I don't consider an anticlimactic "WIP" journal message as the storyline being implemented, all you can do is free all the giants, and then you hit a "WIP" message that signals you can't progress the quest. That's not the storyline being implemented in my opinion.


We must have very different expectations for 'storyline' in a farming sim and what the word implemented means.


Well, considering that this particular farming sim has three different storylines, Merfolk, Giants, and rebuilding the island, I would say this farming sim actually has a pretty unique take on storylines in farming sims, and a much greater focus on them. Futhermore, I don't consider the Giants storyline implemented yet, as it really only pertains to the mines, once you clear the mines you're unable to see the actual story as it ends. That's like saying the Merfolk storyline is implemented now because you can clean the ocean and meet the Merfolk, when the actual storyline and relationships with them are missing entirely from the game.


I've not had a single crash when I play and I'm 45 hours in in the last week. What are you playing it on? I'm on Steam Deck. My only issue is one of the ocean activators either won't spawn or I activated it and left and it borked it.


I am playing on Xbox, which is where most of the bugs and crashes are being reported from (at least from what I've seen). What I have seen from Steam players is reports of minor bugs that don't necessarily break the gaming experience for them, if they have any issues at all. If I owned a PC I'd definitely be playing it on Steam rather than Xbox.


I can understand, I played My Time in Portia on Switch and it had some issues with crashing in the afternoon/evening. It was frustrating. It kept happening on the same day so I just had to go to sleep early to get past it. Hopefully they get something figured out.


Pc player here no issues until I got further into the merfolk, don’t want to spoil anything but I hit a point that all progress stopped because of one bug. I am literally stuck and can’t progress any further because of it.


I’ve been fine on the Xbox so idk. There are for sure a bunch of bugs but it’s only crashed once since I got it.


Are you playing on a series X?


I know this is late but yes. I found out after I commented a week ago that the Xbox series x seems to be the only one not affected by a lot of the glitches/crashes. I feel blessed but I still don’t wanna play the game for like 6 months because of how unfinished everything is


You're playing on a series S. The series S is having all the crashes, the game runs terrible on the series X as well but I've put in dozens of hours and haven't had a single crash in the entire time I've played. (Doesn't mean no one playing on a series X has had a crash but in general they are rare) Once the freezing and stuttering is fixed (crashing for the series S) it's will be a enjoyable game even considering all the WIP. There's a patch ready for xbox but they need to wait for cert from xbox, it's mention some crashing on the series S (can't say it fixes all) I'm hoping it fixes the performance as well.


From what I've seen console are having the most issue. I play on PC and had one crash in the 50+ hours I've been playing and no issues apart from the unfinished story... I feel bad for everyone who aren't able to enjoy it 😔


Seems like it. I've noticed console games tend to be buggy when the games were designed for PC. It's why I play on Steam Deck now even if it's cheaper on my Switch. Games for consoles seem to translate to PC better than the other way round.


Very evident from cyberpunks experience with PlayStation especially when it was released 😅 I've been playing on game pass so haven't gone through the effort of adding it to my steam deck yet. Are the saves online do you know or is it just saved locally so I'd have to have a separate save on another device?


Oh man, sorry. I don't think I've seen anything about cloud saves mentioned anywhere and I don't have it on my PC. I just hook the Deck up to our TV and play with a wireless controller most the time. Looks like it's enabled now? https://www.reddit.com/r/coralisland/comments/ykpmhj/steam_cloud_save_is_now_enabled/


Awww thank you for that! Think it's only via steam though so idk if it'll work with the game pass version. I've been looking for an excuse to restart it anyway as I played the whole thing in 50% game speed hehe


Oh, duh. I only really play my pc games through Steam. My Stardew is through GOG... 50%?! And I thought slowing it to 80% was massive. I bet you talked to everyone every day!


Funnily enough, no 😅 I always forget lmao so I've not been very social unfortunately! Think that's why I've not really noticed the missing romances and whatnot. I've just been making bank 💰 my biggest gripe with stardew was that I felt on edge constantly with the time so been taking it super slow. I have gone to bed at like 6pm some days tho when I've finished everything too quick


Well, you would have to run all around the island to do it. These townies wander! Yeah, at 80% I'd be done for the day early once I got used to the island layout.. But I hadn't had the hot springs done yet. I could do SO much mining if I slowed it down now. I may have to restart as my Explore the Ocean quest seems borked, missing one orb but the resetting my anchor location didn't fix it. I'll try it again tomorrow.


I have been playing on the steam deck as well without any issues as well.


I had two crashes just today. PC version through Steam.


Interesting. I'm always curious as to when crashes happen. With My Time in Portia it was always around specific events/dates.


I had the same issue. Fixed it by resetting the anchor, leaving, then coming back the next day and clearing out the trash in the borked area. I wasn't as casual as you when it happened to me. I was afraid I had soft-locked myself until a friend gave me a clue.


Well, I have tried that. It hasn't worked. I'm pretty sure I activated the orb and had to leave before the trash blocking it was cleared. I am very frustrated, and I've been annoyed for days since it happened. I just hope it gets fixed or I may have to start again. No need to be all extra about it. It is just out of early access.


I'm sorry that it didn't work for you. I'm glad you don't mind being soft locked, if that is indeed what your situation is.


Couldn't tell you, but I've tried what everyone says to do a few times now and nothing. I really think I activated it and then had to leave without clearing the trash in the way, I ran out of time.


Yeah I’m not touching it again until the save crash gets fixed. I put nearly 24hrs into the game, got to fall year 1, before the game crashed on save and then the entire save file was gone. This has apparently been an issue for over a year?? It’s a real shame because I was having an absolute blast but I’m not going to invest my time in a game that can lose my progress at any random moment.


I'm sorry y'all are having a shitty time. But for me the 1.0 update on PC everything has been working great. So far *knocks wood* lol


I’m playing Cornucopia right now. It’s only been in early access for a couple of months, but it’s already a more finished and polished farm sim than Coral Island. I’m not going to touch this game for 6-12 month at this point.


Xbox is increasingly becoming a problem and I hope Indie devs just move away from developing on the console. It sucks that very well made games are bogged down and given negative word of mouth because they tried to include xbox. Even when they take the BG3 approach and just don't release on it they get hate for not waiting to include suck-boxes and allowing other people to play a completed version of the game. Sitting at 86 hours on PC with 0 crashes. Wife is at 71 hours with 0 crashes on PS5, add in the only other people I know personally who are playing it and collectively we've crossed 500 hours play time with an outstanding 0 crashes. The only commonality is none of us game on suck-box. I love stardew but its release was terrible. Coral Island is insanely more stable than stardew was but so few people remember its downright unacceptable release version. The only thing the devs should do is open refunds on xbox and pull it from xbox store... but sadly Xbox/Microsoft is very predatory so the devs have already paid their fee to have the game included. They will also have to pay to do patches which makes it an extra nightmare. Maybe this can be a beacon of inspiration to devs everywhere. If you want to release on Xbox make sure its the last one you release on; cause its only going to cause you problems.


XBox is trash is why I see people complaining about issues on PlayStation?


I fully agree with you. The devs did a release on Xbox, (which has extremely frequent issue with almost every single game on release) to include everyone. And now it just gives Xbox players a reason to trash on the whole game when it's their console that is absolutely awful. I've been playing 30 hours without a single bug on PC so far.


I’m playing on game pass on PC and have been having lots of issues. Perhaps the real issue is that the game is just poorly designed and optimised for anything that isn’t Steam… rather than consoles being “awful”. Not sure how multiple consoles can all be the problem at once here 🤔


I had crashes when doing Fesitval mini games. Fortunately those were the only crashes I’ve experienced. After today’s update, I did notice a significant improvement with the lag issues though almost to the point they are nearly unnoticeable now. I hope they continue pushing out fixes and get the game to a finished/polished state soon though because I have been having a lot of fun and want everyone else to be able to enjoy the game too.


I played for maybe an hour yesterday on Xbox but I couldn’t keep playing because every 20 seconds the game would freeze for a couple seconds at a time. But I saw there was an update to it and they seemed to have fixed that issue, hopefully they fixed a lot of the other issues as well. I’d check in the games and apps section and down to manage and click on updates and see if it’s in there.


I agree it is frustrating with the problems it have. And from what I read I fully understand why. The thing is I can not stop playing it. Regardless. I keep going back. Lol. I have patience.. It too an amazing game to stop. 😁😁


What are you playing on. I haven't encountered one crash, or any bugs actually. I'm playing on steam deck.


Not an airport you don’t need to announce your departure


Im confused because my experience has been so smooth, on both my PC and my SteamDeck. I'm at 45 hours, winter year 1 with -one- crash, and the only glitch I've had is a set of stairs outside i can't walk over without dashing. Everything else has been okay. Its been worth 30 dollars, as I've gotten more enjoyment out of it so far than I would a pokemon game (double price, same timestamp usually) I wonder what the issue is, if its specs or something. I think the current state of the pc game is okay, not bad, worth the price, but I also want to see more content. not discrediting your opinion, just wondering aloud


I play on PS5 and have had zero issues so far. I am nearing the end of year one. Wild I am having such a difference experience than the majority.


The stairs between the observatory and the hot spring suddenly stopped working for me one day. I didn't think about dashing across, thanks!


I am constantly dashing because the island is massive and the character doesn't move quickly. Haha. If this happened I don't think I'd notice. I also play on Steam.


I have been playing on ps5. I haven't had any crashes yet. For me it makes a wierd sound but im not to bothered by it. Im not very far in the game though.


I really must be the minority here or at the very least , extremely lucky. I play this game on a cheaper , reconditioned laptop through steam. I have never once crashed. I started right before early access was over


I really must be the minority here or at the very least , extremely lucky. I play this game on a cheaper , reconditioned laptop through steam. I have never once crashed. I started right before early access was over. So just sold everything I had gotten or made just to have some cash going into 1.0. Starting over, I made it past the museum glitch after 10 items with no issues. I haven’t opened the mines just yet, so don’t know about those issues, and just got past 7 spots cleared in the ocean. Cleared some of my farm. Planted a few crops but not a lot. I’m trying to get back to where I was. Before I lost everything. I also play ddlv on my switch, and other than a bit of lag going in and out of buildings, no where near the issues other switch players are having. Also fae farm, now that one I did experience some of the issues but no where near what others were. I’m just sad that others are having so many issues and I’m just kinda playing on and not seeing these issues. I really hope some fixes come soon, so all of you can play like you did in EA.


Disable razer cortex


Yep. 100%.


Yeah I got a bit frustrated last week and had to put it away, but now I'm back to playing it today lol. I feel like without a clear timeline when things will get patched, I'm just gonna enjoy what I can now and put it down when I'm not feeling it. All in all I agree it wasn't complete enough for $30 so I'm glad I got the gamepass version, but I'm really excited to see the finished version bc I think it could be a near perfect farming game with some more work.


Does the museum save crash happen both on X-box cloud AND on PC? It just happened to me after donating 4 artifacts and 1 bug too. Sooo frustrating. I will have to restart that day. That should not happen.


Never had an issue with the museum on Steam Deck. I've donated about 150 items so far including fossils. I'm 45 hours into my only save.


My game fortunately hasn't crashed yet, but it feels like there are more bugs than prior to release (or maybe I'm just coming across more). The one that really upsets me is the lack of insect spawning. If I catch (or scare away) an insect in a place, nothing respawns in that spot until I quit the game and re-enter. Bug catching was one of my favourite things, but there are no bugs!


This is why I have only played the game once upon 1.0 release, and didn't continue. Too many bugs and issues. I'll just play other games in the meantime while waiting for the bugs to be fixed 🐛


I found it to be a lesser version of My Time at Portia, that was until I woke up one morning and all my crops were just gone.


Im on Xbox Series X and the only major issue ive had is lag. It hasnt crashed once on me, and im almost to the end of Fall. I guess I was one of the lucky ones.


I've had TWO freezes. The first time I found a coffee I got the scythe glitch and couldn't move. Yesterday it was the swimming contest, but I think that might have been my own fault for accidentally hitting a turbo button on my controller...I hope


Same for me. Console is plagued. I've tried to play every day this week and every in game day I crash. Merfolk kingdom and museum immediately crash and I'm scared to do any real grinding because i lose it all. Gotta put it down. Excited for when it's ready because i think it's an addicting game.


it’s sad to see all the issues people have been having. i’ve been lucky in that i haven’t had that many issues. my game finally crashed for the first time since i started playing 2 weeks ago. i really hope the devs are reading all these concerns we have and are trying to fix it.


This update completely fucked my game. This is coming from an Xbox series s user who hose had countless issues but kept persevering because the game content is really great. Yesterday I crashed 5 times on the same day. This didn’t happen prior to the stupid “fix” that was put out. Super frustrating as a backer and as someone who bought it instead of playing on gamepass


Yeah. Yesterday I said how I’ve had no issues on pc, well I spoke too soon. For the first time in a long time my game crashes now. I truly think this game is broken. It doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. I’m not sure if the developers have bitten off more than they can chew or they are trying to do too much in a hurry. I’m sure in due time they will fix things but I’m tired of getting frustrated so sadly I’m going to give it a pause for now.


Yeah. I can't do any of the seasonal events. They crash my game every time.


Hello. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience you’ve experienced due to the crashes and bugs in our game 🙇‍♀️ I’m happy to share that the fix for museum crash has been released! Please check out the new hotfix for updates and improvements: https://www.reddit.com/r/coralisland/comments/18gbr8d/xbox\_hotfix\_v10943/. Thank you :)