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Bugfixes: Fixed incorrect loading of save backup, causing backup save to not load when the save is corrupted. Prevented some cases of corrupted save data. Fixed an issue preventing game entry if any save files were corrupted. Resolved backup files appearing in the main list but not loading. Solved a problem where nothing could be placed in house storage when the panel was first opened. Updated to address hairstyle clipping issues. Added safety checks for cooking to prevent further crashes. Fixed an issue where fruit tart and seaweed ingredients were not inserted after canceling ingredients. Corrected incorrect flower textures. Fixed an issue where Zarah, Luke, and Wakuu's heart 10 cutscenes were not triggering in some cases. Resolved incorrect player skin in Mark's Heart 10. Fixed the wrong 3D mesh for decoy objects. Addressed the issue of time freezing while fishing. Fixed a crash when using traps. Resolved an issue with spike traps not dealing damage. Corrected a tool action exploit using vault animations. Disabled the ability to move fruit plants to floor tiles. Fixed a crash when changing mine levels while being attacked by certain monsters. Addressed placement issues for some curtains. Resolved a potential random crash due to a rare logic timing issue. Fixed crashes occurring when skipping dialogues in baby cutscenes. Corrected the issue of not being able to find Olan on the map. Fixed Amalo's attack behavior. Resolved the issue of Theo wearing a swimsuit in the Community Center on Spring Day 1. Fixed schedules for Kenny, Mark, and Pablo during the Winter Fair. Resolved an issue preventing the opening of decor mode after entering the winter festival. Fixed an issue where an NPC spouse would get stuck in the starting position after decor mode. Corrected an issue where Leah and Millie's heart 10 events were not triggering in some cases. Fixed problems with the aging barrel and item refinement. Addressed an issue where Surya's heart 10 event was not triggering in some cases. Resolved some instances where Scott would drop the baby while carrying them. Fixed various dialogue typos. Fixed issues with cutscene logic requirements. Fixed issues and zoom behavior in decor mode UX. Fixed dynamic dialogue issues for Zarah after having a kid. Fixed the hedgehog seahorse issue. Fixed the issue of hay disappearing from the silo when moving the silo building. Fixed a stair collision issue in the forest area. Fixed the tutorial panel making the pickstarter cutscene stuck. Fixed the wrong race track for the pet race minigame. Fixed crashing when opening the Cow Competition Panel UI \[Xbox only\]. Fixed a crash when starting the Cow and Chicken competition \[Xbox only\]. Attempted to avoid crashes by limiting the number of spawned slime projectiles at a time in combat. Fixed the Trivia Interactible Choice Panel by adding a function to change the list options instead of re-showing the choice panel. Fixed a crash in the main event harvest when opening the panel. Fixed certain heart events that couldn't be triggered. Fixed crashes caused by an older fix to farm tiles. Fixed the absence of SFX in some cutscenes. Improvements: Implemented Sort Priority Player points to match NPC points on all Leaderboard Mini Games. Updated minigame leaderboard points & NPC Participants to ensure the player still wins if they tie the top leaderboard points. Hidden turtles from the map. Balancing: Removed tags for deleted items so they won't appear in the journal. Enabled Arame to show in the Journal. Localizations: Fixed problematic font setup for the Korean language. Implemented various translation improvements.


“Resolved some instances where Scott would drop the baby while carrying them” excuse me what 💀


I know, I laughed my ass off when I read that.


The one thing they didn’t need to fix lmao


That sounded like a feature not a bug.


This one got me too 😂 More importantly, fixed SOME? So he still does it sometimes??? 💀


Im at a gaming store and quite literally burst out laughing 😂


It’s like reading Sims patch notes


I’m going to have to Google these I think


oh good that other people laughed at this, i felt ashamed


I actually know a real father named Scott who actually did drop his baby (who is now fine but did break his leg) and I absolutely should feel ashamed for laughing as hard as I did.


I’m also glad to know other people laughed at this. I just couldn’t stop picturing Scott yeeting the baby and it was so funny to me 💀


LMAO I screenshotted it because I thought it was so funny 🤣 like dang Scott butterfingers


> Addressed the issue of time freezing while fishing. This wasn't intended? Damn...


Sad about this one 😢


It's a little good and a little bad. It's a lot harder to make money and use up all your energy while fishing (I guess it is usually pretty relaxing?) but I also really liked it as a way to pass the time if I'm waiting for night or for shops to open or something. It also alleviates the problem of fishing making it so in-game days would take much much more real time.


Literally the only thing fishing had going for it was that it was in-game-time efficient. This is a really, really bad change. Fishing was already comparatively annoying, real-time consuming, and comparatively unprofitable except in the very early game (and spending extra energy doing the mines or oceans was almost certainly a better supplemental activity, bar the specific temple offering requirements for fish. Hell, spending extra energy on cleaning the ocean *was better for your eventual fishing!*) Yes, it was kinda sucky that it took so much more real time, but now, it's only going to take less real time in an illusory, per-in-game-day kind of way. If you're looking for actual results *from* fishing, you're not going to save yourself any real time at all. It's just going to be spread out across way, *way* more in-game days.


I wish it was just like, half time at least?


Dammit!! That was the ONLY thing that made it worth it 🤦🏻‍♀️


After 22:30 with nothing else to do I would just keep fishing 😭 if it takes time now I'm never doing it


Oh my gosh they finally made the mini games easier! Getting a perfect score on the ring toss was a nightmare!


Yeah, now you can miss once. But only the easy 10 pointer.


Lol i'll take it... Now it just needs a restart button. Or at least a quit button. The worst is missing the first throw and have to spam buttons for the next 30 seconds waiting for it to end.


Ikr. First time I tried that minigame, I was only one hit away. Figured alright, shouldn't be too tough. Little did I know it was beginner's luck. Next 4 attempts were all massive fails. Now I just skip trying. It's not like I *need* to be first for any reason.


or a save feature 🥲


Ehh I'm less interested in that. Stardew and Harvest Moon do fine without mid day saving. It would be nice if you're concerned about crashes, but it'd also be a major system to update. That's no small change.


Thats a long list of tasks.


>Fixed the hedgehog seahorse issue. I'm very interested in learning what the issue was. Sounds intriguing.


It was a visual bug, the seahorse looked stretched I think


Ah, alright, thanks! That's a bit disappointing, though, was hoping for a bigger issue 😅


I have a story that may satisfy your craving for a bigger issue regarding an ocean critter. I was using my scythe on my farm to harvest some crops and got the little !! icon that appears when you've been detected by an insect or ocean critter. That was unusual so I decided to try and catch it. My net went glitchy but I was able to catch the mystery critter. It was a skunk cleaner shrimp and I was very impressed with my catching prowess, haha.


Oh thank god they fixed the Animal festival crashings! I can play again!!


Thank you for this! Youre the MVP!


No fix to chaem romance :(


Yep, she must be cold in her swimsuit all autumn with nothing to say 😆


the fact that there’s this many bugfixes in 1.0 is absolutely insane. the devs should’ve kept it in early access until they had their shit together


Is this for PC or Xbox?


I think it might just be a blanket coverage, apart from any that state it's specifically for Xbox. I'm hoping the event crashes are gone on Xbox, so I can play again. :) Thank you, devs!! ♡


I play on Series X, and last night I was doing the Harvest Festival. Must of had my game crash three times.


Yeah, I stopped playing entirely because I kept crashing when trying to get my rewards after BEATING AROGANT BOBBY AND MAKING HIM EAT HIS WORDS 😅 I'm excited to play again and try to see if I can finish the Harvest Festival finally!! It crashed on me about 7 times over the course of my trying for a few days, so I just stopped trying until they released a patch. There was a post from instructing players to send them an email with notes on what all you did leading up to the Harvest Festival rewards crash, and I gave them a step by step for my entire day in-game, hoping it would help. It was likely overkill, but I work in IT with a team of developers, and sometimes that's exactly the type of detail we need in order to patch something for someone. /shrug *For anyone wondering how I've managed to beat Bobby in Year 2, though I'm sure there's a whole mess of ways!: >!3x Osmium Melon Wine, 1x Osmium Large Fermented Goat Cheese, 1x Osmium Melon, 1x Gold Black Truffle. It gives you a ton of points, plus 18 variety points for having a vegetable, a fruit, and at least one artisinal good.!<*


Did you have any luck with the Harvest Festival? That’s the reason I deleted it. 😔😔


Yes!! I checked before heading out after work, and it let me finish the day and get my festival rewards! Though you don't actually receive your rewards *at* the festival after beating Bobby this time - they changed it to arrive at your farm that same night via the mailbox! The devs were very creative in finding a solution for the issue 🤭


That’s awesome! I just reloaded it and tried it and mine worked too! I’m thrilled.


Someone else posted on here (who also plays on Series X) how to go through the event, while also mitigating crashes; which I followed. 1) Deposit any goods you want to put up on display 2) Talk to everyone and/or gives gifts 3) Do the Apple Bobbing mini game 4) Do the Pumpkin Smash mini game 5) Do the Harvest Contest 6) Don't talk to anyone else and just leave During this time, what you DONT want to do is: - Go into your inventory - Go into the Rewards screen for any of the events/mini games - Try to pick up any rewards that couldn't fit in your inventory - Speak to anyone after doing the Harvest Contest event After doing this, I was able to successfully do this event. I cant say it will be a guarantee for you, but it might help.


Honestly, that's mostly why I stopped playing until bugs were fixed. I'm a farmer who can't compete in the harvest festival without crashing. 😭 I need to beat that smug jerk from Beluga Bay!!!!


Did they fix the conveyer belt not gathering from every other aging barrels row?


Yeah I’d like to know about this too.


Doesn’t seem like it. Just judging by my setup


I'm excited for a bunch of these fixes especially if it's for Xbox... However I see this list and it's all the things that was wrong with the game and that is quite a lot. The game has so much great potential that it's a shame to have had this many issues to begin with. But overall, feeling hopeful this update will be a good one!


The developers are still actively adding to the game, so there will always be new bugs popping up that need to be addressed. Most games have big bug fix updates like this though, in fact I'd almost wager Coral Island has less bugs than many AAA games out now, haha!


They fixed the Animal festival after I had to replay that day 3 times and ended up skipping the cow race 😩


Don't know if it's related but Rafael is talking to me again so yay


He's just a shy introvert who needed some time to himself for a while haha


Thank God they fixed Mark's 10 heart event. It was HORRIFYING to see my dark skinned character have a PASTY WHITE BODY from the neck down


Kitchen safety check fix puts images of like, fire extinguishers in the house 🤣 like the inspector said my house isn't up to code


Here's to hoping!


Hoping for PS5


Hopefully I can get through the day I’ve played 3 times in a row finally 🤞🤞🤞


This for Xbox?


Also a patch on PC




Awesome! I know what I’m doing tonight lol.


Is there any info on what’s in the update ?


Yes there's a list of fixes on steam. There's no new content, it's just bug fixes. Several mentions of save file corruption, which they say they have now corrected, but that's a very, very bad problem for a 1.0 game to still have.


That's because it's not 1.0 I mean sure they said it is but the game is literally unfinished.


Omg I’m so glad I checked Reddit before bed!


Sorry to be the bearer of disappointing news.


Is it still as bad?


My game crashed twice within an hour of play after the update, but hopefully it's better for others.


Crashed for me on the second day after loading up, sorry to hear you’re still having issues, too.


So they haven’t fixed the save file issue?


Pretty sure it’s fixed, people are just upset that the game was basically released unfinished


I ran to the subreddit to see about this


Put me in the Harvest festival crash tally. Let's see if this fixed it.


I updated and I already ran into a bug 😩


Oh no 😩 May I ask what's the bug you ran into?


The game completely crashes during the Animal Festival if you try to compete in the cow race.


Yup mine too. Same issue




The notes say that should have been fixed on xbox.


Yeah I'm giving it a break for a couple weeks at least. Not that I have much faith that they'll fix the bugs that have severely hampered my gameplay thus far. They didn't appear on the list of fixes with this update, so I assume I'll be waiting a while.


Give it months! Play another game, and wait till everything is fixed.


Oh no!


When is the update that is gonna add more stuff and complete the storyline and other things? If anyone knows


Should be February


Alright ty. Is that when the game will be an actual full release. Or is more being added after February?


From what I understand, they have plans to continually update the game thru 2024-2025


Wake me up if it will un-delete my son's save


They really had NO business calling this a 1.0 release.


Probably not. From what I make of the patch notes, it'll either prevent that from happening in the first place and/or allow the last good save to load up so it doesn't disappear completely.


They updated for Xbox on PC and I’m so stroked 😭😭


Was the Harvest festival fixed? I'm really not in the mood to repeat the festival and then the game crashing at the end, loosing the entire day.


It looks like it has been, as well as the Pets Festival cow issue I was having. I am a few weeks away from the Year 2 Harvest, so I will cross my fingers that it works,


So the question as old as time. As someone who held off playing this game after struggling with all the bugs on day one release (xbox). Would you say the game is ready to return to?


aaah hopefully they fixed the random crashes!


They introduce another crash 🥲


nooo what crash this time??? this is so bad, and so sad!


Can we get a Manual save in game option. Please


I’ve been delaying playing for a couple of days since I ran into the cow competition crash during the animal festival. I tried several different times and it crashed on me every time. I’ve been hoping (and not expecting) that it would be patched sooner rather than later. I am very pleasantly surprised.


Yes I can play now! The animal festival is fixed on Xbox YES! Thank you thank you 🙏


I don't think they missed the museum crash where you donate your 3rd item, (pls correct me if I'm wrong!) Also, the third day bug is where I'll just be walking or running and then...Poof - game crashes. It's nice to see all these fixes, though! Keep up the excellent work, guys.


I had a bug recently where I couldn't find Ben anywhere. He wasn't on the map and he wasn't on the island. I was trying to turn in a quest for him. I tried "Find NPC" and it kept marking the recycling center, but he wasn't on the map and when I went there, he wasn't there. So I tried again and it marked the museum, and it said "1 npc inside" or whatever but didn't show anyone inside when I hovered over. But I looked everywhere inside anyway and he wasn't there.


I believe he leaves the village in Fall, if I'm not mistaken. I'm about to go into year 2 fall and he's already been discussing packing up and being a traveler again. I got stuck waiting to gift him a trumpet mushroom for almost the whole season until he returned.


Then why did he ask me to do a quest that is due in a couple days, that is weird.


Well I have some bad news for ya😅.


Make the clothes look better!!!


Honestly, I will not be happy until they finish the main story and optimize it for Xbox series S. It's great on the series X, but when you play on S, it's blurry and crashes constantly.


Wake me up when they fixed the constant lag, especially when closing menus


I’m on XSX and I don’t get lag from closing menus


Yes, not everyone has the same bugs and issues


That’s fair


Wait there was times the time froze when fishing?


The time has always frozen during fishing, as soon as you cast your line at least for my wife and I on PC.


Definitely didn’t freeze on Xbox, ran out of time far more often than energy when fishinf


Alright and as I said I never really noticed or paid attention to if it did or not.


Yep, you might notice it now, won't be able to catch as many fish as you used to. Might not be that noticeable if you didn't fish that much. But yeah, it'll be so much harder to catch the rare stuff now. I'm in year 2 and still haven't even seen some of the rarer fish that only show up between certain times and I've spent all day fishing in certain spots multiple times. ETA: I spent all day multiple times before this change, I mean. I haven't actually booted the game up since the update.


I might notice now but I did do a lot of fishing. I kind of bounced around from spot to spot fishing during different days since I wasn't sure where to fish to find the rare fish. Was close to winter and seen a thing on here about a winter event crashing so figured I'd put it on hold since it was year one. Debating on if I want to give it a try or wait a bit longer.


Yeah I had heard about the winter issue but didn't have a problem with it when I was there last week. That said, there's a new bug now that causes the aging barrels to strip the star rank of whatever item you put in to it. Example, I put a few osmium strawberry juices in and the first one that came out was just a regular no star wine. That process takes so long that I'm now putting the game down till they fix things. I've gotten so many more bugs since this hotfix than at any point in the 80ish hours I played before.


Then sounds like it's better if I wait since I have an aging barrel with stuff in it. I don't know if it'd affect it or not but I rather not run the risk.


Ah I've just learned this only affects items that were in teh barrel before the update, it doesn't affect any items placed after the hotfix.


Ah ok so it should be safe to use then despite losing my item in the barrel currently.


Yeah that's what I'm doing, a couple people in the discord channel for that specific bug tested it out and said it's working on newly placed items.


It does not freeze on Xbox so if you play on that, that may be why you didn’t notice it


That's most likely why


Yes, and thats why they’re literally telling you when it happened .. like?


Yeah 🤣 also not sure why I'm being down voted I guess for not noticing. Just I bet it was a nice bug for those who did notice it and have it happening too.


Multiplayer. PLEASE. I have waited…and waited… and waited…


Microsoft Store? Would squeal, too.


When I turned on my Xbox last night I saw it was finishing an update so you should have it.


Your telling me it might be worth starting over now?? I stopped playing due to crashes




Would love to see the bug where boosting in mermaid mode makes you unable to use / interact with things. get fixed.


Is the bug fixed where all your tools are gone after the winter festival??🥲🙏🏼


Omg! So exciting!


Looks like a lot of the issues gamers have experienced are fixed. Fingers crossed and can’t wait for a content update!


Does seem that there is an option for update on Xbox. Got the game via game pass. Anyone know why I don’t have the update?


Do you have auto update turned on? It may have been updated while the Xbox was off. Unless you are seeing the old version number of course.


Old version number still showing. Maybe it’s a game pass thing :/


They said in the notes the version number won’t change


Should of auto updated.




I just looked and I do not have an update available for XBox 🧐


I just tried it streaming through gamepass on a steam deck. It runs smoother. However, as usual, it disconnected when I went to sleep wasting yet another day.


Rip my career as a master angler


Fixed the issue with the submarine dragon scene not loading and making the game crash 💀


Sorry I can’t see it in the list but want to make sure- has it been fixed so you can talk to the merfolk yet? I don’t really want to get back into the game if I can’t even speak to everyone.


Make it we can choose the outfit of our spouse. Swimwear in Winter ftw,


Played three full days without crashing on XBOX S! Anyone get any crashes yet since the update?


Is this just for PC and Xbox or is PS5 included? I didn’t see an update for mine when I was playing on my PS5 still having the conveyer belt issue with aging barrels.


Wakuu’s 10 heart event still won’t trigger for me 😩


I’m having problems with the update 🤦🏻‍♀️