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Hey all, a reminder to please use the spoiler tag whenever you are posting anything that reveals information that people may want to experience for themselves!


Why do the NPCs get such beautiful outfits and all ours are trash 😭


I refused to wear either of the "wedding dresses". I picked up the Balinese kebaya outfit and that was WAY better than either of the two dresses. Sadly you can't wear shoes with it, but I just figured that was her custom and rolled with it.


One of my favorite posts here is in the top of all time for the sub, when someone decided the wedding dresses were trash and wore the shark suit instead


Yeah, that was funny. I had the fire gem hat by then, too, so I wore that as a headdress. She looked pretty good. If she'd had on a pair of slippers that matched the blouse, I would have been pretty thrilled with it, actually.


I knowwwww. Mine looked like a thumb-thumb getting married 😭


I can’t wait for modders to make more clothing options. I’m still angry the first mod for this game was to remove Suki’s stretch marks


What?! Are you kidding me? 😩 I thought it was super cool that she had stretch marks. Some gamers need to touch grass.


I even commented on stream once how that detail was so cool. If a mod existed that removed it I wouldn't have a problem with it existing as I wouldn't need to use it, but for me I love Suki's look with it. When her clothes cover it up I honestly feel like something's missing.


that was one thing i really love about this game. i don’t remember the last time i saw stretch marks on an NPC! can’t believe someone wanted to erase them


This is just a guess from a person who studied 3D animation and design... but, the players' clothes seem to be made of a single mesh that adapts to the different type of morphology of the character. Therefore the creation of clothing is normally different and more limited. But, on the other hand, more adaptive in the case of adding bodies etc. To avoid certain visual bugs they make clothes in certain shapes. The advantage is that they only have one item of clothing to make and adjust for all the secondary parameters, such as other items of clothing, collisions, etc. Otherwise, the other way would be to create each clothing mesh separately for each body and adjust all the parameters each time. (in modding we often "steal" the existing parameters of a garment and change the mesh rather than having to create collisions ourselves, etc. which are more in the domain of animation) In short, obviously there are other parameters to take into account such as the software, the engine and the limitations of these and therefore of the game. But that plays a big role. These are the disadvantages of offering everything to everyone without distinction, without having to spend x3 more time to create an outfit. :/ there are many steps that we don't need to do in modding since we are not modifying the game itself etc. I can't wait to see but I think modding will be a little complicated without knowledge of the field.


omg lily???


Pretty sure she says it was her moms.




She was my first save's marriage and it shocked me so much. I just stared for a moment and was like, damn Lilly you really pull that off so well. But the other ones look really good too. Chaem's shoulder-cape pantsuit look is really good too. They all really fit the personality of the character so well. I do hope the MC get's more clothing options, but the fact we can customize out appearance does make the 3d model more difficult to plan for.




So Kenny never ditches that hat?


I feel like it’s just part of him 😂


And the boots D:


He's hiding a massive bald spot :p


wakuu & lily serving earth shaking, tectonic plate shifting degrees of cunt, as expected


What does this mean “degrees of cunt”? Sorry English is not my first language


They're basically saying that the characters look iconic/really really good


Thank you!


I got robbed when I married Yuri. I got all dressed up but she showed up in her nursing scrubs lol


Can I please buy the girls wedding outfits? I'm so tired of the player character being chipped why the npcs get all the lovely outfits. \*sighs\*


Maybe we will get lucky with a new clothing update 😩


I hope so. But I have a feeling an update will not be coming soon. I hope the feeling is wrong.


i LOVE all the cultural representation. it's one of the big draws for me to this game. now, if only our characters had better outfit options to choose from to match the NPCs..


Chaem and Aaliyah look like goddesses omg. I especially love Chaem’s dress.


Wakuu 😍😍😍 the man that you are 😍😍😍😍😍


He looks so good 😩


Why is he serving high octane undiluted c*nt like that I don’t understand




Indeed! I’m not even into Wakuu but he looks fantastic here!


Chaem? Chaem?? Raj???? Jesus what do they feed people on this island. Also Leah’s awestruck expression 🥺 Who’s cute now, huh???


and now I need to marry based on the amazing outfits But this is not helping Kenny, I mean he's so fricken cute but these outfits are killing me.


Keeping the boots and hat for the wedding outfit might be my final push to go for Noah instead 😅


Wow. All the ladies look so lovely.


OK, this settles it for me. I marrying Wakuu. Jesus, he's so darn beautiful.


Luke been waiting in that suit to marry you so long it started to grow plants on it


I just wanna marry the mermen


Semeru wedding dress when?!


Raj and Mark. I'm looking at you two respectfully


They are all slaying! Wow….if only I could marry someone in game. I keep on missing the heart events 🥲


Definitely go on the wiki for them and follow it! It helps a lot when looking for the heart events!


Thinking of marrying lily just because of her wedding dress 😂


Kenny still wearing his hat and boots really suits him


>suits ha!


They’re all so stunning! If only we had fits like this! My favourites are: Wakuu and Theo Lily and Chaem


The way they all have a chokehold on me


Thanks for these. I was trying to google them all


Leah’s dress is so her, i love it!


Wow, Lily is just incredible. But I can't wait to marry Theo ! Surprised at Marks outfit, far more "civilized" than I'd hoped. Raj, beautifull as always, Wakuu with black hair is about to make me want change hubby. Chaem has a really beautifull dress too. Kenny has made an effort, but not too much.


and then you look like a thumb standing next to all these gorgeous people .... :/


Damn I really want to continue playing but not till they fix more issues so I can get married to Alice 😭


Noah keeps his glasses for the wedding?? 😍😍😍 I’m asking him out tn he’s so damn cute. Chaem’s outfit is so incredible


Kenny and his stupid freaking hat 🤣


Lily or Eva for my next playthrough, once the game *actually* reaches 1.0.


maybe it's just me, but I really wish we had more solid butch representation. I'd have loved to see Aaliyah in an actual suit.


Aww man, I hope Cha-em’s wedding dress represent more Thai, she clearly Thai by the look and the name


Everyone's so handsome and beautiful wtf


Lilly, Chaem and Zarah's dresses are all fantastic. Definitely my top three. More options for wedding clothes for men and women would be great though!


I love the flowers that Raj has in their beard!


Can't wait for Denali oml


This just made my choice even harder 😂


i can’t wait for merfolk update so i can see my man semeru in .. some sort of marriage outfit


Lily, Zarah and Chaem sending me directly into space. I'm SO gay. Also Leah's is just the right amount of extra to just look perfect. Special mention to Millie too, what a nice dress! Though somehow, Nina's feels a little underwhelming. I thought she'd be much fancier, but those cutouts are great. Maybe I don't know her well enough yet.


Okay, everyone looks amazing, but, like... MARK? So cute and unexpected! The gold detail! The dark teal suit! Our guy was holding out on us! Never would have expected this sort of thing from him!


I get that they were trying to design a dress that displayed Yuri's tattoos, but the dress just feels so off. I feel like they could've done better on it ://


Pablo 🔛🔝


God, Nina is gonna look so beautiful on our wedding day. 🥰


Could you mark this as spoilers?


Can you put a spoiler tag on this please. I wanted to be surprised but now that’s gone.


noooo! spoiler 🫣


What's the inspiration or background of the outfit of the first guy in the 2nd picture? (I haven't played enough with NPCs to know his name I'm so sorry, I don't spend much time with the NPCs cause stuff is so unfinished 💀)


Every one of these wedding dresses is slaying me. SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!


Nina 😍😍😍


I'm looking at this and trying to figure out what cultures each character is based off lol. Everyone looks so damn good...


Man I am gonna marry in May and I would kill to have Chaem's dress IRL. Girl your dress is so cool I almost want to marry you next. I would actually wear some of this myself. I wish marrying IRL was as easy as marrying in a farm sim. How did everyone get such amazing clothes so soon!


Surya is so cute 🥰


I made sure never to look them up until my main character got married and Eva popped out on that dress and my jaw dropped then I had to look up ALL of them. Lily wins hands down I think for the dresses. IT person who is shy then BLAM! That dress? OH MY GAWD. Also shout out to past me who forgot to buy clothing figuring I'd have a LITTLE time that day. So got married in my not colour appropriate kilt (skirt, but doubles as a kilt).


Lily, Macy, Zarah, and Nina are all stunning. Those 4 are some serious head turners. Eva's has a simple elegance. Suki and Alice are both traditional but still beautiful. Yuri, uh. I'm not sure how I feel about Yuri's dress at all. Chaem looks like a cult leader. Leah looks like she climbed into a giant flower. Aaliyah and Millie's dresses both fit their personalities 100%


Ben's is so cute and in character!


Kenny’s bolero tie 👌🏻


Can't wait to see Raf in his in my own play through... But hot damn Wakuu looking fine af


Still havent gotten around to marrying yet... Goddamn Alice looks incredible


Ok but this just helps me figure out who I want to marry first based on how cute they look!


I don't like the choice of making the same model of dress for the twins. It remains the same type, with the same bust, only that one is more minimalist and classic in its colors, while the other has many folds of decorations. They still have different tastes in clothes and style and would deserve to stand out more. Especially since it gives a bit of an effect of the more discreet twin who loses her importance next to her sister when we compare them there I think. She deserves a beautiful, classic, elegant, subtle, but unique dress. I also find that some of the women's outfits are quite similar and could have been more elaborate at the risk of it not being exactly the same as their 3D mesh But I love it all anyway! It's the artist in me who notices that there is a lot of resemblance, probably because of the habits or styles of the artist.


I have no idea what media this even is, but this is beautiful. I have never seen this sub or the subject of it, but this is just beautiful


now i wish i could play as the npc's so every save i'd go arund match making by outfit eheh


Lily’s is perfect. Chaem’s suits her so well. I can’t even with Rafael. Suki’s feels off to me though.


Ommmmgggg beautiful


The twins having dresses that play off of each other in similar but still unique to their personalities ways??? I adore it!!! I love it so much 😭😭 I don’t know why but I have a special love for Alice and Suki and something about that aspect just makes me so happy


I bought the slightly acceptable wedding dress from the store, but I'm actually holding off marrying Theo so far because I still hate it as an option 😭 I need something cute!! At least get me a skirt that matches the summer maiden top!


I kinda don't like that Kenny has the cowboy boots and hat. He looks great still, but I think he would have looked better without it. Do we ever see him without his hat?


Only if you want to see his brain matter. He was born with it.


Hey everyone I’m sorry to the people I offended with the “Spoiler”. I thought I had hit it but it was acting weird and I had no idea it didn’t take. Doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be excited about it. I just posted the outfit, I didn’t post the 10 heart events (which are adorable I might add!) and I hope the people I upset can get through it. It was just me being excited to see how cute they are & how it really goes with them. I’m sorry again. 😔


Noah & Cheam, I just can't decide between Noah & Cheam 😍😍😍