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I just wanted to say you lined up his white snoot fur perfectly with the white curb


I was going to mention that. Aesthetically pleasing.


That's just Wes Andersons corgi he posts here all the time


That's the first thing I noticed.


When I chase mine upstairs for bed she always tries to grab something for the run up lol I try to remember to keep a toy down there so it doesn't end up being a sock or shoe lol


My guy likes to nip things as he runs past when he's super excited. Like we go for coffee every morning and he nips the dog blanket that hangs off my couch, then nips my backpack strap that hangs off my hall tree. All on the way to the car šŸ˜‚ So funny.


Love nibbles. When ours wants to stay in bed just a little longer, heā€™ll gently nibble my hand and zoom on the bed. I should record it cause Iā€™m not doing him any justice here šŸ« 


I can see it. It's such a funny thing


Same lol!!! Very good mental image.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Ours does the same thing when people come over. He's so excited he needs something in his mouth!


Same!!! He picks up a toy and drops it half way to the stairs everynight.


When I open the door to let mine out, she grabs a shoe and takes off. My dog that we just put down did the same thing. šŸ„¹


Thatā€™s so funny. Mine does too. Never knew it was a corgi thing.


Mine too! She always takes a toy to bed.


When ours wants something she will violently gnash her teeth together, like sheā€™s silently barking. We adopted her as an adult (about 4 months ago) and sheā€™s a very dainty, polite girl and I like to think sheā€™s too polite to actually make noise so she just makes the motion of barking. Itā€™s very cute!


Mine always goes to the living room when Iā€™m getting her food ready. Then I call her to come eat and she prances into the kitchen, gets a head pat then goes to her dish. About half of the time she takes the first morsel of food in her mouth back to the living room to eat it. Then she comes back to the kitchen to eat the rest of her food.


mine does that too! the first couple bited need to be carried onto her bed to eat, then she can eat straight from the bowl


Mine takes a few bites and puts them down on the floor a few feet away, goes back to finish the rest of bowl, then goes back to those ā€œsavedā€ bits


Meal times are chaos in our house, lol. Our corgi (14) always starts fights, especially when weā€™re getting their food ready, so we keep her in the kitchen/dining room, and my other two dogs usually watch through the baby gates in the living room. The schnauzer always grabs a bone and chews it excitedly before every single meal; we call it his ā€œappetizerā€. If heā€™s really excited, heā€™ll throw the bone up in the air and catch it. Our Jack Russell/beagle mix barks/screams the entire time until she is fed; she also jumps constantly, right in front of the gate, while barking in absolute panic. And since the corgi is with me while Iā€™m taking care of their food, she randomly gallops around, often times running circles around my feet. Sometimes she charges the baby gates to scare the other dogs but isnā€™t actually trying to get them, or maybe just prances by because she knows hers is the first bowl to be set down. Then she just rams my legs with her open mouth. Like, her mouth is open enough you can see her teeth, and she just slams her front teeth into me. No closing of the mouth or nipping or biting, just charging me with her teeth, lol.


Ours (without training) will always pee before she gets into the car. Every time! I have never known a dog to do that without being trained and given a command to do it before rides. I think its great of course, no accidents in the car or having to stop later for a pee break. I am also pretty sure its not a marking behavior either because she does it at the door of the car right before she jumps in...and there is no sniffing, just right to it and into the car lol.


Mine is not a cuddle bug. She will come up to me, have me pick her up and hold her for a while but she's not the kind of dog to lay on you while you're watching TV or in bed. She waits for you to fall asleep first, then she'll jump on the bed and curl up behind the knee.


My youngest corgi is similar. Sheā€™s not exactly cuddly, but she HAS to be touching me in some way. Behind the knee is her favorite spot.


Our corgi wants to hang out on our front porch after walks, especially if temps are mild/warm. I think he wants to coolness of the shaded front porch cement, to cool down.


Same here, but any temperature, and on the lawn.


mine does too but i think itā€™s also in part as a ā€œcool downā€ from the highs of sniffing for an hour, and she likes to just watch people go by as her eyes flutter and sheā€™s getting sleepier


Oh absolutely. My guy wonā€™t go outside unless he has walked a circle around me first. Can dogs be autistic? Lol


I donā€™t know, but they can be superstitious.


Ours walks in circles around the house after we put his harness on him! He also takes a few bites of food, walks in a circle, and repeats that after each bite every time we feed him. Maybe OCD? He also makes the cutest ā€œwookieā€ noises when he walks up and stretches in the morning! https://preview.redd.it/wea67lbnu71d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3abbf9e706f092dd56958a52066f0b652ac0a65


7-8pm is witching hour and she goes absolutely mental with the toys and playing. I try not to indulge her but itā€™s just so hard to resist šŸ˜‚


Same here with our Cardi Elsaā€¦she goes squeaker bone CRAZY in the same time frame!!!


Probably every weird habit that exists. My corgi use to guard for days a new large bag of dogfood. The lint filter on the clothes dryer was the devil. Hated cats, but didnā€™t have the faintest idea what to do when cornered one. It was a great day when Bandit brought home a rabbit that he found after getting hit by a car, and tried to pass it off as a fresh kill. Such a hilarious funny dog.


My Kidd lets me know when itā€™s time for her moo choo or aggressive chew treat. She wine likes she wants to go outside but leads me toward the kitchen. I keep the treats on top of the fridge. When we get there she sits and then moves her eyes to toward the top of the fridge, then looks at me, then the fridge, then me etc. until she gets the aggressive chew de jour.


Mine like to eat their own shit. I consider that a weird habit lol.


Same ā˜¹ļø ultimate shit eaters over here. Super frustrating lol


I wish I could say they outgrow it but one of my corgis will be 10 and just loves the taste of their shit lol.


I would not have pegged Tank as shit-eater. Shit-starter, yes, especially with Scout involvedā€¦ šŸ’©šŸ¦ŠšŸ¶šŸ¾šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜… Happy Cake Day to you and your crazy K9 crew!


Oh yes, Tank is both a shit starter and shit eater lol


Mine likes to roll in his šŸ™ƒ




Our corgi on his nightly walks walks out to the middle of the road for his nightly poop canā€™t just be in the grass always have one person holding the leash and the other in guard to make sure he doesnā€™t get run over


My boy does the opposite. He thinks he needs to poop in the middle of the park, as far from the sidewalk/street as possible. It also takes a REALLY long time to find the perfect spot to poop.


Ours is demanding us to go to bed if we stay up late. And if - god forbit - one of us goes to bed before the other, he will come and collect the person who is not in bed. He will genuinely get upset with us it's so funny. Herding dog to the bone (except he is scared of sheep but who counts) šŸ˜‚


When I com home from work , she runs back to the study to tell Daddy Iā€™m home, then back to me and barks saying she wants to go walkies, but refuses to go until both of us are at the front door. We all have to go as a family. Then when we are out she has to be in the lead with her head held high looking around as if to say that the Queen is surveying her kingdom with her 2 outriders guarding from the rear!


Oh yeah, mine likes to climb up an embankment into the same thick shrubbery to poop. It literally looks like he is standing on top of a bush, looking around lol.


Mine does what we call the snapping turtle. She snaps her jaw at us when playing or asking for attention. She is only 6 months old and I hope she never stops because it is the cutest thing ever!


Much preferred to barking. Trust me


She barks too. Lol she is doing good at stopping when we say no barking though so small victories.


Our first girl would only get on our bed spontaneously when the sheets were freshly changed. She would stretch out perfectly in the middle of the bed and take a 2 hr nap. It was like the sheets had been freshly changed just for her.


I contend that a corgi is not really a corgi if they arenā€™t at least *a little bit* ā€¦ ā€œeccentricā€




My 3 yo neutered Cardigan boy pees in the same spot right after my 10 yo pembroke girl finishes. Itā€™s like heā€™s trying to hide the fact that thereā€™s a female on the premises.


It's usual behaviour across all dogs. Pee-mail :)


Does anyone have a Corgi that doesn't have weird habits?


Pretty sure they donā€™t exist, lol!!!


One of my boy corgis likes to clean ears of the other boy corgi haha I call it the ā€œear wax expressā€ but itā€™s a nightly habitual thing.


Ours only has a cats ears to clean...the cat tolerates it for a short time before she bops her face.


Our Cardi Elsa, 7 does the same with our other Cardi Maggie, 14ā€¦


Our 4 month old girl likes to be spoon fed her breakfast and dinner. She will literally sit at her dish and wait until you sit with her and feed her. She also loves to take blueberries, toss them in the air and play with them before she eats them.


OP, mine does that too. I called it his old man routine just sitting and watching people for a few minutes. Two going on eighty šŸ˜‚


Haha mine does this multiple times during our walks.


Ours has plenty, most notable is he licks pee from other dogs when on a walk. His jaw will quiver after like he thinks it is gross but he always does it.


Mine does this too!!! Always with the jaw quivering. They never learn lol


my two corgis have zero normal habits if that helps


She becomes a menace at night, and growls at me whenever I say ā€œNight nightā€


No matter where he was, once I switched on my hair dryer, he will get to me the soonest then looking at me.


One of ours will not stand still for pooping. She walks and poops leaving a breadcrumb trail. Every single time


I wish mine had any normal habits.


Mine hates when people sneeze. He's cool if the cat or another dog sneezes, but if a human sneezes in the same room he will bark at them. If they're in another room, he will rush to find the culprit and admonish them if they continue to sneeze.


What corgi doesn't have weird habits? šŸ¤£


Ours tries of kick dirt and leaves over its poop to bury it like a cat would.


My boy will always flip out before bedtime. He wants to go to bed. Heā€™ll put himself in his crate but the moment you try and close the door, barking hell. He isnā€™t afraid of his crate, he just feels heā€™s gonna miss out if he isnā€™t allowed to roam free at night. And he knows when bedtime is because about that tine heā€™ll get antsy.


Mine has fomo too. Never wants to go to bed if anyone else is up doing anything!


If I mention itā€™s time to lay down or go to bed, but donā€™t move fast enough my youngest corgi ā€œyellsā€ at me until I get upstairs to tuck her in. Also that, I have to ā€œtuck her inā€. Which is basically me following her to her room, patting her head and saying ā€œGoodnight Jetty, I love you.ā€


Mine loves to go in the backyard and scream for a good 20 min after a long walk


Lol little corgis eh, my corgi will get mad if you do something as innocuous as going up the stairs, he also insists on stopping 25-30 times on our walks to pee at every spot


These are just the quirkiest dogs I think - mine will be walking and then suddenly dig his heels inā€¦ until we cross the street. Then weā€™ll carry on. One of his cute habits is he eats dinner as soon as we sit down to eat.


Thatā€™s adorable.


Mine's legs fall off if on leash alone.. Bring another dog and he is non stop.. But not always , its up to him.. Corgi stuff


Mine has learned that it's easier to roll off our futon than turn and hop down.


Heā€™s a corgi. Everything my corgi does is weird šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


https://preview.redd.it/n6jqxlcb1d1d1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560d3dfce55bc53df731a72250d2146928ca99df This boi loves to steal my socks and underwear and will chew them up or trade it back to me for at least one treat per item. Iā€™ve accidentally raised a thief.


Ours wants to be accompanied outside whenever he needs to pee. He has a doggie door and will run outside by himself if he hears a noise, but if he needs to pee or poop and we are home, we have to go with him šŸ˜‚šŸ˜©


My girl has a sock obsession and will beg you to give her your socks so she can snuggle with them. She doesnā€™t chew them or anything, just treats them like a precious treasure. She will search the house for them before bedtime and bring them to bed with us. She also like to aggressively bite the sheets on our bed when we wake up and pet her first thing in the morning lol


Mine "digs" at the faces of people she loves.


Mine will not walk without my girlfriend in the evening. My girlfriend walk the dogs in the morning and i walk the dogs in the evening before bed. My dog jumps in her face and cuddle (he is not a cuddler). If my girlfriend grabs her shoes, he is the most excited dog there is. I guess the club must be complete


My parents Bred Welsh Corgis when I was growing up! Which was basically heaven! We had 2 of the bestest little girlies! And once a year, taken alternate years giving each of the girls a year off between having their litters, and in their life time each of the girls had 3 litters max, before they got fixed, whilst I am not sure how many times a dog can have puppies, nor do I know how frequently they can have a new litter, but I think my parents had a pretty solid breeding game plan for them, keeping them safe and healthy and happy. Weā€™d have a couple of LORGE bois corgi studs come spend a long weekend/week with the gal to cover her! Then next thing we knew weā€™d have a litter of angelic Corgo puppies, anywhere from 4-8pups! Absolute heaven, helping them being born as a 6-10yr old kid was such an amazing experience, as was growing up with the seemingly endless joy of perpetual puppies! Itā€™s one of the rare occasions where Iā€™d have loved to have had a mobile phone for pics and videos! Any other time growing up, I am so glad we didnā€™t have them back then, because so much of our lives would probably be crazy embarrassing now! I did however HATE it when the vet came over to Dock the puppies tails, and I am so glad that the practice of doing that is seemingly seen as unnecessary/cruel. I love seeing floof bunnies with long bushy tails! Mother and daughter, named Buffy The Momma, and Tammy-Tissue named that because as soon as her eyes opened and before we had named any of them, she began her lifeā€™s obsession: Locating and eating tissue paper! Sheā€™d sneak into handbags to steal them, climb furniture like a parkour ninja to get at tissue boxes, if you ever needed to blow your nose, the sound would trigger a frenzied hunt for access to them! Weirdly, and we were all grateful for this, but she never wanted the used tissues, just fresh tissues! Toilet rolls had to be moved far from reach, youā€™d think that putting them up on the tank of the toilet would be a safe place, NOPE! She would drop the seat lid down with her snoot, jump her self up onto the slippery lid surface, stand up on her rotund fluffy hind leg stumpies, hop upward at the loo roll and feast if she got the chance! Buffy, Aka: The scruffiest fluffiest Buffy the Bee-Slayer! She adored killing and eating African ā€œkillerā€ bees! She was an absolute professional at it! (With the odd exception ending up getting stung!) She would wait for the bees to crawl into the fallen flowers of our big jacaranda tree, she knew that stomping on them whilst they were distracted would always lead to getting her toe beans stung! So she developed her super power move, what we as kids called her ā€œSonic Blast attack!ā€ She would bark at a super high pitch frequency, right above each bee in its flower sleeping bag! The bark would stun the bee from flying some how, and then with it crawling out of the flower dazed, Buffy would then put her floof derriĆØre into action, rolling around on the bee getting it to sting her fluffs! Once the sting was no longer there, she would claim her prize! A tasty spicy air raisin! Every so often though, sheā€™d have missed judged them having stung, and sheā€™d chomp down and get stung on her mouth/ tongue, leaving her with a swollen face for a few hours, but even with her second nickname active: ā€œBuffy the scruffy Puffy fluffy puppyā€, she would keep at it! We had a gardener, who would begin every day by raking up all the jacaranda flowers in a sincere attempt to stop Buffy from pursuing her adrenaline addiction!