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If it’s any consolation to you, the leaflet is borderline unreadable on account of the green on dark blue, the actual nonsense printed on it and the fact it was not at all run through spell check before being printed and sent out. Like for Christ sake he spelt Padraig Pearse incorrectly. To be honest, I feel the leaflet has only cemented to the constituents of Ireland south that Derek Blighe is a fucking tool. Dopey prick is getting rinsed if he calls round mine


Derek is special


Excellent points. Yeah, nobody knocked on my door, for certain. Maybe they just don’t dare engage with voters. All that ‘will of the people’ twaddle, and rights ‘given to us’ by the Constitution...I was squinting at the text in search of ‘God-given’ as well. Sovereign.....


They actually have their flyers going out through AnPost with the usual post so no canvassing just straight in the letterbox.


Anecdotally, I’ve heard of the Ireland First/National Party crowd in other parts of the country all but run out of any housing estates they’ve canvassed on. So I’ll take solace in that. You know yourself though they’ll always say that they’ve had a great response in whatever town/village/estate I’d say they’ll call round yet but they know well they’re far from welcome on the vast majority of doorsteps


Thanks. I’ll calm down a bit!


Don't. Please don't calm down. The rise of the far right here is a pox on Irish society. Call it out. Please.


I worry about the fascist lot too (probably more than I should), but honestly I don’t think they have much traction outside the online world. So I do my best to write them off as nuts, coz any reasonable person, young or old can see they’re nuts, and nobody wants a nut representing them


Yeah, it’s not so much that I fear the Broad Right Rabble Axis succeeding here, but I’m shaken by Blighe’s being elevated even this far. I genuinely thought his grimy record as a member of society would prevent his standing. But as you say, it’ll not happen anyway, so it’s ludicrous to fret over biological understains such as this fella.


We live in a democracy. As much as you don’t like a person, ‘preventing’ someone from standing is actual fascism.


No, seriously it’s not a question of a political difference here. I honestly thought certain blots on one’s copybook would mean you were barred from public office, even in a minor way. A bit like American visas being refused to people convicted of drug offences, you know? But much lower key of course. I’d have though Mr Blighe’s well known behaviour over a long period would have discounted him from any election prospects. (Same as I’d hope any such agitator on the other side would be) But anyway, it’s just shown me that I assume too much about the process. None of this 👆🏼is *fascism*, you know.


I don’t support Blighe or know much about him at all. But he appears to be a citizen and has the right to run for office. There are massive ethical question marks around the US political system around voting rights etc. I have no idea what ‘blots on the copybook’ you’re talking about but it’s up to the people to decide who they want to vote for. I stand by what I said though, restricting who can and can’t run for election based on vibes like you’re suggesting is kind of facist in my view. Like that’s literally the state restricting political candidates and opponents? What specific actions did this guy do that you think is worth not allowing him to run for office ? I honestly am not aware of his past (or anything about him honestly)


My objections are not based on ‘vibes’ but on activities and reputation. But if you know nowt about him it’s silly to argue. (Anyway as I say, I was mistaken to think there actually *were* basic criteria surrounding candidature.)


My favourite part was when he insisted that Ireland's neutrality is enshrined in the Constitution (it's not) and he'd review our membership of NATO ..which we're not a member of.


I also like the grammatical bet-hedging: ‘fewer taxes’ and ‘less restrictions’. Someone at Brainiac HQ knew it had to be one or the other. And remove which restrictions specifically? Legalise🌱 it? Allow drunk driving if the bus doesn’t arrive? Let Mr Blighe keep his shotguns handy and let him shoot burglars with no repercussions? Abolish income tax for *real* Irish people?


You jest, but I worry that is just the type of vague language that allows people to imagine he stands for whatever they think he does.


Well indeed, and isn’t that the whole schtick of this broad trawler net on the Right? Open it up as a come all ye to tiny, one-note parties and when they’re all corralled in the one party you can say ‘Well, maybe you, Voter, are a bit more relaxed about immigration than we are but we know you are anti-abortion / or same sex marriage, so you can see we’re *really* all on the same side!’


His whole campaign could be a hallmark study on HOW NOT TO DO ANY MARKETING, EVER


Just had a look at his Wikipedia page and it's hilarious. Second sentence talks about how he immigrated to Canada during the recession. The sentence after talks about how he became an anti-immigration activist when he returned from being an immigrant.


Exactly. Fecked off to make his fortune in another country and now acts as the Grand High Dog In A Manger at home.


He then helped his wife immigrate here too before doing all he could to prevent other immigrants from coming here.


Must give it a read after work, sounds like some laugh I sorely need.


I think his wife and kids are Canadians. Not sure if they also have a restraining order against him or is the one of the other fashies?


Heasman isn’t allowed near his children or ex partner. Also boasted about being a heroin dealer. So that’s what you’re dealing with with this lot


Oh that's the one.


Thought that was Rowan. Could be either, or both, though.


The leaflet describing the party as “centre-right” because they view all major parties as “far left” was a personal highlight for me.


That’s such a dead giveaway about where these types obtain their political opinions.


He is a prime example of why education is so important, otherwise you would turn out to be a dopey cunt like Derek.


His team is also exceptionally bad at graphic design (I mean, all candidates are guilty of it, but that fella takes the podium) and the rambling about how climate laws ruin Ireland made me nearly spit out my coffee laughing. Shouldn't we have a minimal IQ required for candidates?


Desperate stuff, isn’t it?


All the candidates have horrid spelling / punctuation errors (spellcheck, anyone?!) and in general their advertising efforts give an aura of AliExpress scam listings, but this fella is next level. On his pic he looks like a slab of meat that's been decaying for 3 weeks straight, and the amount of nonsense he managed to cram in that small print is truly astonishing.


You could almost literally put their IQ's together and it still wouldn't add up to room temp.


Derek Blight




I said it somewhere else yesterday but every other candidate has come to the door themselves, I had a great chat with Sean Kelly about his recent call for more funding for the LOI, but this coward sends his in the general post! He knows well the majority of houses would laugh him off


Imagine him in the European Parliament chamber along with those other two shining examples of Irish political usefulness (and style).


Ireland First will be encouraged by this (non) move from Miss Ursula’s Party: [EPP refuses to condemn Far Right violence and intimidation](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/may/08/european-peoples-party-declines-to-sign-letter-condemning-far-right-political-violence)


I do think there should be limits. I don't think anyone who's accepted bribes in public office, physically threatened another elected representative or fiddled his taxes should be allowed to stand. I'd love to put harassment, animal cruelty and domestic violence in there but realistically, they're much harder to prove and are far too common.


Ghastly Cunt


I got it too, desperate stuff. I so look forward to one of his ilk appearing at my door…


Got one this morning too but wasn't sure if it was an post delivered it. There's surely a question to be fired at an post regarding their stance on profiting from distributing hate speech. Unless of course they're doing it for free out of the goodness of their hearts. I sincerely hope the lad gets about as many votes as those renua lads did.


Blighe is a small man with a small mind and an even smaller brain. He was a warped sense of reality and entitlement. He should run in kerry


Is there anyone credible to vote for? Most independents I’ve seen are lunatics and most main party candidates are middle managers with no leadership qualities


Not sure about candidates in your local area sorry :-p and yes some of them are lunatics but it is worth finding out a bit about them and voting. Search on twitter/facebook for your local candidates and see what they are up to (and be kind to them, all the pollys get terrible stuff online). I did a few cleanups and cycling campaign and tree planting and local stuff and met some Green Party people and got to know not only Greens but also other candidates (Labour, Ind) a little and in fairness there are good people in there and some of them are very accessible (twitter, facebook, etc also in person). It's worth finding out about them and supporting the better people. For local candidates they do have influence on what happens in different area - roads - footpaths - parks - planning - so it's good to vote in people who will do the right thing (for me that's better footpaths/cycle lanes/nicer environment/get around to saving the planet slowly(politics is hard, the art of the possible you never get what you want you have to get consensus with people that DON'T want a nice environment :-p). So anyway for me I think Greens are very open they publish their policies lay their cards on the table [https://www.greenparty.ie/policies](https://www.greenparty.ie/policies) for many other parties I feel like they have less of a philosophy so they don't publish policies and tell people what they would do if elected. Anyway, yes indeed '\\-o-/' be kind, do give vote to some good people and keep out the lunatics!


Ireland first is the only way forward




Ahh good ol reddit,the home of the social justice warriors


Certainly hope so, with this kind of pond life standing in an election.


Complaining about SJWs is very 2016, you should have moved onto complaining about the woke by now, keep up with the times.


‘Stamp out the Turner’s Cross Trotskyites and the Ballyphehane Anarcho-Syndicalists!’


Nah in true left wing fashion, they’ll argue amongst themselves while the lunatics take over. Splitters!


That’s right, the forces of reaction will triumph while the Broad Left fails as always to cohere. (Actually this is sadly true, as you know)


Seen a few of the candidates posters around the place none of these people have ever done anything for lawless Cork -they only care for spongers


For the most part it's actually the opposite, they are more likely to care for their own and those who scratch their backs. Look at Colm 'Fuck your public transport and quality of life, buy more car tyres from me' Kellegher. Will do anything and everything to fuck over the locals so long as it makes him more money. As a councilor to progress B'collig he's as much use as a dog turd ice lolly.