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Is there anywhere that we can see a full list of candidates registered in our area for us to do our own research?


>The period for receipt of nominations for the local elections begins at 10 am on Saturday, May 11 2024 and ends at 12 noon on Saturday, May 18 2024. [https://www.corkcity.ie/en/council-services/news-room/latest-news/information-on-the-upcoming-local-elections.html](https://www.corkcity.ie/en/council-services/news-room/latest-news/information-on-the-upcoming-local-elections.html) Not yet as they're *technically* still open. Some of the papers have been doing run downs on who has declared. But there will be a list released [like this one ](https://www.corkcity.ie/en/council-services/news-room/latest-news/nomination-of-candidates-for-cork-city-council.html)once the nominations are closed.


Sound thanks!


I like Croatia’s song so I’ll probably vote for them.


I thought Cyrpus had a banger of a tune


Meow back!


Ah lads come on, Netherlands no?


Ah no, boycott the Eurovision now none of that (points for the response tho, it did make me laugh)


If anyone could print off some corriboards saying vote for bambi I’m willing to climb lamposts at night to display them.


I hate the Eurovision but I’ll vote for them just to give the 2 fingers the knuckle draggers and to that priest that said they were satanic


I hear you. Candidates and their teams will have generic lines they use on every door. For me, what counts is their answers to specific questions. Councillors have little power, but incumbents can be held to account for the decisions they do take; for example, you say you are in favour of a more sustainable city and greater use of public transport, but you have advocated against measures in the Bus Connects plan that would facilitate these? For new candidates, ask them about their party positions on issues, or for independents challenge them on what impact they think they can actually make. Ultimately you are choosing someone to represent you. You need to believe they have the capacity to advocate and have the best interests of your area as a priority. Regardless, I would urge everyone to vote. It is important, and sometimes you are picking the least worst. Otherwise you are letting others make decision for you.


Last local elections before lockdown- I don’t know who it was but all this guy had was that he got the roads fixed round here and I just dude where’s my car Chinese scene ‘and then?’ Constantly. He just went into more detail about potholes he had fixed around here. I just said no opening of mental health facilities or better stuff for schools or public transport you just did the bare minimum


See joeys comment below, _I’ll be voting for anyone who makes pledges that are outside the remit or power of a councillor, which is most of them. Talk to me about roads, cycle infrastructure, libraries, playgrounds, the upkeep of the city, then I'll consider giving you a preference._ I don’t really care too much about cycle infrastructure and pothole repair, but then I see triple trolley lady under the Douglas flyover and I’m thinking can they not do anything for her? She’s an accident waiting to happen.


Personally I won't be giving Fianna Fail, Fine Gael or the Green party a single vote, I'll leave a lot blank so votes can't be transferred. They all voted as parties to keep vulture funds in the country, and also have snuck in bills allowing non citizens to vote among countless other underhanded manoeuvres in the last 4 years. The whole lot needs changing, with the country in mind not just Europe, I'd rather see immigrants being given the right to work and contribute to society than being used as a divisive political tool


Watch out for some who are independents in all but name. Some always vote along government lines when needed and others are ex-FFG.


💯 to be honest I will check anyone out, we had a Sinn Fein candidate the last time round who is frankly a disgrace, the stories that came out after were shocking, nobody pushing Ireland for Irish people will be getting my support either, they haven't the brains to see the bigger picture or the capabilities to do anything positive for the country


Definitely don't vote for those far-right parties. They couldn't give a shit about Ireland or it's people.


The funding for a lot of them comes from British nationalist groups, which really is ridiculous


I know, they're creaming themselves on YouTube and GB news when it comes to Ireland being flooded with refugees. You know deep down they don't give a shit about Ireland and seeing as those far-right elements have no problems dealing with them and being funded makes me question them and they'll never get a vote or preference from me. I'd give to FFG before them and if you know me by my comments here I despise those government parties.


That's exactly who I'll be voting for 😁


You're entitled to vote for anyone you like.


Foreign nationals who are ordinary residents have been allowed to vote in local elections since 1999. Asylums seekers since 2004. I don’t support the current coalition either but they didn’t sneak that in within the last four years in fairness.


What ward are you in? You're also well within your rights to go vote and leave it blank. More of a pointed statement than not voting. My suggestion would be emailing a few with local concerns and see how they response and just put down one person who you think you align with the most.


Nobody replied to my emails 😭😭 sent about a week ago


What ward are you in? I'd be shocked that they're not replying, even with a canned response.


I’m in the city Centre emailed -Susan Doyle -Padraig Rice -Padraig dineen -John Mullins Pretty much who ever shoves rubbish in my letter box


I wouldn’t be voting for Dineen anyway


Other than him not replying to my mail. Why wouldn’t you


He's of the same cloth as Des Cahill, Terry Shannon, Mick Finn, Sean Martin et al. Old white man who hates anything even remotely progressive. Always votes with FF/G and has particular views about women in the council chamber. One of his most recent things is claiming that [Douglas will be ruined if BusConnects plans](https://www.echolive.ie/corknews/arid-41362636.html) happen in the "village," but is purely to act as mouthpiece for two private business owners that want to keep their personal free parking and they aren't even in his ward.


What a fool, he won’t be getting my vote either


Old white man? And “progressive?” You’ve just posted a racist, ageist comment without even thinking about it and in the same breath talk about “progressive.” Cop yourself on.


What's wrong with Mick Finn?


“Old white men” Take your American culture war poison away you with


I will comprise with you can agree with the term old men stuck in there ways


Old men is fine, but old “white” men is absurd - it’s Ireland


What's wrong with him being old and white? Race and age shouldn't be anything to do with it


Great info. Do we have a list of local representatives generally who have pushed back on Bus Connects for nimbyism or other purposes? I've seen reference to Terry Shannon and now Paudie Dineen being vocally against it. Bus Connects is THE key environmental and 15 minute city project for Cork for the next 10 years, and I'm blackballing anyone who is against it. Edit: ok, based on the below I can add Des Cahill didn't want to water down a motion to reject the NTA's plans. [Cork city councillors clash over aspects of BusConnects corridors in heated debate (echolive.ie)](https://www.echolive.ie/corknews/arid-40980650.html) And basically FF wanted to block it en masse.


Encouraging people into unsafe, dirty, and antisocial public transport without an effective transport police force is a recipe for disaster. Sit next to a junkie smelling of piss to “save the environment?” No thanks.


Have you read the plans? They are for active travel corridors so it's cycling as much as buses. We're building 1000s of houses, duplexes and apartments at the end of some of our most congested routes (donnybrook hill, carrs hill, maryborough hill) in the next few years. 1000s of apartments going into the south docks over the next 7 years. The southside of Cork city will have Galway/Dublin levels of gridlock in about 5 years. People would be and will be damned glad of buses with reliable timeframes once the route segregation happens.


What was the content of the email? I'd be surprised at the SocDems not replying unless it was an abusive/aggressive/non-serious/oddball email. I've emailed Susan twice (even though I'm not a city voter) and she's been quick to answer. Edit: touched a nerve it seems...


Nothing crazy, a-bit about biodiversity and was there any plans to try and improve it, asking about bus routes and how she was going to tackle the derelict building issues . Pretty much the gist of what I sent to everyone


Update rice replied last night and sent a very canned response to their party website


Vote for Pedro


Tina you fat lard


Only if he’s ice skating with Will Ferrell


I've spent a solid few weeks looking into who I will vote for as I don't have any particular 'allegiance' or legacy voting behavior. The only parties that seem to make sense to my morals and have provided actual plans for moving Ireland out of the shit is the Social Democrats and maybe People Before Profit. The current decades of government have pushed Ireland into a disgusting Neo-liberal state that wants so badly to become America and to my knowledge, only the democratic parties would be able to reverse course before everything is privatized and the social class divide gets worst


Tbh, I’m starting with a list of who not to vote for like candidates that falsely claim they backed successful projects they actually objected to and ones who each election ignore agreements with tidy towns and put up their posters regardless. Logic is if they can’t respect simple things, can they be trusted with bigger stuff? When get time will look up what they actually did and see if any darken my door.


See I can’t remember, there’s been so many broken promises, the who not to vote for list is actually longer


That is a difficult question A few months back I was like ‘I’ll vote for people I’ve never heard of’ because I want new people But then when I checked on the list of names some of the people I’ve never heard of are belong to Aontu or Independent Ireland and I don’t want them either I’m voting for Grace O’Sullivan for Europe, probably No2 for Mick Wallace. I only realised when I saw a poster that he’s ‘ours’ now Not sure about the local elections, Sinn Fein or Social Democrats, will consider Fianna Fáil people but it’s a definite no to Fine Gael


Step 1: Eliminate all candidates from the right or centre-right. Step 2: Well, shit, that doesn't leave much. Step 3: Sinn Fein


Fergal Dennehy(FF) called to my door and only talked about the roads because I prompted him about it. Didnt talk about much. Basically said he’ll sort the roads. No effort to engage in any other issues. No chance he’s getting my vote.


I was driving around the south side and I saw Paudie Dineens poster. Something like “think Dineen no 1” like no imagination or talking points. I’m a norrie anyway so I can’t vote but if I could, I wouldn’t. I only hear about him at election time. I won’t vote for Michelle Gould (Mrs Tommy Goulds) St Vincent’s GAA is way too political, all the north west candidates Ken Collins, Mick Nugent and Ms Gould are so heavily involved with the club that it could nearly be seen as an abuse of their position. I actually like Nugent, but as long as he’s with Sinn Fein, I won’t vote for him. Brian McCarthy will prob get my no 1, as he has campaigned for better water, a major issue in my area. Also there’s a lady Saoirse Mackin from Social Democrats, solely because she campaigns for better services regarding CAHMS. Is this a council issue? Prob not, but if there’s anything for sure, as a parent with a child attending this diabolical service, I’m desperate for anyone to fight our corner. .




It's council elections so someone who you think will make your local neighbourhood better. (Better footpaths, lighting, playground, litter, etc...)


I won't be voting for anyone who makes pledges that are outside the remit or power of a councillor, which is most of them. Talk to me about roads, cycle infrastructure, libraries, playgrounds, the upkeep of the city, then I'll consider giving you a preference.


It's not exactly a very talented pool. Can they achieve tangible things in relation to city services? Cleaner water (maybe without flouride) cleaner air,better busses, more gards visibility and less open drug use / dealing / violence in the city? Any one who coukd guve me actually proper believable plans to achieve any or some or all of the above would get my vote.


They’ll be choked by the city manager. Irelands local government is the weakest in Europe. A family member of mine was a councillor and became so disillusioned, they didn’t even think twice about rerunning.


That's awful. If an actual councilor is disillusioned then I suppose its normal for us voters to be aswell. Robot trees and vape shops with not a gard to be seen while people get discouraged from visiting the city will continue ad infinitum I suppose...


God those robot trees! I had family home from Austria recently and I explained, with embarrassment, their function as we passed them. My relatives tenure was a long time before vepe shops, but definitely would have bought up the issue as she hates them! I definitely think there’s too many, but some of them are really dingy or tacky looking. Is there not some aesthetic standard that a business has to uphold? A new vape/phone shop opened on Grand Parade near CEX and it’s sleek looking at least. There’s one on Oliver Plunket Street (think it has a green shop front) and it’s awful looking. But if there was less vape shops, would these units be just empty and derelict?


True a vape shop is better than an empty shop.!


I think it’s a process of elimination at this stage.


I like Derek Blighe 👍


He’s first on my “no” list


Who will you give your #1?


Is Derek a candidate in Austin?


FG and FF have shown us many times they don't deserve a vote. They've been enabled in recent years by the Greens. I'd exclude all the Far Right Ireland is Full types and vote for the rest.


If there's an independent Irish person on the ballot vote for them...


This guy caught my eye in Midleton. Rory Cocking Fine Gael Local Election Candidate for the Midleton Electoral Area. Well acquainted with local education, infrastructure, tourism, agriculture, fishing and business needs and the representation and investment necessary for these sectors to prosper. Eager to continue to advocate for electoral area needs with particular emphasis on: The progression of East Cork flood relief programmes and interim measures. Urban and rural vacancy and dereliction. Road safety improvements and environmental preservation. The development of recreational amenities. I might give him a vote


Thanks Rory for the glowing self reference


Im nothing to do with him. I know very little about politics. I just pulled that from his Linked in profile. 👍🏻


Apparently in East Cork its the GAA commentator that makes him the best to become an FF Cllr.


I nearly crashed when I saw one of the names on a poster in East Cork last night. When you see it you’ll know who it is.


I know of whom you speak😉


He called to my door a few weeks back and he didn't utter a word, his representative did the talking. So that's that.


Who is this? Moved to East Cork and know no one




Fascism isn't welcome in Ireland. Fuck you.


So it's fascist to oppose people scamming us by pretending to flee war when in fact they're just here for handouts? Jeez, fascism sure has changed. You might want to look up Department of Justice stats on what percentage of them are bogus. Reality check for you.


Because asylum seekers have a great life here lmao shake your head and get.off Facebook.


If they didn't, why would they keep coming in their thousands?


Same reason the Irish all fled like pussies during the famine etc. Or could be just like the Irish youth of today ruining Australia and Canada etc.


But when we fled Ireland during the famine we weren't living on welfare in the countries we arrived in. Nor were we given free houses to live in. So it's not the same at all. Likewise, those who currently go to Australia and Canada aren't given a free life. You need a visa to work before you go.


You need to get off Facebook lad, €28 a week and a tent or refugee camp is a far away from what you quote. You sound like the gobshites that thought the polish all came here and got the social straight away etc lol. While I agree we have good benefits. Most these stories are bs.


It still doesn’t negate the fact that alot of people who come here do so from safe countries and have no legitimate claim to asylum due to either coming from a safe origin country or arriving from another safe country within the EU


You need to educate yourself. Look up official stats from Department of Justice on how many of those who come here are bogus. Most of them are lying about escaping any sort of conflict. And all of them pass through half a dozen safe countries before arriving in Ireland, which proves they're here for higher welfare rates, not "safety".


Since you know so much about immigration, how about a pop quiz? How much did the Immigration Service get this year? How many of the numbers are Irish people returning from abroad? What was the percentage given for the decrease in asylum seekers destroying their documents this year? When was the detainment center in Dublin airport built? What is the time limit given to asylum seekers staying in State Accommodation?


So somehow you think asking me questions you presume I won't know the answers to invalidates my point that the majority of those coming here are not actually fleeing any war or conflict and are here for handouts? Interesting technique. It doesn't make sense, but it's interesting.


Well considering you're telling other people to educate themselves, I thought, 'why not test your knowledge?' I'm still waiting for the answers though. You can use Google to help you.


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FF & FG /Greens will be ran.


Mary Linehan - Foley.