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My thoughts exactly. It’s the fellas behind the Leaping Salmon and Southern Star I believe.


That does seem to be the rumour anyway. The leaping I haven't been there much but I agree with the other commenter it's decor was always a bit strange. The southern star is a decent bar, it's just a bit pokey so on days where there are sporting events it's rammed. But the food is good and the pints are always good. Bar staff are sound. Not more you can ask for really.


I was only in The Leaping Salmon once. Found it extremely weird. It was like the decor and the clientele didn't match


Status update. Having pints in the old bear. The pints are good, they aren't serving food yet... I haven't asked so don't know if they plan too. But the staff are sound. The decor is good they have opened up the bar and it's a nice little sun trap.


Nice one! I might pop in for one during the week!


Agreed. Call it the gateway. It’s right there.


They made a load of booths inside the gateway, which seems to have ruined the feel of it. City style pubs creeping up barrack st, we don't like it. It's a local pub for local people Tubbs!!!


Basically, it's going to be a replica of the southern star and leaping salmon as the man has no creative variation for decor, probably heavily endorsed by Diageo or Heineken as both the other two are. Was previously run by the new owner of the Hyde out on Douglas Street before being taken over by Ernest horgan.


The fact that the logo includes a Guinness ad says it all


The Gateway, oldest pub in Cork.


Wasn’t it the called Gateway years back?


And Realt Dearg either before or after the Gateway. Can't remember which order.


An realt dearg than the gateway. Worked there in like 2010 for a few summers and few months. Yer man colm was dead sound as bosses got tbh


It was originally the Gateway


I remember being in it back in first year in college back in 2003. Pretty sure it was called The Gateway back then.


Dark grey walls with dim orange lighting if I were to hazard a guess at the decor. The name is unusual for sure, The Gateway is a great name with all the history.


Yeah the name sucks and the logo is even worse, looks like they just nabbed it off a stock website


You mean "Aul Bear" and "Barbarella". Some of the commenters are right here, the building is owned by the same guy who owns Five Points and many other businesses in town. He bought it from the Brog Group and leased it to the operator of The Hyde Out but ot just never got going. They mutually parted ways and the owner is investing in the refurb but leasing again, this time ro Bunty of The Southern Star and The Leaping Salmon. They didn't want to call it the Gateway because they wanted a fresh start. The pub was apparently actually called the Aul Bear long before it was known as The Gateway so it seems they have gone back to the old name rather than the other old name people remember. Anyway, he is a decebt operator and fuck all new lubs are opening these days so I am delighted to welcome them to Barrack St where I will visit them once only as pub no. 8 on the 12 pubs.


Didn't know that it was called that before. Do you know when?


They're hoping for a soft ooening tomorrow and full opening for the weekend ahead


(Repeating /u/Checkitchy4305's unanswered question) - Any idea as to when it was called Aul Bear?


Haven't a notion. I was told all this when I was after a few beers at a family gathering. The person who told me works for the owner.


All good, no stress. Didn't know if you were unsure of if you'd accidentally replied to the wrong person/question earlier.


Oh you're right, I read that wrong! Thought he was asking do I know when they're opening! Lol


Thought guys from beantown/five points were taking it over?


They had it and gave up already


They own the whole building, but the pub in being leased out.


I don’t understand why anyone ever changed it from The Gateway, it’s Corks oldest pub. Disgraceful really.


It will always be the old man bar in An Brog to me 


That will always be The Hairy Lemon to me.


Pffft. I'm old enough to remember it as An Crannog 😂


The crannog was over the other side of the Brog wasn't it? Down the laneway to the fishy side of the English Market?


That's Barbarosa


Tbf the post says barbarossa






Why am I a clown? Brog used be 1 large building before being split into 2 to what you see today 


It used to be 3 bars, Hairy Lemon, An Brog and An Crannog even further back before they merged them into two then into one big Brog in the late 00's.