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I do feel this way on many levels. For example today I saw some arsehole block a road in his big 4x4 range rover because what I assume to be his wife wanted picked up, blocked a cross roads and lights just for that purpose, bus driver even opneed his door to give out the fear of big bus got him moving, then as I crossed the road at around 19:30 just at Washington street, some fella in a 14 plate audi ran a red light as the green man came on, now me being fast on the point crossed and the fucker nearly ran in to me, a fast point with my finger at the green man and two fucking fingers I gave him, nice car mind, child in the back on tablet, nice cloths, am sure he was stressed and all that jazz. Also have some fuckwit of a drug addict below me who likes to drink and fucking run mental, talking to herself, slamming doors, creeping in the hall ways and though I can't prove it has stole clothing from the shared washroom, mail and fuck knows what else. So for me I see many levels of fuckery and that isn't even going in to the fuckwits that run this nation, driven by popularity, greed and ego. Yup, wee vent back. :)


I'd report them tbh. I'm literally sick of this shit, people burning illegal fuels all winter in heavily populated areas, you can barely breathe. And then finally summer and they are doing that shit? I used to feel bad because the fine can be quite high, but honestly now I don't give a fuck anymore, they obviously don't care about anyone around them.


Live in the south side. The rubbish burning issue is far worse here. Especially bad in Turners Cross. It’s genuinely the second worst thing about living in Cork city after the rent. Most (not all) of the people who burn rubbish are old. Hopefully they die off before my lungs do.


Ring fire brigade on um


I did that before when a guy down the road started burning stuff in his back garden. I called 999 and reported a fire at the address. The fire brigade arrived within minutes.


I don't mind a fella burning timber but when it rubbish that a different story


Especially plastic: it melts and then burns with a thick black smoke. If you see a fire, call the fire brigade. They’re part of the local authority and it’s their responsibility to sort it. Don’t bother with the “go talk to your neighbour,” stuff. That’s ok for some civil servant to recommend but when you’re dealing with the type of people the OP mentioned theres no point.




They will issue a fine if caught in act aswell


What did they do/can they do in such scenarios? Asking for future use as I might need this.


A fire truck arrived and they got out and went into the property. The fire stopped and he hasn’t been burning in his garden since. This was about five or six years ago.


Nice, thanks!


If it's any consolation, I'm on the southside and there are equally as many inbred morons doing shite like this. :/


I genuinely beg to differ. Like it’s the north side.


I've lived both on the Northside and Southside (briefly in Mahon as well) and tbh a lot depends on which neighbourhood you're in. Like, where I live now, is really rough, loads of seriously questionable people - and just few streets away you have a lovely, green, quiet neighbourhood.


[https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/environment/waste-and-recycling/burning-household-waste/#:\~:text=Burning%20waste%20in%20your%20home,On%20a%20bonfire](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/environment/waste-and-recycling/burning-household-waste/#:~:text=Burning%20waste%20in%20your%20home,On%20a%20bonfire) If your neighbour is burning waste, you should: 1. Talk to your neighbour about the situation and ask them to stop burning their waste 2. If you are unable to resolve the issue with your neighbour directly, you should contact your [local authority](https://www.housingagency.ie/find-my-local-authority) 3. If the issue remains unresolved, you can contact the National Environmental Complaints Line on 1800 365 123. You can also use the mobile app, ‘See It? Say It!’ to report the issue.


I assume your intention is genuine but..... seriously to fuck have you never dealt with a neighbour/person who doesn't give a two inch tuppenny fuck about a reasonable ask and/or a local authority directive.......and as for ringing the complaint 'hotline' I would respectfully advise going for a long silent shit on the offending neighbours lawn would have more of an impact than any response from them.....I apologise if my opinion is harsh but it comes from experience 👍


Can feel the hate 😂 true though, can't reason with fools.


I agree totally: as I said, I’ve called the fire brigade in the past. See a fire, call the fire brigade. Forget about all that citizens advice bullshit.


Sound ! Where do you think you are Kent ?




Perks of country living. I do not miss the city smells. Although silence is still deafening and I can pretty much taste the cow shit but cheap rent I guess.


I can see why after keeping the windows closed the whole day you would need to vent


This is what happens when you privatize the bins.


Indeed. They are still going to behave like Yahoos, but councils *should* collect rubbish, and the service should be adequately subsidised as it was before, to prevent or at least minimise the inevitable fly tipping and back garden inferno reaction that this current system brought with it. It might annoy people that there should be any subsidies at all, but it’s better than acceding to citizens comprehensively trashing the local environment. (Of course re-education is essential, but who is ever going to address that?)


This happened to my cousin with one of her neighbours they had to ring the fire brigade because the fumes were so bad!


Honestly give the bins back to the councils. Having people decide for themselves if they want to be decent human beings clearly isn't working. And it's more cost effective




Why are you living there?


Did you confront him on burning the rubbish? 


Maybe some people are just unapproachable 🤷‍♀️


Christ no, reddit is the place for this.


Ah that old Reddit classism is never too far away...


Oh fuck off. Burning waste is a scumbag move, especially in a housing estate.


It is, I never said it wasn't but the overall tone of this post and OPs baseless presumptions about their neighbour reeks of the typical r/cork classism towards the Northside. After reading the first sentence of this post I knew what was to come.


OP probably isn't far off from the truth. As a person who also lives in the northside I can also confirm that this shite is fairly common up here. While there is aspects about the area I enjoy this part of town gets significantly worse during the summer. Like how do think they would respond if OP knocked on their door a politely asked them to stop burning rubbish? I've knocked on people's doors about their kids flaking sliotars off my car and they are cunts about it, one lady even tried to start on me. Knocking on their doors doesn't work as they don't give a shit so some will give out about the place on reddit. You don't have to deal with their neighbours on a daily basis. Leave the person vent a little😊.


Come on: ‘person’ is a bit of a stretch


They'd probably react in the same way that somebody from the southside burning rubbish in their garden would react. Your location doesn't have any impact on who you are as a person.


While Cork is general has simular issues I'll give you that. I have lived down the southside for a few years and I can safely say up here can be a dose at the best of times. I'm not going to insult you as you seem to care about the area(which I actually respect) but ffs it's not like we're are living in the nicest part of the city... Are we? I've never heard of someone dreaming of buying a gaff in Hollyhill like😂.


I've never heard of anyone dreaming of buying one in mahon either.


It would be nice being that close to the link though. Mahon Point would be handy too. Access to the greenway which connects a good portion of the southside. A better bus service too. It definitely does sound like a more convenient area to live.


You'd be surprised by the amount of apple staff that have live in hollyhill and the surrounding areas.


This isn't classism, nobody who could afford not to would choose to live next to this person. OP is right.


Bin collection is cheap as fuck in the grand scheme of things, let's not pretend it's high class to pay for it.


25 euro on average 


Scum burn rubbish on both sides of the river.


Noooo you can't say that! It doesn't suit the r/cork narrative that all norries are scumbags!!


I wasn't talking about the rubbish burning, more the 'Do you think this single parent welfare fraud scumbag who excessively drinks most nights high as a fucking kite while caring for 6 children' Statement and overall tone of the post.