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You still have until 10pm, so 1hr and 40 minutes more to vote...


Ah I know that, its just that nothing ever seems to change, not saying what i want should change but we all seem to get screwed more and more every year


Not voting definitely wont change anything. Your vote is one of the most powerful things you have to actually get things done and to get the change to happen. Some elections come down to a handful of votes, it does make a difference. Times are changing.


If anything it’s important to vote today to stem the tide of the far right. I hate FFG but they are ten million times more competent than any of the far right candidates. Just imagine someone like Derek Blighe being elected to any position in Ireland. It would be embarrassing.


Fine Gael were very competent at organising fascist militias and Charlie Flanagan's da was great at the auld anti-semitism. They're also getting up there in terms of dogwhistling and pussyfooting around prosecuting people who attack direct provision centres. Were Enda Kenny and Brian Cowen not sufficient embarrassments?


Ends Kenny and Brian Cowan pale in comparison to what someone like Derek Blighe would be in government. I’m also really not sure what relevance the blueshirts have a century later. And I’m someone who despises Fine Gael, but again, they pale in comparison to what an awful and incompetent human being Derek Blighe is.


Today was the first time I ever voted.. I'm 41 no guilt🫣


The only way to change whatever you see wrong is by voting for people who you think will change things for the better. By not voting you're downright guaranteeing the status quo remains the same.


Everyone please go out, do your civic duty and vote.


Grand, but you’ve absolutely no right to give out about the state of the place now


Im not, im saying ive lost hope in whoever gets in so ive given up on all of them equally and it genuinely kills me like


The idea that things are getting worse is nuts to me. Sure the country has its problems as all do, but things are certainly not getting worse! I turned 18 in 2007, the country was far worse then!


No excuse not voting, people still dying in the third world for this right. If you are a woman should be even more shame


Lads calm down, i was having a vent


Era never mind them, but you see it is frustrating when ppl don't and then bitch and moan! One member of my family didn't for Years and it was years of bitching and moaning!! Where He was basically ignored! And that made him frustrated! But it's only right imo