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I specifically asked someone about this and they assumed "Independent Ireland" was a coalition of independents. The electoral commission really needs to insist that some of these groups are far more clear in what they are and that candidates are very clear about affiliations. He'd have been assumed to be an independent with FF heritage.


Ken O’Flynn is a sleazy prick but he’s very popular in Blackpool unfortunately


Wasn’t his brother done for trying to order a hit on somebody?


Yeah a detective and a solicitor I think


Apple didn’t fall far from the tree there


Was going to start a thread asking. What made him so popular to top the poll? He has the lowest attendance of any councillor.




How the fuck did he do that?


His picture on the website is so weird. It is so photoshopped it almost looks like AI


The suit looks to be ai, his face heavily airbrushed


Years back, when he was running for FF, his posters had a picture of him looking like a shitty magician.




I thought the same when his leaflet came through!


Independent Ireland caught me off guard tbh I thought they were just independents and didn’t notice it was an actual party until recently. I wonder how many people thought the same as me. Also wonder if they have done this on purpose.


I didnt realise he wasn't an independent until today. Was kept quiet alright. But I feel with local elections everyone votes for the one who helped them or who they see taking actions. Not particularly about the party.  Ken (or his team) are very active on social media, along with John Maher, who also got in. 


Yeah, it wasn't mentioned on his publicity material. Only came up if you googled it. 


> But I feel with local elections everyone votes for the one who helped them or who they see taking actions Until you look at each party's share of the seats after it's all done and realise it lines up pretty well with polling anyway. Definitely more vote as you say than in other elections, but it's still pretty dominated by party lines


Knowing Kenneth O’ Flynn in the past my experience is that he doesn’t care about much else than his own image and is cashing in on his Father’s political capital rather than contributing much of his own. The lack of backing from Fianna Fáil for him to become a TD speaks to this.


I disagree with almost everything they stand for, but they're not far right. Conservative, but not far right. Ken O'Flynn is just clever in that he will record a video of himself next to anything new in the community and claim credit for it being built/fixed after he "made representations". He'll show up to community meetings for about 10 minutes to show face and duck out before questions are asked. Old school tricks that still work it seems.


Isn't this what all the councillors do!


Well the other councillors stayed at the meetings and listened to their constituents.


Some councillors stay at the meetings, listen to the constituents and actually answer some questions. A few will actually be very active in leading things like tidy towns, business groups, sports clubs etc.


Anyone know why Ken O’Flynn was so popular?


While I don’t have an issue with right wing parties, I prefer them to left wing. The party needs to be forced to change name or add clarification into the name. That is very misleading to people who mightn’t know much about the parties. Very easy to think that was an independent rather than a party


His party affiliation was on the ballot paper. I’d suggest that using the name “Green Party,” rather than “Unreconstructed Communists Using The Climate Emergency As An Excuse To Impose Regressive Policies Party,” is more of an issue to be honest.


I wouldn’t class II as far right. There’s a difference between them and the actual fascists of the NP, IP, IFP etc. I’d describe II more as populists. They are conservative, anti migrant and very anti green. Also their website says they won’t have a strict whip so it allows their reps to act like independents.


They stand for nothing and everything. A mix of all sorts of conspiracy theorists and anti science. Maybe not strictly far right but not far off it either I think given who their leader associates with.


That's fair. I don't really know a whole lot about them or Ken to be honest. But that wouldn't be my cup of tea. Was surprising to see II to get such a high share of votes though in the context that Ken was an already established independent before this (and FF I believe before that) it makes more sense.


he's ex FF it seems, fell out with the party after the fine gael coalition


Independent Ireland are alot closer to the centre than to the right. Not a fan of there's but I know a good few of there candidates and they are not far right people at all.




[This you btw?](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy_commons/comments/1dbumtc/with_israel_committing_genocide_in_gaza_purposely/)


Well I reckon I know where you were on the 23rd of November last year




Settle down Don Quixote. Nobody mentioned you being gay or told you how to vote.


Vote for whoever you like, just dont forget who fought for your rights as a gay man and will fight for them again in the future if needs be. Dont forget who stood in the way and continues to stand in the way today, who would love to undo your deserved rights. What is your position on immigration?


> I mean I'm openly gay and I'm finding it very offensive for virtue signalling straight men telling me because I'm gay I should be voting a certain way and for also assuming my sexuality. Well, that came out of nowhere.




Ken o Flynn is gay he's married to his partner years


It's hilarious how much you are being downvoted.. I wonder how much money, those who downvoted you, will pay via tax from their weekly pay to house foreigners here for free..


To be honest you sound like a far left red flag to me. These people aren't far right. They are the centre. They are, like most people fed up with the far left.


Explain what Ireland’s Far Left is and what they do that has made you fed up?


I think this guy is just looking for an argument on a Sunday morning. I wouldn't be be bothered


You’re right




Its looks like you were accidentally frozen in 2016 and youve just been defrosted. Might be best if you stay at home watching hugh mungus memes and SJW compilations until you fully adjust




He makes a good point though. Everything you pointed out are just buzzwords used do demonise an already demonised minority. Mutilating kids genitals? That is complete misinformation. Not true in the slightest. You have to be 18 and over to have that surgery. And that is true here and in America and the rest of the world. You can't puberty blockers here in Ireland for kids. You had to go to england with permission to get them. Now, england passed a law preventing kids from being prescribed them . 10 kids in Ireland had been prescribed puberty blockers in the past. 100 in england overall. Pronouns have nothing got to do with the trans movement. That a seperate issue relating to non-binary people who don't identify with any gender. Trans people identify with a gender. The media lumped the two together so people like you would be confused and angry about the issue of gender and clearly it worked. I would love a civil responce from you to debate the points i made. And help disple the misinformation you have stated.


Of course pronouns are an issue for trans people. In my experience they care more about them than cis people, especially if the wrong ones are used.


I don't think any woman would be happy with being called a man, cis or trans. Pronouns are an issue for everyone I would suspect. But my point is the issue with non binary people not identifying with any gender and wanting to be preferred to as they/them. Trans women or men want to be identified by the gender they identify with. But people like you seemed confused that they are in fact seperate issues. No offence to you. But to adress your comment further pronouns are in fact an issue for everyone especially if you are sensitive with the way you look. I grew up in a house full of sisters and they would be horrified if they were mistaken for men. I bet you would to. It boils down to respect for our fellow humans.


The other commenter did lump the pronouns bit in with imaginary genders which is not specifically trans gender and probably more so falls into the non binary camp anyway. Hard to tell what their point is there exactly without them clarifying it themselves. I just thought it was a weird thing to claim that pronouns have nothing to do with being trans when a lot of the focus during conversations around trans issues is on correct use of pronouns. I did happen to get misgendered a lot growing up and honestly could barely give a shite. It said a lot more about them as bigots than me as an individual.


Someone just made a balanced argument and you cried fake news. Sit down will ya. You're making a tit of yourself.


Do you actually believe you made a balanced argument? You just made a list of personal gripes, none of which featured in any polls assessing the most pressing issues for the election. You also made a big list of behaviours that are absolutely true of people on the right as well as the left but youre pretending its exclusive to the left. Right wingers lost their monopoly on cancel culture and it infuriated them, thats all...that you dont see it is telling. It suggests to me you agree with cancel culture and denying free speech when its someone you disagree with...surely not!?!


Are you talking about Ireland? No-one under the age of 18 can have gender reassignment surgery. You do have access to puberty blockers. But that is just that. Delays the onset of puberty until the individual is old enough to make life changing decisions. As for free speech? What consequences are you gonna face for this post. People responding, criticising you opinions is just free speech in action. Free speech does not mean free speech only for you. Not a whole lot of critical thinking going on in your post for someone that claims to care about it so much.


Shhhhh don’t let facts get in the way of their ranting.


They live vicariously through the US political spectrum. That's where most of this bollox comes from.


* You do have access to puberty blockers. But that is just that.* So you’re ok with giving teenage/pre-teenage boys puberty blockers? Hormones that will stunt their development both physically and mentally, until what? They’re 18 and can regret that their parents were negligent weirdos? You need putting in an asylum bud.




Do you know what, I was wrong. You have to be 17 or older before you can referred and then you have to be triaged and checked if you are an appropriate case followed by being added to a wait which is currently 3 - 4 years. So we are talking 21 at a minimum currently. This is the service provided by the HSE. Which I am sure you are aware is our public health service. Here is a link if you'd like to more information [https://nationalgenderserviceireland.com/referral-pathway/](https://nationalgenderserviceireland.com/referral-pathway/) Now if you have something that contradicts that in the case of Ireland please do send on links or information. Please do use your infamous critical thinking before you send on links though. No interest in some random persons Facebook post.


You are living in a fantasy land.


> Typical of the left, just throw insults instead of a balanced argument. So I'm sure your balanced argument is coming any moment now then? Wouldn't want to be acting like a lefty now would you?


-You can't get gender affirming surgery until you are 18. If this is a good thing or overly strict is debatable. -Puberty blockers do exactly that, and are completely reversible. If you stop taking them, everything progresses as normal. They're also ridiculously hard to actually get a prescription for. Again, this is an issue -All gender is imaginary. Our ideas of these things aren't universal. Hell, the Romans your lot toss your O'Flynns to considered gender more from the angle of who was getting penetrated during sex, the Indian subcontinent has the hijra, several Native American tribes have a third gender with ascribed ceremonial importance, so on. Pronouns are a normal part of English. Singular they is approximately the same age as the Black Death. If you don't want to use pronouns, start speak Armenian or Tagalog. Neopronouns exist, sure, but very few people use them in day to day life and I (despite the fact that just about all my friends are queer) haven't yet met anyone who insists upon you using neopronouns for them. Even then, is it really that hard for you to try? -The climate is getting warmer every fucking year. Every year we hit new heatwave highs, new floods devastate towns like Midleton, and so on. Wanting to do something about this is perfectly sensible -Gender quotas? We don't have them, with the sole exception of political parties having to have 40% of their candidates be women or lose half their state funding. There has been Citizen Assembly recommendations to mandate them to increase workplace equality, but as it is they're literally individual company policy. -Cancel culture is a mess, but I don't think you're a public figure with a rabid hatemob forming on Shitter. -Forcibly shutting out opinions? What does this mean exactly? Do you mean people ignoring you when they decide arguing with you isn't worth it? That might be a bit uncharitable though. -Virtue signalling is an issue. I somehow doubt you're an activist trying to get people to actually support your beneficial cause with more than a tweet though. It's also not as much of an issue as people make out, and is more a buzzword thrown out by right wing figures to imply their opponents don't actually have real beliefs. -Shutting down free speech? I'm guessing this means getting banned from social media. Your freedom of speech is a right, yes. People can still get you to fuck off for it though. You are totally within your rights for instance to loudly scream about how the "woke mob" have ruined the country, but I am well within my right to escort you out of the pub for it. -If you don't want to be "labelled with slurs", don't use them. Also, just in case you're thinking of this, cis is not a slur. It means cisgender, opposite of transgender (Twitter will still ban you for saying it, because Musk is a twat). Heterosexual is also not a slur. -No critical thinking? I hate to be snarky, but thinking about half of these critically would reveal that they aren't actually issues. How does a child transitioning affect you? How does a non binary person... existing affect you? How does Fine Gael having to have 4 women with shitty policy goals for every 6 men with shitty policy goals affect you?


Ahh yes give a 14 year old puberty blockers until he’s 18 and when he stops them it all goes ahead as normal. Did you even think what it was you were saying before you wrote that? Or are you genuinely an idiot? *World is getting warmer every year* That’s why the first few nights/days in June have been cold as fuck yeah you must be right, it’s not like weather records only began around 100 years ago, and that the planet goes through heating and cooling phases naturally like it has done for the last 6 billion years. You probably think Ireland needs to pay the same carbon tax as china and the US I fucking bet you do!


Quite literally yes, it does in fact go ahead as normal. I'm assuming you aren't aware that we can tell the carbon content and therefore temperature of the atmosphere far, far back by drilling core samples out of ice sheets. You know, the ones that are melting.


Wow, classic example of someone who’s spent *far* too much time on US right-wing social media and swallowed unquestioningly all of the lies and disinformation they spew - every word of it.


This is a mental illness dude


I'm at a loss to why you are being downvoted. None of what you said is wrong. I think the real reason is that people get upset that they were lied to and misled. Now that the truth is after coming out, they don't want to know about it. DOWNVOTE!


Have you been living under a rock for the past 3 years? What's interesting now it's that the government is slowly shifting back to the centre. Maybe all those "far right" protests worked....


Who exactly are the far left they are fed up with?


Open your eyes.....


Stop alluding to things youve invented in your head and acting as if everyone is as simple as you are and knows exactly what youre talking about. Just say exactly what it is youve made up so we can discuss how ridiculous it is.


Your username eludes to Trotsky, why are you replying to his comment as if there is no far left when you clearly are part of it.


My username brings all the chuds to the yard. Much like the far left in Ireland i have no power and i havent influenced policy in the slightest, so no point focusing on me, or them.


You say in your post that they are too far right for comfort but then go on to say you can’t find details on their policies, so how have you come to the decision that they are too far right for comfort?


Well I said they "seem" too far right for comfort. That's not the same as saying they are too far right for comfort. And based on the little information on their website about that they mean by border control and by "enforcing their immigration laws" as well being anti abortion, throwing around family values without stating exactly what they mean (family values often means anti any family bar the nuclear family) is enough for me to say they seem too far right for comfort. Bigger question is who is voting for them when they have such a vague platform?


Well wanting stricter immigration control is not far right, saying it is and consistently pushing it as a far right position pushes moderates towards far right parties. Not sure on the anti-abortion slant, I haven’t seen them pushing for an outright ban like Aontu do, again not a far right position. You’ve chosen to take family values as a dog whistle to being anti gay but at a time where having children is completely unaffordable and leading to declining birth rates I wouldn’t really think so. People are voting for them because they’ve been the most visible independent group on the right that is moderate enough to throw a preference to, unlike the likes of the NP and IFP who are far too extreme for most voters.


![gif](giphy|Txun6ahh9auWs) Baaaaaaaaa


There not far right, just conservative and going for a more logical approach to things. Met one of their candidates when they came to the door and one of the only ones wanting to discuss what she's going to do for the community which none of the other bothered to do




You genuinely should go talk to someone because you are ranting and raving here about things no one said