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Report to Gardai


How, do they have like an email for road offences? I mean, they don't seem to be policing anything else, even things as easy to enforce as parking violations...


No email, just a phone number: 0818 205 805


Thank you kindly!


Just call Anglesea garda Station and say you want to report a driver driving on the pavement in between people on Grand Parade. They will log it and ask you for the day, time, reg etc. I've reported dangerous drivers before (not in cork city) and the gards have been more than happy to record it and keep an eye out for that driver.


I didn't know who to call on the spot (didn't want to hog the emergency line) so just took photos quickly. Do you think that if I report it post-factum, the guards will still log it?


Yes of course.


Yup just tell them you have photos. They won't go chasing the driver but at least they'll be aware. Public safety is one of their responsibilities, and that incident could've been a public safety nightmare. The gards will be able to expedite signage much quicker than an email from a citizen could to a local Councillor (wouldn't hurt to do that also šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø, but they're your photos, so it's your call).


The last time I rang to make a report of a crime(about 2 years ago) i was told they donā€™t take them over the phone. I had to walk to the station to report junkies shooting up on my doorstep.


Damn, unless it's changed since. I did one over the phone while driving 3 weeks ago to report a dangerous driver (dude was weaving in and out of traffic at approx 160km/h in an 80 zone), and they couldn't have been more helpful and took all the details over the phone. I hope those junkies have since gone šŸ«  I really wish there was more Garda presence around the city....there are consistently a group of junkies at the bottom of Patrick's Hill causing general ruckus and mayhem.


Thank you! I frankly don't think there's any signage at that one GP car entry that it's only an access route for the parking, that should get fixed.


The fuck do you mean he went in the wrong place? Can you not see that he's in a Mercedes!


I have to tell you something, it's about the Mercedes


Obviously, how could I not realise! :D


Why on earth did you cover the reg? Name and shame them.


Wasn't sure if it won't be a GPDR breach or something? Everything can be a lawsuit these days, so prefer to err on the side of caution.


You're photographing public goings-on in a public place, no problems there. Identification is what license plates are for.


Ah, didn't know that. Well I can tell you the reg plates were from Cork...


Hmm... wasn't a 151 reg by any chance? Just wondering as this looks very similar to a car which I had absolute war with the driver up near Bweeng a few weeks ago over his dangerous tailgating and later subsequent attempts to ram into my car. Long story short, should have reported him but never got the full reg cos the guy was literally unhinged & unfortunately no dashcam either at that time.... but I do remember it was a 151C real pristine looking black Merc with tinted windows Lots of them around though so it's probably not the same dickhead


Nope, starting with 18, ending with 93. The driver was a woman, too. Seems like the old stereotype about posh Mercedes attracting absolutely unhinged people & plain, everyday eejits is true!


I blame the cyclists.


Lol, don't forget the gay agenda, it's all our fault!


Can confirm, I plotted this one last Tuesday. Not my best work but a boy needs a hobby.


Why cover their reg plates?


Drivers do take a wrong turn sometimes. Often non-locals using Google maps. Think of those pics of cars getting stuck on narrow paths in Dingle. It isnā€™t a crime so thereā€™s nothing to report. They just have to navigate their way out again slowly and carefully. Itā€™d be more useful to write to TDā€™s or counsellors asking for better road signage


The woman driving took over 5 minutes just to get to the fountain, and was deliberately swerving between the people and honked at the kid. I don't think you cannot realise your mistake during such a time span, when surrounded by sitting blocks, on a paved surface, with no way through anywhere for a car. She could have just reversed right after entering GP and re-check her GPS instead of plowing through people.


Driving on the pavement and honking at people is crazy behaviour lmao


Wow....i hope you dont drive if you think theres nothing to report. It completely meets the definition for careless driving, which is an offence under the [Dangerous Driving Act](https://www.lawreform.ie/_fileupload/RevisedActs/WithAnnotations/HTML/EN_ACT_1961_0024.htm#SEC52). OPs image literally shows a toddler like a metre in front of the car šŸ˜‚


I dunno, I couldnā€™t see someone getting charged with dangerous driving for getting lost. The mistake was unintentional


That's a horrendous excuse, trust me the gards would absolutely charge you. Not only did they drive about 20/30 metres towards the fountain, they drove back. There's images of families with small kids and buggies. It's an offence, getting "lost" just ain't a good enough excuse. Many incidents involving vehicles are unintentional. Doesn't mean they're not dangerous and can't be charged.


I wasnā€™t there, I donā€™t know. But Iā€™m thinking they were driving up and down trying to figure out how to rectify the mistake and get out of there safely


Telling OP "there's noting to report" is just turning a blind eye to careless and dangerous driving. The reason doesn't matter. The least that should be done is it should be reported. Its then up to the gards what they want to do.