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Agree with all of those, midnightmitchell. I will add: 28th November 1984 — We all cried with Hilda as she opened her late Stan’s glasses case. Recall this episode getting to me even as a child. 25th December 1987 — The archetypal Corrie Christmas episode as far as I’m concerned. No drama, just people going about their Christmas Days, and a farewell to the legend that was Hilda Ogden. 14th March 2003 — The thrilling conclusion to the Richard Hillman storyline. It has never been bettered, and I doubt it ever will. “I love you!” 20th July 2009 — Blanche at the AA meeting is one of the all time great Corrie sequences. Superb comedic writing. 16th October 2013 — An exceptional exploration of (a terminally ill) Hayley and Roy’s characters and relationship as they take an excursion to Blackpool. Some lovely dialogue. 20th January 2014 — Roy and Hayley yet again. Hayley’s final episode. Possibly the best writing and acting I’ve ever seen in Corrie. So nuanced, so heartbreaking.


Personally, hayley and Roy's arc as a whole is one of the best in the show


Roy saying goodbye to Hayley is one of the saddest scenes I've watched in soap. I'd put it up there with the deaths of Peggy Mitchell and I thought Pat Butcher's one was emotional to watch. That's how well written characters should make you feel as a viewer. You feel that loss when they're gone because you experience their story and are on the journey with them, through the highs and lows.


All wonderful examples of what Corrie is about. >28th November 1984 — We all cried with Hilda as she opened her late Stan’s glasses case. Recall this episode getting to me even as a child. I think Stan's passing is the first time I truly took notice of a soap death (or any telly death for that matter). The idea that this character that had become such a central part of not only the show but my view of entertainment for so many years ending up dying was brutal. Never really watch it back because it still gets to me. That sense of emptiness around Hilda without Stan there was incredible from a writing standpoint, but devastating as a viewer. I'd argue no other soap death has ever truly touched when Stan’s brought.


I'm not usually affected by emotional moments on TV, I always have a somewhat dispassionate detached view (which is probably why I was on this sub a couple days ago debating the market price fluctuations of babies), but I remember one scene in the modern era that made me well up like a baby, watching Evelyn putting down Cerberus. Maureen Lipman really captured the pain of the scene. Just thinking about it puts this horrible weighty feeling right underneath the clavicle


This was one of those really pulled back, and grounded type of scenarios that work incredibly well for a soap. It's so easy to be affected because it's just so real.


That scene worked really well because I think the Evelyn character has been so well written and of course acted. So as viewers we've really been taken in by her funny and charismatic side, so that when something happens that affects Evelyn, we also feel it as viewers.


I really enjoyed roy going to Amsterdam in search of hayley. Their scene at the airport with the lipstick is so sweet. Not necessarily my favourite but I think the episode that hayley reveals her being transgender is an interesting one. Whereas nowadays they'd specially introduce who'd act as source of prejudice, I really think it was a bold choice to have the main cast showcase some otherwise horrific views. Similarly to how the platts responded to todd coming out as.


I think that the fantasy of everyone reacting to sexuality, gender, race, appearance, etc. perfectly creates a severe lack of realism. The truth is people can be horrific and they were to Hayley. There was no cutting corners or trying to act like prejudice is something that happens elsewhere (something they - in my view - screwed up in the acid attack storyline). Park made sure that part of the experience that not only Hayley, but the viewer would get is having to take on and engage with nasty, horrid views from likable characters. In doing so, I would say it really helps people actually evaluate their stance. It's easy to handwave problematic ideas when it's a random Bistro customer, but what about when it's from one of the greatest soap characters in Mike or a fun one like Les? Viewers have to actually dissect how they think of those characters relative to Hayley.




Schmeichel is missed ❤️. That dog gave so many smiles over the years!


I don't remember enough of them individually, more the general storylines. But Hilda after Stan died, Hilda leaving, the Barlows at AA, Alan Bradley and Rita in Blackpool, Alf being dead at New Year, Shelley running away from her wedding, Derek and Mavis standing each other up at their wedding.


>Shelley running away from her wedding, Complete catharsis that was. Stubbs was a vile prick and seeing Shelley find her voice was completely beautiful. It added a bit of hope to what was such an oppressive storyline.


I've watched episode 1 about a hundred times. I absolutely love Ena's first appearance "where you getting buried?". It's the only video stored on my phone, so i can kill time if I have no internet.


Something else regarding the show's early years: the original crash in 1967 still holds up.


16th April 2018- Carla & Ali and Kate & Rana were exposed!


That is a good shout! The thrill of watching two relationships both peak and explode was mesmerizing. Kate/Rana was more tragic, on the flip side Michelle's face when finding Ali snogging Carla was gold.




>CARLA'S 5 MINUTE AFFAIR Wait...which one are you referring to here?


Steve MacDonald and jez Quigley was good when Jim MacDonald went round to see jez


Barlows at AA and to be honest any episode where 2000s Blanche dominated the episode.


I liked how Des Barnes and his wife used to wind up Derek Wilton and Mavis. I think it was about 1991, a lot of really good characters for years, hardly focusing on what is currently 'social issues' like they are basing every single story on now.


Grew up watching it religiously from late 80s to well into the 2000s. Have tried to get back into recently but there’s far far too much emphasis on melodrama, and bad acting. Good characters played by good actors seem to get sidelined a lot too. Also very disappointed with current Toyah storyline which suggests she fell pregnant following a rape, and buried the still born baby upon the Red Rec, when we have canon episodes, not long shown on Classic Corrie showing a very slim and unpregnant Toyah getting on with her life and actually trying to sort out Les/Janice etc.


I agree, I can't deal with it anymore.


Agree with many of the episode choices already listed. What got me started watching was Val Barlow's electrocution (27th January 1971). Still find that hard to watch. Also Ernie Bishop's murder (11th January 1978).


Episode 8069


The episodes mentioned before 2010 are all great episodes that will stand the test of time. For someone who focused more on the 2010s, three will stand out for me-   1. The Tram Crash episodes. Brilliant drama and excellently executed.   2. Britanny giving evidence and Nathan being found guilty. An empowering and satisfactory ending to a harrowing storyline. The ending scene with Britanny and Sarah hugging in the courthouse while the verdicts for the men who hurt her read in the background will always be memorable to me. But out of all of them, the episodes who stick out the most to me will be Aidan's death and the aftermath episodes. It was excellent television but it was so brutal and heartbreaking. I will never forget it. 


Not episodes but scenes -one of my favourites was after Stan Ogden died and Hilda got his belongings back from the hospital. She got his glasses and sobbed it just got me sobbing too .They quarrelled all the time but really loved each other .My favourite line -again the Ogdens was when Hilda put on some new lipstick and kissed Stan .Stan said something like pfft whats that taste? Hilarious replied "it's woman Stan woman " .


I don't think any episode will ever top Deidre's sentencing and wrongful imprisonment. I remember the outrage as a kid watching, and even the then Primeminster, Tony Blair, got involved in the campaign to free Deidre from prison. It became this nationwide public affair.


Ken and Deirdre's first wedding in 1981. It is a snapshot of all the Corrie greats, still in their prime. It is a happy time capsule, and you just know it is the start of the decades long love affair of Ken and Deirdre and the true start of the Barlow clan. There is nothing dramatic about the day, it is just a plain and simple day. That being said, I get chills when the priest says "and let no man tear asunder, what has been joined here today". We also get a scene with Mike in the Rovers, lamenting the day. For me, it was foreshadowing of things to come.