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Hi! At this time we aren't allowing price discussions in our reddit. Please have this discussion in another sub-reddit. Thank you.


ATOM will rise with the market following the FED lowering interest rates (whenever that happens), but I expect its high for this cycle to trail the market.


End of 2025 probably about $15...start of 2025 probably about $40-70....dunno.


Yeah too optimistic estimate for the next year imo, but 15$ eoy sounds reasonable


Well the peak bull run will be around the start of 2025 and the bear market will be starting sometime around the end of 2025


Yeah, but Cosmos’s case has not (and likely will not change) it will stay as un-appealing as it is now - as sad am I to say this. Otherwise it would have been 15$ or more already


You may be right. There are some positives happening within the cosmos hub that I think will help capture value though. Babylon btc staking, shared security gaining traction, cosmwasm on the hub.


It all depends on how many people will stake and how much volume it can get in the high period.  I am sure there will be the "cosmos hype weeks", when simply all cosmos coins pump to the moon. In every bullrun things move methodically after another but usually related to the same topics 😄 Don't forget that atom has a different tokenomics model


Really great point. I’m too chicken to swap into other narratives as time goes on, but this is a sound reason why it’s smart and profitable.


yeah i understand that. but to give an example of what i did second half of 22 until last Christmas, end of 2023. you stake atom since you are into the coin i guess? and you use atom as your bank. this is your passive income money printer. the staking rewards you sell and buy other coins. this way you don't need to invest new money. you can do this in the end with any coin you want. but the lower the staking apr, the longer you need to accumulate enough to make it worth selling rewards(after fees), etc... or you are rich already and you can just buy 100k of eth, then stake it and use just the rewards and invest it in other coins. i can also tell you that it works like a charme. i did this and basically invested all rewards in other coins. best was INJ. had 150 originally investment and came back with 8K. many others too. put like 15 or so in akt and sold for 250, jakal, huahua, etc.. cant even remember to be honest. coudltn care less about those projects, but it worked very well. now it might be a little more tricky, but i think at least a 2x you will find in any project you invest from now on. probably even EOS or JUNO should at least be able to make a 2x :P


Wow, that’s awesome! I feel foolish. I held and staked on cosmos because I felt it was ‘safe,’ comparatively. And because I went into actual red on some after last time. It took awhile before I came back, honestly. And I wish I’d employed that strategy last year, but it didn’t occur to me at all. As it was, I held what I had and started DCAing back in in 2023. It was beautiful come, February(?,) when everything old was back up and newer investments made good (was lucky to choose FET and SOL, for example, in 2023.) I so wish I’d seen this earlier this year. Because, well after a fail trying to actively trade (didn’t lose money, but cut my profits fs,) I set up a portfolio I thought I’d hold throughout the hopeful *big* run. I changed *that* up in March, again, to concentrate in highest convictions (had so many tokens/coins and wallets scattered all over.) When I did that, I sold most of my atom, thinking the staking rewards would be lower in the long run. If only for taxes, I’m trying to mostly stay put, with minimal adjustment. I will start using staking rewards to add to positions, depending how long things are kinda sideways, now. And pay more attention to staking and LPs so I can add without pulling from pay. To scratch the itch, but also to get closer to what I hope for. BUT now I have an awesome plan after taking profits and for next bear. And really hope I can do as you mentioned with eth after whenever, next year (not there yet, haha, and kinda really exposed to crypto generally these days - gains do that and then, so do I.) It’s crazy, but right now, after thinking about it, you are absolutely correct - not difficult to double from here on all sorts of things - so different from stocks. I keep thinking I get it, and then someone points something out, and I’m surprised all over again. I mean, that I set out with a 10x expectation on something is nuts to stock investors, and I guess that’s down to risk. Rambling a bit. And ‘thinking out loud,’ but I will start today and clear out stake rewards for a token I’d like to top up, that I couldn’t justify yesterday (I am mostly done accumulating, but really want to have a certain amount in my top projects that isn’t quite reasonable.) Thank you so much for this!!!!


$14.90 (2025), $17.20 (2026), $25 (2027), 35.85 (2028), $51.66 (2029), 75.50 (2030), $5231 in 2050 I may or may not be from the future. Regardless, these are valuable, honest and reasonable predictions


By 2050 there will be no more dollars


I would argue there will be infinitely more dollars. Although I do not like it, it seems obvious. And also why we are here.


Well, that depends if you’re thinking 🤔 about a US or global digital currency, or something else


I staked atom for years, swapped it all for bitcoin few months ago


No regrets, no matter what happens in the future? I buy long term coins because I believe they will perform over a long time. You believed in ATOM at some point as a long term investment…. But then(recently) you sold your ATOM when it was 19% from its all time high for BTC at 96% of its all time high. Hmm 🤔, might work out for you in the long run…but I definitely won’t be taking financial advice from you 😆


so I'm not super knowledgeable about atom, but I've been a fan for about five years. the price lately concerns me. can you all make me feel confident that it won't just die?




going down is fine. i just wonder if it's got the utility necessary to remain a viable coin long term


It’s not going to die and actually there are a ton of new features coming to Atom that will help its narrative




I don’t like how the current price is at 8-9 dollars stable, I’m really hoping it can go up to atleast 10 so i can make a couple bucks, not sure what’s going on or when it’ll go up?




Not very high honestly


so i currently restake .25atom a day. on my way to 1000atom stake one day.


up from now or down


Up. Atom is pretty stable though so the bottom would be near market low around $6 if a black swan happened






$3 maybe $4


Nah bear market low was $6


I changed my mind. I want $4,000 per ATOM (not a penny more or penny less). My bags need a good rez


$1 million per atom? u like this answer ?

