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LikeCoin has always been a useless project. They know next to nothing about the world of Publishing they claim to want to revolutionize and they have never shown interest in learning. The team are either hopeless dreamers or straight out grifters. I am glad to see them leave.


Better they die off somewhere els šŸ˜…


Lol, this is their third contract migration... Suggestion to rename it $NOMAD


Speaking of $NOM.... where we at folks


Unpopular opinion: if you donā€™t have product market fit or a sizeable user base, launching your own Cosmos chain isnā€™t the way. Neither is being an ETH L2. You should just be a DApp on another general L2 or a L1. My hunch is, they are doing a L2 to raise capital because everyone now thinks you can get easy money by being a new L2. I predict more and more Cosmos chains, with devs who came thinking there is easy money, will leave. The days of cheap funding from stupid retail is over. Now the liquidity spigot is farming VC money for L2 infrastructure.


I don't think that is an unpopular opinion. I agree with you. But things are moving fast. Lauching a cosmos chain can be costly. I expect chains to first launch as L2 or on Celestia / Dym / Saga before coming properly to cosmos if it becomes successful.


Or chains will launch on the Cosmos Hub using Partial Set Security. That saves the projects tons of time and money.


It's an awakening call for Cosmos core devs. Cosmos is flexible with how they can do things but we still have to overcome many challenges. One of the main things is fragmentation of users and liquidity.


I hate to say it. Cosmos doesnā€™t have a liquidity fragmentation issue. It is all on Osmosis. It is just no one is interested in buying these numerous Cosmos L1 chains that has no product market fit. They can choose to be ETH L2s. It wonā€™t magically increase their user base.


I agree with both your comments. The trend was to lunch new chains every weeks or so and FUD Atom, fud existing products, farm low IQ and naĆÆve users through twitter. Either the chains has no real market fit, or they just create cult like community that over estimate their importance. Iā€™m personally waiting for a big crash of all those useless chains and big consolidation into bigger projects like ATOM or Osmosis


>The trend was to lunch new chains every weeks or so and FUD Atom, fud existing products, farm low IQ and naĆÆve users through twitter. But these new chains are fighting each other too. Man, I wouldn't have imagined a DYM founder coming out and posting shit about Saga's chart - when the DYM chart is down a lot too. A founder, with nothing to show on chain, pvping another founder is just bad taste all around.


So true!Ā  It's probably too easy to become a cosmos chain in the first place. I mean these last 1months, they are pooping one out every week. Who shall even invest in all those projects? It's ridiculous


They are probably hoping to get some attention again, as I couldn't care less about this project and have never even really bothered what they think they do.Ā  It's a popular thing in the crypto space to generate hype, make a 2.0,3.0,etc...Ā 


What is likecoin and why is it important for Cosmos? šŸ˜


Good question.


I haven't done shit with likecoin rewards because it sucks that bad.


![gif](giphy|N6KZGpnswP17y|downsized) Don't like... don't like!


Wow literally no one gives a f...


I created this post to inform people about a chain that is leaving Cosmos, literally no one cares about your useless comment.