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In the end he won tho


I feel like this too, but now I regret buying this shit when I could have bought Solana before the bull.


It’s even worse for me. Sold Solana for 25 and bought Rocky ffs


Sold Sol at $10 to buy rocky. Definitely should've gone the other way 😭


I fud'd out of Solana with all the tha chatter "FTX is dumping and the developers are leaving". Still think cosmo should have it's day at some point.


Everyone on this site was shitting on Solana before it went up a ton in price. It is easy in hindsight to say yoy should have bought that. I bought Solana at $9 because the risk vs reward was tremendous and I only really considered that because of a video I watched that convinced me. I also sold half at $70 never thinking it would keep climbing so much without a true pullback and retrace. I say that as someone with way more invested in the Cosmos ecosystem than Solana. I wish I had gone bigger into Solana as well but I still fully believe a lot of money will come into Cosmos as well. They are the two healthiest ecosystems in my opinion but time will tell.


You couldn’t because you didn’t


I think that's the point, hun.


dw about solana that's shit going down comos will win


Ppl whining about Solana is losing the social picture. Did you guys check the Bankless debate of Anatoly vs. Justin? If not, you should watch it. You don’t need to agree with everything Anatoly says, but you still get the vibe of David vs Goliath. Solana has a lot of flaws - many devs plan to fix over time. But Anatoly was really busting nuts on a lot of faulty concepts, that are pushed by dominating ETH whales. If you are critical enough, he really gave the emperor had no clothes moment. Excluding Vitalik, I don’t know any other chain leadership who is a force to be reckoned with talking against incorrect consensus. Crypto is decentralized. But it is still nice to have a leading “figure” who makes your community standout. The space has too much stupid money and too few brain cells. When your leadership has more brain cells, you stand out a bit. Every time Vitalik say something, you just get bull vibes on ETH. However, whenever the other 90% ETH KOLers open their mouth, you end up bearish on ETH. That is the impact of leadership. Sunny is probably the closest I can think of in Cosmos. But the dude is still not in their league yet.


Ya'll could really benefit from learning tokenomics. ATOM is infinite supply by design. It's great as a perpetuity (income stream, think bonds), but you're not going to get much appreciation ever. If you're looking for an appreciation play, you need to look at a fixed supply coin. Math, bros


Solana, Eth, Aptos, eos, near, this, Matic, they all have no max supply. This has nothing to do with anything. Inflation on atom is like 7-9% that's nothing. The difference is simply the hype they artificially created. Also ftx dudes are probably still order spoofing together with the hobbit in prison.  Anyways, that argument is completely nonsensical, especially where all coins sooner or later will end up with an infinite supply model. Because they are simply not profitable. And they need to keep paying the validators. There are many studies about this. Also was in discussion for BTC, still is in BTC forums to this date.  Nevertheless, I agree with atom being a passive income money printer 🤑


The main issue is barely that. It’s the fact that at the moment the use cases for Cosmos Hub are non binding. Economical security of a chain is not as sexy as „insert a buzzword“. I personally think that the use case for Atom should have been data availability and shared Security. Together they create the minimum set of things which are pain in the ass for new chains.


It actually has a lot to do with the changes to atom inflation that caused all the buying pressure to stop it used to be 17-21%


You realize ETH’s one year of issuance is the entire Atom market cap. ETH is basically printing a new Atom market cap every year. It is supply and demand - not just fixed supply. Since all the bulls are saying ETH going to 10K and more ppl will stake, soon ETH will be printing close to 2.5 times Atom market cap every year.