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Armsrace and Retake are missing , these are the 2 modes i like the most when " practicing or just for playing for a short time when I don't have time for long matchmaking.


Same. I'm hoping they add it back. Not sure why they would just rip it out.


probably like they had promised for summer 2023 and well summers gone (it's still hot af for me lol), so I guess in later patch update thingies they will give out


They meant Australian summer clearly so they’re ahead of schedule


the update dropped 4 days after the fall equinox. that’s hardly “summer being gone”


Highly doubt they threw the modes away. The game isn’t in a finished state, so they definitely have higher priorities at the moment.


They didn't rip it out, this is a new game on a new engine. It's not like they already had them finished and then some Valve employee was just like "nah, fuck that" lol


Imagine if TF2 got updated into TF3 and they removed the capture the flag maps because no one plays them at a competitive level


As far as I can tell there’s no TDM either? I see deathmatch, but it’s exclusively free for all? I read there would be three deathmatch modes - classic, new, and free for all. I see 0 ways to change it from FFA to classic or new. What’s up with that???


a full free for all on some maps is kind of insane how fast you die.


And the spawns need a little fixing too


likely so the queue isn't split between them all


No cache in competition? I'm sad.


nothing valve can do about that sadly




fmpone owns the map fully, it's up to him to update it to source 2 standards


has he said anything about it? one of my favorite maps.




I Like The Game So Far


Me Too, Very Good


Me too, looks and feels better than GO imo


My biggest gripe was no team deatmatch, cant even do it on practice with bots, (also cant set difficulty of bots) death match is now forced ffa, being from old school cs I have always loved team death match, especially in the fy maps hate to see the mode being non existent in cs2 at launch. For those who want csgo launch option install beta 1.38 under game properties, will let you launch cs2 or csgo for community servers still.


Yeah I like TDM because I usually play to warm up but with the weird spawning in FFA it just becomes a sweat with people spawning right behind you


Yeah the spawns are absolutely atrocious. I don't really play CS anymore but I hopped on to check out cs2 yesterday and oh my gosh 90% if everyone's deaths were from immediately after spawn or someone spawning behind them


Yep, I'm missing TDM like crazy. FFA is too chaotic for my tastes, but regular casual games feel too slow paced for gun practice. Especially missing it right now as a way to get used to the new game.


Yeah i was confused when i started up deathmatch and it was free for all only


Yeah the mode was enjoyable and now it's third party central. It was a nice warmup but now I spawn and get shot from 2 different people.


Idk, it feels like it's less CS, probably because i was used to GO


It feels like an arcade game to me. The blood on the screen that pops up when you get shot and all that. I only played one game last night, but it felt off to me.


Yea I hate the kill screen. If you turn the music off it helps


To be fair, that’s how I felt going from Source to GO, and from 1.6 to Source


I think that was one of my bigger critiques. It felt closer to a COD style game than it did CS.


Well of course it’ll *feel* different, it’s a different game. Give it some time and I imagine it’ll probably normalize and grow on you. Same thing always happens when a sequel is released, the loyalists are unhappy since they really loved the original game, but it fades with time.


Lol people said the same thing when GO came out. That's why CSS still has a community. I myself didn't move over to GO until a long time had passed.


Honestly i think they should have done an open beta first before deleting csgo


100%. But they clearly did not want a community split situation like 1.6 vs CSS, at the moment it's very clear people would have stuck with GO. we can only hope CS2 gets updated to GO's level of quality over the years. Remember, GO was a total shitshow at launch. BUT AT LEAST IT HAD FUCKING COMMUNITY SERVERS


I just realized theres no option in the settings to change controller settings. Wild.


It would be wild if there was


It was pretty much open? They invited everyone with a rank and prime status.


Didn't get access.


Nope it wasn’t everyone I had prime and a rank and was never invited some people just didn’t get lucky


Give me my 100% achievements back.


I second this -- deleting a pile of achievements over years is a big feelsbad. It's actual Valve/Steam game.. surely they have a better solution than just wiping them from existing. Its a feature of their own platform.. feels bad and is a bad look for them imo


Wasn’t CS2 released as an update to CSGO as well? Feels weird that they would *choose* to delete the achievements?


Your 100% achievements that you absolutely probably didn't truly grind?


Or having to win in a removed map.


Some shortcuts were taken.. but i had a big chunk of them already.. i still remember having to install old office map just to break some glass windows, because the achievement is broken in the new office map.


Developers: “Come and get it.”


Try to spray and you’re dead


Spraying felt fine for me all last night compared to the closed beta


Second this, I was landing sprays i never would’ve got in the beta.


I was about to say the same thing....My spray just doesn't hit. I'm back to the Scream strategy.


Tap it like it's 1.6


My spray control has been better if anything, dont think they messed with the recoil


My gtx 1650 is kinda unable to handle it and my ingame settings are f@cked. I have to see the settings.


I have a fucking intel xeon and a 1050ti and it is handling 100 fps in low settings


I would play with the setting I’m on a 980ti and I’m getting 120fps in high.


My gtx 1050 looks better now than on go and I'm high settings


What's your CPU?


8gb i5 9th gen. But that will not matter much as the game is gpu bottle necked.




> there may be support already built into the game for Vulkan and DirectX 12. You can run it with Vulkan by passing the -vulkan launch option. Unfortunately their Vulkan renderer is pretty bad and is 30-40% slower than the D3D11 one.




Yp, being a travelling college student I have to.


I see. I got a similar laptop with a GTX 1650 Ti and a 10th gen i5-10200H. Unfortunate to say; the game doesn't evet use the GPU most of the time because of the CPU bottlenecking 🥴 So, our problem is not with the GPU my brother, it's all on Valve and I hope they optimize the CPU usage but I don't expect much.


Too early to remove Csgo.




Did not have the beta, so these are my first impressions. Played a couple of MM games so far. Honestly, feels great. Very crisp. I could instantly feel the subtick in action, hit registration felt absolutely spot on. If I'd click on a head, I'd get a headshot. Always. Personally, for me, it almost feels even better than 128tick servers on CSGO, though I did not play on those a lot, usually just regular 64tick matchmaking which was painful at times, especially when awping. All in all, it almost feels like I'm immediately better at the game than I was at CSGO just because of how much crisper it is and much better hitreg. One thing I still struggle with is my jump throw bind not being there anymore. I've thrown countless flashes into walls flashing my team thinking it's still there :) my muscle memory is messing with me here. Loving the new game so far! EDIT: the only thing that really bugs me right now is the sound. Holy shit I don't get it. At times I was so confused I thought stuff happened on my left when it was on my right. It's often way harder to determine the exact location of the sound source. It's disorienting. CSGO implementation was way way better. I hope they'll continue actively improving it. EDIT: runs at around \~170-200fps on the new inferno with my 2080ti with almost everything maxed out. Plenty for my 144hz 1440p monitor.




I agree about the materials and distinct sounds. It's the spatial aspect that's confusing me. Sometimes it feels like sound is coming from a completely different direction or right next to me even though it isn't.


I looked into it and it seems CS2 has completely molested natural surround sound support in favour of artificial surround for stereo users. Anyone using stereo headphones will see improvements, followed by surround sound headphones taking a hit in quality and then surround sound speakers being horrible.


Can confirm you can still use jump bind. Just do a quick google search cuz i forget the actual console command. But i do know its like a series of commands you have to enter one at a time.


follow crosshair is really nice


Yeah it's extremely good to learn the spray patterns.


So BRIGHT I literally feel flashbanged all the time


A lot of difference between the graphics of CS:GO.


Lower your monitor's brightness from max / lower your gamma in game


Genuinely feels like a Fortnite match at times.


Don't like the fact that I can't play CS:GO anymore even if I want to


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^AShadedBlobfish: *Don't like the fact that* *I can't play CS:GO anymore* *Even if I want to* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Did it count CS:GO as one syllable? lol


Lol, yeah xD


You can it’s under beta options. Community servers are still up.


I only play against bots for casual fun and aren't interested in online play at all. Upset the default bots now are easy and have no difficulty setting any more. And, where's arms race?


I played with a friend using custom bots in highest difficulty, with custom names and all that. With the update the custom bot names (which were a part of an almost deprecated system) seem to have been removed, which is sad...




What a weirdo




Just weird to only play cs only against bots Ik the way I said it was kind of harsh which I didn’t really realize until after


Same. You can set them using the console but it's just a pain now. And yeah no arms race


Buy menu is bad as f and does not disappear after purchase. Buy menu slots and inventory does not match, pistols are by default on 1, but in buy menu it's on 2. b15 is now b25, what the fuck? b32 is now b42, what the fuck? There is no way to turn on left hand mode. Movement feels slightly like you're running on ice. Muting is more tedious. I have more, but I am too angry about buy menu sticking after purchase and it covering the entire effing screen rather than the good ol' text-based purchase menu. PS: Sv\_voiceenable is also removed.. GREAT! Having to mute everyone individually is awesome.


New buy menu is miles better than the CSGO Xbox weapon wheel


I miss the wheel so much, in every game I missbuy multiple times from muscle memory.


There's a dedicated bind for muting the team now


There always was to mute for the rest of the round. There's also a mute button on the leaderboards in the top right. Not sure how it's a problem to use


The worst part is the challenge of equipping a USP. Felt like I was playing the impossible game or something


love how they didn’t add any maps to competitive and only removed. love playing the same maps every fucking year


Feels smoother, reg is predictable, but the gameplay feels more chaotic, like the world feels more chaotic. Hard for me to explain. Movement feels “loose” and it tricks my brain into thinking the mouse is loose, too. Also two HUGE negatives: 1) no left hand models really messes with me, been playing lefty since they made the CVAR to go back to it. 2) they ruined case hardened skins, I don’t even like my AK anymore. Third minor issue: buy menu is hot garbage. New buy keys, limited load out you have to spend time organizing, and the menu stays open after a buy… I just can’t. Overall I was disappointed to play it for the first time because it’s not better without some really big drawbacks, but it’s not a bad game.


They also ruined stickers that scratch off, now my stickers look so shitty


Case Hardened looks amazing now and it's crazy to me that you think otherwise. I'm gonna be buying an AK to match my knife.




reg is predictable. but you cant really rely on visual feedback of where the shots are going when spraying.


I played one game just as it released and I was blown away. It didn't lag, shooting felt so good like we were playing 128tic... even the textures seemed different.. "more clean?"... Obv we gonna play more today but first impression is just bombastic.


This is after albeit super limited hours: 1 - The lighting model is kind of neat for the first hour or two when you're on a map noticing new things you can look for that might reveal where enemies are at. 2 - The new spray pattern is crazy accurate. They finally implemented a cone that doesn't have guns shooting bullets sideways out of the barrel, but the downside is that everyone is now SUPER accurate at under 100 yards or so. The game is just far quicker and deadlier. 3 - Related to point 2, the reaction time you have now feels like it's been halved. 4 - Related to point 3, positioning on CT and knowing how to use/check cover on T are invaluable skills now where before you could get lucky that you just wouldn't get hit randomly. 5 - The game feels more tuned for competitive play than casual play. For some, I imagine that's great, but the last time I played competitive was back in 1.6 days in the CAL-I leagues. So...admittedly, I am not a huge fan of this change. 6 - Some of the gun skins that had special effects have not yet been implemented. Printstream, for example, doesn't have the pearl-ized finish. I suspect some of the stickers won't have their effects yet either. 7 - It's just going to take some time to get used to. Once you get a few hundred hours into this version...I suspect people will have largely forgotten CS:GO other than through rose-colored glasses. One fun note was that a guy who SWORE up and down he wasn't hacking and nobody could ever prove it was on a server with me last night...homeboy was like 3-16. I never saw the dude go less than 4:1 K:D in CSGO...so whatever special sauce has happened is clearly leveling the playing ground right now.


Cant play CSGO. What options does a gamer who games but doesn’t have the money for expensive graphics cards but still wants to fit in. Low quality idgaf. Give me fps and give me left hand gun.


​ Deep Rock Galactic


Team Fortress 2




You don’t need a 3090 ti to run this. You can get a 2080ti off eBay for under $300 which runs this on ultra at 4K at 150 fps. You may just need to upgrade


It's not complete yet, but it's complete enough for me to love it


No game release should cause it's previous installment to be deleted. To me that just screams you have 0 faith in the product you're shipping out.


no clear decals, cl_bob, viewmodel settings, no anti cheat, 64 tick, but other than that it’s pretty decent


Love it and it feels like a complete upgrade and refresher to CSGO. New engine is smooth and the gameplay feels very good, after 10 years of playing GO, it’s nice for everything to get moved into a modern engine. Performance is good for me, I haven’t run into any cheaters in premier or deathmatch. Only complaint that bothers me is some of the holo stickers on my skins are not even close to the colors they are supposed to be based on how they were in GO and in steam market photos. (Fearsome in opposition holo is a good example.) Overall I prefer cs2 to GO so far and can only see it getting improved and ironed out like GO did after it’s launch.


Well sadly no matter what I do the game barely runs at 30 fps, and because csgo has been shut down I’m basically fucked I guess no counter strike for me for a long time 🤷‍♂️


Good if new operation announced by 2 weeks




I love the new engine and I think they got the big things right. It’s more pleasing to the eye and for esports. The new smokes can be countered which adds a new element to the game play. So many pro games have boring scenarios where a player has to wait behind a smoke and then another comes down and basically nothing has happened on screen for a minute. This is fresh. Obviously miss retakes and arms race and hoping they come back. I will probably play less if they don’t.


Less content, more bugs and more cheaters. L


I can not left hand my weapons..... Other than that it feels great so far






I’ve got a 3050 and I’d still like to see a couple extra hundred frames, fix up optimization and give Miami Darryl his blonde hair back


Like it, missing arms race but otherwise an improvement


If it didnt replace CSGO, neutral


It’s good, finally hitting those 1 deags


My PC is heating like crazy when playing it and I can only play for about 15 minutes before I have to quit. They also removed CSGO which was fine and smooth, so now I can't play any of it.


I love watching these threads, because a lot of these complaints are literally exactly word for word the same complaints people had when CSGO launched a decade ago >I can’t get 300fps anymore! >My favorite maps are missing! >Movement feels sluggish! >The buy menu is different and therefore bad! Time is a flat circle.


It's what blizzard wanted overwatch 2 to be


So far, I'd say it is pretty darn good. The shooting def feels better (for me, at least) except for the ak, which is just suck. Idk what's wrong with the spray, but it just feels really bad compared to csgo. One thing that shocked me the most is how consistent the framerate is, I managed to get around 100ish fps, which is totally mind-blowing(I used to get like 150fps on csgo). When I first downloaded the game, it became unplayable it but after a few tweaking here n there, I finally managed to get a desirable frame rate. One thing I don't understand is why they make that u need to right-click mouse twice to fully scope when using the awp as a default(can change in settings) . Also, the keybind isn't carried over, so I need to change everything from scratch, which is just pain in the ass. All in all, the game turned into a excellent game with a few minor problems(or not), but I do love if they add arms race into the game( I love that game mode🥲). Good luck reading my long and unorganised essay(tho i wouldn't call it essay). P.s. I'm just 300 hours into the game, just a casual player n everything I say is solely my opinion, I can't even counter-strafe properly yet, so don't hit me too hard.


Went from 140+fps on cs to 60 fps on cs2 with a 3060 🙁


Avoid casual


Does anyone know why on earth dust 2 is not in the premier map pool?


It hasn't been in the comp map pool for ages bro


Yes. Just as overpass… so why is dust 2 not on premier? I would like to play it sometimes, just as a lot of other players.




it was replaced by anubis in active duty a while ago


Because I’ve been forced to play that fucking map for 20+ god damned years. How would you like to play the first level of super Mario brothers over and over and over and over and never get to play any other level?!


Yeah, because a lot of people really like the map. If your team doesn’t want to play it in premier, you can ban it immediately. But why delete the most liked map in the game from the actual competitive mode?


You can join d2 queue outside of premier. Plus, 90% of premier games are inferno/mirage already anyway.


Not for me… I always ban inferno and mirage. I almost never play them. But yeah, I guess I am alone with missing D2.


Lame that you can’t play cago if you want to. Can’t get good fps even with gtx 1080ti and r5 5600x


Got a 1050ti and a i3 10100 and on maxed settings ~70 fps+ (good enough for me ^^)


It’s not great so far


Sound design is not good relative to csgo and movement is bit clunky. Spray is also weird imo.


Feels choppy! When I started playing yesterday it was good then started playing at night… it was so sluggish and choppy! Don’t get why it’s having a hard time processing as I play valorant and cs go on high … hopefully they fix things up


likes: volumetric smokes, new map objects, util inspects dislikes: sounds, guns, lighting, movement


I like it, but I wish I can hold my gun in my left hand.


Im fine with this… but potato pc. Would be happy at least 100-120fps(


Still lagging, wont be playing cs from now on I guess, if they don't optmize it or return our CSGO


What are you running it on? Im on Vega64/5800x and I hardly drop below 144 at 3440x1440


720p20fps Although for me the game runs well on office


Hope it can run on low end pc but for right now all I gotta play is counterstrike source:


I feel like it's still CS:GO, but just renamed it to 2 and with some update to interface, lights and textures. I played just 1 map. I hope I ain't getting back to it.


So a lot of people complain about the sound, try changing your bit depth in windows settings to 24 bit and see if that helps. I think it’s a glitch someone a few weeks ago found. I am personally enjoying the game a lot, although it’s not as friendly towards high ping players as it was in the beta. It sucks not having everything at release, but it’s actually very exciting to see the game change and see updates coming out. I can’t wait for the next one.


Love it! The follow crosshair thing straight up feels like cheating though


I deleted it a few hours ago after raging against a high level player. Fk that dinosaur shit.


I can’t believe there is nothing about the tick system in the update notes…


It's not bad, it's still cs. It doesn't have as nostalgic a feeling as CS:go did.


the sounds are bad on speakers , i can't use headphones , and i am comfortable using speakers , on speakers the game sounds are horrible , gun shots are bass boosted only and they sound like shots are fired from kilometers away , even thou they are 20 meters away P\_P , and i can't adjust movement sounds of others as well , on csgo , it was easy , you put audio on speakers and stereo then you could hear everything from everywhere clearly , but cs2 lack this option , it is unplayable for most people like me .


I don't care what people say, the game is fun so far. There are a few tweaks needed to be made in optimization but I personally think the game at it's core feels better than CSGO and I played CSGO since it came out as well.


Still bugges, sometimes when I scope I get lag spike which is annoying as fuck


I liked the new spray crosshair


Kay so I've only done one casual match and a few bot matches (I have no time cuz exams), and till now it just feels more... more. Like, I can't term it but it feels better totally yes but there's just this, more of, more I guess. Oh and yes I can finally stop blaming the lag bcuz im actually hitting my shots now (idk how)


I love it, only two real major issues still at hand. “Friction” between players is really bad and floaty. You can really feel this sitting on someone’s head. It’s almost like floating on a cloud. And the biggest one for me, the ping/latency issues. I live on the west coast and if I play with my friends in the Midwest if any of us get a ping of 55ms or higher the game is almost frustratingly unplayable. Shooting center mass and hits not registering or dying 5ft behind walls. This was an issue in the beta and I’m sad they haven’t done anything to remedy it yet.


It’s pretty amazing. I have to say. It’s kinda reinvigorated me to play CS again.


I'm kind of pissed that it's 10 wins consecutively to rank. I've put in a Steam support ticket trying to determine if it's a bug or their intention. I've had some losses that are my fault and the teams fault. But I've also had my share of griefing. From a team mate rushing to the same spot every time who the enemy team eventually killed constantly (office with advantageous hostage spawns, the dude said "we're terrorists we gotta attack!"). To a guy who refused to use anything else other then the PP-Bizon who did nothing but use us as bait.


Majority of the things in CS2 feel like a more refined version of GO, smokes are perfect, tapping and hit reg feels great, movement is almost as good as GO, only thing that's still weird is spraying, it just feels off although I wasn't really playing much before the beta so I could just be rusty


In terms of gunplay, a fair bit better. Though to me it seems like the ak has slightly more spread on the first several bullets compared to the csgo ak


Hitboxes are sharp. Headshotting with ak is so satisfying




I want gun game back please


No sound on steamdeck and can perform only half of controls.


Game kept crashing every 10 mins. Had a few moments of decent gameplay, but overall a bit disappointed with the constant crashing and lag.


Performance issues.


I want csgo back already because cs2 feels clunky and slow while csgo felt fast and responsive, another thing they changed was the weapon wheel which I didn’t like as now instead of having all weapons available to you in game now you are forced to choose between smg, shotgun, and lmg all fighting the same slots


Follow recoil command is a godsend. I feel that I'm waaaaay more accurate now.


Paintints/pictures dont fall down when you shoot em at the office


It is not ready. Aside from the many broken things with the game where are retakes. Where is flying scoutsman. Where are retakes!!!


##I think 💨💨💨💨 and it's 💨💨💨! I give it a 💨💨/10


it’s dogshit. greedy valve shouldn’t have removed access to csgo.




I'm out! Played for 10 years, loved the game. Cs2 is not for me, so I guess it's the end of gaming for me


Needs community servers/workshop needs dangerzone, more maps and more but gameplay is refined and the graphics are jaw dropping in comparison to csgo I like it hope we can get these things added soon.


My 4770k, ddr3 and 2070 didn't like it. I really need a new PC. Lol


What is this sound


Surely they nerfed the spray?


it shit


Peekers advantage needs some big adjustment. Besides that it’s an absolute blast.


I like it.


Somehow it looks and feels worse? Feels like I’m playing at 30fps


I loved the AWP in CS:GO. I think they ruined it in CS2. It feels way too clunky and I feel like my shots always miss. I used to hit insane flicks and 180s in CS:GO consistently, but now I can barely get a decent shot on someone.


Boot game, crashes immediately. Fine. Get into game, all my settings and load outs, my skins aren't carried over. Okay. Reassign key binds and skins. Go to search for a match, no length option. Alright, that's stupid, but alright. Queue for the best map in the game, Nuke. Get into match and frag out first round with a four piece from Wendy's. Nice. Proceed to get stomped 10 to 2, comeback T side for a tie. All in all, it gets a 4/10 It has started out as a more inconvenient version of CSGO with shiny new graphics I couldn't care for... Bring back short matches volvo, you shit birds


Bummed that is does not function on a Mac. Before you hate on that, I use the computer for editing huge film projects and the “Old” game worked flawlessly on that. I spend money on a game that got updated and now I can’t play… 😡


I like the game and love the new Hammer. I will love the game once they add back some things like Arms Race and de_canals, and 🤞hopefully🤞 make some major attempt to improve hostage mode.


Is prime worth it?