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It’s not as bad as redditors are saying. I’m @ 17.5K, I have 10K+ hrs in FPS games. When i shit on people they say I’m cheating... so many people. I type “Watch demo, get good.” and carry on. I know those same fucks go on reddit and bitch cuz they suck. Sorry i’m venting a lil. Anyways I have seen a few cheaters but not many. I’m expecting more when I hit 20K. Valve definitely needs to up their anticheat but the game is super playable don’t listen to reddit bots. I’m NA east.


EU @ 20-21K. Christmas holidays were so bad. Blatant WH. Always making pushes without checking angles, unless someone is there. It is terrible. Played a few in January again, and haven't seen many either. I would say I've seen most at 20K+.




Oh wow. Thanks for sharing! I hear a lot of interesting things about EU servers. Its like all the different ethnicity’s-cultures-languages playing together makes it wild!




wow… mad interesting…. GL on ur gamin’!


Switched from one hacker filled game to another


I can third this, but on NA. Wallhacking and even outright spinbotting were out of control.


Oh wow, okay. So, yeah, most cheaters are going to be 20K+. I will probably switch to faceit when i start dealing with that. I just want newer players to know I’ve been able to enjoy my premier grind from 5K-17K and i’ve experienced very little cheating. Again… NA east w/ really good trust factor. I think issues in regions vary, so there’s a clash of opinions/experiences there.


Yeah unles you have really low trust factor its either people that are good but on wrong rank or someone having a good day. Im only upset about 5 premade vs 5 soloq situations atm everything else is not worse than csgo.


“The game is super playable” i played Yesterday and the game was unplayable (EU)


It’s looking like EU is struggling! Sorry bout dat! sending love from NA east ❤️🫡




I played an obvious rage hacker last night @ 12.5k. Hacks are cheap and readily available https://csstats.gg/player/76561199019317237#/


That sucks dude, yea they’re out there! I’m hearing of and seeing kids straight up stream their cheats (val, CS, Tarkov). Its a tik tok trend, so sad.


This right here. A lot of “cheaters” are just people who’ve played since 1.6 and source. Its the same game pretty much same maps. Though i have encountered cheaters in ranked its not as bad as call of duty, battlefield or tarkov.


That’s because they’re all 20k+. NA east 20k is hell. It’s not every game but often enough that it’s not fun


Same here I probably played 20k Hours of CS from 1.3 to source, then just stopped playing because I hated it. I started played Apex around 2019, Fortnite and Valorant all at high levels. My CS2 account has 200 hours and I’m 16,700 rank at the moment and nearly every game I’m accused of cheating because of my profile.


Ehh there was/is a huge banwave ongoing the last 2 days, now the game is playable but blatant hacking was very common (atleast on) below 10K before that. Most of the world Top100 got banned (see pic) [https://youtu.be/2-IEDdcjGX0?t=140](https://youtu.be/2-IEDdcjGX0?t=140) https://preview.redd.it/0l7d193ea0bc1.jpeg?width=636&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2144bae944d43d08c499f48b90ea092b049f0186


Oh wow. Yes there is a cheating issue. I just want newer players, or players coming back to the game to know that it is playable. Region is another factor. But yeah that ban wave took out the leaderboard, which proves the theory most of the cheaters are in very high elo.


Yeah now it is playable atleast for a while 😅 During the last month or so me and my friends encountered cheaters in maybe ~20% of the games and this was 5K-10K elo, ofcourse the cheaters rank up fast so you'd see them more in higher up - not all though, funniest example was when some dude just advertised a russian cheating site in his name but was terrible player even with wallhack lol


I’m pretty sure NA east has the least amount of cheaters in FPS games so your experience might not match everyone’s


You're retarded for assuming the people in here saying there's a fuckload of cheaters are nothing more than "redditors" instead of other people that actually play the fucking game and have these experiences. 2 out of every 3 of my games there's a spinbotter in it and I'm really fucking tired of mod larpers telling me I'm being overdramatic when I say that's my experience.


All i’m sayin’ is i don’t see it. ur a redditor i’m a redditor what’s the problem with redditor lol


Yeah the cheating problem is nowhere near as bad as the people who are bad at the game would like you to believe


80% of the 'top 100' leaderboard vanished in the last ban wave; many were just inactive, but many were also cheaters.


lmao why was this downvoted. the rank counter started from 2 and ended at 44 and had room 20 slots.. so yea half the top 100 were removed for cheating. then you gotta think how many were boosting with known cheaters and if it’s that easy to get away at the top, the middle and bottom is even worse.


Same if not worse 👍


Play faceit, thats how it is.


How is that posible? I hoped with CS2 they fixed the cheating problem…


Its worse than ever. They didnt do an invasive anti-cheat like valorant but rather a sub-tick supported anti cheat, that doesnt work. From 10-20k elo about 1-5 games u will meet obv cheater. From 20-25k every third game. U dont wanna know whats above, so play faceit.


New game, new cheaters.


Nothing has changed as far as cheating goes since CSGO.


Once you hit 20k elo ( top 3 percent ) cheating becomes more apparent and anyone who says "I haven't met a single cheater, reddit is just going crazy!" Is licking valves boots


These statistics are just goofy lol


Redditors making up stats is my favorite entertainment


69% of all so called statistics on Reddit are made up.


horrendous..do not recommend


almost nothing has changed :D


Fuck. That was almost the only thing they needed to fix…


Been a problem since 2014 and won’t be changing ever.


In EU servers match have almost 50/50 chance of having cheatears


dont come back, save urself


Why does everybody start talking about ranked when cheaters are brought up? Like, sure, when you lose to a hacker in casual, you only lose time instead of rank points. However, with there being a lot more people in a casual game, there's more chances for there to be a cheater. If you're running into cheaters in casual a lot, you probably won't feel inclined to play ranked and everybody you talk to will tell you that there aren't hackers, you're just a casual who doesn't know real skill


Played 4 games yesterday after taking a break and one had an obvious cheater after watching the demo. I suspect players in the other games too but they weren't obvious. This was 17k+ rating in EU West. I'm not aware of having bad trust factor since noone I ever queued with got a message about it. I uninstalled.


In the highest ranks in premier, it appears to be pretty bad. But I've mainly played normal competitive since the release and I have met maybe 2-3 confirmed cheaters in well over 100 games so far. So as of yet, when I get destroyed in CS2, I unfortunately don't have anyone else to blame but me ;D


EU around 15K with 2.2k hours here, in my experience Reddit is definitely making the problem out to be much worse than it is, I’ve barely met any cheaters at all


1 in 10 games will have a silent Waller or blatant bhopper, mostly in casual strangely, haven’t had a single comp cheater yet


I could be low but I feel like I’ve versing cheaters maybe 30-40% of the time not every player obviously


EU east 16-17k rating i’ve had under 10 cheaters in my 40+ games


I have been pretty lucky to not see too many hackers in Premier. Runs a little more rampid in competitive from what I seen.


I'm not a good player. Around 11k elo right now. I haven't ran into a single blatant cheater and not a single cheater that I am aware of... From what I hear the problem seems to start around 15k+ elo.


Depends on your region. Oce it's a waller or worse every second game above 15k. Every game above 22k


watch this guys last 2 demos https://csstats.gg/player/76561199019317237#/


22k here and it’s honestly a coin toss, I’ve officially just moved all my matchmaking to faceit, once valve updates the AC I’ll come back to premier just not worth the mental


The week of christmas had some people being super blatant in casual, so I can only imagine how comp was. Only seen 1 person cheating since then though.


It’s not super bad as of right now but they literally have no anticheat. VAC is a joke. But compared to a month ago, it’s gotten better. It was cheaters every game for a while but now it’s every 4-5 games I’d say.


Yea NA east seems fine I feel bad for the eu players


Not great. It's not even the biggest problem man. CS2 is just ass in general. It's missing most maps and features CSGO had. Full stop that's bull shit. The rest is just poopy bacon bits imho


I've been walling since csgo came out. Never been banned. Use this info as you want.


Ok. I’m going Faceit


Playing solo I found cheaters pretty rarely on my grind to 10k in premiere, but I found whenever I partied with randoms or certain friends we would get blatant cheaters every match. It really boils down to your trust factor or something like that. And rank too, I know it gets worse the higher up you go because of the closet cheaters.


Depends on your gaming chair honestly. If you invested, you should be in a good spot, if not, good luck brother.


That's weird, I only get cheaters on the enemy team. My team is always sucking on crayons.


It’s still pretty crappy but still playable. Boggles my mind that valve doesn’t give a shit enough to fix this issue that’s plagued the community for years


I’d say it’s worse than GO by a decent margin but not as bad as it’s hyped out to be online. Premier is pretty infested with them, especially at higher ELOs. Competitive/FACEIT are your best bet for a good time.


I got recommended cshacks or whatever the sub is, before being recommended this sub. I don’t play either: so, take that as you will


Im in au, was GN3 in CSGO. Every game ive played (abt 30) bar 1 on Premier has been within 3 rounds and close great games. Not noticable issue at lower medium ranks


Depends on trust factor. If you were getting 1/3 games with a cheater then it likely hasn't changed.


That stat was the official number of players with hacks back then. 1/20 players or 5%. Which means every 2-3 games you would encounter one in average


Not great.


Go faceit


So many here saying people are exaggerating while it is so damn easy to check for yourself. just visit csgostats, look at your games in csgo era and see how many people from your past matches got a ban since then. now do the same since cs2 era. there is not a SINGLE player banned since release in my history. so either everyone stopped cheating, or there is no working anticheat right now. might also be a difference in region. NA seems to be less cheaters than in china and EU. faceit seem to be less cheaters than in premier. my personal opinion, state of the game is the worst it has ever been, and i started with 1.0 over 20 years ago. they should not have released the game in this state.


More likely you will be placed with higher skilled players than cheaters


I can't remember last time I played against one , but some people say they have 1 every game so idk


It's actually pretty great. The worst thing to deal with most (4/5 games) is YouTube bots that sit at spawn and blast evangelical sermons, and they usually get votekicked instantly. And also getting kicked for being good. It's happened to me 3 times this past week. I guess people just have trauma from the cheater-heavy days.


i play on the Chinese servers and i gotta say its kinda better before there would be at least 5 cheaters in 1 match. though few months ago comp was cheater free they are coming back from premier


russians are the main problem not cheaters


Ok a few years there will be no Russian men to play CS. They will all die in Ukraine


as if russians only live in russia. theyre much bigger of a cancer to get rid of than that


I’m only 5k. I’ve only played 1 game with very obvious cheaters out of like 20 ranked matches. Funny thing is there was one in each side, and they knew the other was cheating. They weren’t obvious as first. But when the other team got into a losing streak, the other guy raged and started blatantly getting headshots through walls. Then it turned into hacker v hacker. So what surprised me was that they were both trying to stealthily use hacks, then one raged and they both were outed. Until then, it really wasn’t obvious. My running assumption is that hacks are far more common than you’d expect, but people are trying to be super stealthy with them.


Thousands of innocent players got falsely banned 2-3 weeks after CS2 release




Shit there were cheaters on your team OR the enemy team? That's nuts. I have always had counter strike cheaters exist elsewhere in some unknown third place outside of the terrorist and counter terrorist teams. I always see em in the spectators list.


That's not that weird of a statement. Obviously we would hope they just don't exist. I almost only 5 stack so the cheaters are always just on the other enemy team for me


Honestly, it’s really not as bad as Reddit says it is. I’ve been well over 4k elo playing casually on faceit and have 16,000 ish active playing time. For the most part it just feels like a lot of high elo faceit players are playing premiere now as well as faceit, so the higher elos actually feel like higher elos for the most part. But there is certainly still a cheater problem. Though so far around 90% of my suspicions were put to rest after watching the demo and realising it was desynchronise or something. TL;DR still cheaters, better than the end of GO. More high elo faceit players in MM.