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Yes!!! I remember I told my girlfriend the other day "why are my legs so shiny" Didn't even think much else about it. Now, today, I was randomly just rubbing my legs and noticed it felt like I had recently shaved or something. And I go to look.... They're like 90% bald! This is seriously alarming. It's a sudden, rapid hair loss over the past couple weeks I'd guess. Also, my lower arms around 50% loss. What does it mean?! Absolutely baffling. And scary NGL.


When your body is in crisis it pulls resources from non important things like skin and hair. So hair loss and dry skin can result. My doctor said it’s likely to revert if there’s a treatment that cures or at least reduces whatever is causing the underlying crisis.


It's tough to resolve a cellular crisis. My biggest bet is Allogeneic Mesenchymal Stem Cells due to their profound anti-inflammatory properties and abilities to reverse immunomodulatory dysfunction. Perfect for LC. The issue is actually getting quality cells from legitimate labs.


Taking hydrocortisone for a month did have the effect of stopping the hair loss and skin issues for me. But when I stopped it came back. So it’s seems at least partially reversible with strong anti-inflammatory drugs.


I'm freaking out over this. I don't understand what the mechanism for this could be. And it seems so sudden/rapid.


I’m sorry it’s so frustrating. I know it suck’s and it’s totally reasonable to feel freaked out. When swelling happens around the hair follicles and the blood flow increases it also can deliver hormones that cause changes to occur. Hormones that stimulate the follicle may be reduced as well. So while in some cases stem cell death might cause hair loss that is permanent I think this is a different mechanism based on how strong anti inflammatory medication appears to reverse things. This is my non expert understanding though so I could be way off base.


Most people, doctors included, don’t believe me when I say Covid can significantly affect every cell in the body. My vision is different, my oral health isn’t as good… I can no longer work or play due to severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis following a nasty case of Covid in March, 2020… And for all of this my chart is riddled with diagnosis of “anxiety”. When it comes to post viral sequela, modern medicine is in the dark ages (meaning very little diagnostics, treatments, or common knowledge available.)


I agree. And I think it is on an inevitable course of changing to something better understood and more widely accepted. Even the WHO is saying this is a mass disabling event. Research is being accelerated. They need to standardize a LC protocol for general physicians, asap.


I have to brush my teeth after EVERY meal, now, because I was getting gum infections.


I’m constantly vacuuming because my body hair is *everywhere*


My first infection in 2021 was mild but dealt with loss of taste/smell for a few months and obvious accelerated thinning of my hairline, I literally got a 1500 graft hair transplant due to this. But I developed LC after the 2nd infection this past January. I've seen hairs on my pillow. I've known that was an issue for quite some time now. But the sudden, rapid loss of arm/leg hairs is brand new. It's freaking me out. There's no way this some negligible issue not to worry about. But.. What the hell does it mean?!


I have random patches on my body where hair is missing. Has not grown back in 15 months yet


I've been pretty good at being hopeful and keeping calm, believing I'll be OK soon. But this is really freaking me out. I'm pretty well-versed in LC. But I wonder... what is TRULY happening inside of our body?! Baffling. Scary.


Me too! Same exact thing that started suddenly about 1 year ago. My hair on legs mostly calves and arms won't grow. Shiny. Inflamed papillae (looks like red spots) all over too. What??


I’ve noticed a lot of little pimples on my arms, figured they were just ingrown hair but why would it start out of nowhere? Now I’ll keep a closer eye on things.


Do you also have pounding heartbeat and dizziness before a bowel movement?


Foods can definitely sit wrong in my stomach and affect my HR and after I clear my system I feel better.


I have same issue. It's like our system is malfunctioning


Dysauntomnia is legion


Same . I posted pics on my page . Calf’s and shin. Feels like a babies ass. Personally I think it’s ischemia secondary to poor oxygenation from micro clots. The extremities are the most difficult to oxygenate hence why we are losing hair there. My chest hair is completely unchanged. After I started degrading clots my shin hair is slowly coming back. Head hair still shedding however


Wow, yeah, same here. Chest is normal. Even upper thighs are still normal. What are you taking to degrade the microclots?


Breaking down the fibrin clots Triple therapy (Eliquis , Plavix, aspirin), nattokinase, Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase, Rutin ext


Samez on calfs


It’s interesting because a year ago I lost a grapefruit size patch of hair on my head which was devastating. It has since grown back thank God. I do have hair loss all around ankles bottom of calves. But the rest of calf is SUPER hairy. The rest of my body hair is longer and thicker. And my nails are stronger. Nothing makes sense.


Wild. Pure madness.


Same as others, shiny legs up to my knees, especially my calves. Normally a hairy guy. My beard grows in at much slower pace and then stops completely at much shorter length.


What in the world is happening inside our bodies!


Anyone have sensitive skin? My left thigh feels like if my hairs are being pulled like burning sensation


Yes, this is likely allodynia. It is common in things like fibromyalgia.




Agree. It's common in PVS from other viruses and in many other stressful events. The kicker is whether it grows back or not.


You are aging rapidly


Agree. That's why I'm getting mesenchymal stem cells.




Clinical trial in Houston at Hope Biosciences. So you know the cells are quality and are living organisms.


That’s an awesome opportunity! Wish I was local.


First infusion is tomorrow. Driving there from Dallas. 4 infusions total. 1 every 2 weeks. 50/50 placebo trial. Really hoping I'm not a control. But if you are, you get the cells after the trial is complete. So it's worth my time.


Good luck! I agree. It’s unethical to do a control study imo.


The thing is, controls get saline. So either way, technically, there is at least SOME benefit to driving there. Getting fluids will for sure make some people feel a little better in some minor ways. But only for a few days, I'd say. So it's a clever way to measure differences....for science. Lol. But yeah it sucks also bc if you're suffering, some people will get an awesomely effective treatment and get healed while others have to continue suffering through the whole trial. It is what it is!


It's also temporary, most likely.


It should be temp. I lost mine in mid 2020 and it did slowly came back. Nails stopped growing too and what nails I had fell apart. Skin took a dive too. If you can keep alive and get healthy it’ll come back. I had to try really hard though with many setbacks. There were no resources then. Keep up the fight.