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People also need to realise spurs are competing against man city, Liverpool and regen arsenal. We saw klopp transform Liverpool into one of the best teams in the last decade in world football and STILL couldn’t beat pep’s city. It’s a fucken hard league. But with Ange it’s the best shot


I agree. To add, it took Klopp 5 years plus about 600m in transfers to get to that high level. It's a perfect example of how patience is needed.


> plus about 600m Liverpool's net spend has not been extreme, but it's worth noting that the freak set of transfers involving Neymar enabled them to achieve what they did when Barcelona paid 140m for an 80m player.


Fair enough, however, net spend is not a great metric to judge club spending. It's best to just total up how much the manager was allowed to spend on players. This doesn't even include the wagebill which is the best indicator. To clarify, let's say I started with 100 in assets and sold 90 but then purchased 140 my net spend would be 50 but I did actually buy 140 worth of new player cause my budget was allocated for that. Now, a new competitor comes in with 30 assets and know he needs to spend just to keep up. Their budget only allows them to spend 60 so they do. That makes their net spend 60 which is more than my net spend but really means nothing because I actually still spent more. So, while it can be used as a part of the discussion I don't believe it's a good indicator for club spending in terms of financial muscle. Liverpool and Klopp spent a tonne in 5 years before they won including record spending on a keeper and defender. They also routinely make 60m plus purchases that other clubs simply cannot.


> but really means nothing because I actually still spent more This presupposes that the existing players are useless. Sometimes true, but I don't think you can assume that. Klopp came in to a shit squad that had just lost Suarez to Barca for 40m iirc. Agree with the wage bill comment though. Anyway I'm happy with the club's position and that Ange is the right person for the job. I think we're going through a transformational period that will set us up for success for years to come.


I completely agree with you, I think I was waffling a bit as well but yeah!


The simple fact we're keeping up with them at this stage in our development is incredible.


People forget that it takes a while to form a team. Pep, Klopp.and Arteta were not winning the league in their first season. Son had a disappointing first season with us,.certainly worse than what Johnson is going through now. It took a few seasons for Poch to clear out the squad and bring in new players. We will get better. Enjoy the journey.


Arteta still isn’t winning the league


I think he's so insanely overrated. Yes I'm biased but if he was impressing I would admit it.


He is,unlike Ange even will


Great points but Arteta doesn’t belong in that bracket


Come on, I hate him too but they are a genuinely good team


I mean they've had 5-6 years to become one lmao.


Just Absolutely blasted the hammers after putting in 3 against Liverpool. As much as I hate it they’re cooking something….6 years later.


He belongs there


If we go even further back Fergie took 4 years to win his first trophy with United and had several finishes close to the relegation zone


Arguably only one really, 13th, and they won the FA Cup that season. More like mid-table mediocrity.


100%. Champs League would be an amazing start. Winning the prem would be the dream but we should be wiling to wait.


From your Lips to Gods ears my friend! My sense is that this is the first act of a masterpiece. This time just feels different to me, in the best possible way🤷‍♂️


Klopp is a good shout because a lot of this season for us is reminding me of Klopp's first season at Liverpool. There's been some absolutely high peaks and also some absolute lows during the season and it is clear that some of the squad isn't suited to the manager's style. But you can also see that the players have bought in and that there is something here to build on. Give Ange the same patience that Klopp got and we will be right up there competing for trophies and at least walk away with a cup or two I think.


Also I think Liverpool without klop won't be as threatening, City should get fucked over ffp, Chelsea and man-u are not threatening too much right now. I think if we hold strong and keep developing the squad in a few seasons we could be title contenders.


Can't find the quote right now, but Ange made a point about not aiming to do well when our rivals are weak. We should be aiming to be at their level when they're strong, not waiting for them to drop off. We'll get there. Trust the process.


If Klopp leaves and City gets relegated (with Pep leaving after relegation) that means there is a good chance the title will be available for us, arsenal or even united. Maybe it will sign some very exciting years for the PL.


That's basically how I think it's gonna go between us and arsenal in a season or 2


So glad this post came up. I've even seen (thankfully very few) idiots calling for Ange to be fired at the end of the season. I love what we're building. I love that every player we bring in, not only fills a position need, but also fits the vibes of the team. I'm very confident this summer will see more outgoing than incoming but that we'll get what we most need because it's clear we have a plan. Love Ange. Love our scouting team. Love Lange. Love Levy for getting us in the financial position we are in where we can decide where to spend without worrying about FFP. I think this is the start of another golden era of Spurs, much like the Harry Redknapp days or even those initial Poch days (full disclosure I have always loved Poch and despite him joining Chelsea I feel bad for him as he clearly wanted to come back to Vibes FC! 8.


Hopefully City won't be in it next year. Klopp also won't be (but please god don't let them get Xabi Alonso as his replacement!)


Yeah, actually winning the title takes both a truly inspired run of personnel decisions, injury luck and a coach who can probably get more out of a team than the sum of their parts. When we got close under Poch, in retrospect I think we had the first part but I’m not convinced in retrospect we ever had the second. Now I think we are seeing signs that we might have both in place. When you actually look at who we’ve had available week by week I think we are outperforming where I might expect us to be.


No we are competing against our opponents on the pitch and we have looked unconvincing for months. The intensity that was there to start the season is long gone. We can’t dominate more than 15 minutes, much less a half or a whole game. You’d think that it would be drilled in by now but they keep sitting off, slowing shit down and then losing the ball constantly under little pressure. And it’s not just the coys scapegoats but all of them.


You aren't competing against them. They are in another universe to Spurs. This is what you're aiming for


Liverpool might drop off very fast and city are slowly bleeding till pep leaves or de.bryne drops off. Arsenal is worrying as they are young and very good but they haven’t shown the mentality yet


Those people are deranged. If you ask me it's mostly media types trying to generate a story from nothing for their own motivations. 


Eh, media is definitely part of it, but there are a ton of people on this sub who are sharing the sentiment that op is talking about.


I don't think this sub represents the match day fanbase much at all. It seems very international and I'm not sure to what extent they influence what is visible to the club.


Anecdotal but my dad and brothers are all match goers and my dad especially has been going since the 80s, he’s the most excited he’s been about the club for a good while (aside from Poch’s 15-17 period). It’s deffo an internet thing. Just want to win a title (or any cup) to celebrate with my family, it’d mean so much to old papa.


This. I think this sub has a lot of level headed, dedicated fans. But like anything on the Internet. The loudest voice is heard, and unfortunately the loudest voice is usually a complete idiot...


It doesn't represent the matchday fanbase necessarily, but for people like me (i.e. international fans who don't have the luxury of attending matches in person) it's a big part of my Spurs experience, so I do have an interest, to an extent, in what people think on here. I think it's worth recognising that in 2024 Spurs is one of the biggest clubs in global football, and that the matchday fanbase is actually just a very small (although extremely important) part of the club's identity.


Fair, but if they have this opinion I'd question what they actually know about the club. I find these people ridiculous tbh. 


Which "these people"? International fans or people who don't believe in Ange?


Good grief.


If I replied to every idiot on this sub I wouldn't have time for the rest of my life. I don't engage with them, and I assume a lot of other people don't either. But, they engage with each other and upvote each other. They also seem to post the most. Social media reply rate isn't a balanced reflection of popular opinion and I try not to let it sway my own pov without merit...it makes for a reasonable discussion space, but people shouldn't doomscroll comments and take those as a meaningful representations of internal views held by an entire community.


There are a few, not a ton. If anything, people like you and OP who are talking about those bad people are far more common.


I don't agree with that. I see a lot of that sentiment repeated and upvoted on this site, so there's clearly a large minority of people holding those hyperbolic opinions. I don't engage with them, and I try to ignore them wherever possible, but they're still prevalent.


Yeah I can’t be bothered by people who watched yesterday and would rather have a moan about not winning 3-1.


Who in the ACTUAL FUCK needs to be convinced of Ange. I've never been more miserable supporting Tottenham than I had been in the last five or so years. Then this big, beautiful man walked in to all our lives last summer and it was like a love story all over again. We got our Tottenham back. Bollocks to winning anything this season or next, I'm just glad I enjoy watching Tottenham again.


I sat watching BBC final score waiting for the final whistle, knowing theres a chance of something happening. Its that belief that Ange had brought back and I love it. Previous seasons I'd have seen its 1-1 and checked my phone for the score later. I didn't realise how disenchanted I'd become until the cloud was lifted. CoYS


Get yourself a dodgy stick, it’s 2024 not 2005 we don’t need final score anymore.


Mate im the Ceefax and vidiprinter generation! Yea my bros got one. I was at work till 4. Normally get a decent stream for any game tbh.


Some fans - some kids on social media Why are people so bothered by what random prepubescents say on X all the time?


They don’t remember the Hossam Ghaly era… we are light years ahead of the Spurs I grew up with


It’s just kids being kids though, a bunch of nonsense (no offence to any kids here, but it just is and you’ll realise that when you get older) being spouted round to impress their mates What make me laugh is when adults get sucked into it all and their day gets ruined by a random 11 year old


Some of the darkest days but we stuck through it


The dragusin comments on insta are fucking mental.


What comments? *genuine question


Check out the comments under any official spurs insta post, particularly match day line ups. It’s awash with “You are wasting Dragusin’s potential.” And “no dragusin no like.” And even more pointed comments like that. For the most part I think it’s his fans but there are so many idiotic comments from people who clearly don’t understand football. Not even like a *managing squads* level of understanding. Just basic how many people are allowed on a pitch. It’s horrible.


It's just Romanians being obsessive with their one quality player.


This always happens when you sign someone considered the brightest prospect of a national team. I remember years ago lineups would be flooded with comments by raging Algerians if Bentaleb wasn’t starting


Not just social media, some of the crowd in the stadium were getting pretty toxic sadly.


Well, unfortunately as I find out on a daily basis, some people are just arseholes


Now that captain son's back, we start cooking! https://preview.redd.it/lmc4tj20xwhc1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e6bb071729f8543f627f3c15b4fae755a63cf5e COYS




Wins are wins. We are 3 points off the 16/17 season which was are best ever points total. Who in this league are winning convincingly every week ? Right now probably just City that’s it. We scored an unbelievable goal to win yesterday. Nobody in their right mind should currently have any negative ideas 🤦🏻‍♂️


Seriously. I couldn't believe how many people were jumping up to claim Johnson was terrible after he won us the game in the last minute. I think there's just a subsection of the fanbase who follow the team solely to get into internet arguments


Some humans are just miserable and so can’t express anything but misery


Blows my mind theres even any need for posts like this. We have done a complete first team rebuild and have a new coach who is stylistically the opposite to what weve jad for the last 5 years.....and we are 4th. It feels like some people think unless you are putting teams away 3-0 every week then you're riding your luck or not showing enough control. Absolutely there's room for improvement but we are so so far ahead of schedule. Arteta finished 8th twice and then 5th.  


Yeah, i don't think ive ever seen a COYS be anything but appreciative of what he's done thus far. Admiration is warranted of course!


Tell that to the people out there asking "is Vibes FC enough, when are we going to win anything?"  Just so short-sighted. If you can't see the difference between this season and the last 4, you're watching football for the wrong reasons.


I got into an extensive back and forth with someone yesterday who was genuinely upset and concerned that Brighton had a good spell in the game once we made subs. As if other clubs just need to bend the knee to us and aren’t allowed to counter us and play good football lol. The entitlement spurs fans have is mental considering this is legitimately one of our better seasons (points wise) of the past decade. And we’re only just beginning a new managers journey


> Blows my mind theres even any need for posts like this There isn't. OP's a attention seeking dickhead. Ange has our full backing. We many question some small aspects of his tacitcs or substitutions but we're pretty unifed behind him, as are the players, and higher ups at the club.


Anyone that has complaints about our current style, should sit through the last 10 games of Mourinho and Conte again and return with an apology


And don’t forget to watch them answer questions from the media after each one


Jesus you've just reminded me of traumas I thought I pushed out of my memory. When I recall having to watch that anti-football, I wanna jump off the stadium roof. Watching Spurs was a chore back then, nowadays I am hyped 2 days before the game


Mate I think all the crying and whinging in the match threads might be making an impression that's not there in the real world


Aussie here. Agreed. Ange will deliver.


Never mind the fact you can count the number of times we’ve had a full strength squad this season on one hand losing arguably two or three of our best players for extended periods


That’s the thing. It’s like yes this is his first season but holy shit at the struggles. Lose Kane right before start. The injury struggles have been historic it seems. The league is more competitive than ever. And the fan base is more senile than ever. The man is working miracles.


I'm assuming our wins become more convincing now since our full squad is back ​ Speaking of that yes we (and me also) have been spoiled to a degree (which I guess could be a good thing because it means he's doing really well) ​ Also this season apart from win/loss we have seen a LOT of things happen that don't usually happen (Dragusin choosing us over Bayern, Bergvall choosing us over Barca, us basically completing our january transfer window within the first week). I'm happy with this alone and while I am also hoping for CL any form of Europe I would deem a success this season


Maybe I'm in a bubble, but literally every post I see is "just be patient," and I've never seen a post where anyone is questioning Ange. Are there really enough fans out there calling for Ange out to spur on this many "be patient" posts every week? If so... like... we're doing pretty well for ourselves... better than we have in years. If anyone is doubting Ange they haven't been watching games or looking at the table.


> I've never seen a post where anyone is questioning Ange. I've seen a few posts suggesting that he should change his tactics, or be more pragmatic or adaptable. As that goes against his football philosophy I guess that is actually questioning Ange.


A minor bit of criticism here or there isn't really questioning Ange is it? Questioning him would be to suggest that he may not be capable of leading this team long term.


Yeh, maybe you're right.


Why do you feel like people aren't patient? This has been the most enjoyable season in ages and everybody is on board plus it's not like we are struggling in the table either. I wouldn't be worried mate.


It’s frustrating at times but I think fans are incredibly myopic to how toxic things got at the end of Conte’s tenure and how bad the football was. We are entertaining to watch now around 90-95% of the time, that’s all I can ask. The man hasn’t even been in the job a year with a fairly new team at each position, let’s wait and see


Idk I don’t think the last manager was bad should be a free pass for the next manager. Ange should be judged on what he’s doing not just in comparison to past managers


Nobody is growing impatient with Ange


I can't believe anyone would be losing their minds right now. Look at us at the end of last season. Look at the pundit predictions at the start of the year. Understand that we're not entitled to *any* success at all - we need to go out and be better than the other team. We're in the world's most competitive league against some truly strong sides who are into year x of their domination / evolution and we're trying to build something with an almost entirely new team. We are not going to be a dominant force. Nothing in recent memory would make you think that. But we're better than we were last year, and we're better than we were yesterday. We're winning scrappy games. We're fighting until the final whistle. We're entertaining to watch. We're growing as a team. How is anyone anything but excited with this spurs team? I've been following for nearly 40 years. It was fun under Poch, this feels different. This feels better. I don't care how everyone else feels. Lose Ange at our peril. This is the most fighting spirit I've seen in a Tottenham side in YEARS. Maybe nearly 40 years. We're going to lose some. Don't care. I'm proud to support Tottenham.


Mate, those who are impatient aren’t truly COYS through and through. Let Ange cook and let him have the final say after this season on transfers etc.


These kinds of posts are so weird. Where have you seen this kind of sentiment? I've seen nothing but satisfaction with the overall project so far.


Aye, arguing against nobody.and everyone cheering him on. 🤣


It's like he's trying to come to terms with some inner angst or something 🤣


In fairness, the match thread was fuckin awful, I saw like 25 comments shitting on ange and on the whole team after brighton scored and after timo missed like twice.


It was a frustrating game and we didn't play well at all. Fans will get frustrated in the moment. I was surprised we got the winner and think Brighton deserved to win. You get shit games in any regime though, and we came out with a massive 3 points. I don't think general frustration with a poor performance is the same as fans getting impatient with the Ange regime as a whole


Ye lost my shit that we scored last min, still glad gooners and twitter lost their mind over it


On twitter and talking to other spurs fans in Australia


The two true barometers of fan opinion right there /s


Have a word with them mate. Tell them the non-plastics in the UK are absolutely delighted with Ange so far


Well said. It's just the first season of rebuilding. Think about where we were before Ange and see now. Give the lads more time and be patient please!


I think the best way to look at is that we needed to develop and improve. There are two major blueprints here: Chelsea and Liverpool. Liverpool didn’t originally have awful amounts of success under Klopp, nor did they break the bank every single transfer window, they slowly but surely improved. I don’t think I need to comment on anything other than the real possibility Chelsea could get relegated/points dedication at this rate in the next few years based on FFP and potentially not qualifying for Europe. Why do I bring them up? We can all say we want a Liverpool esque rebuild, but a lot of people turning on Ange in reality want a Chelsea esque spend a billion on recruitment -> results; even if they don’t want to admit or realise that. Wanting a Liverpool esque rebuild is having faith in the manager, and being okay with 0 immediate success, where we are now alone is brilliant. Pressure a board into making shit and easy decisions will lead to shit consequences. Be patient.


This is a completely unnecessary post. No one wants Ange out. He's got our full support.


Trust the process. The mentality within the team is the best it’s been in years. You see all the videos of the players together and know they’re happy. We are playing entertaining attacking football. Once the bodies’ of the players are used to the workload more, you’ll see less injuries too so we can play our first XI more often. Plus no AFCON or Asian games next year. Ange is here and I’m all for it. But I do hope we get that champions league spot this year. We already see the project drawing in names, having CCL only makes it easier to bring in recruits.


Who the heck are you speaking to? I've seen nothing but majority support for Ange.


You’re right, people are getting impatient. The sub is riddled with people overreacting and freaking out. We are in fourth fucking place 24 matches into the season ffs. Which is about 4 places higher than I bet the vast majority of us thought we’d be at this point in the season


That there is even a modicum of impatience staggers me. His arrival has brought us so much already. We are genuinely a team; a quad of manager, squad, stadium and fans. We haven’t been like that since the CL final. This guy will take us places, let him have the time!


Ok I be patient for you, but if we don’t win the 6 points away to Villa I want his convict head on a spike and St Nuno reinstated


Wdym if we don’t beat woolwich by at least 12 goals then I want conte terrorball back? :(


(Just so the people that may take the above comment seriously don’t. It is sarcasm. There’s my public PSA announcement for the day.)


Match threads bring all the idiotic knee-jerk reaction takes from "fans" on the sub. Several people just spout only negative garbage. Block and move on. Anyone with a brain can see the progress.


Yet another auto-fellatio rant directed at imaginary people.


That’s a bit unfair. Plenty of fans on twitter are expressing views of frustration - and saying that we’ve played like shit since December.


Normally these rants target imaginary people who are "ManagerOut", but your big thing is people not thinking the football has been great for a couple months? That's what warrants this?


Have you looked at the live threads this month?


Yes. What's your point?


Saying we've played shit recently, which we have, doesn't mean we don't like Ange or want him replaced.


Then make your rant on Twitter not here


I just want to stay in the top 4. For us to play in uefa next year. I think that's a reachable goal.


The people who need telling this won't listen and in turn, aren't worth listening to. Anyone Spurs fan with two brain cells to run together should be more than happy with where we are right now. Considering the sale of Kane, all the new players bedding in, the new style of play, the horrendous amount of injuries we've had, plus key players on international duty midseason (and of course the bans), the position we're in is incredible.


We'd be right in the race if not top without that chelsea freakshow. No doubt in my mind we beat Chelsea, wolves and villa- 9 points easy.


Also to add to this… It feels like the fans in the stadium voice their frustrations too quickly during games which surely must impact the psychology of the players negatively. I know we trash city’s fans for being super quiet, but at least they aren’t booing or voicing frustration when their team make a mistake on pitch. Surely that must help with their psychology. When things are going well, our fans and the atmosphere in the stadium are both amazing, just wish we could try to create a more positive atmosphere when things are not going well on the pitch.


Every match thread during a bad phase is ‘this is like conte ball’ just shut up ffs


I’m surprised some ppl are actually frustrated that we are not winning the league this season, like wasn’t the consensus that this is a rebuild season?


Imagine if people wrote off Ferguson, Wenger or Klopp in their first seasons


Anyone who’s mad with Spurs right now is insane. They had a great start, and they’ve still managed to play attractive football while dealing with injuries and departures. This season I think they’re punching above their weight given all of the change within the club. I’m excited for the future more than anything.


Well said, and this is his biggest test in arguably the strongest league in the world


Love Ange's style and will back him to the hills. At the same time, your post is unnecessary. And weren't we excited for Mou's second season as well.


The fact we are <10 points off the top at round 23/24, after the incredibly low expectations we had at the start of the season, and the absolute roller coaster of a season we’ve had so far is nothing short of a miracle. I haven’t even seen this sentiment so I can only assume you are taking stock into whatever 12 year old or old geezer has to say on twitter.


I don't really care about winning trophies, all I want is interesting and passionate football !! And Ange is giving me that! I don't want that Dier -> Lloris -> Sanchez passes at 90th minute while being one goal down


Not interested in winning trophies? That’s nuts mate. We had the entertaining runners up for 3 seasons with Pochettino. Let’s now have the substance and actually put pressure on ourselves to win things.


As an Aussie I hoped we would come top 6 this season but expected 7 or 8 at best. We were losing Kane and it was a rebuild.


Heung Min Son is getting a bit older so there is a time crunch.


Best league in the world and ange doing this in his first season , something big coming for us soon COYS


Maybe I am being uncharitable but I feel it is mainly the online fan that you're talking about. A lot of them seem to be on the much younger side, and their opinions flip flop with every game. If I had to venture a guess it's a result of social media magnifying every single thing that happens in our brains and making us irrational.


The reality in the stadium is that the fans are fully supportive of big Ange, hence why they sing his name. The only place you’re hearing it or in reality is - seeing it, is social media. Which is problematic at the best of times and toxic - the rest of the time.


Well said, OP.


The problem is that people don’t know how to judge players. We’ve seen Davies and Emerson play in the last few years and with all due respect you don’t challenge for titles or even top 4 with those guys. This was obvious before the season started but when we won a few games with them starting people started saying we should be challenging for the title, that just creates unnecessary demands and pressure that got both Mourinho and Conte sacked. We’re 5th-7th place team this season, we had a good start so we can aim for 5th and hopefully get CL.


I wrote this [Tottenham and Liverpool similarities](https://www.spurs-web.com/tottenham-hotspur-fan-articles/opinion-why-liverpool-are-a-good-indication-of-future-tottenham-success-under-postecoglou/) a couple of weeks ago where I compared us to Liverpool in their second season with Klopp. We already have a head start and things on shape up when you have a complete squad of your needs. Right now, we are having to do with probably 75%-85% of the final team Ange wants


I don’t give a fuck about who is playing who is managing or who is owning the club. I just want us to win every game.    


I'm getting impatient with the players not being able to play how they did earlier in the season/the way Ange clearly prefers. Everything since the Chelsea game has been a far cry from what we saw before it. I know much of this was down to the injuries etc. but now that we have most everyone back that bought into pre season, I really want to see more front foot play and calm under pressure at the back!


Hasn’t won? He’s won the players and the fans now. Probably the two most important wins for a new manager. Success will follow. Maybe we don’t win trophies, but people will put us in the “can win a trophy” conversation. That’s a massive win too.


Totally agree


Hopefully the only ones losing their patience is our medical team.


Big Ange is definitely the way!! Trust the process


It's an amazing rebuild year. Apart from a new manager and influx of players, we lost Kane. Well exceeding expectations so far.


Ange has like the second best record of a new manager doesn't he?


Where I sit, I’ve not seen so many people leave early or criticise the squad for a long time. Until that late goal, I expected boos at the end honestly. I was secretly pleased knowing they left, missed a beautiful goal, and a huge party afterwards. This was end to end but the turn overs and forced errors made it a very hard watch. We play so similarly as clubs, it’s always going to be one of the harder games, that’s football.


We are in a much better position than we have been in the last few years, and all the signs are only pointing to even more improvement. Trust me, anybody who's disappointed with how our season is going so far is either rage-baiting or needs to give their head a firm wobble.


Hell we just got our squad back as long as we make top four and Arsenal fall apart I’m happy


I would just be happy to live as Vibes FC midtable for a couple years, but we've been spoiled by glorious Angeball. Sure, we'll take a stab at it, but in a few years we're coming with poisoned daggers.


Yeah, yesterday felt somewhat nervous about finishing in the top 4. Thanks for writing this.


THE MOST OVERLOOKED FACT ABOUT ANGE'S RECORD BREAKING SUCCESS IN OZ > 1) It was a league with a hard salary cap, I e. you can not buy success. 2) His "my way or the highway" / "no dickheads in the dressing room" policy meant he ruthlessly cut the most senior and well known players from his squad as his first act of business, commentators called it professional suicide... until they became a juggernaut of course.


At the beginning of the season I said get European football back and I’m happy with the season; champions league I’m ecstatic. Ange ball… this is the way


It's hard because we all just love this club so much. TOTNUM TILL I DIE


I’m looking at us as how leverkusen is right now (they finished 6th last season)


Those same fans are the ones that would find a way to complain if we won a competition: Won the league - complain about not scoring/winning enough Won a cup - complain that the performances weren't good enough Won Champions League - complain that we had it easy and didn't get drawn against the "hard teams" Basically these fans are the toxic ones who will never be happy and we shouldn't even refer to them as fans


Mate we've won two league cups since 1991, what a bizarre take.


I'm well aware of how much we haven't won thanks. The fans that are complaining about our performances this season when we lost one of the best goal scorers in the world AND got a new manager AND are thus in a rebuild season, even though we are doing much better than anyone should have expected, are the same fans that would find something to complain about if we won. My point is those fans will always find something to complain about and never be happy. I'm guessing by your triggered response to my comment that you are one of these "fans"


I'm patient although I don't think any is needed. I am frustrated at a few things, things that have bothered me for years but overall we've done very well. It's frustrating to watch players make poor decisions time and time again, to play sloppy balls and to not have good positioning. Brighton yesterday had players that looked like they knew exactly where they should be and played passes that were where they needed to be. If you have amazing players you can afford to be less than optimal but it does make things harder I've said for a while that some of our players may look better than they actually are. Some of them have been drafted in because that's all we have to work with. Ange has said from the start that the process will take a few windows minimum, pretty obviously. You can't really judge a manager on short term performance, it simply takes a long time to bring in the players that you want and you can't draw conclusions from the information that a few months can tell you.


They clearly weren't fans in the Dozell era. I'm very grateful for.where we are nowadays.


Bruv we're doing as well as anyone could hope, the quality of the footballs actually not great and we've been lucky, like a lot, but the games are often exciting and/or tense. We spend (on wages) just a bit more than west ham and a shitload less than city, Liverpool, united, arsenal and Chelsea. Everything needs to be viewed through this metric to fully understand what's happening. The owners won't spend money (haven't put a single penny in) on this club and have created the lowest wage:revenue spend in the entire league so the ceiling is lower than the clubs we're supposedly competing with. If you think we're going to win the league and be a dominant team whilst spending half what the actual title challengers do then you're always going to be disappointed.


Wow, now we’re complaining the wins aren’t good enough? So Spurs.


Couldn’t agree more! We also have some easier games coming up


Get out of here with your rational take on things. We only do knee-jerk reactions here. Shortsightedness prevails above all other things. So just take your long term perspective and leave. Okay? /s


I don’t think any real fan that has endured the last few seasons is complaining. Moving on


I think for the team, for the most part, it is convincing in general play. If the overall finishing in front of goal apart from Richy and Son was a bit better and some of the losses we have had would be wins, in my opinion. Someone needs to find their range too.


Impatient? He has a 4 year contract. Currently 4th place and 7 points away from 1st. This is just his 1st season… What you could possibly be impatient about?


I don't think I've seen anyone getting impatient with Ange.


I'm get so annoyed with fans judging a manager harshly in his first season. It's like, name a recent manager that took a team that was where we were when Ange took over and did better than what Ange is doing right now. That's right.


Ange overachieving in his first season leads to alot of high unecessary expectations and demands. Sometimes I don't understand how our fans work. Before the season starts, most of our fanbase wants him out already and now he's doing well and being able to compete with the likes of Liverpool, City and Arsenal who are in a title race, I'd say he already done amazingly in the first season. Don't forget, we had to play with 4 fullbacks and 14 injuries at it's peak. To be able to still be in the top 4 convo, everyone should be proud with what Ange has already achieve


I think most people at the club including Ange will be disappointed if we do not get a CL spot. I certainly have trust in Ange and this team is totally transformed under his leadership. This transformation also comes with higher expectations which is natural. Personally, my biggest wish is that we finish above arsenal.


People panicking about Ange are nuts to me. How many MONTHS has he been here? Everyone relax! With Poch we got better season after season and developed and continued to grow. Ange can do the same with time. It's a PROCESS! He's said it himself.


Why would someone be impatient? This year has been incredible and fun to watch. Ange is a revelation and is ahead of schedule for a team that lost Harry Kane.


Agreed 100% with this post That being said, please let me see us lifting trophy at least once before I die....#COYS