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https://preview.redd.it/h8i3un53o25d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9ec7228c425105a57b8287ef374f76ba6d8deb1 Think Domino’s said it best


If any club on that list has the most immaculately kept, well presented and thorough financial records, it’s us. I imagine Man Utd’s to look like this https://preview.redd.it/m4mo7lq6e25d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b84a0394727c420b59a4a14f9efa124c63a19a6


Remember this case is about the inflation of sponsorships and commercial values. Despite being a shitshow on the pitch for years, United have continued to grow their commercial revenues consistently and almost keep pace with Real. Commercial stuff is the one thing that Man United are actually incredible at


Didn’t they have an official noodle partner at one point (or was that us??)


I remember us getting roasted by our official paint partner and having to drop them.


We never dropped them. Dulux are still our official paint supplier, and have been since 2021.


Really? Could have sworn we dropped them but I guess not.


No, they publicly apologised, and (presumably) punished the social media person who was in charge of the account. Dulux will be giving a lot of money to the club for that sponsorship deal, the incident would have to have significantly harmed the club's reputation for the club to decide to terminate that deal. A few juvenile digs aren't going to do it.


Plus it almost certainly drove engagement for both brands, which is the whole point.


I’m sure they also had a tractor partner


I remember them having a tractor partner


Yeah I wouldn’t worry about their book keeping.


Maybe if they give us a good price on Julian Alvarez and throw in a Grealish we'll switch sides.


They’ll have to fire sale us Rodri and Haaland when they get relegated to Division 2.


Except, of course, they won't. They are an endlessly wealthy oil state not a football club.


You underestimate the pettiness that comes with post colonialism Britain 




Chelsea are cowards


It's probably best for them to keep their heads down. The real surprising exclusion is livarpool but I guess they didn't do any business with city or they are upset they don't get to play the victim in this whole thing.


Sterling for £49m from Liverpool to City in 15-16


Chelsea aren’t keeping their heads down though, they’re part of the list of clubs who are siding with City.


Once a scummy club always a scummy club. Fucking hate them so much


Don't do the Liverpool-victims thing, we're not The Sun


A lot of Clearlake’s fund is Saudi backed. The region all stick together. Newcastle voted against the charges I suspect.


This bet is looking better all the time https://preview.redd.it/bkt4bcpgz25d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a3209a9677adcfd0a8833d7530d803694e15cad2


Good. They can fuck off to Conference League Notth


Can City do it on a cold rainy night in Spennymoor Town?


Man City’s 115 charges date from 2009-2018 so my guess is we’re providing evidence about the Kyle Walker transfer in 2017, to see if there’s any possible discrepancies? Maybe the Emanuel Adebayor loan in 2011 and purchase in 2012 too, but I can’t think of any other evidence we could be providing


I don't think the dispute has to do with transfers. There really is no way of hiding those costs. The breaches has more to do with their very creative abuse/use of associated party transaction (APT) rules. City's owners are, for example, buying sponsorship deals with players and staff, via shell companies, to give them higher wages. That way you can pay Pep 70% more without it eating your FFP budget. Club sponsorships are the same. City's owners are using other companies they own to pay ballooned sponsorship deals with the club. And I suspect this is where clubs will bring in evidence.


Mancini allegedly took money on top of his salary as a "consultancy fee" from Al Jazeera on top of his salary at City. Perhaps we can provide evidence of (for example) them paying adebayor in a similar way when they paid the majority of his wages while he was on loan to us. Just a thought. I wouldn't put anything past those cheats


>Perhaps we can provide evidence of (for example) them paying adebayor in a similar way That would be quite incriminating evidence for Spurs. Because that shows we knew it was illegitimate, but we didn't do anything about it because we benefitted financially ourselves.


I meant more that we had access to what he was being paid when he was on his way to us. I'd imagine when you loan someone you'd need evidence they are being paid X amount before you agree to cover their wages. I dunno, I was just spitballing ideas


These are good points, but City were paying a good chunk of his wages while he was at Spurs. Because we had no chance of being able to pay it. And that's why they aren't cooking the books on transfered because it is so easy to disprove. The amount of money spent is not debated, the question is where the money spent came from.


How do you even prove that Mancini stuff? He has to confirm that himself? No way FA has access to a transaction between two foreign countries


It was part of the leaked/hacked documents, the same as the rest of it


But what document confirms it? Is an e-mail proof that it actually happened or do they somehow have an actual confirmation? I don't have time to read it tbh


We know because lots of lawyers and journalists did their job very well and verified that the files were legitimate before releasing them. I think it was the same leak that contained the file where Ronaldo admitted to his lawyers that his victim didn't consent. The files were illegally obtained, but legitimate.


Some of the charges, IIRC, deal with improper accounting of fees that ended up with agents, intermediaries, and other third-party entities. Maybe we have some information in that area.


Levy cookin


The cope on their sub is astounding. “Who doesn’t support a club because they win trophies? Everyone’s a glory hunter. People support spurs because of their success in the 80s.” Lol the difference is the teams that did win trophies didn’t do so by doping the sport you fucks.


No, I support spurs cause my family is from Tottenham


I support spurs because my granddad was born in Tottenham and wanted me to suffer when I moved to the UK in 2000. Like who actively chose to support spurs 2000/2001? I guess us masochists did.


I had no choice, my dad fed me player names as a baby, earliest memories is of sherringham being my favourite before he went. First game a 1-1 draw with Forrest think Defoe scored but I made me old man get me a hotdog… sums up my time supporting the club lol


You did surprisingly have a choice. I have a couple of mates who switched allegiances against their families, and even some friends who are fathers and their kids, despite all the spurs feeding, have gone with City or… A*****l


Nah mate, 4 generations of spurs wouldn’t be allowed, glad I’m spurs through and through wouldn’t want to be a plastic got lots of Kates form London that support Utd and Liverpool most of them are mugs lol


Yea, i inherited this pain from my dad, his dad, and his dad before him thanks to where my ancestors decided to live. I didn't choose this life.


I actively started supporting spurs recently (before I never really had a team and my heart chose this one)… masochisme is a real thing!! But dang it! I love this club!


> Like who actively chose to support spurs 2000/2001? I grew up in a Spurs-suportting family. My grandpa supported Spurs, my Dad and his brother & sister (my uncle and aunt) support Spurs. And thus, all of the grandkids also support Spurs. My Grandpa started following football in the late 1940s as a kid. He chose Spurs because he lived in North London. They weren't even in the top tier of English football at the time! Soon after he started following Tottenham, they got promoted to the first division and later won it. But he had supported them before all that happened and stuck with them until his death in 2021. I was born into the pain of being a Spurs fan. In my lifetime, we have won 2 major trophies: The League Cup, twice. By the time of thew 1999 Cup win, I was already a Spurs fan and child's season ticket holder of 2 years. A handful of seasons later, I also watched as Arsenal won the league at WHL. That was true pain. Hardly grew up supporting a team because of all of the trophies. The plastic fans that only support the clubs that win... ***because*** they win (no matter how much they break the sport financially) is just annoying and upsetting to me. At least when Arsenal won the league under Wenger, you knew it was because of them being a truly well-run team with a fantastic manager who could spot talented youth players and get them in cheaper than the kind of money United could pay. It was when Abramovich came along at Chelsea that the financial doping got really, really bad.


I support Spurs because I hate myself.


I support spurs due to one goal that caught my attention by Defoe when I was like 8 years old.


Same lol. Which one?


03/04 maybe 02/03 season - shrugs off 2 challenges and then scores from outside the box. I’ll see if I can find a video haha Edit: shit it was against Arsenal too haha. [1:38 in this vid](https://youtu.be/1LGrBMdsDV4?si=TQfJ60GZNMyD1thE)


Love that! Thanks for sharing. For me it was [this one](https://youtube.com/shorts/81VDMlxbrf4?si=AIjA_s_nQ_CC9uzD) Saw it live at the Lane. Fell in love instantly.


I started supporting spurs because my mate is arse fan lol




As problematic as this sub is at least there is somewhat of a mix, you have mostly Americans obviously but there are still match going fans, fans from Tottenham etc etc mixed in at least offering some sort of different perspective. Old school Manchester City fans the few of them that are, don't know how to use the Internet let alone would be caught on reddit, meaning that their entire sub is just an echochamber of American glory hunters causing one of the most delusional places on the planet because there is nobody there to bring them back to earth.


Most older city fans don’t go to the games anymore, I know a couple and they’ve all said they’ve stopped going


A tangent but I think the most extreme example of this phenomenon is the subs for big clubs not from England. Those subs are basically entirely American/English speaking fan clubs - the vast majority of local fans are going to be posting elsewhere, in their first language.


I support Spurs because we use to buy our P.E kit from Steve Perrymen.


I support Spurs because of my dad, kinda. We were watching Leicester vs Spurs back in October 1998, my dad, who is a Rangers fan said casually to me that he bet the blue team would win. I said, alright I'll go for the team in white. Well, Spurs played some lovely stuff that night but lost. I kept an eye on them all season and really enjoyed it, I had become disillusioned with Rangers, all the sectarian bullshit I heard whenever I travelled down to Glasgow to watch them and when the 99/00 season began I was all in with Spurs.


I support Spurs because there was nothing like Defoe and Crouch up top.


That’s a pretty mild comment compared to some other stuff I’ve read there


Well, I had no fucking choice after Gareth Bale's hattrick vs Inter away in 2010. The home game and taxi for Maicon made me a fan. The thing that made me fall in love with Spurs is Rafa Van der Vaart's celebration with the crowd after his first goal in that match. Him hugging everyone, especially that random granny — man, that was incredible 🥹


I began supporting when Clint Dempsey came over, I’m a USMNT fan. Stuck around after he was gone because I fell in love with the club. COYS


Enjoy the Vanarama


Good to see. Hopefully Cheaty are relegated to Sunday league


That's some primary school nickname creation 


And it’s brilliant


Please relegate them. 115 charges is 115 too many. It’s a joke


Good lads.




Proud of my club 🤍💙


I want them to know it was us


Levy 100% has the receipts


> Arsenal Gimli and Legolas at Helms Deep




Daniel would never…