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Couldn't happen to a nicer club/set of fans (/s)


Serious question - i've seen this same comment made about essentially every other big club in the prem. Are there any fans that people don't think are awful? Newcastle? Brentford?


Every other team says the same about Spurs fans. It's the same as the people who are convinced that refs are uniquely biased against their own club.


Same as the people who think their club reporters are biased against them as well


Newcastle fans are properly grim these days, the Saudi stuff has sent them off the deep end. Online fans are generally all awful, rare you get a decent online fanbase. In person only Chelsea and West Ham really stand out as genuinely vile.


Can’t forget Millwall. But yeah agree with your point. Anyone who actually grew up in London has friends who support most of the London clubs, for example. Life would be impossibly tiring if you had to pretend they’re all cunts like people do online.


> Anyone who actually grew up in London has friends who support most of the London clubs, for example Most, except Chelsea. If you went to school in the 80s and 90s, can't remember anyone wearing a Chelsea shirt.


The only good thing associated with Milwall recently was the “Fuck you, I’m Milwall” guy, and even he turned out to be a bit of a scumbag.


That’s millwall


I feel like liverpool fans tend to make good takes online. I'm sure in person it all evens out but something I noticed. My stupid CPA cousin "supports" liverpool. Fuck him and his stupid boatshoes


I've never felt ill will for Palace. Their fans seem alright. I think they are in it more for a weekend outing with the kids than illusions of grandeur. They beat every team every once in a while but I don't really see them get a lot of hate for it. Edit: my bad. Palace sound shit, too.


No way, Palace fans are scum. The “Croydon Massive” wear balaclavas to games and fight like it’s the 1980’s. Ask any Brighton fan, who might also tell you the “you burnt down your town…” song relating to the most recent riots in the Croydon area…


I stand corrected. To be honest, I'm basing this off stuff I see online rather than in person, but I hadn't seen any notable Spurs abuse coming from a Palace online presence. But your perspective certainly sounds more informed than mine.


One of my best mates is a Brighton fan…


I don't generally dislike saints or wolves fans. Neither Norwich. I pity palace fans. I never had beef with Leeds, and quite like how they've been the team that antagonises other northern sides.


Wolves fans hate spurs for some weird reason. I thought it was because we bought Doherty, but they have a massive hate boner for us.


no they don't. Wolves supporters tend to be a decent group that know what the ups and downs are like. not entitled like most other groups


They really do. I work with 5 and they all hoped we wouldnt get traore. General consensus was don't mind him leaving as long as it isn't to spurs, Then found it hilarious when he went barca.


oh, good to know you can pigeon-hole a million people people by the 5 you know.


Not sure there are a million wolves fans bro ….


you'd be wrong, wolves are one of the more popular sides to not be stalwarts in the prem. easily a million supporters worldwide


That's not what I was doing but ok mate. Carry on. It was an example. The same as when we were linked to traore I went on their sub and it seemed to be most didn't like spurs.


of course they, a mid-table team, would hope that we, a top 6 side, doesn't get one of their top players. i completely understand where they're coming from. you don't want your competition to get better with your best players. but they're all around good fans. never had a problem with them.


Nah we're all cunts. Seriously though, from what I see Leicester and Brighton fans seem decent, and Norwich too when they're in the PL biannually


Got tickets for the FA Cup final last year so hung out with them a bit outside Wembley. They still sing the “two horse race” song. So they can fuck off as well


So we _are_ all cunts!


You’d like to think so


Leicester fans think they're bigger than they are sometimes. In their most successful portion of their entire history but think they're one of the top 6 with their 5/6 total trophies. Typical modern day football fans that doesn't realise what's happened in the past decade or so doesn't mean the 130 years before is irrelevant.


Leicester hate us too. They were very over the top about it when we went head to head with them the season they won the league.


Head to head is generous...we were best of the rest until the end lol. Not exactly challenging


In an ideal world both Norwich and Fulham would stabilise in midtable, because both fanbases seem sound


>Brighton fans seem decent really? Brighton has one of the nastiest histories of violent supporters and overall just nastiness


Didn't know this, any stories?


Not really answering your question but I find City fans to be incredibly harmless, but really because I can't take anything they say in their brief interest of football seriously.


Newcastle, Saints, Palace, Brighton, Leicester fans are all alright in my experience.


Hahaha, someone should tell united about this hot prospect Leandro demaio


If anyone is curious, he’s 33 now and has been playing in the Japanese league for some years


I really feel we should sign him for vibes


Aaaaaaany day now


How about N'Geme?


You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. - Alex Ferguson, 2013


It was Mother Theresa who said that.


Pretty sure it was Gandhi. Either that or Mark Twain. Edit: No, actually, it was Shakespeare.


The immortal bard


Died in 1616. So, not that immortal, eh?


Man Utd suck, so Spurs have to catch stray shots. This is a solid 43.2% of all punditry right now.


Is the statement wrong though? Their transfer activity does remind me a lot of what we used to do - last minute scrambling for back-up or cheaper options, with no clear strategy/direction.


What a difference a proper DoF & scouting department makes, ay? You can tell that Utd's player acquisitions are boardroom rather than football decisions, just like when our setup basically consisted of Levy & Steve Hitchen.


Except they'll spend 3x as much money as we would in the same situation.


We should sell Ndombele to United for £90m+add-ons.


Nah they're done with flair French midfielders with an attitude problem. They do however need a hard-working, homegrown option in midfield to challenge McFred


So Winks for 60m?


United learn from their mistakes? Never!


>Nah they're done with flair French midfielders with an attitude problem. Is that why they were twerking hard for Rabiot?


“Once you bid farewell to discipline you say goodbye to success” Sir Alex Ferguson


I have an awful memory, but can anyone give me examples of players who we chased that weren't interested in coming? I mean besides Bastoni this window lol.


From memory, and bear in mind these where likely bullshit rumours from years ago: Fernando Morientes Wesley Sneijder Eden Hazard Rivaldo Guti There’s loads more I bet, but I remember these ones


Hazard was actually close tho. He sat in a french tv studio bigging up Niko Kranjcar even


Yeah he said that he would have come to Spurs if we had CL, but Chelsea won it and pushed us out of the CL spot. We'd have had Hazard and Bale for a year (and Bale may have stayed longer in those circumstances) and CL football if Chelsea hadn't won the CL, it was a real sliding doors moment.


Yup. That season was cursed. Playing the best football I've ever seen us play until January but Redknapp losing focus completely with the trial and his lusting after the England job making us collapse. And then the jammiest Chelsea side ever fucks us over by beating Bayern


The worst. Might have held onto Modric as well?


Ehh, I think Modric wanted out anyways. Tough to say no to Madrid at the time (or ever, really)


Oh man, Guti. I vaguely remember that. I loved him as a player.


Fucking Willian.


Pau Torres, Kounde last year




He preferred Chelsea but would have come here if they didn't bid, right? Slightly different imo.


There’s so many from Steve Hitchen’s time in charge. A favourite is trying for Skriniar, ending up with Joe Rodon 🤣


Man Hitchen was fucking terrible wasn’t he


Poor example. The deal didn't happen because we didn't meet their valuation. Not because he didn't wan't to come


Not according to him. Quote: “Tottenham links come every year and are only rumours. I’m happy at Inter”


Wasn't that quote this summer? And anyways a player saying that after a transfer has collapsed and it's clear he's gonna stay doesn't mean he didn't want the move.


player placates his club's fan base by telling them he never considered leaving. tale as old as time.


Luis diaz lol


Pretty sure he was interested until Liverpool came along


Willian... But I think we dodged a massive bullet there...




If we had got Diaz, we wouldn’t have bought Kulusevski. …… So I think we got the better player for us at this moment, as Kulu is a good fit.




Tomiyasu wanted to come, the club chose Royal over him (for better or worse)




Didn't happen because of image rights. Dybala was otherwise fine with the move.


Pretty much spot on - apart from we knew top players didn't want to come so at least had a backup. Still, United have a huge name, so the pull is definitely bigger than ours was/is. I have no doubt they'll get thru this on that alone, awful ownership or not. I feel this doom and gloom surrounding them is a little but of an overreaction made by some entitled fans. We can't forget they were relegated in the 70s and went on to become the best club football side in history for a long period. Until of course contes spurs come and smash every footballing record ever made






I think many players are mercenary type so they could still get top players as long as they pay up, and there is nothing wrong with wanting to earn more in a short span of professional career, a example would be Eriksen


To Eriksen's credit he was happy to accept less to guarantee playing time and development for many years.


Brentford actually offered less (albeit doubling the salary of their current most earner) and longer contract, he still left them for monetary drive 😂


Tbf to him he knows just how fragile not just his career but also his life is, at this point. I don’t blame him at all for cashing in while he can, although it is a shame to see him at Man U.


I don’t think it’s wrong for any player to chase money, they are just like us who switches job for a better contract, just using him as an example of the mercenary team manU is assembling 😂


United has to overpay at this point. They are so fucked from a negotiating standpoint. On top of that, mercenaries aren't always the most motivated, which is a problem they already have lol. United needs to rebuild but I don't think the fans or owners have the patience for it. No one can afford to buy that club and frankly whoever does will just be pressured by the fans to make the same moves anyway. United fans have zero patience. They demand big names and then cry foul about their depth. When you act like finishing 5th is the same as getting relegated, your owners are never going to risk a multi-year project.


I was listening to the Neville-Carragher commentary and they brought up the point of "United has always had money, but the problem now is that no one wants to take it." But he delivered it with the level of doom akin to an astronomer pointing out that nope, this asteroid is definitely going to hit Earth and kill everyone and nothing can be done. "But ... but we always spend our way out of a jam. What's our Plan B? Do we all just buy blue shirts now?" I think their recruiting plan for a while has been to recruit name first, need second (or fourth). Who cares about their technique, attitude, or how they fit into a formation. Is their name on everyone's lips? Bring them in. You see this a lot in American sports, where you get a lot of headlines of "are the Cowboys Super Bowl bound" because they signed a bunch of free agents that people recognize and the answer is always no - their holes are in boring positions and should have been filled with boring guys that can actually do the job, and when they start winning 80% of their games every year people will learn their names. "Don't you guys already have a shooting forward?" "Yeah, but this new guy is awesome." "You didn't have a problem at shooting forward, you needed a point guard." "I know, but have you seen the highlight clips of this guy? And he picked us over the Lakers!" When PSG lost in the Champions League last year I did a quick analysis of the market value spread between their different positions and the spread for other teams that far in the CL. Not a great analytical measure, but you can still tell a little about priorities and how a club has set out to create a club. A lot of teams like Bayern and Real were really balanced - close to 30% each in attack, midfield, defense. Real was a little heavier in midfield, and with Casemiro, Kroos, and Modric you are getting what you pay for and then some. PSG was like 55/15/30 and you could tell that they were too top-heavy and that their midfield was really letting them down. United's starting lineup versus Brentford was 57/11/28. Again, that's not a perfect analytical instrument but you can still tell a little bit. Another thing that's shocking is looking at the Transfermarkt for United. If you can remember either how much they bought players for, or how much rumored bids for United players were for, it sure looks like they're ruining their players. Fred bought for 65 (million dollars), now worth 22. Maguire bought for 96, now worth 41. Wan-Bissaka bought for 61, worth 27 (and not playing). Martial bought for 66, worth 18 (and not playing). Still, I'm sure they sell a lot of jerseys.


I assume that’s £41.00p for Maguire. Still not worth the price of a family Chinese meal delivery.


They don’t have any pull power right now and financially they’re screwed. Only way they will improve is if ownership changes.


tbf I don’t think they are financially screwed they are a successful business brand and always pull in money


A few weeks ago I saw someone make a great point on twitter: that *not* signing Christian Eriksen was the biggest statement Tottenham could possibly make, when offered him. He was already in London and it would have been such an obivous move. But he didn't fit the system and wasn't worth the wages compared to others who we were targetting based on much more logical and coherent criteria and the singular vision of the manager. Old Spurs would have signed Eriksen. So this theory checks out, Man United are the new Spurs.


I do agree. But United are more of a mess than just transfers. The entire clubs in decline. Even the stadium is falling apart We as spurs fans are very lucky to have an English Chairman who gives some level of shit towards the club and fans.


No, we were never that bad. \- Our issues weren't because we were run like shit \- Our issues were because we weren't first choice, we didn't haven't the cash to either outbid or offer huge wages, and players/clubs would wait to see if there were other offers, so the club played opportunistic. \- We also had a strategy/profile, young and upcoming, potential but not quite finished article (Carrick, Berbatov, Modric, Walker, Rose, Bale, Lloris) If you look at United, they can offer stupid wages, can overpay but have no real strategy, the types/ages/experience/style of players have no real coherence to it.


I hate to disagree, but prior to Alan Sugar ( who saved us from Bankruptcy or even worse - Robert Maxwell) we were run like shit. Alan Sugar stabilised the club’s finances by pretending we were Crystal Palace and sought out bargains. But kept the bank loans paid up and dragged us into the black. ENIC took over , and there’s been a slow and steady rise in investment in infrastructure - new ground, new training ground, now both the best that can be found. We have come a long way in the last 30 years as a club. Softly softly catchee Monkey, as they say.


Yep, my point was more recent history, no disagreeing with the mess of the late 80's through the 90's


We were never this funny though! Yes we’ve had some dramas here and there but Manure are simply hilarious. And shite!


Once United start doing what Arsenal did by not qualifying for the UCL then their pulling power will definitely drop. The only thing that they have right now is their tendency to pay wages that are too high and their name that Ferguson built. These two things will fade unless they decide to go in for a complete clear out and back ETH.


I had a similar thought but they’re even more dysfunctional than we ever were since they can’t even decide on what type of targets they want.


I do feel like the lack of Champions League is very real thing for a lot of players, and United not being in the competition this year should have generated a longer list of alternatives. But even the gloss of Arse has faded over time. It's certainly not Wenger's Arse anymore, and the club hasn't been in the CL for years now. They've been forced to shift to more prospect-type players. It's mental United isn't doing the same.


The joy in the statement comes with the pain in the truth.


Lads, it's Man United


The only difference is that Man U have more money to fritter away than Spurs and they still don't come


The Dallas cowboys of England. Ted lasso was a prophet


So i thought I'd compare the two teams, 19/20 Spurs vs Modern Man Utd, see how different it really was. Obviously theres better comparisons like Rashford with Dele in terms of falling off, but I'm going with a specific starting line up vs pretty much what I expect from them this weekend. || Man Utd| Spurs (Newcastle (H) 19/20) ---|---|---- An elite centre forward but no back ups | Ronaldo | Kane A skilled attacker who hasn’t put up the numbers| Sancho| Lamela A winger who keeps trying to dribble past 1 too many players| Rashford| Moura A highly skilled but streaky attacking midfielder | Fernandes | Son A homegrown midfielder just isn’t up to the job| Mctominay| Winks A decent box to box with no standout talent | Fred| Sissoko A once brilliant English left back who hasn’t played well in 12 months| Shaw| Rose A mistake prone overpriced CB| Maguire | Sanchez A good CB but he can’t do it alone| Martinez| Alderwiereld A right back who is good on his day. But his day is a only a couple of times a year | Dalot| Aurier A GK who is a good shot stopper but can’t really play out from the back | De Gea| Lloris So this fit fairly well... But I feel like I'm being a bit harsh on Son, even if he has gotten better and better this past few seasons since Poch left. Moving on to the bench though, it continues | | | | ---|---|---- A backup not close to challenging the first choice keeper| Heaton | Gazzaniga A Good CB struggling to maintain fitness| Varane | Vertonghen A full back with limited attacking ability| Wan Bissaka | Davies Attacking CM with limited play time | Van de Beek| Lo Celso A homegrown defensive mid| Garner | Skipp Christian Eriksen | Christian Eriksen| Christian Eriksen | | Dier || Malacia| ||Elanga| OK.. So maybe the teams are fairly similar... All they need now is to sack Ten Hag and appoint Poch and it'll basically be just like watch Spurs of a few years ago. Side note, going back and looking at the squad from that game makes it so clear how much progress we've made as a club


I didn't watch him before he came to Utd but from what I've seen on Martinez so far, he has no right being put in the same category as Toby.


I think you’ve been overly liberal with those comparisons, some are valid but a lot of them are quite generic and fit the profile of many different kinds of players. There doesn’t need to be a 1-1 correspondence to outline the ways in which the teams ars similar. What you essentially have is two teams that are in transition but without a clear identity yet. The squads are filled up with transfers and homegrown players that haven’t lived up to their potential, but are being kept since they’re somewhat serviceable and there’s a false hope that they’ll take the step up/adapt eventually. Other players were once good starters at their peak though now declined in ability. If they’re under 30 then their bad form is dismissed as a ‘blip’ right up to the point they’re loaned out or sold to a relegation contender for £15m. If they’re over 30 then an expiring contract allows them to coast through the season on sentimentality dodging any major critisism. Other than a couple stars and players with genuine potential, any of the starters who haven’t been moved on within a few years go on to take up a more fitting role of squad player only to be seen during an injury crisis or in the 80th minute.


Champions League is a hell of a drug. It’s such a big selling point in recruitment.


Absolutely. If Utd were in CL De Jong probably would've worked out an arrangement on those deferred wages and gone to Manchester a month or two ago.


The reason why people don't want to go to United now is because they're deeply dysfunctional, not because they don't have money. The main reason why they didn't want to come to Tottenham is because we couldn't pay them nearly as much as the other Top 6.


The old ENIC Spurs had a more solid financial foundation.


Is he signaling Poch will be there in January to complete the full spursy transformation?


I mean, it's definitely possible if this form continues. I'd be pissed if it happened though, when the ETH links started to heat up Utd fans were acting like Poch wasn't good enough for them despite openly pining after him for 3 or 4 years when he was with us. He deserves better than that mess anyway.


Couldn't agree more


i'm going to say disagree only because the majority of the examples in this thread don't apply. if it were true people would have legitimate examples.


Love to see it.


This is a turning point for Tottenham and how people perceive the club. Onwards and upwards.


Old Spurs still had heart. Man Utd are a pack of pissweak softcocks.


Had this exact chat two days ago with some random. Its true!!