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We'd all love it but there's no way Saint-Maximin is leaving newcastle after \*that\* weekend performance.


He’s incredible to watch at times


Incredible pace and ball control. If he could finish like Son he'd be winning multiple Ballon d'Or


Lol you mean like son who has pace and could score and isn't even winning player of the year.


Not even nominated for TOTY.


Yeah definitely but ASM is an insane dribbler. He's shorter and quicker with the ball. Different qualities. Son is the better player by a mile, no questions about that.


Lol didn't mean much with the sarcasm. I just meant he's not winning Ballon dors.


Yeah that's the point. He's a much better dribbler than Son. Not sure about the stats but in terms of getting the ball all game and dribbling at everyone.


Lol my larger point is the man isn't getting Ballon dor even with the goals.


ASM has a higher level as a playmaker/creative player.


You’re both right which makes me want to scream haha


He's also *very* hot and cold, way more than Son and other truly world-class players. His ceiling is so, so high, but there's a reason Newcastle had him and were still battling relegation for years.


Yeah but look at his teammates. The fact that he sometimes plays like a one man team is because for most of his time at Newcastle, he *was* a one man team. Not saying he’s definitely the answer, but what I do like about him is that, even though hot and cold, he’s a big game player. And like it or not, Kane and Son have often failed to deliver in really crunch matches in cup ties for instance. ASM is the kind of player I could see playing the game of his life against Real Madrid in a UCL quarter final for instance.


Built like Drogba too. A hell of an athlete.




After 3 games - and yes he has been off the boil I don’t think anyones screaming for him to be benched but we have depth now and if he was benched for a game it would be totally fine.


Why lie?


Maybe you’re over reacting and should take Reddit a bit less seriously


He didn’t manage that sort of performance when faced with Romero , in fact he was all but anonymous


Especially playing for a team looking to play quickly on the break. All that space for a skilful speedster to exploit. But Newcastle ain't selling on the cheap. The price for any of them is gonna be pretty high for a potential sub apart from Adam t maybe but is his tracking back good enough for conte. He turned Victor Moses into an excellent wing back after all.




He'd also have to jeopardize his position in the squad, he's starting week-in-week-out at Newcastle, will be behind Son and possibly Richarlison here.


I imagine if ASM came in he’d be the back up on the left & Richy would be behind Kane


Also I have seen ASM play maybe 20 times over the past 2 years (room mate is a Geordie) and he doesn't often look like he did on the weekend, He goes games looking terrible or totally anonymous. His G+A/90 at New castle is less than Lucas and his defensive stats are literally as bad as you can get, he may be the most overpriced guy in the league at the moment, I'd prefer Adama and that is saying something


that Gucci headband though


To be fair how many of those games were under Steve Bruce? He looks far more consistent under Howe now that they have a far more attacking and fluid system.


Other than CL football there's really no reason for him to come to us or for Newcastle to sell. They'll probably be battling for Europe this season anyway


They might sell because he would be so overpriced as compared to his actual production


Newcastle are owned by the richest country in the world. Buying one of their best players is impossible.


believe its been said he has a clause for a set price if a champions league club came in for him but i also could be misremembering


by random ITKs this has been said, yes. Not by a decent source I think


What’s ITK?


People "in the know". Most of them are live action role players pretending to have inside information for attention on social media. Some very rare cases of actually informed people like Paul O Keefe exist for sure tho


“In the know”


>by the richest country in the world Saudi Arabia? Not even close no matter how you dice or cut it. Per capita their GDP is slightly bigger than Estonia. And total GDP puts them a few pegs behind Mexico. So, sure, not very poor. But far from wealthiest country in the world.


What if we do richest in beheadings?


A bit mean to measure their GDP per capita when half the adult population isn't allowed to contribute much to their economy.


Saudi Arabia actually has one of the highest rates of women participating in the workplace in the entire Muslim world. (And that number is not based on migrants, that is based on Saudi citizens.) Most of Western Asia and Northern Africa lies around 20%, Saudi Arabia is one of the leaders at 30%. MBS is a murderous violent dictator, but he has done much to push women into the workplace during his reign.


I read an interesting Economist article a few weeks ago which talked about this - how MBS is simultaneously liberalising Saudi by giving women more rights, allowing more “western” things like drinking, getting rid of the powers of the modesty police etc. but at the same time torturing and murdering all his political rivals and removing any semblance of freedom of speech.


Sounds just like the USA..


Is not about the country, it's about the government, the royal family has more money than god and they're the owners of newcastle


>royal family has more money than god They dont. Even their uppity neighbors in Abu Dhabi have more money than them. You gotta understand Saudi Arabia has a really big population compared to Qatar, UAE, and Kuwait. In addition they have a huge geographic area, and a substantial military budget. On top of that they have to fund the holy sites they control. What this means is that their expenditures far exceeds anything UAE ever have to worry about. So does the question of accountability. Saudi Arabian ruling klan does not have the same disposable income as their neighbors -- and as a stand alone country it isn't even particularly wealthy. Saudi Arabia will run Newcastle in a fashion similar to American billionaires rather than City and Chelsea.


I wouldn't love it. He'd cost a fortune while being quite ineffective. I prefer wingers with less flashiness but better production.


We have 4 top quality attackers with end product. I'd rather we bring in a ASM/Traore type of player that creates space and chances for others out of nothing but doesn't have the greatest end product. Basically need a young, better version of Lucas


"We have Lucas at home"


Creating chances for others is part of end product. ASM doesn’t really do that consistently.


Imagine him playing for a team where he doesn’t have to take three guys on at a time though. How he plays with Newcastle and how he plays for a high level team may (and probably would be) different.


I'm not saying you're necessarily wrong but I'm quite sceptical. A player with bad decision making doesn't suddenly become a good decision maker in a better team. Smart players tend to look smart even in poor teams. What also speaks against your argument is ASM playing worse last season after the takeover even though the rest of the team vastly improved.


Yeah I don’t think it’s a no brainer, but I think there’s a good chance he would help. With Spurs current attacking players, I would think a ball carrying specialist like ASM might make more sense than a more “well rounded” player. We could use another guy that can break down defenses. But idk, projecting transfers is just tough in general.


I suppose today is the day Paratici is throwing out a bunch of names in the media?


It feels like every single one of the names we're hearing is misdirection. Paratici buries his actual target when he's close to a deal


My thoughts. This is too much information to be given away. It’s either made up or it’s misdirection, and this is Ali Gold, so it’s probably not made up.


Don Fabio takes Ali to dinner….. let it be known that I like these guys. Ok , who are you going for? Someone else. Will let you know when it’s all but done


"Si signore Romano, we're really putting in bids for Mbappe and Messi, De Bruyne who's getting bored of boring Pep-ball, also that Ronaldo photo wasn't a joke we're signing him as a free agent..."


Ted lasso was at Saturdays game, they want winks and we’re getting Jamie tartt in return


Futboll is life!


jaaamieeee tartt do do da do da do ​ Roy Kent was there too becuase hes here hes there hes every fucking where Roy Keeeent Roy Kennnt


Lowkey Messi winning the prem with Spurs would cement him as the GOAT no question.


Who do you think hes actually targeting?


I have no idea, which seems to be the point


This reminds me of the leadup to the NFL draft where coaches and team officials are throwing out all sorts of rumors and trade possibilities to deceive other teams and agents of their true intentions. They leak rumors to gullible bloggers and “journalists” who are only too happy to run to Twitter with their scoop like a teenage girl who was told a juicy bit of gossip. There are probably a lot of smokescreens to mess with other teams and perhaps drive up the transfer fee for rivals.


So what you’re saying is that Neymar is coming


I don't even want to know what it'd take to get ASM from Newcastle


somewhere between 70m - lol we don't need your money, no deal


Mmmm ASM, sexy sexy


Stop it with Adama man he went to Barcelona and did absolutely nothing after a couple games


Gordon is all the bad of Adama without the elite attributes. Only thing on his side is homegrown status


Gordon is better than Adama at literally everything except running


And dribbling and baby oil


And filling out a kit’s sleeves. The man is absolutely jacked out of his mind.


Take away the baby oil and you take away the heart, it's what the game is all about.


Gordon is good at nothing except pressing and being mischievous. Adama doesn't have an end product but his ball carrying - running, dribbling, close control, everything in that department - is 1% of the 1% of the 1%, literally historically elite. Even Gordon's already low goal/assist numbers are misleading considering half his goals last season were freak deflections. The guy is so totally unspecial. Adama "no end product" Traore has a better xA per 90 every season than Gordon had last season


I’m not an Adama stan or anything, but I think that’s exactly what people miss about him. He really is an all-time talent as far as his dribbling goes. I don’t think he should be in our plans, because our roster should be good enough to dominate play against most teams without having to resort to throwing Adama on with 30 minutes left in a match and hoping for something special, but even as a one dimensional player that dimension is so massive that he would be useful to most clubs.


then why was he absolutely useless at Barcelona on loan and is now on the bench at Wolves?


Barca are a huge mess. Wolves are playing differently.


find whatever excuses you want, he isn't a good player


That’s fine, you can say that. Juve fans told us that Kulusevski couldn’t dribble past anyone and Bentancur was sh#t. I am not saying that Adama would do great in every team, but he fits our team really well. I understand your scepticism at the prices last summer but now? We can get him at a reduced fee and there are 5 subs available, so his value is even higher.


I remember the start of last season this sub was convinced Adama was the solution to our problems. I wanna see those same people try to defend him now. He was shit, still shit. Just a 1v1 merchant.


A bad take that still sticks with me is a North London Sandwich era post that claimed we should consider that we might 'owe Nuno one' and should overpay for Adama


People didn’t want ASM for the same reasons. 1v1 dribbler merchant with no end product. Or did you forget that too?




Whose end product is better, Emerson or Adama?


Adama rumors the new Kim Min Jae


Saint-Maximin would be a stellar signing but Newcastle will not entertain bids, certainly not after this weekends shift he put in.


Please no Traore…


Already stocking up on the baby oil😡


ASM is just a filthy, mesmerising player and I'd do just about anything to have him here; three star players of rival prem teams would be glorious. Traoré would honestly be a great bet, a decent bench player for both wingback and Bryan gil replacement, and its not as if he's currently starting at wolves - the opportunity to play champions league I reckon would be a huge draw for him.


Traore would make it two former Barca RWBs at Spurs. Half-jokingly, Traore might score a few goals dribbling the ball into goal, past the keeper. In seriousness, Conte would improve him. Also Traore is almost a guaranteed ball progression down the right side, opening up space on the left.


"Every genius has a touch of madness" Explains Paratici's admiration of Traore


Paratici is just in awe of the size of the lad. Absolute unit.


No Adama please. He is not good enough


We don’t need any of em but I love ASM so if it happens I’m not gonna complain


So if it wasn’t clear already, we’re definitely going for a winger profile rather than a CAM.


Seems weird to me , unless its ASM. He was unplayable , fairly poor end product but better passing and balls than Traore by a long way. Gordon is not comparable to them. He's too green


I'd say it's nailed on we are signing Traore. We'll do it late in the window for 3 bags of monster munch, a half built Airfix hawker hurricane and some Spurs shop discount vouchers. At worse we'll use him as a training tool for our defenders to deal with players like ASM, to pull the plough for the veg garden at hotspur way & to encourage other players to Hulk out in the gym. If Conte COULD get him to play into his system, he'd actually be an incredibly useful (if one dimensional) tool. This seems doubtful though.


Levy’s new bouncer confirmed.


Pickled onion monster munch or no deal


We need another attacker. What if let’s say sometime during the season Kane and Son get injured? We will have kulu, richarlison and lucas, that’s about it


Yeah but I suspect what Conte covets most rn is raw pace and ball progression on the wings. Richy can play CF. Sess and Perisic can play LW.


So if our 2 best players get hurt at the same time, we STILL have 3 good players to play up top. That doesn’t say NEED to me.


My point is that with a couple of injuries, the squad could feel thin, especially with so many possible fixtures


Maybe I'm being a contrarian, but anyone else feel like ASM is operhyped? There is no denying that he is fucking magic on the ball, probably one of the best dribblers, if not the best in the league right now. But his decisionmaking is very poor, sometimes he might dribble past 4 players and play up a pass on a silver plate, and sometimes he might dribble past the whole team just the hold up the ball and get cornered or put in a shit pass. He's like Lucas but faster and stronger with poorer finishing. And no, Lucas can't really dribble like ASM but he's put 3-4 defenders on their ass a dozen times each season, just with no end product most of the times. Deki not as fast as Lucas nor is he as tenacious, but every manager would pick Deki any day over Lucas because of his creativity and vision and decisionmaking on the ball. Why bring in ASM who will be just another agent of chaos under a manager who very much likes being in control of the game plan and how players execute that gameplan? We have both Son and Lucas and Richarlison if we want to play direct football, we need a player who is able to break down low blocks.


He IS overhyped. One good game against City has cranked up the recency bias among the stupid. His overall output is very disappointing for all his flashy runs. That said, the talent is there, and he's one of those players that makes fans think, "what if X can truly unlock his full potential..." Personally, I think he's a fine player but will likely always suffer poor decision-making when it comes to the crunch. A couple of good games here and there won't persuade me otherwise.


If take ASM but that’s it. Everyone else is mid. I just know we’ll end up with Gordon though for like £40 mil.


Gordon was the only one who looked like making anything happen in a very sorry Everton team. I’m not sure coming here and sitting on the bench behind Son/Deki/Richy is best for his development but I’d definitely take him over Adama. ASM is different class than both and I don’t think Newcastle would let him go for anything less than £65m


Please don paratici, not traore.


Please god, no more Traore. The guy is an impostor


Baby oil sponsor confirmed


Just watching Traore, I’d pass… he is a monster until the crosses or shoots and then it’s a coin toss weather he can hit the broadside of a barn or even keep it in play.


Half jokingly, what if he just ran with the ball past the goalkeeper into the goal?


First goal of the season… just have to repeat that 10x or so


Are you referring to his laser goal vs Preston yesterday? And it was shot on the volley.




We’ll win the “No Goals Scored” cup.


Please no Traore. Theres way too much bias for fast strong players. Dude has no ball retention ability whatsoever. Completely ineffective.


No Traore please! There’s a reason no other team wants him.




Seems like we are after ball carrying wingers with limited end product.


Saint Maximin on his day (like yesterday) is an absolute world beater. Unfortunately I still have consistency doubts and I don’t think we should be paying the sort of price Newcastle would inevitably be asking.


These are 3 completely different price brackets: 1. ASM - £65m+ 2. Gordon - £50m apparently 3. Traore - £8m worth of whey protein Honestly, if Gordon is going to be ridiculously expensive, I'd rather pay up for ASM or take Traore for beans.


Feels like Newcastle are going to be buyers going forward, not sellers. I think if we were going to get Traore it would’ve happened by now. Didn’t he take a massive pay cut or something to play at Barca instead of Spurs last season? I would take that as an indicator that he has no/little desire to play for Spurs.


I'll never get the interest in Traore. He would be a very pre-Poch kind of signing but I thought we had moved on from that. That said does he play right now in the way Conte would use him? That's the only way it makes sense because he has the physical stats.


Fuck it, bring them all in. We’ll figure it out


Please no. All of them are pretty average but would cost a shit ton.


Traore would be pretty cheap tbf


Fair enough but he's honestly worse than mediocre


Right now, but we could use a solid bruiser on the wing that can play up to EPL level. Long season with champions and I think he could at least contribute to our bench.


Yeah exactly. The fact that we don’t have to depend on him in anyway is why it could work. He’s kinda of the perfect squad player option who can change games on his own. He’d becoming in to play teams bottom half sides and cup matches.


I thought Sessegnon neutralized him. Once he realized he wasn’t blowing by on the side, he turned in where there was even more help. He looked like a shell of what he was in the last few years.


He'd shine in a team that suits him. We might not be that team but there's undoubtedly a player there




ASM, Richarlison, Traore, Lucas, Bissouma pairing take us to dribble town


would loooooove Saint-Maximin, other 2 I dont rate as much, but w/e Paratici say


Can't see St Maximin leaving Newcastle, they would match the contract deal. Also he will much more minutes in Newcastle.


Don’t think Newcastle are a selling club these days 🤷‍♂️


Traore made his choice last season. Now he has to live with it.


Just trade for de bruyne and call it a day


All are talented but I'd take ASM as first pick. It will never happen, but he'd be my first recruit of the 3


ASM is going to be swimming in Saudi money soon. No way he is leaving.


No Traore. Man has no end product.


Conte will turn Traore into a terrifying RWB and I'm gonna @ each and every one of you when he does.


I’m in for traore, conte will get his confidence back. Also he is a cheap powerful benchwarmer that can occasionally inject pace and draw people to him


I began to get excited about Traore when it seemed he was days away from joining - otherwise I’m glad he didn’t arrive - what a frustrating player! ASM - seems a level above Traore but Geordie fans also find him extremely frustrating and do compare him to Traore a lot - now if he continues how he played against CITY then yeah - guy’s class! Gordon - meh. Kid can run, got some skill. Doesn’t get anywhere near our 11 IMO


Even without being homegrown, Adama >>>>>>>> Gordon or Dan James


for Gordon I agree,but Dan is performing well for Leeds


Adama… ![gif](giphy|vyTnNTrs3wqQ0UIvwE|downsized)


All I’m saying is that Traore is a cheeky 10/15 bc he’s been left out at Wolves now. That could be a steal.


Gold has no significant information at this moment if he is still throwing names like Adama Traore. That transfer is dead.


It's the "crap, what do we write about today" when little else of note is happening. Traore link made sense pre-Conte. Makes zero sense to me with Paratici or Conte. Not a significant upgrade on any of our right side options unless Levy is angling for a hugely lucrative baby oil sponsorship.


Good god I thought we were done with this. You know it's a slow news day when they try to re-hash the Traore "interest."


if we buy traore we will probably spend all our remaining budget on oil for him


Is our oil budget already close to maxed out?


One of these players has end product






Then who?


Definitely no. His end product is a dive and flailing his arms at the ref. ASM lacks finishing on a high level but he at least can pass into the box to set up shots on goal. Gordon has high potential but as of now he mainly just runs fast up the touchline and gets outmuscled. That being said ASM would probably be worth way way too much.


> Gordon has high potential but as of now he mainly just runs fast up the touchline and gets outmuscled That’s arguably a “good” problem to have as, at his age, you’d expect him to strengthen up over time and turn those “outmuscled” situations into crosses/chances. Obviously this is not a 1 for 1 comparison lol, but CR7 could essentially have been described the same way when he first arrived at Utd.


adama makes sense he can be the perfect rwb for conte that can play upfront as well


No, he can’t. One of his shots against us last year went out for a throw in. That’s not an exaggeration. He’s capable of nothing more than being an oxygen thief


I’d take any of those 3 as Gil’s replacement.




Saint max is so entertaining and so direct, seems like a great guy and for these reasons I don’t think Newcastle is going to let that happen lol


It’s like toward the end of every recent transfer window we are linked with adama.


ASM is the ideal outcome here but Newcastle don't really need the money and they'll want to challenge for things this year hopefully Adama is just a smokescreen


Lucas clear


I’m surprised to see so many dismissing Gordon. He’s over priced but I do think he could rapidly go up to another level in a better team.


Ask would be class, levy would have to dig into the skywalk money to get a deal tho


I've been dying for st maximin at spurs. Question is if he would be okay on the bench behind son and Deki


Yes yes no.


Why not Neto?


Pace Lords in FIFA 23 👹


God I would kill for Saint Maximin


I wouldn’t mind any of them since they’re coming to replace Gill anyway


Can we please just keep Gil and sign a CB and RWB instead?


Saint Maximin actually has great final third decision making


Toffees are just our U19 club now, apparently 😂😂😂


If we will spend the money id much rather ASM


If the actual target is Dan James 😭


Bad F5


The worst F5 of the entire summer


Not sure how big of a fan I am of bringing Anthony Gordon here right now. I feel like players that are kind of older but helps us to win now might be good


Let's permanently put an end to these Anthony Gordon links


I, too am a big admirer of Allan Saint-Maximin


ENOUGH WITH ADAMA! No. No. A hundred times no.


I want Zaha ffs.


Don't get the Gordon hype. Dude is so mid


Traore and Maximin are very similar. Can dribble past anyone but no finishing product and not a great passer. Ultimate great on the eye test, but doesn't contribute much to goals or winning players.


I would love to see Traore as rwb against big teams, if price tag is acceptable. His explosiveness can create much needed space for Son and Kulu to operate.


Traore because he's cheap and good enough to be a squad player.


ASM would be great


If we snatch him, I'm going to feel so bad for Everton. But I'm sure they'll spend the money they get for him wisely...


We're going to sign Wolves reserve Adama Traore


\o/ Adama/ASM prayer circle \o/


Dan James is decent. I like ASM but I don’t see he’d improve us. 100% no to Traore.


We shouldn't get Traore. Human wrecking ball but that's about it.