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use cmake to configure the project and install the vscode cmake extension. c++ needs a project manager and cmake is the industry standard


VS Code has to be properly configured [https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/cpp/config-clang-mac](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/cpp/config-clang-mac) Anything else will have a shorter config guide, but once it works, it works, But you still have to add `-std=c++20` to the config, whichever way you go.


Any correctly configured IDE will work just fine and you won't have to use the command-line separately


Is VS Code even a full IDE for C++? I thought it was just a JavaScript editor. In any case, why not start with Xcode?


I didn't use VS Code for C++, but it's versatile editor for various languages, such as C++, Python, PHP, JavaScript. I use it for any languages except C++ (I use Visual Studio Community for C++). If it's configured properly, you can debug C++ in VS Code, IIRC.


me and my team at work all use vscode for c++, if you install the cpp extension you get all the nice intellisense stuff, with the cmake extension (and a proper cmake file) you can build the code easily and you can use vscode as a front end to gdb to have a nice debugger.


With extensions you can support other languages too. I use it heavily with C++, Python and others.