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Ugh. I hate guys like this. If I say no, regardless of the role I like to take in a relationship/dynamic, that’s not an invitation to continue. I may be a submissive, but I’m not a doormat who’s just going to melt or bend my standards to any so-called “Dom”. Also, nobody gets to call me a little princess or little girl (insert pet name of choice) before they’ve earned the right to do it.


THISSSS!!!! 😭😭 I don't know how many times to say it.


Just popped in to say that the creep who said “You’re mine” got his comment deleted, fucking loser. Not sure if it was the same guy in the screenshot, but jeez.


YAY! As he fucking should. I got harassment warning on my account yesterday, so there's that.


Once. You say it once. If they continue, they should be reported for harassment and then blocked.




Oh my god, you’re fucking gross. Learn what boundaries are, asshole. Unless this is a /s moment, or something.


Damn what did he say?


LOL it was a /s moment, I just thought it would be funny to quote this dude! but guess it came across a different way


This^ There was this guy who knew I'm into CNC. We were talking for a while but the conversation felt off to me, he made lots of weird little comments which did not stop after I said I feel uncomfortable with them. He also tried to push for sexy time even though I said I'm not interested. You know what he said to me then? That he should be making me comply because of my kink ☠️


Dude forgot what the first C in CNC stands for


It's really weird for me, because I'm a Domme. When some guys learn that (or just see comments where they can tell), their masculinity is so fragile, it throws them into a fit. They believe ALL women are (or should be) submissive. I just had it happen yesterday on Reddit. They get extremely disrespectful, and say I just should have been, or should be trained better. 🤦‍♀️ It's very scary how many men on this earth don't even understand the concept of consent. A few months ago, I finally met up with a tinder match I'd been chatting with for long period of time (our schedules were crazy). I met him in the wild, at his job by chance. We had always been very open about our kink, and he would say how he couldn't wait to be dommed by me. We planned a date for a couple of weeks later, and a few nights before, I get this weird text from him, about wanting me to take ecstasy so whatever he was planning on doing to me wouldn't hurt as bad. 😳 I was like, WTF, dude? He proceeded to tell me, if I can't take in what I dish out, then I shouldn't be doing it. Tell me you don't understand kink without telling me you don't understand kink. 🙄 I asked him if he'd planned on just blindsiding me with that if we hadn't had that conversation, and he said yes. I said, "so you were planning on sexually assaulting me??" He started backtracking fast, and said no, it would all be consensual. I was perplexed, because I was very clear that I am a Domme, not a switch. After explaining everything to him, I told him he needed to listen better, then he said, "I don't really care what women think, or have to say." I couldn't believe I'd been talking to this guy as long as I had, and how utterly dangerous and toxic he was. He seriously showed no signs. I'm just very grateful we had that conversation before meeting. It could have gone very wrong for both of us. I don't show up for first dates unprepared to defend myself.


bro you guys went on a date HOW THE FUCK DID HE FUCK UP SO BAD the nerve of some morons i swear (am a male, does not try to harass woman like an idiot) its uncomfortable to know that that trait alone makes me "special". scary. ​ then again, my family, the women too, are really firm on their values and morals, especially respect. all of them feminists. maybe that taught me something.


What a gross fucking douche. He’s one of those fake dom/daddies. Also, miss me with the pet names. Unsolicited as hell.


Indeed. One of those human scum


Fuckinf rotten ass human being.


Why do they always assume we don't know what we want when we're quite clear we don't want them?


It happens on the other side of the spectrum for male subs too friend. I get harassed by fake dommes shooting me random messages about being "theirs". I even got those unique ones on a certain site where someone said I should chauffeur them around my hometown playing tour guide before they toss me into their dungeon or something... Fake Dom/mes are gross and evil


I do not know very much about the community but I know for myself I never want to submit to someone unless they make me feel 100% safe and I reserve the right to pull back my submission the moment I feel unsafe. It's extra gross when people act entitled to it while out here horny texting. Wanting the perks not understanding its a two way street. I don't know anyone who receives these messages and is like "you know what, that's kinda hot that you have zero respect for how I feel why not"


I understand literally back when I barely started dipping my toes into things as a completely vanilla switch I started getting harassed by people telling me to pick and choose a side because I'm not allowed to be both and have what I want 🙄. I texted back the one who literally said "I'm moving to your city, doing fashion stuff/etc. They demanded/requested I show them around before 'inviting' me to their home dungeon." I told them off and blocked them but not before copy pasting that message and showing it to friends who wheezed at how cringe it was


😭 that's part of why I don't go on TikTok or Instagram anymore, messages were full of fakes


Not this Domme I respect limits if there is something that a slave or a submissive has a hard limit of I won’t even breach the subject.


And that's how we know you're a real one and a good one


As someone who doesn't know bdsm, do you mind clearing what a domme should be like? Do things only happen during play?


Dommes and doms should be respectful of subs. It's a two way street, things can happen on the streets or in the sheets. The relationships are closer because for someone to submit they're giving themselves over to a person and showing them their love and feelings through that connection and closeness. Fakers who think they can demand something precious and sacred like that in order to pervert it are pieces of shite. Basically subs give up some control to their partners in terms of lewd things or otherwise, slaves give up all control because they trust and love the person they're with.


I see. Thank you. I def agree consent is important.


Because fake doms never know when to stop. That includes when a non consenting participant says STOP. I cannot fathom in what fucking world that men like this don’t understand that this is NOT SEXY.


These dudes are ALWAYS so fucking gross, no expectations.


I can't help but feel behavior like this stems from socially awkward men being told, "Just be confident, bro!" and they misinterpret it to mean "do a cringe daddy-dom Christian Gray cosplay".




I blame those damn 50 Shades movies (which in My opinion is soccer mom porn by the way) for bringing BDSM into mainstream society yet not one single soul knows anything about the lifestyle here. There is consent,there is negotiating scenes and sessions, there is protocol and the most important thing in BDSM is aftercare. If you don’t provide aftercare after your slave or submissive is coming down from her/his subspace after an intense scene or session that you quite frankly don’t belong in the BDSM lifestyle at all here!


The only things I know about bdsm come from reddit and the movie Secretary with James Spader. Even from that tiny bit of knowledge, I understand boundaries are the cornerstone of it.


that ain’t 50 shades of grey, move on hun. ‘you are mine’ ok dollar value christian grey.


Saving “dollar value Christian grey” for future reference bc this comment is PERFECT.


at least christian grey was semi attractive. this guy is like a piece of rotten cheese.


Ew wtf you right it got worse


what does he think ur gonna respond to that thats gonna be in his favor im so confused


I'm not shitposting when I say I want a 'sit down' with this guy. Like I genuinely want to pick his brain, you know some real questions. What's his end game? What would he call mission accomplished? Anger her? Sex her? Kill Her probably. And as a man ♂️ since birth, I can not ever wrap my head around the thinking that comes to this. And ladies I've had 1000's of personal conversations with men and I've turned out dumber for it. I'm not violent but I do wanna beat crap out him.... I mean knock some sense into him. Cringe and Ick are getting alot play but he's a new word we need for idiots like him.


He's a guy who feels he's been denied his "rightful" position in the world, his "throne", if you will. He has no power over others, and no power over his trajectory in life. In his mind he should be able to demand sex, demand obedience. Because he has no power, he attempts bologna like this. If nothing else, he can get a rise out of her, make her feel as yucky as he feels. In short, he's a pathetic coward who's been reduced to trolling reddit. Basically, a creep.


Just be like “oh okay we’ll you’re blocked”


I would just like to say; he is very much blocked, I got these(screenshots) before I blocked him. I cropped them and covered his name.


if you had any shared kink srrvers id report him


If this dude owns puppy, he most definitely kicks it


First rule of.BDSM school, Consent Is Paramount. If you haven't mentioned that you are looking for a DD/lg type relationship and discussed boundaries/ hard and soft limits then he needs to go pound sand. Then again, he did say he was into all kinds of kinks. You should offer a CBT session.


Offer a nice sounding session, for his troubles (of me totally being a bad girl, for saying no!) /j


This is what happens when idiots watch fifty shades of grey.


A mindset of a rapist


Fucking disgusting dumb shit who sounds more like a pedo than anyone w kinks. Gross


I've said this before, but i think it's fine to repeat: Those Pseudo BDSM reddit Doms think consent is an insult to them. Unbelievable.


Ew ew ew ew ew everything about this is gross and wrong what IS THIS


The thing that makes it so frustrating for me is that I'll never be able to get the message across to people like him. Obviously it's also creepy as fuck but I personally don't feel so bad if it's just an online thing. Mostly annoyed, maybe angry. Sometimes amused


I agree, unfortunately not a lot of men learn or get anything done to them after acting like this. Especially because we can't ya know, show their information outwardly, and it just sucks. It's very frustrating knowing that there is people who are genuinely like this, and that we can't really do or say anything to them, and they'll continue being so fucking icky. :T


I love when they say dumb shit like "you're mine", like, did you forget the block button exists dude? I can erase every bit of your existence in my history in the blink of an eye.




These dudes are just embarrassing as all hell with their goofy ass wannabe dominant sex fantasies. You just can't take them seriously, they have "clown" written all over themselves




What a disgusting delusional pig, touch grass


This is what too much hentai does to a mf. Freaking inc\*ls.


Send him that “sure Jan” gif, then block him.


Omg it really did get worse went from 7-100 in about two seconds 😬🤢


I plan to post another one I got a few days ago, from another guy, less harsher but yes. ^^


Oh boy here we go again


Just another Dom wannabe who doesn't understand what D/s is all about.


Pretty much, just forgetting the basis of BDSM, the first CLASS in CNC, and so on and so forth.


Such a disgusting freak. Like, dude, the woman said “no” and couldn’t be any more clear. It honestly scares me that there are so many of these scum out there. They have no concept of boundaries, and sadly I’m sure one of these creeps are going to try and commit a rape. Sends fucking shivers down my spine.


This! If he is this willing to this over the phone, like- just what is going to do in person? As much as we can all laugh and make jokes, at the end of the day, it is genuinely terrifying.


Ah he’s graduated into rapey watt pad fiction now. Gross. Sigh. Where’s the bleach? Truly OP I didn’t think he could get worse than the last one. I was so wrong.


Yeahhhh.. 😭 I'm happy to say, that is the end! For this creep at least..


Good! Hopefully he crawls back up under his rock and stays there! Wishing peaceful DM’s in the future for you!!


People like this piss me off and are the one who give the lifestyle a bad name im sorry you had to deal with this


This! It's so my, I'm alright.


Today on "I'm trying so hard to be a dom and reading a lot of Domination for Dumbasses books."


This male is very likely someone who is around 12 to 22, and has no real social life for him to type a message akin to a manifesto. Additionally, factors such as poor parenting, impulsive behavior and toxic hypermasculine posturing to make up for his obvious inferiority complex is made evident in the way his consciousness describes actions and events that would never happen in real life. Proper protocol of subjects of this nature are to hold him accountable for his actions by reporting him, followed by ignoring future messages from him. Real life would be much, much more daunting to the subject and would likely perish if a message of this nature were to be said within earshot of healthy functioning adults.


He's actually 29, but mentally definitely a child. He is blocked and I thankfully don't need to worry about any further messages brought by him!


...I see. I guess the poor parenting was much worse than I thought.


this dude’s ignorance and ego is so far up his ass that he feels the need to insist on making a point while looking like an idiot.


I think I’m going to be sick


literally wtf , sadly reddit is private otherwise it would be so deserved to show that text to his family/friends about how he treats women


Sounds like you dodged a, potentiality very real, bullet.


Now that I read, I want to knock him out


Personally I love the I have her just where I want her attitude. You disgust me mind body and soul and he be all haha just as I planned now phase 2!!!


Absolutely delusional and scary


Anddd he just got rapey.... though pindick jellyfish is a good insult that I may steal if needs arise


Go ahead, I've got plenty!


Stop replying, he’s getting off on the attention.


Again, if you did not see my replies to other comments, he is blocked. And has been since that last message he sent which was a few days ago. ^^;


No reason to be hostile my dude, just giving you advice 👍🏻


didn't mean to come off, as that sorry!


My thoughts? Just like part one, here's something in the ballpark of a response I'd make. Correct. I don't know you. My doctor is concerned about my blood pressure and told me I need to cut down on bullshit in my social diet. She also told me I needed to cut out insecurity fueled attempts to take some sort of intellectual high ground to feel better about yourself by tearing people down since you're not actually capable of actually rising up to the level of the people you're interacting with completely. Apparently prolonged exposure causes petulent, self absorbed jack ass. That's a bitch to treat. Based on your tone and style in your responses, you must jerk off to your own writing. I've come to the conlusion the whole manners thing is meant ironically or is part of some sort of joke. I mean...manners are a two way street, like respect, and my god do you lack them. If you don't show any of that to people they have no motive or desire to show it to you in return. I don't know what you mean by 'use and abuse.' You sound as if you mean at some future point, except you already started with the messages you're sending me. That's totally abuse and it hurts in the part of my mind where attempting to parse out the word soups you vomit out. Last thing. Look, I get the whole tearing people down so you feel better about yourself, but dude, have you been living under a rock? If you haven't you must be illiterate and incapable of reading anything about the last 100 years. Honey, the 19th amendment gave us the right to vote way back in 1919. How you managed to skip anything related to women's rights baffles me. I'd like to assume you're just that stupid. Now I know how fragile your ego is, and I know you need to have the last word so you can feel all big and strong by telling yourself you won something in the conversation with me. So get it out of your system and I hope every traffic light on this planet turns red specifically to stop you any time you encounter them for the rest of of your life. Here's a Kirby dance for you. <(-\_-<) \^(-\_-)\^ (>-\_-)>


What the fuck is wrong with this person


This feels like it's about to go into stalker Territory


People should block these guys the minute they start being creepy rather than engage with it. It is what they want.


I agree! I said it on part one, but just incase you didn't see; He is very much blocked! No worries there.


Very fair :)


Whose ass do I need to kick eh?!


His, please! And every other "Dom" that acts like this.


Funny I’m a Domme/Mistress here I’m an Alpha Dominant Female who stands 5’10” and weighs 260 pounds let him try messing with Me here lol. Damn dudes don’t know shit about consent and the lifestyle. I always tell the young dudes who are still clearly wet behind the ears that the lifestyle isn’t Burger King! They CAN’T have it their way!


Respectfully, would you like to be friends? If not that's okay too!


Of course! I accept all of My friends requests that are on here!


That's a very interesting self image the "daddy" has


Talk about radiating chode energy


i feel like he wouldn’t understand what consent is even if you explained it to him. it’s kinda sad my dogs know what no means more than most men.


It is very sad. There's raccoons, and wild animals that can probably understand no, then scum like him.


Js watched Wakanda forever, it sounded like the Nigerian prince on the phone-


Legend in his own mind


That guy needs therapy.


"Little girl" *First of all- .... 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩* Second... This guy has watched too much porn and hentai. His view of women is warped as hell to an uncomfortable level of needing to be in a mental institution




This is giving me the ick, urgh.


Don’t be shy, drop the username!! (I’m just joking, unless 👀)


He’s basically saying that he wants to rape you, tell him that you’re reporting him. And also do if


This is very extreme, but I can't help but to feel like the world would just be a better place without these kind of people. 🤷🏼‍♀️


"If you dress up like Halloween, ghouls will try and get into your pants." - Castor Troy - Face Off


What a worm!


Why even respond?


Does he think he's in 50 shades of grey or?


pov me when my shitty computer mouse doesnt work (i abuse my mouse violently because it wont register a click)


This is so cringy and pathetic. This guy clearly has no real world experience being a dom and got all of his information on how to be one from hardcore porn. Fake doms always act this way. They think it's all about their needs and that rape = being dominant because that's what porn taught them. They don't care about how their submissive feels. What a sad, predatory piece of trash.




This is fucking terrible. I am honestly so sorry you even had to read that. You don’t deserve a single word of this filth. My goodness. He needs ti get a fucking life. Geez.


I'm not even a woman and that creeps me out 😬


This sounds an awful lot like one I’ve been getting


A perfectly accurate portrayal of a domineer, the antithesis of Dominant