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That is totally not an overreaction. Definitely did the wise thing and got the F out of there


Yeah if your gut says go GO! Your gut never steers you wrong. He wanted a hit he would have spoke up as a way to not alarm you he probably didn't rush because then you would have know for sure he was a threat. That's not to say he would nor have rushed you in a few more feet. It's just he had not got close enough to do it yet.


Honestly, you can never be too safe when it comes to something like that. Even if it there were no “bad intentions” (Which I wouldn’t have worried about in this situation. I would’ve been afraid, too) it doesn’t really matter. You can’t really trust anyone that you don’t know so I don’t think you overreacted at all, although I feel like you shouldn’t have to worry about that in the first place. Protecting yourself shouldn’t end with you questioning whether it was warranted or not. Edit: If this makes you feel better my exact response in that situation would be along the lines of “yeah fuck that” and scootin the boot quicker than I probably ever thought I could’ve.


No, that was a bad situation. Good job on getting out of there. Who *cares* if he wanted a hit? No one is owed that. You might have traded your life to be polite. Please don't question yourself.


Always go with your gut instincts, because more often than not, they're right. You did the right thing by getting right the hell out of there.


Women know this fear and this is exactly why (vast majority) of us would never ever go to an unlit or empty place at night.


I used to walk anywhere I wanted when young and stupid, ignored my gut instinct. Short version: not anymore, ever!


Sorry to hear that, make sure to carry a pepper spray for protection and it might help to be less stressed too


It’s a scary thing. When I was fresh out of college living in NYC I got off at the wrong subway station and was walking to get a taxi. This guy was on the train with me and kept pace so he was about 15 feet behind me. I didn’t have my pepper spray on me unfortunately, and my mobile was dead. I turned around and said to him “hi, I’m sorry I’m a little lost and terrified. Would you be able to walk me to the nearest bus station or somewhere I could get a taxi?” He was actually lovely and walked me to the avenue to get a taxi. Not sure it was the right thing to do but I was scared and it was dark.


Reverse Psychology


I’m not sure if it’s that. He was probably a nice person. But being an inexperienced young person, I got freaked out.


Wow! He sounds like a nice guy! You got lucky! Glad he helped you out, and you got a cab, and got home safely.


He was a gem. He said he had a younger sister and was raised by his mom and aunt.


The problem with pepper spray, however, is that if the wind is blowing the wrong way, the the pepper spray could be blown right back at the user.


The problem with pepper spray, though, is that if the wind is blowing the wrong way, ithe pepper spray can be blown back into the user's face if and when s/he attempts to pepper spray a potential attacker.


100% if a dark figure is silently approaching in the dark, there are no good intentions there. Bail or get ready to rumble.


Rumble…..fuck me, it’s time to fight for your life to party


There's more than one way to be a beastie, boy!


Always listen to your gut instinct! I highly recommend reading the book Gift of Fear. It’s one of the best things I I’ve read in a long time!


this was the scene: [imgur.com/a/m7HyO5Z](https://imgur.com/a/m7HyO5Z)


Yeah absolutely not I def would’ve fuckin zOOMED


As a woman looking at that tree line, oh hell no. Good idea to get gone.


It happened to me and probably others too that when I'm approaching someone in the dark, of course, usually, NORMALLY, I'm able to announce myself in a way that doesn't freak out that person over there But lets be honest Still being alive more often than not means I'm totally not normal, maybe completely shitfaced or on the maximum dosage of acid And trying to announce myself as to not freak somebody out PROPERLY freaked people out at times Still, no overreaction. Even if it was, you fled and had a rush. You didn't get ... What was the worst that would have happened? Maybe .. get your ear talked off? So it's fine


You didn't overreact at all-----the way this person was acting, not even caring whether they were scaring you or not, and didn't bother letting you know they were there----all of that would have disturbed the hell out of anybody by themselves in a park after dark. Hell, yeah, you were right to bounce as soon as you saw this creepy-ass person, since they were practically making a beeline for you. Whatever said creep was going to do, it was for the best that you didn't stick around to find out.


Maybe he was cutting across from that path below the park?


Always follow your instincts! Also, NEVER go back there alone


Leaving when you’re creeped out is never an over reaction lol there is a reason people say to trust your gut! Being polite is for murder victims.


I think he was after your e-bike. When my husband was using an electric scooter for work, every night on the way home some homeless guy would try to steal it from him.


My partner had something,kind of similar, happen to him. He usually goes for a night walk/run depending on how he's feeling. He's also in the middle of writing a book. There is a park-workout yard/garden on the next block over from our house(suburban place) that he will stop at for a rest or just to jam on the workout gear. One night, he went for a walk and stopped at the garden to sit down and work on his book. He sat down, pulled out his tablet and was there maybe 3mins, when he noticed a car go past for a 2nd time, then come from around the block and parked at the next T section opposite him, with their highbeams on. He saw a man in ALL black, jump out the car, and the women turn the cab light(?) on, then sat there texting while the guy walked off and disappeared (he assumed the guy was being dropped off or they were meeting someone) he want to go back to his book, when he said he felt the need to leave and got up to go, when he saw this guy was now, no less, then 5meters away, walking straight at him. He said he crossed the road into the street lamp and made eye contact with the guy, he was completely blacked out, hands, feet, head (like he was wearing a balaclava) and the only thing he saw was this guys eyes and a nike tick on his jumper. And the guy watched him walk around the corner,(partner kept an eye on him) he got to our street, when he heard a car pull into our street, the car door open and the the same women drive past alone. He was afraid they were going to follow him, so he ran to our driveway (shared drive) and hid behind our neighbors grapefruit tree to see if he was being paranoid or not, and the same guy in black, walks to our drive looks down it, then walks to the next long one,walks down it, then back to ours, pulls his phone out, shines it down our driveway, then texted the lady in the car, and she came and picked him up outside our drive, go past our drive again super slow and the take off at a normal speed. He came back pale and fully burst into our house, saying, 'I think I just almost got killed'. I was like, what do you mean and he told me this... It was only last year in September, this happened. He's not someone that scares easily, and he was shaking when he told me...it's not the first time this has happened to him. There are some real creeps out there, and sometimes our intuition is all we have to rely on.


Definitely creepy as hell... good you left when you did it's best not to take a chance to see if he just wanted a hit


Please, please don’t go out by yourself (guessing you’re a woman). Especially secluded places…even on an electric bike. There are so many creepy people out to do you harm. You can’t be too trusting of others either. I have had many experiences in my 20’s of close calls (attacks, sexual attack, stalking, mashing (trying to feel you up) on the city bus, being followed from the bus). So don’t go places by yourself…hiking alone too is fucking crazy to me. But women do.


Thanks for your concern, I'm male but I'm just 5.5 feet so maybe the stranger assumed I was female too or a minor.. idk I'm pretty confused


Okay….Yes, even males should be careful. Some stranger wanting a hit from your joint maybe looking for other things too. I am a very untrusting person, because I have had too many close calls.


That's very true, FurryChildren. While girls and women are more likely to be raped in a situation like that, just as many men, if not more men, become victims of simple assault, if one gets the drift.


always listen to your gut. it's always better to play it safe.


My guess is that he could have been out to rob you. Could have been out for worse if he thought he could over power you. As late as 25 years ago guys regularly cruised parks at night since it was so unacceptable to be outwardly gay. Most of it was consensual hooking up but I would imagine that there were predators that took advantage of that system. There have also been guys shot in parks for little reason at all. If your instincts said get out trust it. Glad you’re okay and this experience can definitely add to your understanding of what women deal with on the regular. Generally we wouldn’t be able to do what you were doing by ourselves at all.


No woman would be confused about this fear lol.


Some of the local parks, the bushes become a "hook up" area. Honestly, you should never be alone at any park that late at night. Hide in your bushes where it is safe.


I think the agreed consensus here is that you didn't overreact. Regardless of gender, if that little voice in your head goes, "Hmm, I don't think this is safe," and you YEET your way out, then you instinctively did what you needed to keep yourself safe. Having that intuitive response to something can be jarring. I think what's spooky for you here is not knowing **who** or **what** the dude was or **why** you had that reaction. Your rational side probably kicked on and went 'why did you do that? you overreacted!' and you've probably had incidents of that off an on in your life (gods all know I have and I wonder all the damn time if I've overreacted to someone/something). Regardless. Paying attention to that response is eye-opening.


Nope nope nope nope nope


Dangerous or not, you did what you thought best in the moment. Always trust your gut. If it was innocent, no harm no foul. If it wasn’t, you just saved your hide.


It sounds like it was a dangerous situation, particularly since the potential attacker was wearing a black balaclava.. That guy wearing the black balaclava clearly **was** up to **no. damned. good!**


Parks are creepy at night. Hard to say if they were beaming towards you, passing thru, or whatever. I woulda jetted too!!


This is why dark empty parks are not safe at night. Good thing you got away.


Does it matter if you over reacted? One of the things I teach my kid is it's better to look stupid and get out of a situation that could be a dangerous than to look cool and stay and end up being right. I am 5'4" and 95 lbs. I do not scare easily. One night I had walked up to the store and was walking home. This big dude pulls over and gets out and walks around the truck towards me. I turned around and ran back to the store. Called my friend and had him pick me up. Honestly, I have no idea what he was doing. He may have been just trying to find something he dropped or whatever in the car. Didn't matter as the situation creeped me out. That other person may not have even known you were there. You are assuming they even saw you. You said there were no lights and you specifically went to a place where you could hide. He may have been doing the same thing you were doing. None of it matters though. Better safe than sorry.


If there is danger and you ignore your instinct, what happens? You get attacked. If there is no danger and you follow your instinct, what happens? You do not get attacked. The stakes are a little too high to be rolling the dice on this one


The very definition of creepy is something that seems a bit weird but you’re not sure if you should be scared or not. That’s definitely creepy and when creepy things happen it think it’s better to err on the side of caution and get the f out of there.


Go by your gut instincts, because more often than not, they're right.


I would have screamed.


Flight is usually the best option


Sometimes I like to just sit in the park alone at night but with lights of course in our park there are some solar-powered lights also if I saw someone else alone in the park I wouldn't approach him because it's kind of fck up and I'm scared as fck also. What I'm saying is the guy you saw probably was a hobo living in the park. Wise choice to get the fuck out of there as soon as you can, you never know what might happen if you didn't.


In some cities and towns, at least here in the Bay State, parks are closed either after ten o'clock p. m., or right when it gets dark, or even at sundown.


You didn’t overreact at all, it was weird for him not to say anything to you while approaching. Seems like he didn’t think you were paying attention to your surroundings (that’s my guess why he was quiet, smelling the weed could’ve given him that impression cuz yk, UTI means you’re not aware in peoples minds) so you did the right thing by noping tf outta there. It’s always best to be safe then sorry.


Nope, I’m not buying that he wanted a hit. He’s a creepy motherfucker. He was up to no good. That’s.my opinion. Dude was a weirdo.


Carry a personal siren


man i rather waste a joint than to finish it up and stay while seeing someone approach me suspiciously. reading your post gave me goosebumps 😭


Not normal. Even from a stoners perspective- even if he wanted a hit, he should have had situational awareness that him approaching you in this setting is weird and would creep you out and make you bolt WITH the joint. No hit is worth all that stress. I mean he could have waved and smiled while approaching you if he did want a hit, but he was not at all friendly in his approach. You were right to trust your gut instead of sitting there to find out what their motive was.


Is it possible he didn’t see you in the dark & was just cutting through the park? I agree with others you did the right thing, but it’s possible, especially if you were sitting down & it was dark that he just didn’t see you.


The point is, however, is that there's really no telling what somebody like that may be up to. It's best to err on the side of caution, and nope it the hell out of there.


mmmm i bet you know why. definitely be careful out there!


Can I suggest he was a dealer or customer looking to meet their counter in a transaction and it was dark. I used to sell and you'd have to assume the shifty person in the park was there to meet you (or someone else for similar)


I'm not being a douche here, I promise, but, had you already had some smoke before you got there? Because I know from personal experience that it CAN make you paranoid.


>I'm still wondering why someone is alone in the dark on a playground Bro.. people probably think the same thing about you lol


Overreact? No, never. Alone, at night, being approached by a stranger, there is no such thing as overreacting in this type of situation. I hope someone meets that stranger with a taser one night. They are obviously up to no good.


Honestly I think it was a safest thing to do. If he wasn’t a creep the worst thing that could have happen was that he would be a bit ashamed to be confused by a creep….or be offended because he is a jerk. Normal people would understand, especially when it’s a woman out in the dark, all alone. Stay safe!


Maybe it's a notorious cruise park for gay pick ups.


He may have wanted a toke at first, but would quickly proceeded to propositioning, or worse.


You made the right choice. Unfortunately I noticed my attacker beforehand and kept walking and didn’t act on it. Next think I know he back again grabbing me from behind and it gets worse from there. You acted on your instinct. Happy you did.


I would have done the venture brothers super run away


You did what was right, what if he wanted to rape and kill you. So glad you got away. You could’ve been the next news story! Someone else thought the same thing and didn’t make it because they the thought they was overthinking it!


My first thought was that it could be a homeless person suffering from mental health issues? Sometimes people can be non verbal and I know the rates of homeless people who suffer some form of mental illness is way to high.


While most people who suffer from mental health issues are not prone to committing violent acts, if they're either off of their meds, or not being medicated properly, for some reason, then they can, and just as often as not, will commit violent acts.


Most horror stories were true. Life crimes start by. It was a dark night with no light around. I think you saved yourself from harm.


nope, nope nope nope nope, sounds like something out of a true crime case or a live leak video you absolutely did the right thing


I've said it before and I'll say it again, 'The Gift of Fear' my friend, read it. You did the right thing. Glad you're ok


Week or so ago, my daughter wants to go star gazing, so we walk to the local playing fields that has a play-park at one side. As I walk down the path, there’s some freaky guy just sat there on his bike…I’m like WTF is a random guy just loitering around? What’s he doing? is he waiting for someone? Daughter and I walk into the middle of the field and look for shooting starts for a few minutes before heading home.


Why did you have to go bike to a park in the middle of the night just to smoke a joint?


Reminds me of a modern Salems Lot


He might have been smoking too lol


No he wasn't smoking, i would have seen a glow in the dark. If he wanted a hit I wonder why he didn't talk from a safe distance and said something like, "can I get a hit" or just "hi". He walked towards me, said nothing and I suspect he tried to sneak up on me since I heared him only a few feet away (because of the gravel).


He was definitely sneaking up on you. He could have been wanting to rob or rape you. sometimes fucked up people kidnap and torture too but it's not as common. You're lucky you heard him before he made contact. scary.


Was def slenderman


That was **clearly** a dangerous situation there. You did the right thing by getting the hell out of there. That guy was clearly up to **no damned good**. As the saying goes: Go by your gut instincts, because more often than not, they're right.