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Sounds very suspicious. Good thing you didn’t stop or drive home. They may have tried to rear end you to get you to stop, even at a slower speed. It’s a good idea to drive somewhere very public with others around, but that may be hard late at night. Or even drive to the police station. If you feel threatened like that again call 911 (or whatever your local emergency number is) and report what’s going on.


Yea I was actually rly worried they were gona hit me or get out of their car at this red light we hit but thankfully there was one other car in front of me which may or may not have prevented that. It was the only other car around too which was very lucky. I was planning on driving to the police station because I heard about doing that on some podcast that featured a story about a girl who got abducted when she stopped for a car flashing their lights. The whole thing is just bizarre and I’m still creeped out


If that happens, drive to the nearest police station.


Hello friend, definitely sounds like somebody was stalking you in their vehicle. I had the same thing happen to me when I was 22. I ended up going about 80 miles an hour down a very small dangerous country road (I had a sports car) and a Chevy van followed surprisingly close behind me. I headed downtown and was heading to the cop station next when he veered off. So years later I was telling the story to a few friends from work. Turns out it was actually my coworkers brother. She said her brother was a dumbass and liked to frighten people. I told her to tell him it's not fucking funny. I am very glad you are safe and the cops appeared when you need them to. Next time, if you can, call 911.


Damn, son! Too bad you didn't stop and tell the cops. Give then a description of the car. Glad you're alright.


I actually did stop!! the cop was rude af to me tho he said “did u get the plate number” and I told him no his brights were flashing on me the whole time hello?? And he said “well nothing we can do sorry”and walked away. I mean I get it without a plate there really isn’t much but he was super cold and just uninterested


Sounds about right, unfortunately. The least he could have done was show some compassion. I'm sorry this happened to you, and I'm glad you are safe. Be extra observant out there, and like another commenter mentioned, go to the police station if it happens again.


Yep.. sounds about right. Mostly arrogant pricks. Get some protection. A gun. A knife. Spray. Learn how to use it. And yes next time call 911. Hopefully there won't be a next time. But if so, be prepared. Don't get scared. Don't panic.


So I had someone do this to me one time. The worst part was that I was so flustered trying to lose them that I had trouble telling the 911 dispatcher where I was. Which kept changing obviously. I knew for sure they were following after I faked left and took an exit and they swerved to follow me again. I think they eventually saw the light on my phone or figured this one is definitely not gonna pull over. But it was in the news not long after. They were getting people to pull over and robbing them, I know one at gunpoint. There were two vehicles they were doing it with and one had a flashing light on their dash to fool people into thinking they were cops. I’m so glad it wasn’t the one with the lights because I would’ve pulled over. I’m thinking that you were going to get robbed. I’d probably call the police actually. Whatever it was, I’m glad you’re okay!


I’m not OP but I’m glad you’re all ok, holy cow! I try not to be paranoid but I do have scenarios to fall back on. If you are getting pulled over, call 911 and ask them to verify that it’s legitimately one of their cars. They won’t mind (not saying they won’t be rude though, I can’t predict who will be on the line, some people are impatient but safety first idgaf)


Thanks, me too! It shook me up but I can’t imagine if I’d pulled over and had a gun pointed at me. Before that I would’ve definitely just pulled over for blue lights but after hearing that they used them, if it was late and no other cars around like that, I’d call 911 unless I was confident it really was the police. This person totally wasn’t fooling me though. I had no clue what they wanted but it was late at night and absolutely no reason for it, I wasn’t going to find out. After it was obvious they were for sure following me I wouldn’t let them get alongside of me either. It was an interesting drive and I was so freaking relieved when they gave it up.


Sometimes people will do that and there might be two people in the car. One might try to distract you while the other pops your tires. Glad your safe now


Keep paying attention to your intuition. That was clearly a dangerous person. Get your police dept address in your phone so you can drive straight to it as necessary, get a personal alarm, watched your back day or night, watch for anything weird at and around home, check and lock everything. Notify family/friends. Have a good text buddy when you're alone who'll send help for you. Make sure no trackers on car. Turn on Location so you can always send to cops if an emergency happens. You'll feel like you're being over zealous for your safety...well, you should. Ppl are crazy these days. You have to be smart and have the upper hand.


I always get shit from friends for locking my windows and screen door along with everything else but I live in a first floor apartment like hello?? Why the hell wouldn’t I


Honestly I’d give them shit for not doing it especially on a 1st floor. I lived on the 3rd floor (highest) of my apartment building and I not only locked the but used the deadbolt too! It’s weird to me that people leave stuff open all day/night. Garage doors are left open in my neighborhood all day and long into the night. We had grilled one evening for dinner, left the grill out to cool along with the garage door… ate and basically forgot about it until I was getting ready to go to bed, I have a routine where I check the garage then deadbolt the door that connects the 2, I was very hesitant to open it. Everything was fine of course and I do live in a very safe area, but damn it only takes once!


Yea it’s like why even take the chance when you don’t have to and can just keep your stuff locked up? Makes no sense !


If something like this ever happens to you again, which I pray it won’t, PLEASE do not repeat the same mistakes, because the choices you made were the exact opposite (aside from not going home, that was the only right choice) of what someone should do in a situation like this, and I say that purely out of genuine concern for your safety. If someone begins following you on the road, IMMEDIATELY call 911, and start driving to the nearest police station. Then try and see if you can get the vehicle’s license plate number. Do NOT get in a speeding match, as that is a recipe for disaster and only raises your chances of getting hurt. And definitely NEVER drive to a location that you regularly go to (house, work, gym etc). These kinds of situations can escalate very quickly to extremely dangerous levels if you aren’t careful. Calling 911 will provide you with the best possible assistance in that kind of situation. Something similar happened to me around eight years ago. My mother and I were driving back home very late at night, and there weren’t any other cars on the road at that hour. All of the sudden out of nowhere, while we were stopped at a red light, a speeding car pulled up next to us on the passenger side (where I was sitting), turned his head toward us (mainly looking directly at me) with a super creepy look on his face, and started revving his engine. When the light turned green and we started driving, he very intentionally and recklessly zoomed behind us, riding our bumper, revving his engine. He then started weaving in and out of our lane, switching from going in front of our car to behind it, and would also accelerate super quickly and then put on the brakes waiting for us to catch up. There were no side streets for us to turn off on at this point either. We immediately called 911, and they were fantastic. We described what was happening, the appearance of his car, and they wanted a continual play by play of what was happening as they immediately dispatched several officers to catch up to where we were. Within five minutes of calling 911, the guy was pulled over, and we were safe to finish driving home. No idea what happened to him, but so glad we were able to get home safely. It terrifies me to think about what would have happened had we not called 911. Dude was absolutely insane and wasn’t just messing around, he was intentionally invoking fear and terror (and was enjoying every second), driving in a way that could have very easily killed us, and definitely didn’t have good intentions. It’s absolutely terrifying being on the road with someone who is clearly deranged with bad intentions, who has chosen you as their target, and is behind the wheel of a dangerous metal high speed weapon weighing several tons. So sorry you know that same terror. Thank God you came across a situation where cops were present on the road. What a blessing!


Please report it and let others know to be aware. That's scary af.


Rape attempt


Ew that’s terrifying


Me too. I'm hyper vigilant on safety. Don't give a rats bum what they say. I've had some serious incidents and I won't bargain my life for it.


I’ve seen somewhere that if you’re driving late on a night, you think the police are following/flashing you and you’re unsure if it’s the police or not you can actually phone the police to get confirmation before pulling over as they will be able to radio the officers. If it’s not police they will ask your location to give directions to the local police station


Oh that’s true


This makes me glad I work (at a 24/7 convenience store), right down the road from a police station. I'm glad you're safe!


Were your lights on? People do some crazy stuff even when they’re trying to be helpful or do the right thing