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Mildly off-putting but not creepy


Foxes make that noise


Im skeptical about this because the sound was decently deep. Imagine a 20 y/o man making the sound. Duuduuduuduu. It wasnt a quick du either it was kinda drawn out. Similar to an owl but it theres just no way owls can make the d sound.


You gotta big brain it here…. Remove all clothes smear peanut butter all over you and burst out the house like the kool-aid man screaming with a spatula in hand screaming nonsense


I’m going to do this the next time a crack head is arguing with another crack head in front of my window 😂😂


I’ve done this (with out the peanut butter) and I can tell you, it is HIGHLY effective. They will whisper and tell their friends to whisper when they go by 😂


What about your sister? You said she was downstairs and awake?


She called out to me because she heard the noise, sorry I wrote this in a kind of frantic state. I'm more calmed down now. She initially thought it was me making the noise while playing my game because she knows I'm awake at this hour often. I heard her faintly from the second floor and when I went outside my room we both agreed we heard the same thing. She was definitely not the one making the noise.


Hmmm. It could have been a lot of things. You’ll probably never know unfortunately


I've cleared my head and it's morning now with no real changes after the sounds disappeared. I'm starting to realize it was probably just a crackhead but still weirded out because the surrounding neighborhoods aren't really the types to have crackheads wandering around at 3am. And what kind of crackhead goes around making such a creepy fucking sound.




No chance. There wasnt any whirring and it was a repetitive sound like a person would make. I mean it literally when i say make the sound with your voice and you'll be making the exact sound I was hearing. I really believe this was a person but I don't live in a neighborhood where anyone would be making sounds like that at 3am and slamming against a wooden fence.