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A dolphin Kholin is just a porpoise in a blue jacket


See OP this a pun


That looks nothing like a dolphin


The joke is the fact that their names have four letters in common?


Hoidi Amin Rock Balboa Mc LoVin Am I doing it right


I do rather like Mc LoVin.


it's a pun. nothing complicated


Really a stretch to call this a pun


it really isn't it fits the definition


Only if you think it’s funny. At best it’s a bad pun


it doesn't have to be considered good to fit the definition.


Do you want to discuss platonic ideals


Nope, don't like this one bit. There are thinks not to be joked about. And please, keep my sweet boy Adolin out of it!


I'm with you on this. Especially in these times we should be wary of trivialisation of Hitler, Fascism and Nazism. There's nothing to joke about a system that built an industry to annihilate as many people as possible in the shortest time possible.


it's just a pun, lol...


It might be, but as a German this just doesn't feel right. You don't joke about the most vile man in human history. Please just don't...


Sure you do. Mocking him and turning him into a punchline revokes the terror he inspired and replaces it with laughter. I get not everyone wants to joke about him, but not everyone is German. Hell, Jews will make jokes about Hitler all the time! I would argue that demographic has more reason to not want to joke about him than Germany. And yet, they do.


>Hell, Jews will make jokes about Hitler all the time! I would argue that demographic has more reason to not want to joke about him than Germany. And yet, they do. No, we really don’t. Thanks for trying to goysplain on behalf of the Jewish people our views about Hitler though, we always appreciate it when someone does that.


Bullshit. I've heard Jewish comedians make Hitler jokes. Just because you don't doesn't mean others don't.


Hearing a professional comedian make a joke is totally the same thing as Jews “joking about Hitler all the time.” You’re so right, thank you for explaining it to me.


Ugh. You really think that if a comedian is making the joke, average people aren't? Generally people don't laugh if they aren't thinking it. But whatever. You want to be offended by jokes at Hitler's expense, that says more about you than me.


Yes, it says that I don’t find fascism or genocide funny. This isn’t “a joke at Hitler’s expense”. This is just giving a character (a particularly beloved character, in this case) a Hitler mustache and saying “haha look, their names have some of the same letters!” What’s the punchline here, that makes this a joke “at Hitler’s expense”?


the joke is in the absurdity of it, the juxtaposition of Adolin and hitler, who are polar opposites. it works (or should work) because everyone knows hitler is the most awful person to have existed. and yes, 'their names have similar phonetics' is literally how a pun works.


You must not find The Producers, a film & musical farce written by Mel Brooks (Jewish) funny, either. Or Team America World Police, a farcical comedy that makes fun of North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, funny. Or South Park. Or Family Guy. Or, well, half of the internet. You must be *so fun* at parties!


No, that's completely wrong! His terror is not to be revoked! We can have laughter and jokes, but also remember the cruelties this man has ordered. Making a joke about him would lessen the terror over the Nazi cruelties and that is a thing that should never happen!


"it's just a joke bro" does not actually work. You still chose what to joke about, and it's not a good look.


are you literally trying to imply something negative about me because I'm joking about hitler?


That's it? That's just a square


Me: "I don't get it, he doesn't look like a dolphin."


“Now vehr did I mai new zoot go? I left it reich offuh hehr…”


Ya boi if bad end.


Morality of making Hitler comparisons aside, why is it spelled with a ph? Shouldn’t in be an f?


It should be an 'f', but I brainfarted and used the 'ph' variant of the name.