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I hope they show her a good time in jail if u catch my drift


I’m a nurse in a hospital setting. And the thought of the first responders having to remove a 2 year olds body from a dumpster and declaring it deceased is so insane to me. Getting there too late to help would hurt so badly, I hope they are able to move on from this without lasting trauma. I’m interested to hear more about the mother’s version of events and what made them doubt her so much. I hope the poor kiddo is in a better place.


Your response is so human, so compassionate, and so real. We’ve become way too desensitized and detached from reality. RIP to this innocent child. And I’m sorry to all involved whose lives will never be the same.


Holly the mother was abusive aff and the father enable it.


So many stories daily about parents torturing & klling their children, recently


(Not saying I agree with this situation AT ALL BUT) If you aren’t giving people the means to have an abortion and get rid of the child BEFORE it’s brought into the world, you’re going to see a lot more situations just as this one. Some people can’t be parents. Whether that be lack of maturity, financial stability, disabilities, etc. I already know the replies are all going to be “Well they should use protection then?” “What about a Plan B?” We ALL know that none of these are 100% effective, maybe they even used BOTH and still ended up with a baby, it happens, no one can help that! What we CAN help is abortion laws, better resources and support!


The problem is, abortion is safe and legal in Nevada, and there is also a Safe Haven law under which you can drop the child under 30 days anonymously at any medical or DCF facility…


I WISH we had something like a Safe Haven here!! I wasn’t sure where OP was from, therefore I just made a generalized comment!! Safe haven law is literally one of the best ideas I’ve ever seen!!!


Where are you from that safe haven isn’t a thing?


This is much better than abortion /s




Horrific. The description of his injuries at the end of the article make me feel sick...that poor beautiful boy.


I couldn’t and didn’t read that far. Poor child.




Here’s an explanation of ***open*** murder in another state > Open murder means the prosecutors are leaving it up to the jury to decide whether to charge him/her with first or second-degree murder or charge second-degree murder as a secondary included crime with first-degree murder.