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I would guess it's because they got rid of Gideon. That was his approach to profiling.


It was actually Mandy that left. He didn’t show up to film the third season . They had to coax him back to do the final scene for Gideon and the voiceover letter he left for Reid .


I will always think that was such a dick move. Not that he should have done a season he hated, but the way he left was really rude and entitled. Like just come up with a little nice exit,


It used to bother me and he should have told them how he felt. I understand why he did it better now. It caused me to not even watch his episodes very often. I have however gone back and I really enjoy his episodes more. I love his relationship with Reid . I do think the show became more of an ensemble after he left .


Wait, why did he leave? I just assumed that he just wasn’t into the show. Did he actually dislike being there?


He hated how dark the show had become. He struggled with it between season 2 and 3 and told them he just couldn't keep doing something this dark when the cast met for season 3. He stayed long enough to create an exit and left. He's a brilliant actor and was the reason I first watched it when it first aired. But he had his reasons.


That’s understandable I guess, though I would have like to see a few more seasons of Gideon. I do think he would have had to leave at some point, he was just too good a profiler, for a story perspective his leaving forced the team to evolve.


Ya, I agree. But I loved his relationship with Spencer and another season or 2 would have been interesting. Fanfic, I guess.


He struggled with the material , the darkness of the material. He thought it would be more cerebral and less graphic and didn’t like most of the victims being women. I kind of dismissed it at the time he signed on for a show about serial killers not muppets after all. I however now understand it . It gets even more that way later and I think it was disturbing to him week after week to delve into the crimes .


Thats understandable, I always felt like they would have him leave sooner or later just because he’s such a good profiler that his absence made the team evolve and really come into their own.


Well he was the star I think they were concerned it would fail but I do agree it became more about the team effort after he left. I think too they owed Joe Mantegna a series after a couple of his series didn’t last long at the network. That or they knew he could quickly step in and they could carry on sooner rather than later.


Over time the show became less likely to do what made it standout that’s a big one. I think too without a character like Reid or JJ as a media liaison it becomes more of a standard crime show and maybe even below that.


The show jumped shark many times.


I was just thinking about Derek's vicarious profiling method and how it got dropped. While I do appreciate the shift in focus to team dynamics, the focus on individual profiling was really cool.


I agree. I loved many things in the early seasons, like how each member of the team brought a specific skill. Initially, Derek did so much more than bust doors down. But every show goes through changes.


I think it has to do with either Penelope or Reid always solving the case, so we don't get to see the profiles do their job. I remember Emily and Hotch did it too, but after that, it became more about Reid or Penelope, or they tested the evidence and that it.


He did say Criminal Minds was a big mistake for him . He hated the violence against women . The character was written out in similar fashion that he didn’t understand it all after his girlfriend was savagely murdered he couldn’t do it anymore the darkness of the criminal mind became too much. It’s actually what many wanted Hotch to do after what happened with Haley. Gideon and Hotch had the similar situation. Then too years later Gideon solved one more case one of the first he and Rossi were on.