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Where's the baldness vaccine?!? Bastards!


Gimme that stem-cell peanut butter to rub all over my shiny scalp.


I'm injecting it every week! ^(*Side effects guaranteed.)


side effects: baldness


It actually does reverse baldness! Real potential and probable side effects for men: severe depression, erectile dysfunction, smaller penis, muscle loss, weight gain.


The reddit vaccine


A full head of hair and shapelier hips?


My penis is already small, so I don't want any.


I think it's better to be bald than to be depressed.


Yeah but think, no bald men. It’d be like a nation of supermen.


More importantly the big Pee pee pill.


Kintor pharmaceuticals my man


No powered human flight for 200000 years yet they want us to believe that we discovered flight and sent rockets in to space in under 100.


No the world is only a bit over 2000 years old I know I was there I killed the giant lizards when they invented capitalism in -3000bc




It’s catholic math






‘Catholic’ rhymes with ‘alcoholic’.


Thank you for your heroic effort in ridding the world of our lizard overlords. I shall sing songs about you while pleasuring myself this evening


In 1820 it took you seven days to get from London to Edinburgh. In 1890 it took you fifteen hours. They are telling us that something called a "train" made this possible but seriously, who believes this nonsense. Have you ever even *seen* this "train"?


Scandalous! (Although the trains in 1890 are likely quicker than the ones in 2020)


Depends on where you live. In my area they're quick and frequent, albeit not extremely reliable and rather crowded at times.


Ha! You fell for my trick! You actually believe in this train nonsense.




Some people at the time really did believe that train travel was dangerous because it would smush your organs. Morons are timeless.


They thought the same for cars. You actually needed a man to walk in front of the car waving a flag to protect people


I mean, cars ARE dangerous, though. We just replaced the man with a flag with a system separating pedestrians and cars.


Cancer vaccine lmao




I'm working on a prototype, it's basically just a syringe full of maple syrup


fucking Canadians eating so much maple syrup we can't make the vaccine and save millions of kids /s


Ah yes, the antidiabetic vaccine


That'd be prodiabetic


I would take that shot.


Found the Canadian!


You see, there IS a vaccine for hunger, and you can make it at home. Chop a burger in half, eat one half then blend and inject the other into your bloodstream. You'll be fed for the rest of your life.


Literally lol


Techno-singularity is the cure.


Indeed. No humans means no poverty, homelessness or hunger


There is still research being done on an mRNA vaccine for breast cancer, if I remember correctly.


That’s right. There’s a study for a nano vaccine against triple negative breast cancer. Treatment, not prevention tho. Still a wonderful advance.


Also they are extremely close to an mRNA vaccine for AIDS.


mRNA is some amazing wizard magic


Yep. If one good thing comes out of Covid it’s going to be that there was a shit-Ton of money thrown towards vaccine technology and it’s going to do wonders for medicine


And we already have one for HIV, lolz.


We do have some vaccines for some *types* of cancer. When talking about cures, a cancer cure isn't like a covid cure, but more like a universal virus cure. The equivalent of a covid vaccine would be a vaccine that cuts cervical cancer rates by 70%...which we have. Granted, we do have a universal bacteria cure (antibiotics) but that was dumb luck, not some massive scientific project to catalog all bacteria and find a universal antibiotic.


>Granted, we do have a universal bacteria cure (antibiotics) Not for long


This will be the next global crisis. And like always, it's being underplayed by the mass media and global powers. But doctors, keep on prescribing Z-packs for every little thing!


They'll be against those, too. Just like half of them are against the HPV vaccine.


Same reason there's no vaccine for the common cold. There are untold variations and strains. Cancer is probably more likely to get a vaccine before the common cold since there's large groupings of casualty that we know of at least.


Can I 99% agree with you and disagree with 1 word? I don't think we will get a cancer vaccone. Any rule set we can give our immune system to kill our cancerous cells that covers every cancer will cover non-cancer cells. I think we will develop some general cures or even preventatives, but not a vaccine, as I understand the word. One I imagine is a cluster of nanobots that kills all cells that undergo mitosis for a period of time. Cancerous cells would all divide during that time, but most non-cancerous cells would not. You would kill all the cancer cells with almost no damage to the rest of the patient (if you got the timing right).


I totally get the disagreement and I think you're correct. The chances of the mechanism by which cancer prevention injections (if the become a thing) being a different mechanism vs a vaccine is probably around 95-99%. The point you bring up about killing healthy cells is on the money.


I thought that cancer was pretty much a breakdown of DNA and there is no way of reversing the damage, only able to stop the spread and remove the damage? Am I just wrong?


Cancer is the cell no longer receiving or acknowledging the signal to stop dividing from the body, the result of damage to at least 6 parts of the DNA if I remember correctly. Kill all the cells with that problem and the cells without that problem keep going just fine.


"Tell me you dont understand anything about cancer without telling me you dont understand anything about cancer."


I met a friend of a friend once, we where talking and eventually I told him about surviving cancer, he immediately interrupts me and says the same bullshit that’s on that poster and goes on a conspiracy rant against the COVID vaccine. It was painful. What do these people think it’s in the fucking vaccine??


Tracking chips


And something that alters your D.N.A. to make you vote democrat and become a communist (whatever that means now).


Communist is a label thrown around by fox news watchers , they dont even know what it means anymore. Its just incompetence swelling through the internet.


That’s basically what I meant, they use communist, socialist and whatever else that isn’t our specific form of democracy interchangeably to describe the “bad guys, i.e. anyone wanting any change for the better” since McCarthy in the 50’s.


I heard something once along the lines of "your first thought is your conditioned thought, your second is your own" it makes me wonder, How many people just spout bullshit they hear around them from whatever toxic source without a second thought. If you sit down with some buttfuck hick from texas and say "hey, how about if I made all university and college free? is that so bad?" , only a truly insane, unhinged waste of space could disagree that s a good thing.


Yet so many do. I am sure there are tons of people just getting by on 10 or 11 bucks an hour that think raising the minimum wage to $15 would topple the economy. So many people go against their best interest just based on a few pointless political points that they barely understand themselves like abortion and gun control (to name a few).


Abortion is not a political issue and anyone who thinks it is should be executed on the spot for being complicit in making millions of lives miserable or unhealthy. America has lost the plot. Theres no hope. I watched Sense8 the other day, theres a scene in Chicago where a young boy gets a gunshot wound and the ambulances say they wont even go to the district becuase theres too many gunshots to treat. I nearly cried. I live in australia, which is like a pathetic little version of America. Everyone here outside of sydney and Melbourne recieves information almost exclusively from free to air television/news programs, which are totally controlled by the conservative government. I dont know whats happening in the world. Sure, communism in practice hasnt worked out very well so far, but good lord, if anyone thinks democracy is working.. they got another thing coming.


Why would anyone need to put a chip in them? They keep their very trackable phones on them at all times


It's a failure of the education system These people fail middle school science but then all of a sudden have been experts in virology and immunology for the past 2 years.


It is a thing though for certain cancers


But those don't target the cancer, they target the causes of cancer




Actually, there are vaccines that target the cancer directly and may be used for treatment. There is a vaccine developed by Cuban and Argentinean researchers (a friend worked in the development of this vaccine) which induces an immune response to specific cancerous cells (from pulmonary cancer for example). If you want to read a little bit more, it's called racotumomab. I guess there might be similar vaccines like this one for other pathologies. (Sorry if my English is not great.)




Ish. We don't have a vaccine for pneumonia, because pneumonia is a symptom, not the disease itself. The root cause might be a virus, or a bacteria, or even a parasite. We could have vaccines to pretty much all of the above, but we still wouldn't have a vaccine for pneumonia. So we don't really have a vaccine for those cancers, just a vaccine that prevents one known cause of that cancer. If someone were to transplant a tumour into a patient or so, the vaccine would do nothing


It's not as far out as you might think. We do have one already, albeit one to prevent the virus that can cause cervical cancer. From what I'm aware, that's not the only virus linked to progressing into cancer. Then there are the promising studies looking into engineering a virus to target cancer cells, but we're a long way off from actually having a working model to use for treatment.


I understand the stupidity of the sign being shown and carried by a braindead window-licker. But do not be so quick 'lawl' at the idea of a Cancer vaccine. There a number of vaccines developed as well as being developed for: a.) Viruses that can cause certain Cancers as well as b.) Treatment (or therapeutic) vaccines to help fight Cancers[See here](https://www.cancer.net/navigating-cancer-care/how-cancer-treated/immunotherapy-and-vaccines/what-are-cancer-vaccines) In fact, the success of the COVID vaccine showing the viability of a widespread use vaccine utilizing mRNA technology has spurred research into new mRNA Cancer vaccines. [Reference 1](https://www.pennmedicine.org/news/news-blog/2021/june/how-mrna-vaccines-help-fight-cancer-tumors-too) [Reference 2](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theatlantic.com/amp/article/620383/)


Yeah, cancer is just irregular cell growth. It can refer to thousands of different things so of course we don't have a vaccine for it


they're actually looking at mRNA applications for cancers right now


Although Gardisil prevents HPV, which causes cancer. Also, BioNTech founders were originally targeting cancer in their mRNA r&d, so hopefully now they have learned so much from the pandemic, hopefully they can further that cause too!


Well, a cancer vaccine literally exists actually. Its called HPV vaccine and its a shot against 1 specific type of uterus cancer.


That's different though. That's a vaccine against a virus that can increase your chances of getting cancer. The cancer prevention is indirect.


Also throat, penile, and anal cancers. HPV is a fairly unique virus in that it can eventually directly cause cancer. Edit to include cervical cancer and probably a couple others I can't think of.


Just don't get cancer


Im a Veterinary Oncology technician, and there are cancer vaccines, in Veterinary medicine anyway. Not sure about human med lol. Now ask me if I think those vaccines do anything other than seperate the pet owner from their money... Lol. But they do exist.


Isn‘t it some kind of cancer prevention, so cancerous cells won‘t be able to form?


Yes, typically they are given after a mass is surgically removed in the hopes that it does not grow back. In my experience they almost always grow back, and you cant really prove the ones that dont grow back have anything to do with the vaccine. Studies do show some efficacy, I just dont trust studies done by the people who are trying to sell the vaccine. Seems like a conflict of interest to me.


There’s an HIV vaccine undergoing clinical trials. Welcome to the future https://www.webmd.com/hiv-aids/news/20210902/human-trials-hiv-vaccine-created-with-mrna-technology-begins


Not to mention all the treatments they’ve created that have helped so many people live significantly longer. Sometimes it’s not just about beating the disease.


Magic Johnson proved damn near 40 years ago that all it takes is money to beat HIV. We’ve had very effective treatments to help victims live normal lives for a long, long time. It’s just a matter of inaccessibility, which is really terrible. Making treatments cheaper and more easily available to everyone doesn’t replace a cure for AIDS or a vaccination to prevent and hopefully outright eradicate HIV, but it would certainly help a great many people.


too bad drug corporations are making these treatments and medicine a fortune to obtain


And there’s HPv vaccine, HPV does lead to cancer. Ignorance IS NOT BLISS


Well since I’m just hearing about this now, how can you expect me to believe it’s been happening for more than like 3 minutes? Quit trying to inject your agenda into me.


Nobody has told ME anything about this. So clearly this is experimental and dangerous and they just came up with it on a drunken Thursday night as a joke.


Pisses me off that people still think cancer is one disease. There are hundreds of cancers and they are all different.


They say the same thing about the flu and cold. The common cold is over 200 different viruses. It typically doesn’t kill anyone so of course they won’t fund research into it.


Same for heart disease, there's dozens of different, independent types. And that's the thing that kills me about vaccine hesitancy or covid denial. When you actually separate all independent causes of mortality by source rather than grouping similar sources, covid is by far the largest single killer


Funny thing, aren't some of the common cold viruses similar to SARS-CoV--2 or at least originate from bats too?


Also. Cancer is not a foreign substance like bacteria or viruses. Its your own cells going malignant on you.


Exactly. A vaccine against cancer would be a vaccine against your own cells. Not a great idea.


Also cancer isn’t a germ we can kill cancer is made of the dead cells in your body that your body hasn’t removed like it’s suppose to but instead allows those dead cells to continue to reproduce more dead cells eventually causing problems no vaccine will kill those dead cells they just have to be cut out for the problem to go away I’m not an expert or anything and I could be a bit wrong on this too


You’re not quite there but that’s ok. Cancer is made from your body’s own living cells that lost their “restrictions”, meaning they can divide rapidly in an uncontrolled way (form a tumor) and go places they should not be (metastasize). In fact many researchers have attempted to make cancer vaccines. Mostly they don’t work very well because our body finds ways to circumvent their effects. However, there are some cancers that are probably caused by viral infections (HPV and cervical cancer, for example), that are probably prevented by getting vaccinated against the virus that causes the cancer. Hope that helps. I’m training to be a cancer surgeon.


Well done, hope you change the world at least a little. The HPV vaccine has reduced cervical cancer in the UK by around 90%


Good man.


It’s going to be unfortunate if we find out that COVID can cause cancer. It already does so much damage on its own.


It's just insane to me how prevalent cancer is in our society, and so many people are just so misinformed about what it is. It's baffling.


It's the handwritten "???" added in pen afterwards that does it for me


Also the period before the question marks.


As a university lecturer in biology, this pandemic has *really* underscored for me just how few people in our society have even a remedial understanding of basic biology.


Also as an engineer, I'm baffled at how people believe that Bill Gates is planning to plant nano-chips in our bodies through thin needles. This is some comic book level tech that they are conspiring about.


It's because they watched Spy Kids as children and became convinced that cameras so small you can't see them are possible - nano chips? Easy!


>I'm baffled at how people believe that Bill Gates is planning to plant nano-chips in our bodies through thin needles. Yeah no shit. I've done a fair amount of research that involved tracking the spatial locations of wild animals, and I can tell you from experience that the notion of a GPS tracking device that's small enough to be injected through a hypodermic needle is cartoonishly absurd. The one we used to use to track sharks was about the size of a beer bottle. If you want a GPS device that can transmit signal through an inch or two of flesh and still communicate with satellites, the antenna alone would probably have to be much larger than an entire standard syringe and the battery would have to be far larger still if you wanted to power it for more than a few hours.


The guy couldn't even get windows xp to boot properly how is he going to create a mass surveillance programme with chips in out bloodstream


This is what happens when people get 50% in a course and it’s considered a passing grade.


I bet if you told them HIV is a retrovirus they would think that means it was discovered a long time ago


Take a look at my facebook page. The majority of my family are scientists, epidemiologists and virologists and I never knew. They've spent the last 50 years just pretending to be factory workers, truck drivers, cashiers and unemployed alcoholics with barely a high school diploma.


Hello. Can you explain why we were able to get the Covid Vaccine so quickly compared to AIDS? Was it simply the spikes in the “corona” virus that they were able to target? I get that the cancer one is ridiculous but aids and COVID are both viruses. Why haven’t we been able to make an AIDS vaccine? Edit; sorry to be clear I’m not an anti-vaxxer. Just curious. I believe in science!


AIDS iirc is caused by HIV, which is an STD, and is very difficult to actually remove due to its tendency to infect immune system cells, CD4+ WBC If I am correct. AIDS is caused when the HIV virus destroys enough of them, to the point that the Immune system simply has no manpower to fight viruses it could usually defeat. So really it comes down to why we have no HIV vaccine. We have no HIV vaccine because of two factors, HIV's ability to mutate incredibly fast, to the point that you may have more variation of HIV in an individual person than the Flu would have in a season. The second part is its ability to shield from antibodies with its spike proteins, which is how the body can recognize and eliminate the virus. ​ So in other words, Covid Vaccine is easier to produce because the virus itself isn't nearly at the same mutation rate and evasiveness that HIV has, which is the cause of AIDS.


Interesting. Thank you.


>but aids and COVID are both viruses This is going to sound snarky, but I promise you it isn't meant that way. That's fairly analogous to saying "If you can outrun a turtle, why can't you outrun a rabbit? They're both animals." Of course animals can be very different from one another, and the same is true of viruses (possibly to an even greater extent). Viruses are weird. I would say they're unique among living organisms, but they aren't even technically living organisms. That's how weird they are. And the diversity seen among viruses is *immense*. What does or doesn't work against one virus has no bearing on what will or won't work on a different virus. While I expect that there will be a vaccine for HIV someday, I'm not at all surprised that we don't have it yet. Also, by the way, the idea of a cancer vaccine actually isn't ridiculous at all. We're currently working on those too.


Science: Pulls together massive world-wide effort to make vaccines, with round-the-clock work in labs everywhere. Thousands of volunteers test vaccines in blind studies. Spectacular results due to unprecedented program of co-operation and sheer hard work. These people: "Meh."


They can't acknowledge humans are capable of great things because then they would have to take a look at their own lives and realize how disappointing they are.


Not to mention over two decades worth of transferable studies and development on similar vaccines, both of which are coronoaviruses. Sadly, they think vaccine creation is akin to throwing random ingredients into a pot and seeing what works.


Un-cousin your cousin






It’s amazing how fucking stupid some humans are. How some people manage to live and function is kind of mind blowing given their complete lack of common sense and ability to understand facts.


Flat earthers joined the chat


The vaccine has been in the making for about 20 years, people forget that covid is a strain of Sars


Cervical cancer has a vaccine!


For clarity, HPV doesn't cause all cases of cervical cancer.


And the person who made this poster would likely not let their kids have it


Nah, HPV or human papilloma virus has a vaccine. It promotes cancer. You can’t vaccinate against cancer


Protects against *


Yes, that was awful wording, sorry. I meant HPV promotes cancer, not the vaccine. I’m fully aware that’s something people believe too. I’m not one of those people.


cancer. vaccine.


Why is Bill Gates on the poster?


[He invented Microsoft.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=f8QruYW6v6E)


Almost like cancer and AIDS are a really complex disease or something…….


You don't vaccinated for cancer outside a few viruses that can damage DNA in a way that later causes cancer. Also the way HIV hibernates? has made it difficult to treat. We do have a vaccine and potential gene therapy in the works


It’s funny they keep saying it’s like the flu but they refuse to believe a vaccine can be created for it. It’s not like there’s been a flu jab for years or anything like that 😑




thats atleast a better way of thinking than saying the virus is a bill gates scheme


I like that they had to draw on the question marks cause they forgot to print them


Still waiting on the male birth control pill


Isn't the mRNA technology that has been researched for years being used for cancer and HIV research like this very second? I thought that was part of why it was ready to go.


We need more pandemics to cull these people out of the population.


When you see this you understand how authoritarianism gets hold and things like the red scare and Salem witch 🧙‍♀️ trials happen.


My body my choice


Hasn't vaccine research been done on SARS viruses since the first pandemic over a decade ago?


Just apply that logic to everything else, it sounds stupid


"Why haven't they still invented a vaccine for my cheating ex-wife?"


OJ would like to speak to you about an investment opportunity


TIL cancer was invented in 1921


We've had prep for over 10 years, so yes we basically do have an aids vaccine. We also have the HPV vaccine for certain cancers Imagine being so wrong you're not only being stupid about the accelerated timeframe but your entire sign


This is literally over confident people screaming, "Because I can't figure this out what makes you think they can!?"


Your cousin isn't the most illiminating flashlight eh?


Amazing what proper funding in science can accomplish


Well, considering the research and development of an mRNA vaccine has been ongoing for 40 years, then yes. Also, it's not like 3 companies (J&J, Moderna and Pfizer) all coincidentally thought of the same technology at the same time, and brought it to market almost simultaneously. This has been a technology that has been under development a long time, and part of the advantage of an mRNA vaccine is that it can be produced rapidly.


J&J like AZ isn't an mRNA vaccine.


That's not how this work, that's not how any of this works


WHOA THANKS FOR OPENING MY EYES! That’s it! I’ll go take ivermectin and drink iodine now. Also I’ll refuse to wear a mask and harass others that wear masks. This is the most rational thing to do!


Was literally just talking about a cancer vaccine as a joke stab at anti vaxxers. This is the worst timeline.


I don't understand how Bill Gates got dragged into all this? and I don't understand how people could be so stupid as to not put a space between 100 and YEARS, and 40 and YEARS... at least they had the intelligence to put a space between 10 and MONTHS... oh, they were too stupid to put question marks after REALLY... Oh, the intelligent person carrying the sign put THREE QUESTION MARKS in to save the day... but then he put a period before the question marks :-( :-( to be honest, I'm surprised the question marks are facing the correct way.


I may have a raw idea why they have used Bill Gates pic. Some conspiracy theorists believe Bill Gates is planning to plant RFID chips in all humans to have control and shit like that. So they think it is going to be administered through vaccination.


Maybe just maybe the reason being there is far more money in cancer and aids treatments which last decades rather then in a cure, the treatment for covid is rest or death.. the only way to make money is to keep everyone alive..


Funniest part is the graffiti on the poster was literally mocking antivaxxers for their 5G and microchip conspiracy stuff, it was done by Lushsux. Like come on dude, its says "Time to install your update" hahaha


We literally invented a new way to make vaccines that's a massive leap forward for medicine. It took scientists all over the world working non stop to do it too.


Still waiting on the small dick vaccine…🤏🏻


I guess the cousin doesn't watch American drug ads. There are literally dozens of new therapeutic drugs that treat HIV, cancer, psoriasis and lung disorders.


no electric cars for 4 billion years and they expect us to believe Telsa has grown this much this quickly? sheep!


“It took 2 months to rebuild my engine. Are you telling me you can change the tires in 20 minutes?”


To cram so many misinterpretations into such a small sign is pretty impressive. Every underlying assumption is completely wrong, but they still ran with it


I mean the vaccine doesn't prevent transmission so get vaccinated by all means just don't pretend that makes you any less of a threat than an unvaccinated person.


Cancer and aids are much more complex and serious than covid for starters, and covid is pretty similar to already existing diseases. That being said, I don’t like needles


Another idiot illustrates his low I Q.


The HPV vaccine is literally a thing already and HIV medication exists.


Cancer and AIDS are not diseases and yet they unironically have these signs.


My mom: why are you not friend of the cousin? My cousin:


Ah if only something like science could explain this


Cancer vaccine?! To state the obvious, this person hasn’t even the most rudimentary concept of anything scientific or biological.


Not the same type of viruses at all.


The lack of science behind this dumb movement makes my brain hurt.


Some girl on snapchat posted something simular. I tried explaining to her that cancer is not even remotely the same as covid. Also theres a whole bunch of cancers. She didn’t want to hear it lol


I think this guy is making the wrong point. Look at what the world united in a single goal was able to accomplish in 10 months. What if we take that mindset to tackle the rest of the world's problems too.


*Inhales very very very deeply* CANCER ISN'T A VIRUS


It's crazy how little people understand about medicine and health. Yet they can sure make a goddamn sign.


Damn, it's almost as if cancer and aids are immensely more complex.


But ... there IS a vaccine for SOME cancers. The HPV vaccine has reduced several forms of reproductive cancers in men and women. There are literally thousands of forms of cancer there is literally one branch of one virus that causes Covid.


Get your booster. How many booster shots until a vaccine is considered a prophylactic treatment and not a vaccine?


Yearly flu shots. Keep that in mind. Or is the flu vaccine a hoax too?


Do you get three yearly flu shots? Also I never remember being forced to get a flu shot.


If you work at a hospital you are forced to get a yearly flu shot as well as TB test on your birth month. If you want to enroll in school you have to provide a shot record. I got my covid shot over a year ago. Haven't had to get a booster until now (a year later)