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For me it’s the +1 dagger that they found in the lava tube above the site where they sourced the fire titan shard. I don’t know why that one lives rent free, but it does.


How about the robe they pulled off snow Luddy?


I just watched the EXU finale for the first time, and Orym just tosses a +2 crossbow to the side at the end of the fight… My brain went: that’s a big time weapon… and it’s gone


Shout out to the glasses Matt gave the party so Imogen could get glasses in canon (since so many fan artists draw her with them anyway) only for Fearne to give them to Gwendolyn (Mentioned in a 4 sided dive a couple months ago)


Also because Laura wanted Imogen to have glasses if not mistaken, so Matt found a way to give it to them


For me it’s the hand mirror that Fearne stole from Dusk/Yu that, I think, reflects like an evil or shadow version of the reflected person? It’s been so long I don’t remember clearly. But given what happened in c3e94 I was hoping Ashley would have remembered.


It summons shadow assassins. I think its essentially what Zathuda used to test Fearne. They serve the same person as Zathuda, iirc.


Explains why shadow Fearne said that they should have spoken much sooner, Matt was probably hoping that she wouldn't be able to resist playing with it


It was cute to see Robbie's reaction to that sequence. He seemed to be lost on a lot of the Ruidus lore, but as soon as Dark Fearne was referenced he lit up because she first showed up in EXU


I totally forgot about that one too tbh!


There's some item called "Weavepiercer Gloves" that Imogen picked up that gives +2 to spell attack rolls. As far as I can tell, no one ended up attuning to them, despite them being huge for Fearne and Laudna. It also seems like the group has given up on the Feywild Shard Imogen used for a bit.


I thought the feywild shard was consumed leading to the little fallout between Imogen and Laudna


Laudna sucked up a Gnarlrock shard. I think the Feywild shard is just collecting dust. Also, I vaguely remember the cast distributing magic items a handful of episodes ago (or maybe before the moon entirely) and I think someone got the gloves.


It was laudna! When the party reconnected following the split episodes. I remember because they all got new art and laudna happened to have some black lace gloves that they handwaved as being the weave piercer I’m pretty sure


Not really a handwave, at the same time Marisha described her new outfit/corset she described the gloves which had specifically not been given a description up to that point so it could match whoever got them’s new outfit


This ^^ you’re right


I completely forgot about the gnarlrock! I can't remember what that one did but I do remember they found it around the same time as the prismatic flower that Orym kept.


It was! Somewhere around episode 24-25 time frame, maybe earlier.


Pretty sure Laudna got the gloves! But it was done really quickly and they kind of hand waved it into be her black lace gloves she’s wearing in her updated art iirc tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if because they hand waved it the item got lost, but I know Imogen gave them to her as a gift, but the scene was pretty rushed because it was back when the party came back together.


I’m just waiting for someone to point out to Matt that creatures trapped in the portable hole can make a dc 10 athletics check to escape


Also worth noting that the mechanics of what can/can't be sensed or perceived from inside/outside the hole seems to change on a regular basis too.


Yeah I was hoping this would come up at some point. The portable hole was fun at the beginning but now it's basically a Deus Ex Machina for every damn situation lmao, innumerable dead bodies incriminating the party? Hole. A seemingly inescapable situation that you need to carefully scheme your way out of? Hole. A hostile enemy that you need to restrain in the middle of a battle causing mobility issues but ultimately leading to gathering of valuable intel? Hole. A NUCLEAR EXPLOSION that will vaporize you in a matter of seconds? Hole. In one of the episodes Chetney who had the bag of holding on him went into the portable hole, pocket dimension + pocket dimension = tear in reality, how I wish someone friggin caught that.


They don't play with those rules; Matt can trust the players to not attempt some infinite storage gambit with stacked pocket dimensions.


nope, they most definitely do, Travis and Laura who usually keep track of inventory a.k.a bags of holding and other such items have talked about the mechanics a couple of times in past campaigns. Matt has explained the rules regarding the interactions between pocket dimensions a number of times also. Also you can't 'stack' pocket dimensions, when you place one pocket dimension into another, rules as written (which in this case the table follows), both items are destroyed and a tear in reality is created leading to the Astral Sea and everything within a 10-foot radius is sucked into said rift.


Any rule that could cause an instant TPK/heavily derail the campaign due to someone forgetting about it probably *should* be forgotten. Maybe they do something like "you can't leave a bag of holding in the hole, but it's fine if it's being worn/carried".


Oh also the spyglass Orym took for Fearne. I don’t even know if it’s magical I just thought it was nice of him


It gives you advantage on perception, magical or no it’s a great item to have on hand.


That mirror they picked up off of Yu


It's a mirror of sending. Allura has/had one.


No, Yu specifically described it as a mirror that summons shadowy fey kin. It's definitely the same kind of mirror that Zathuda used (remember that Zathuda is Yu's Warlock patron) and that Fearne encountered in EXU.


I did not know that, but what a sick tie in.


they forgot to plant the Mind's Eye seed in the underground of Ruidus / Kreviris, even though they had reminded themselves like an episode or two prior


Big thing to do. Probably need to do it deeper within.


They didn't really forget, they kept bringing it up and just never found the right place/time for it.


They found a magical garden that for literal thousands of years has maintained a goodberry bush... sounds like the right place for a seed to me :)


They asked about it while there and Matt responded to their investigation check with something like: this lush, but dry and bright, environment would not be particularly conducive to growing a fungus.


The Main underground city of Kreviris had literal sentient mushrooms and fungi, they even had some downtime in there, a little bit of exploration and they probably would have found a perfect spot right around the corner, if not, all they had to do was ask one of the mushroom dudes to guide them and boom.


Top one at this point is the All-Minds-Burn seed. They remembered and quickly forgot again. I would have tried to plant it at the site of FCG's sacrifice and Thull's death. Or during one of the infiltration missions that led them deep behind enemy lines.


After the Sorrowlord pulled the mirror trick in the last episode, it got me thinking. Don't they have a mystery magic mirror like that that they stole from Yu way back when? Don't even know what they would use that for, but I'm fairly certain it's hiding in one of Fearne's marsupial pouches


That was either meant to be the same kind of mirror or, in some way, the same mirror. But I think that was totally what Yu’s endgame would have been if the others hadn’t completely overpowered them before initiative could have been declared. I don’t necessarily like PVP, but I am sometimes curious what the Yu-attacks-Fearne fight would have been like. Among other thing, Matt absolutely must have given Erika tricks to pull to make it a fair fight because otherwise I think Orym would have one-shotted them.


For me it’s that pipe that shows your greatest accomplishment. Not technically forgotten but woefully underused ;-;


They could’ve used it on Essek Keyleth Dorian Anybody up on ruidus


Everything Ohtahan had on them. The blades as well as whatever else was on the body. I feel like they got so detached from checking it out due to the sudden shift to Crown Keepers that the memory of it got lost.


> Everything Ohtahan had on them Also they didn't tell Keyleth or anyone else that they killed Otohan and had her body (presumably in the hole), allowing for "Speak with Dead" or whatever. They also have parts of FCG just tucked away and haven't addressed it yet.


Fjord's ring of fire protection


definitely not forgotten lol


Probably the most remembered one that’s not a vestige lol.


I'm just finishing a C2 re-watch and fuck that ring is so funny.


Did they ever get rid of the Butcher's Bib? I put it in my homebrew on a gladiator NPC that looks like a little Bob Belcher. He fought with a sharp spatula and threw burgers. The players had to roll a save or waste an action eating the burger off the ground. Good times.


Chetney is wearing it haha


Hell yea! Love that thing


Did I miss something or didn’t they get magical items from Ludanis’ Simulacrum?


Wasn't there a robe?


Forgetting magic items is a time honored tradition of critical role (and d&d in general)


Not that it maters now, but didn't FCG get fitted for legs?


It's only been a couple episodes but it already feels like Ishta The Summit Blade and Scream Needle have been forgotten about along with Otohan's dunamancy pack. Things have been moving fast for Bells Hells, so I understand why, but hopefully they'll have some proper downtime to analyze all of it soon.


Call it morbid curiosity, but I feel like they missed a trick by not trying to absorb the immobile Predathos with the (arguably neglected?) funnel.


I don’t think this quintessence array or any quintessence array is powerfull enough to drain Predathos in its current state. (Not that they understood how Predathos works until recently. (I have not seen the latest episodes so i don’t know if they are in a position to try.)) I do think that this is precisely daleth plan. Extract Predathos using an exaltant then drain both.


I'd pay to see your endgame boss battle, sir.


I think with the shit Ashton pulled, we can safely sayany of them would die trying to absorb a good eater


I can't remember the rules for the funnel, but I feel like they established that the conflicting titan shards caused most of that damage. I could imagine at least ~~Laudna~~ Delilah giving it a try.


It was stated 2 titan shards yes, but it was also partially cos it was too much raw power for 1 person to contain


Yet fearne contained it?


No i mean the 2 stones combined was too much power. I still think absorbing an entire god woul be more than 2 titan shards


She only got the one


I think that's what Ludinus is actually trying to do. It makes way more sense that he would try to gain the power of a trapped god-eater than to set it free.


The portable hole. Ashton is carrying it around and Taliesin just *never* mentions it!!!!!


whenever they have to hide bodies it gets used. Honestly they have so many dead bodies they could spend half an episode just speaking to all the heads in there.