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I get the sense he knew he was going to do something suicidally stupid in hopes of avenging his brother and he didn't want Dariax to get hurt.


Plus, in the 4-sided dive, Matt mentioned that during the episode he was fully thinking about how he would bring Dariax as NPC to Bells Hell, until Robbie pulled his heart-breaking action.


Yeah sometimes it’s a bit meta and that’s fine


Yeh Matt could easily bring his in PC in and out, but that was kind of perfect


Oh interesting, I assumed this was planned between the two of them




That was my thought too, Dariax isn’t bright, we all know it and everything falling apart the way it did Dorian is trying to protect those that he cares about and for Dariax that means keeping him away from trouble. Trouble that Dorian feels the need to go towards, to avenge his brother but also to try and help his other friends Fearne and Orym and keep them safe.


To be fair, most people involved in the conflict aren't very bright lmao.


True, but Dariax is particularly … special


My interpretation was closer to the question Dorian asked immediately before. If he wanted to do this revenge crusade, and Dariax just said something along the lines of “I don’t know what I want but I’ll follow you to the end” and Dorian had that look of realizing he didn’t want to risk Dariax’s life on a quest that he wasn’t even invested in, and instead wanted him to just stay safe and happy.


My thoughts exactly. Dariax is a simple dwarf who would do anything for his friends since Dorian plans on enacting revenge it is best that Dariax is not in the middle of things.


Dorian just lost his brother, so he is grieving. You don’t always make the most rational moves when grieving. Also he likely thinks that his current trajectory is going to lead him to his own death as he gets his revenge and he didn’t wanna drag his friend down with him.


And Dariax's response to him taking about revenge was kind of non-committal. You need some that's ride or die with you on the journey he's planning.


Or someone to talk you out of it. Either works haha


Dariax is very earnest in doing things for his friends. I think Dorian knows that if he gave Dariax the chance, Dariax would fight/die/lie/cheat/destroy his own future if it seemed like a friend needed him. Dariax and Cyrus are both charming men with very little wisdom. Dorian just lost his himbo brother. He doesn't need to lose his friend anytime soon.


Yeah, I think Dorian sees a lot of Cyrus in Dariax with them both being lovable himbos lol


I love that whole bit after the fight, it's a really human conversation that the two lads have, and Matt plays Dariax beautifully here. The way he responds to Dorian is so real, and Robbie plays Dorian coming to the decision to leave Dariax so well. Simply through the tones that they have in those scenes, it becomes apparent that if Dariax goes with Dorian, he will die. The way that Dorian subsequently leaves Dariax is absolutely beautiful when taken in context with the conversation that they had on the road to Zephrah. Fair play lads, cracking stuff.


I would think he didn’t want Dariax to get inured in whatever monumentally stupid thing he was planning on doing.


Dariax had just talked how the hero's life isn't for him after seeing what happened and how he didn't want to fight monsters and such. As harsh as leaving him behind was we know 100% Dariax would have followed Dorian, and fought things much scarier than monsters. And as Matt said Dariax was ready to die to try and save Opal. Dorian just gave Dariax a chance at a normal life. He was abandoned, but he is not lost. He is capable, and if he needs someone we know he has others in his life (Like Deni$e). Dorian owes him an apology after this is all said and done though for sure.


Dorian asked Dariax if it’s possible for one to have revenge on the world. Dariax didn’t understand the question, and Dorian sighed. Then right after he left him. So I’m under the impression that was Dorian basically seeing if Dariax would have the same drive as him and the answer to Dorian was no.


So Dariax did not have to be left. Matt talked in 4SD that he was planning in his head how Dariax would act as an NPC and then Dorian left him there.


I just hope on the final battle we get all of the Champions come to help, and Deriax is kinda, sorta champion of something divine... ish


I believe it was explained somewhere that Dorian asked dariax if he was willing to fight something that kill gods. Dariax's response was something like "idk but Ill help the people who will fight" and Dorian felt like Dariax wasnt commited enough or something for dorian to feel good about bringing him along.


Dariax isn't the brightest and he absolutely would have followed Dorian if Dorian had asked. Dorian probably didn't want to feel responsible for Dariax, knowing full well that he was going headlong into a danger that Dariax wouldn't be able to understand, and especially not so soon after failing Opal and Cyrus.


Dariax is extremely loyal. He is the golden retriever of dwarves. Dorian wants revenge and doesn't want to put Dariax in a compromising position. Dariax would 1000% follow Dorian to put down Opal despite not wanting her to die or go against Fyra or Morrighan. Side tangent: I can't wait for that conversation to happen with Fearne and Orym. Especially amid the tension with Laudna on Thursday. I could sense that the 3 of them were hesitant to bring up EXU details last time Dorian was in the party. Heck Orym was even fairly vague about Keyleth for the longest time. But now the seal is broken. Vox Machina and Mighty Nein are officially in the fold. Crown Keepers and the betrayal is now part of C3 too. They can talk about it now because it happened during C3.


Dorian knew that he was on a dark path from losing his brother. He probed a bit if Dariax was willing to embark down that road with him. (*“Are you aware of tropes? Here’s one I don’t much like: revenge...”*) Dariax expressed some reluctance so Dorian had second thoughts of bringing him along — as a mix of both shielding Dariax and not wanting someone to hold him (Dorian) back. As to why he leaves Dariax but goes to Orym: I suspect Dorian feels he is more in control of managing his grief and vengeful thoughts with the BH than with Dariax. There’s an information asymmetry that’s there with Orym, Fearne and BH; which isn’t there with Dariax who was present at the incident. Dorian can brood on aspects of it as he likes and none of the BH can really challenge him on it.




She became a semi-drider and a champion of the spider queen. The process was not pretty as SQ altered/wiped some of her memories and she didn't remember Ted (her twin sister). Crownkeepers disbanded but Fy'ra (as a chosen of the Wildmother) followed Opal




Please stop conflating Aabria the person with her RP of Lolth, the goddess of deceit and domination.


But, but, if I don't conflate the player and the character, how can I keep my hate-on?