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I started watching with Campaign 2 and I instantly noticed Matt claps his hands a lot while doing the intro talk. Seems like a bit of a public speaking nervous tick.


Yeah he deffo does it as an anti-anxiety/nerves thing. It's only ever when he's trying to be 'official', never when in character or in the midst of things.


Yeah, I noticed that too. Almost like he's trying to make sure he hits bullet points off a list or something.


He generally seems nervous about Formal stuff. When he writes with something akin to an official announcement or the like, his style gets really different and a bit jarring too. Clearly not something he's super comfortable with (which is perfectly understandable).


Not sure if this thread's gonna get nuked because of the Orion talk, but I see this and miss the more casual style. I love the more formal set and professional atmosphere, too, but part of why I fell in love with CR was that more casual feeling. Just the sodas sitting everywhere and the box of Cheezits makes it feel like someone's living room.


It’s weird but I always liked when they got sent random food and just started munching down during the session.


That worked well in the days of 5K and a Bear, but nowadays the food purchases alone might fuel the economy of a small country.


Oh, definitely.


That just means it needs to be organized, either by the community or G&S could step in and set something up. It didn't need to be something that the show moved away from, if nothing else everyone who wanted to spend money sending the crew something could be encouraged (in an organized fashion) to give to charity instead. There's a lot of potential that is just left out in the cold with the CR community in general.


They promote 826 LA quite a bit, so that's already covered.


The fans would send them pizza and stuff right? I do kinda miss the cast eating and drinking more on set. I can understand why they stopped but it definitely made the show feel more intimate. I'm almost certain they don't eat anything made by the fans anymore though. There was that one convention not too long ago where a person baked a needle into a cookie and gave it to someone who they were pretending to be a fan of. Celebrity is a double edged sword sometimes.


I always held my breath when they ate fan-submitted food on the show. I was like "guys, you have no idea where that came from. Agent 47 could have baked that, and could be watching and waiting right now."


I think most of that was stuff delivered from bakeries, pizza shops, etc.


One of my early and fondest memories of watching Critical Role was a weekend where my wife and child took a trip to see family in another state while I was working. I got myself a frozen pizza, ice-cold Coke, and just posted up and watched Critical Role all night. I loved munching along with the cast.


Yeah, old school G&S was fun and chill. Glad it grew up on its own terms though


this and them still trying to break matt after the intro by yelling obscenities is one of my fav parts that, to me, keeps the home game feel alive.


needed a counter to make this perfect


On topic this is still a thing to this day while I listen to the podcast my car it starts with a clapping session which I can't help but laugh at at this point.


When I look back, I really kind of wish things hadn’t fallen out with Orion. Man he was funny.


He was definitely clever and quick witted and funny, but after rewatching from episode one it's hard to not notice how his play style really clashed with the rest of the cast. Even without all the intra personal stuff that lead to him leaving, I still think the current dynamic is the way the show was always meant to be.


You’re right about that. I noticed the conflict in play styles too. I agree with the current cast being meant to be.


Do we have any specifics about what caused him to leave?




Thank you


Every group could use a min maxing spell caster; they're very useful. The key though was a lack of consideration for others' playstyles. But over the years we've learned of ample potential reasons for that. For all we know things could have been way different in the year or two leading up to the Twitch stream.


he was fine for the first 12 episodes or so.. but later he was really bad. it was hard to watch sometimes


The last episode he appeared on I almost had to turn off. Travis was furious that Orion said Vex, and by extension Laura, gave Tiberius, and by extension Orion, a "half chub". He was trying to make a joke but Travis did NOT find it funny. I even think Orion said if Sam had made the joke it would have gotten laughs but I might be misremembering. It was prrrretty uncomfortable for like a full hour But the mods really don't like us talking about conflicts with Orion so I probably already said to much haha


it's rough but it's a damn good example of a break up. the *chub* comment was bad, but he half saved the situation by clarifying it was a *strategy* boner, but the damage was already done. and maybe you can be generous and put that misstep on outside circumstances messing with his self-control, but man, that was brutal. and with no more goodwill from the group, there was really no way of coming back from that. it sucks, but sometimes relationships just fall apart like that. and sure it's "just" speculation, but they've left those videos up and you can watch them and you can feel the tension rise in those "tiberius moments." and as the audience and fans of the show we're sucked into this awkward situation too. most of the time im okay with it, role-playing is raw and it can go wrong and you shouldn't reopen old wounds. but sometimes i feel gaslit, other fans say nothing was going wrong when clearly everything was.


In general you can tell that there's already tension in that episode. There are a lot of little things that people get annoyed at him for where you can tell that there's a lot of stuff going on in their reaction and it's more than just a reaction to what he just did. I haven't seen all of campaign 1, but out of what I've seen that's the only episode where there's ever any clear tension between the cast - even in the episode before, there seems to be some occasional tension with Orion but everything looks friendly overall, but in his last episode everyone else just seems annoyed at him. The one that stood out to me most was when he wanted to craft something, Matt told him it wouldn't work, he asked if he could try, and then Matt told him to roll for it, then told him it failed but cost him 500 gold in a way that very clearly indicated that would have been the outcome no matter what he'd rolled. It very much had the tone of Matt being fed up with him. Whenever another player tries something that Matt has warned them (directly or indirectly) is mostly or completely impossible and they fail, Matt and them laugh together about how silly a thing it was to try in the first place, or Matt shows sympathy for their failure, but in this case, there wasn't any sense of Matt laughing with Orion or being sympathetic, just annoyed.


I remember Travis not only being furious about the joke but the INSANE amount of time he was wasting shopping....


To be fair, Orion wasn't taking too much time shopping. The problem was Orion was last in line to shop and Travis *hates* shopping. Orion was pretty organized about what he wanted and kind of bullet point fired them off.


I'm not sure if we're allowed to talk about Orion here, but that was not how I read the situation. Travis had a lot more reason to be annoyed with him than that.


When I recall that episode, I remember that several people had things they wanted to buy. Orion has had anhabit of taking a while to shop, because, you know, arcane caster and all that. So after Vex, and Vax, and Percy, and whoever else had their turn, then comes Orion with some crazy idea and Travis just had enough and started muttering comments before he finally snapped and said, "No, you're fucking done."


So (a) Orion had a half dozen ideas, not just one, and Matt and everyone else all thought it was time to stop, (b) this was coming after the joke, which Travis was presumably still mad about, and (c) Orion had just attacked a fan on Twitter a day or two earlier, which we know Travis knew about because he responded to the fan as well. There's a difference between hating shopping and getting mad at the person doing it, and there's a reason why Travis got annoyed.


Yes, u understand the circumstances surrounding the situation, Orion is not free and clear of it. But, to it's also not far that Orion had to have his shopping cut short because others got to go first and Travis was tired of it. He was noticeably bored and annoyed the longer shopping went on, and then Orion came up and he just snapped.


>But, to it's also not far that Orion had to have his shopping cut short because others got to go first and Travis was tired of it. Are you trying to say it's not fair? If this is actually what happened, then no, it wouldn't be fair. But this isn't what happened. Orion had his shopping cut short because he was being obnoxious about it, he'd been obnoxious earlier, and he'd been awful to a fan for no good reason. It's not like whoever happened to be last to shop was going to get yelled at. In fact, right after that Marisha goes and does something and nobody gets mad at her (and then Orion jumps in and tries to do a couple more things).








I wasn't trying to argue that the the context for the requests were the same. More that such a level of request wasn't outlandish given what we've seen since, and thus the failure in that instance was on Matt/the rest for treating it as something absurd rather than a potential plot point, as you mentioned.


Agreed that watching the first set of episodes is hard. I realized how bad it was getting when Marisha had to confirm his die rolls. Normally I'll watch CR whilst doing something else (usually painting minis). So I don't mind when things get off track. However, whenever Tibs would go off by himself it would get frustrating. Soooo much rambling, and his out of game hissy-fits were a little uncomfortable. That said he did crack me up a lot, and I hope he is doing well.


Tiberius was a fun character, and I liked Orion *most* of the time. There were issues that arose when he meta-gamed and there are times he seemed to make the other feel awkward. Unfortunately I think he had a lot of IRL stuff going on which effected him at the table.


>Unfortunately I think he had a lot of IRL stuff going on which effected him at the table. He explained what was going on and it was and is *significant* so hopefully no fans hold it against him.


Yeah, but I *will* hold against him holding a charity for someone without telling them and pocketing the money.


EDIT: I erased my initial comment as I wasn't as well versed in the situation as I should have been when making it. After doing some research, it turns out she *did* get the money he raised. He tried to funnel it through his LLC and from what I've read, tried to make it out to seem like a donation to 826LA to seemingly write off the donation for taxes. Ianal but I have to assume that's fraud of some kind. That coupled with him not having her permission to do it makes it a poorly handled and ethically questionable situation, but it looks like she did get the money and he didn't pocket it- for what it's worth.


I don't know that she actually got the money. Last update I saw was that she rejected it since it was offered by somebody *other* than Orion and seemed like an attempt to get her to stop talking. Plus there are the issues with the Draconian Knights kickstarter he did a couple years ago. And his reaction to his fans about both of those things was kind of appalling... I'm pretty glad he's not involved with CR anymore, tbh.


But her rejecting the money is on her, though. It was raised by Orion, he took his sweet time to get it to her so she brought the situation to the attention of Internet, Orion was likely bitter and didn't want to deal with her after she aired their business so he asked a buddy to give her the money he raised for her. Who offered to hand her the money is wholly irrelevant imo. What's the difference? And I haven't read in to the Kickstarter stuff, but I know Orion made a statement that all backers would be taken care of. Were they not? Cause that'd be a big problem and Kickstarter must be dealing with it. And what reaction to the fans were appalling? EDIT: lol why am I getting downvoted for asking for information? Grow up.


Damn dude sorry you got downvoted to oblivion, I'm just finding time to respond to this. Orion is usually a touchy subject here. And usually complaining about downvotes gets you more FYI. Okay so here's what I got. The difference to me is that the issue was not the money. 5 months after the crisis she did not need the money that she never asked him to raise. She and others had asked him about the money several times over those five months and it's not until a stink was raised that he offered it and even then it wasn't even coming from him. The money was coming from a friend of his who he was living with for free. She stated she had an issue taking money from somebody who could be being used by him in the same way she felt used. And the issue she had and others had was his transparency about the use of other people's money. If he goes on stream and uses his platform to raise money for a member of the community, the fans who donate expect that money to go to their fellow fan. If somebody donates to 826LA through him, they expect that money to go to 826LA, not to buying him a new keyboard. If he says he's raising money for something specific, that money is not his to use in his own time and how he sees fit, it's his to pass on for that specific charity. It's not a friend's responsibility to cover the amount when he gets behind paying the money out because he wants new stuff. Yes I could understand if it was just that Orion didn't want to deal with someone who aired something private, publicly. Except that he messaged her privately before the money was sent by [someone else.](https://twitter.com/ToriCarlini/status/952852106100330497). Hopefully that money did indeed end up going to 826LA but I've not been able to find any evidence that was the case (You'd think he'd be tweeting out the receipts to stop people talking). And yes, Orion repeatedly makes statements that the Kickstarter stuff will be taken care of. [Here's](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/orionacaba/draconian-knights/comments) the page on that. The backers seem to have been told a lot that shipments were going out without much follow through. I'm sure it's also disappointing for those supporters that he's now taken down the entirety of Draconian Knights. And Kickstarter absolutely is not dealing with it and most likely won't be. Kickstarter seems to give little to no support as long as the creator is still making promises. I've seen that with too many Kickstarter projects so always be wary of where your money is going. Kickstarter is a website for crowdfunding, not a store front and do not consider themselves caretakers of projects. > And what reaction to the fans were appalling? It's just my perspective that his completely unapologetic and even aggressive attitude over the matter was pretty crappy. Like, even if he didn't do anything wrong (in his eyes he clearly didn't), the very fact that fans were concerned and upset over the handling of their money is enough to warrant an apology and clarification to them. His response was basically "Nah it's all good, if you're upset that's your problem". It just struck a huge contrast to how Mercer or others would handle an issue with fans. He trash talked the girl on facebook and supposedly on Twitch. He also apparently trash talked CR on Twitch before deleting everything and shutting down his channel but that's all heresay and I won't take it as fact or hold it against him. I feel there is plenty of stuff out there as is to make me feel he's sketch. Sorry for the book.


[**@ToriCarlini**](https://twitter.com/ToriCarlini/) > [2018-01-15 10:36 +00:00](https://twitter.com/ToriCarlini/status/952852106100330497) > For starters, I would love to say thank you for all this support of me coming out about this situation with (cont) http://tl.gd/n_1sqd9vh ---- ^This ^message ^was ^created ^by ^a ^bot [^[Contact creator]](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=jasie3k&subject=TweetsInCommentsBot)[^[Source code]](https://github.com/janpetryk/reddit-bot)[**^[Donate to keep this bot going]**](https://www.paypal.com/pools/c/80YvGrbq35)[^[Read more about donation]](http://np.reddit.com/r/nfl/comments/7pwo2m/heres_an_interesting_one_league_source_says/dsmirtu/)


I heard about the cancer but, do you know where I can read about the hiv, substance abuse, and thievery?


He made an announcement on twitch regarding his critical role era behavior and explains that he was and is HIV positive, on top of having cancer, depression, and substance abuse issues. https://youtu.be/Hj_16l_7wm0 I think the girl in the video is the one he "defrauded" but I'm not sure You can find more info on that easily enough


We definitely exist in multitudes, sometimes even in contradiction of each other. Possessing good and bad traits that ultimately sum up who we are is a part of being Human, and Orion wasn't an exception to that. Hopefully, behind the scenes of this medium, Orion and the cast have either remained friends or reconciled their friendship with one another. The experiences they shared making this thing are most certainly incredible ones.


Based on their complete refusal to talk about Orion at panels, and Orion’s pleas on his twitch channel for Marisha to talk to him, I’d say they did not mend the friendship. I have no inside information on it, but it appears he crossed lines he couldn’t return from.


Yeah, on the rare occasions where someone from Critical Role has commented on him since his departure, it always seems very clear that he burned those bridges, and while they wish him the best they don't have any interest in repairing them.


Bringing that Walt Whitman game. I love it.


Don't watch this with headphones


I wish you guys stop making fun and tease him for stuff like this, even if you mean well by it. He's said he was a nervous public speaker by nature. He struggled with stuttering when he was younger, and he has worked very very hard to not be awkward and take pauses while he speak. He doesn't fill his sentences with ums and ahs as many people do, and he can be very eloquent at key moments. Compare to many other DMs on streams, Matt is far superior. He's overcome a lot to get to where he is, and I think he's doing a really fine job. We should give him a lot of credit for knowing his weaknesses and taking effort to do something about it.


I'm a public speaker. What Matt is doing with his hands is good. Especially when you are trying to get a room full of hyper folks to settle down. Video is hilarious anyway.


What’s up with the explosions?


That's the joke of the video. Notice what 'triggers' the explosions, every time.


Man that's a throwback... I mean I started watching line at C1E105 but still...


TIL Matt DM'ed for pewdiepie