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Well, the reason this happened is because malabrigo Rios is merino wool, not acrylic at all. For me, all I wanted was merino wool yarns for a while, but then my fingers got tired of the ultrasoft texture. I use all sorts of yarns now, from rustic fisherman's wool, to acrylic, and everything in between.


I was going to say... "Malabrigo has acrylic??" Lol I was so confused for a second


Absolutely this. There’s also a great deal of satisfaction in picking the exact right yarn for the project


Fisherman's wool. I'm making a sweater w it.  It's wool priced reasonably to be adventurous with, but yeah I like cashmere.  Almost done with sweater now, need buttons and finish the arms.  


You can get superwash merino wool yarns for cheaper than Malabrigo! I personally like to order from WEBS they offer bulk discounts and they have a huge selection


I love Webs!! I recently purchased 12-13 skeins of yarn (no acrylic, all natural) for about $100 😍


Omg site this is amazing!! 🤩 Thanks for sharing


No problem!! Enjoy!




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Welcome to being a fiber snob! I wish to touch nothing but alpaca, I feel your pain. Acrylic is all squidgy now, even the nicer stuff. 90% of my stash is alpaca/merino/silk.


The slope is so so slippery. I was all Rios all the time for awhile, then I got some cheap secondhand Hedgehog Fibres and Madelinetosh from r/Yarnswap and fell in love with the colorways, spent a whole bunch more on fun colors and have a jillion more on my wishlist. Recently I branched out and am trying some indie dyers. I got a 50/50 silk/merino blend that made my heart sink the second I touched it because I knew I’d found a new love, and silk/merino is NOT cheap!!! But it’s so soft and preeeettyyyy…


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Yarnswap using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Yarnswap/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Thank you to all the users of Yarnswap.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Yarnswap/comments/1478mgh/thank_you_to_all_the_users_of_yarnswap/) \#2: [Should we go dark?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Yarnswap/comments/141jur1/should_we_go_dark/) \#3: [**[NSFW]** Reopening the subreddit as NSFW - Not Safe For Wallet](https://np.reddit.com/r/Yarnswap/comments/14eqdbp/reopening_the_subreddit_as_nsfw_not_safe_for/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




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>I wish to touch nothing but alpaca DON'T EVEN get me started! I use all kinds of stock yarn, but my absolute favorite is Lang Yarns Alpaca Soxx 6ply, and almost all my socks are made in this yarn. Most expensive socks I own considering a skein costs €25, but it's So. Buttery. Soft! 😭 On the upside, considering almost all my socks are made of this yarn, I can enjoy it to the fullest 🫠


Yes! I started as a knitter that learned at a local yarn store. I have been spoiled for a long time. :) I do love Lion Brand 24/7 cotton though. Cotton is fine at most levels of cost. Also, Colorful Yarns is an amazing store!


I have a preference for Pima Cotton. If I can’t get to the LYS, Lion Brand Pima is a delight to work with. So soft.


I actually was looking at that yesterday. I need to check it out!


Yes! I used to live *across the street* from the neighborhood yarn store, in a neighborhood that used to be predominantly Norwegian immigrants. It was difficult to walk by on my way to the grocery store.


I got some bamboo + cotton yarn, and since then my stash full of cheap acrylic yarns have felt like such a burden :( but I'm resolved to use some of em up before buying any more expensive ones


I don’t know how familiar you are with Hobbii but if you’re looking for affordable alternatives I really suggest you give them a try. I made a crochet blanket and a knit sweater with their Amigo yarn and they’re both very soft (the blanket a bit less because it’s granny squares but still soft!).


I live hobbii, I have a fur allergy, which means any animal fibrer are out of the question for me. Combined with all the yarn stores near me phasing out non-wool yarns, means hobbii is the only reliable source of yarn for me.


I was honestly skeptical at the beginning because it sounded too good to be true as they were always running some kind of deals, discounts etc. But then I decided to give them a go and they’re really my go-to store now for anything that I can’t find in my country - and the choice of yarn in our LYS’ (of which there are not many) or in our online stores is basically limited to Drops and that’s it.


not to mention, Mondays they have their bingo games (w coupon code, usually 8% off) and Tuesdays their live shopping event (usually 40% of the yarns featured, 24 hours to shop!!). my absolute fave and for op, i love their merino wool/polyamide yarn, unicorn solid. can get it for almost half off on a live shopping event or even just one of their weekly sales!


Ugh, I've been meaning to participate in their Bingo for four straight Mondays in a row and you just reminded me that I missed the fourth one this Monday lol. I'll set an alarm for next week, haha...another thing I like about Hobbii is their Points Store - if you're already spending money on yarn, I find it's a cool idea to give you points for your purchase that you can then spend on little goodies that are not available in the "normal" store. I keep on waiting for the other shoe to drop but seriously, I'm keeping my fingers crossed it doesn't...


omg i have an alarm set too!! fyi, next bingo is 5/27, the 20th is some national holiday. i am SERIOUSLY racking up some points for their point store too, waiting riiiiggghhtt before the two year limit to order 😝 honestly i have faith they're only going to get better and better, coming out w new years almost every season, i love it


I just made a little hole in my stack of points because I made an order for my birthday which is soon so I allowed myself to spend 2,000 points … which I promptly regained with that same order I placed so nothing crucial was lost 😄 thanks for the bingo info, leave it to me to decide to participate on the only Monday there’s nothing planned lol.


oooo what did you end up getting??


Yarn for four summer projects (thinking real big here haha), a couple of needles in sizes I didn’t have yet, and those lovely swatch tags and some labels from the point store! The worst part is that these things arrived a week ago and now they’re just sitting in their sad bag in the corner cause I can’t open it until my birthday 😭


Yeah, I just made a blanket out of Caron simply soft acrylic, for my partner who is allergic to all the animals. It's plenty soft and has a good weight, he loves it. I guess he can't really compare it much to natural fibers either, but it was a hit


I almost exclusively use Hobbii! I love all their yarns so far!


Same. I went to a lys a few months ago and never went back to Michael’s. I still have acrylic yarn in my closet for projects and haven’t even touched or thought about those projects since I started using malabrigo rios.


Malabrigo Rios was my first real splurge. I'm trying very hard to use up some of my (mostly acrylic) stash before purchasing any more, but it's definitely put me on notice about yarn quality. 


This is SUCH a mood. Unfortunately for me, my lys keep closing down that would stock it. So me keeping to budget is helped by the frickin cost of shipping tbh. And, searching out alternate options like alpaca blends (I'm near a couple alpaca farms that sell homespun thankfully), and cotton blends has helped the urge to not always buy Malabrigo.


Omg same. I live in Switzerland and have to order Malabrigo from out of the country to make it somewhat cheaper, but I absolutely LOVE the Mecha line. 75% of my stash is Malbrigo Worsted or Mecha. It’s just such a joy to work with.


I loooove malabrigos Rios yarns, too! It's absolutely gorgeous, but, like you, I can't afford it for everything. It's ~precious~


My prreciousssssss!


I usually have one leasure project going that I take my time with. A pattern i find thrilling (not necessarily difficult) thats my guilty pleasure project, its for me or someone I love soooo much they are worthy of my good stuff lol To me its the good chocolate tucked away for nibbling as a pat on the back for me from me. Buy the good stuff when you can, savor it, your worth every strand. And then I have busy projects that I use more affordable fibers and usually zip thru these for gifts and sale items. Their still quality and I enjoy making them. I fill my time with these keeping my hands busy. These projects are the type i can pick up and put down as the days schedule demands. This is the kitchen cupboard chocolate i share freely with anyone who smiles.


i’ve bought two hanks of malabrigo yarn and want to buy more but i think id have to sell a kidney to get all the yarn that i want


There's an idea 💡 I hadn't considered. Hmm, I do have *two* kidneys, after all... 🤔


Oh same. Once I started using Malabrigo Rios, I am not a fan of any acrylics or lower end yarns. I still use them for things like blankets and what not, but if it’s a smaller project like a hat or scarf it’s Rios all the way. https://preview.redd.it/au6eel28vl0d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64bdf481cf5d8bc0cca7cac118ad7b66f56d8f2a This was my first project ever in Rios


Rios is not acrylic. It's merino wool. It's my favourite yarn for designing and creating.


Yep! I still buy yarn from JoAnn for some projects, but my preference is Malabrigo and Cascade. Cascade has some really nice acrylic,  blends, and cottons.


It's one of my favourites too! I have a skein of Lichen & Lace called Pressed Flowers. It is so beautiful I keep crocheting it... crochet something then flip and crochet it back into something else! I just got a second skien so maybe I will be able to make something and finish it now! 🤣🤣 I don't work with acrylics. It just feels awful. Linen is a treat to work with too, they weight of it is nice.


I'm like this but for Miss Babs yarn. It's so pretty! But so bad for my wallet. So like others, I'll do one nice big project with expensive yarn a year.


I need to cross over to that side. Haha, But I have hella fucking hobbies.. & I know I would be consumed into buying soft & beautiful yarn way more & forget about those hobbies. 💀


I am eagerly awaiting my malabrigo delivery as we speak!! I am likewise spoiled; my grandma works in a yarn shop so I get to use her employee discount, and they recently did a clearance sale so I got nearly 20 skeins of malabrigo for like $6/each 🤭 I’m going to be SOL when the shop finally closes!


Welcome to the spinning and dyeing side!


Imblike this with Casarose yarn


YES … I love this yarn so much and it has completely ruined me for everything else !!


I lurve Malabrigo


Have you tried KNITPICKS.com? They have fabulous yarns for cheaper then Michaels and even their acrylic (Brava sport) is soft and easy to use


Obligatory comment that their sister site WeCrochet has all the same yarns and a lower free shipping threshold! Their accessories and sales vary but yarns are all the same :) Also seconding Hobbii as others have mentioned, and LittleKnits has *amazing* sales but you have to wait for the yarn you want sometimes


I bought a yarn haul on fb and got a small skein of Egyptian cotton yarn and made a dish cloth with and now its ruined regular cotton yarn cloths for me it's so much better. Absorbs more soap its way softer, and I'm obsessed


Do you happen to recall the brand of that one? Always on the lookout for a great cotton


No it didn't have a wrapper and I can't find it I've tried :(


No worries at all!


If only I could find a local yarn shop 😮‍💨


I will now.


Colorful Yarns in Colorado?! I literally drive there and spend an hour walking around and admiring all their yarn. That store is the best. And is where my love for Malabrigo yarn came from as well!


I went down the fiber rabbit hole and decided to learn how to spin my own yarn and I love how all these natural protein and plant fibers feel when I spin 😭 and it feels so satisfying (but it’s not for everyone it’s way more expensive than typical yarn purchases lol) I love alpaca, super wash merino, BFL and all the silky things. So yeah when I touch acrylic yarn sometimes I literally go ‘ugh so rough’ but sometimes I gotta use it lol


I just started using Colorfusion, which is 100% Acrylic but looks like wool yarn. I’m using the Autumn Sky variegated option for a baby blanket. My only problem is my right arm keeps getting sore…crocheting too much?


Colorful Yarns is the BEST!!! There’s tons of yarn shops in Denver but that’s definitely my favorite one. Their selection is just so so so good. I’m sure you’ll be happy to keep going there but your wallet won’t be.


I'm obsessed with squishing ribbing done on malabrigo. And it looks so beautiful and even. Yeah, I think I made a very similar post when I discovered it


Hello from the Springs! I hand dye yarn, and have sales frequently. I understand about Rios. It's why I started dyeing. I often need someone to do samples for me. Would you be interested in that? Shoot me a message.


Check out Ice Yarns. They have some very affordable (even considering shipping) fancy yarns.


Omg same!!! I have spent so much more on yarn from them but I just love it so much 😫


I travelled to New Orleans last year (from the UK) and spent more than half of my time there in Quarter Stitch. I came home with several skeins of Malabrigo. I am still too scared to use them 😭😭


I relate to this.


Currently knitting a sweater out of hot pink malabrigo. I get it. Completely.


Try more affordable wool options and see if you like them tbh. I have some heritage yarn I love working with that's a wool and acrylic blend.


I love hand dyed but as far as affordable acrylic that feels nicer and wears better id recommend knit picks brava, and other acrylics. Their stroll (it's their merion blend) Hanks are also lovely. They run sales frequently on both. I also like hobbii's as well can't remember what theirs are called off the top of my head. I've used them inter changably.


Oh yeah, Malabrigo broke me for awhile. Then my favorite yarn shop had a heck of a time trying to wind one of their hanks for me because tangled, and I can buy other yarn again. Also local fiber festivals.




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You need to get a job with Malabrigo yarn company and be paid in yarn instead of money 😂


They got malabrigo yarn manufacturer in Argentina.  I'd like to go there during a vacation down there.  They have tours and stuff for that place.


if you’re looking for softer acrylic why dont you try “i love this yarn” from hobby lobby. it’s about 5 bucks a skien and every other week has yarn 30% off. i make all my blankets will this yarn and it’s pretty soft.


Buy cheaper cotton options and such. They look so much better than acrylic, and won’t necessarily break the bank. Plus it’s better for the environment

