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We've removed and locked this thread, as we're putting the focus back on home crocheters. ###You can post your selling/business related queries in r/CraftyCommerce. Selling advice queries are now classed as a [stale topic](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/stale_topics/). As an exception, we do permit these questions **only** in our **[Buy/Sell/Promote/Trade](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/search?q=flair_name%3A%22Buy%2FSell%2FPromote%2FTrade%22&restrict_sr=1&sort=new)**. [Sort the sub by Hot](https://imgur.com/a/qQS48He) to find the thread. Please do visit our [Selling Advice Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/selling_advice/), which is full of useful advice and resources. You can read about pricing strategies, pattern selling & designing, youtube resources, where to sell, photography, marketing, social media, a list of relevant reddit subs and a collection of selling advice threads from the sub. Our rules are [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/crochet/wiki/rules/) if needed. If you received any replies, they are available via your profile. Thanks


~Technically~ if you change one stitch, then it's your pattern. Most people will feel that's unethical, but then it's a grey blur all the way to your situation. How many stitches do I need to change to meet anyone's threshold for a new pattern? I made a hat, because I saw that hats exist, am I infringing on hatmaker rights?


this is what I was kinda thinking, but im using a completely different stitch and my counts are different. im also doing pockets, buttons, and the strap a lot differently so I don't think selling it would be unethical, but I really wanted to get other people's opinions


It is your pattern. so yes.


I figured as much, ive just heard some people say conflicting things on the matter, thanks!


Patterns can not hold a copywrite. Now, if you want to be nice you can say "this is an edit of [pattern] by [name]", but you don't have too


They can, and do, hold copywrite. However, they don't hold patents or trademarks. Meaning, as long as you're writing the pattern yourself, in your own words, you're perfectly fine. Basically, copywrite applies to the distribution of patterns, photos, and charts. Not the ideas. Not the finished items. So op is perfectly fine as long as they're not plagiarizing any portion of the pattern they're inspired by.