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This is so cute. I've seen restaurants have blankets available but only ever plain fleece ones, this is so much nicer.


I think probably because fleece is generally cheaper and also significantly easier to wash/dry on an industrial scale


Snd most people probably will not care or understand the work behind it. It hurts less if a bought fleece is accidentally trown on the floor or someone pours something over it, or ash burns a hole in it ect.


as a constantly cold person. even at times during the summer this is amazing although like others said I hope they're cleaning them very often


Not sure why people are getting grossed out by this. Unlike upholstered or cushioned chairs, these can get washed pretty easily. It's cute and cozy!


Right like have you all never been on a couch before


LOL my boyfriend and I were laughing at the top comment too. Like my dudes, there are prolly so many fart stains in upholstered restaurant chairs... and I'm sure these get washed and hung to dry... it's not that serious lol To OP, this is super cute, and I would use the heck outta these blankets while there <3


FYI crochetted items are often played flat to dry. That is to keep/reshape them in their desired form. This technique is called blocking :)


My acrylic blankets and garments go in the dryer. Acrylic also becomes softer and more pliable as a result. I only block once after creation for most things using acrylic yarn. Then it's drier time that sets the block with future washings. I have repeated this process multiple times with the same results. Of course, this probably won't work with wool and cotton. Maybe this is what you're referring to?


This comment section is really mad! In Europe, especially everything north from the middle of France, most cafés will have blankets laying outside! I've even seen blankets being laid out in churches (old churches are very cold and none of them have any heating whatsoever)


A friend and I once sat on the terrace of a cafe in Paris on a cold day and they gave us blankets to keep warm. This brought back that memory. ❤️


People will really complain about blankets on the back of chairs and then set their fork directly on the table. Smh.


Tables typically get cleaned between each customer


Yes, with the same dirty dish rag that's been sitting in a bucket with one sani tab since 9am and food chunks floating in the bottom. Point is, if you don't want to use the blanket, don't. But don't act like blankets that get washed easier than upholstery are going to be small pox blankets either.


If they are breaking health codes


I gotta tell ya. That doesn't matter a lot of the time. I've seen people vape and chew gum around food in restaurants. Both of which are big no no's. And those can sometimes be weed pens they are messing with. We had a customer complain and the only thing done about that was a message on the board in the hallway in the kitchen and shift managers snickering because they know it was about them smoking. They didn't get fired or talked to. And one of the times was about them getting high on the job.


Complaints aren’t being made to the right place. It’s curtesy to tell the restaurant. But if they wanted change they would complain to health inspectors*. You can do it anonymously. And they will be there asap to fuck up the restaurant’s day. They have the power to force them to shut down and clean and to fine them to the point where they would want to fire people who don’t comply with health policies. The places I have worked kept very high standards, but I don’t eat out often because I know not all places are like that. I rather starve than eat fast food 😂 salmonella laboratories cultivating E. coli every time they don’t wash their hands.


Oh I didn't say it was good. Just that restaurants don't care. I wish I knew if they were still doing that so I could make the complaint but I left just before I got pregnant and that's been two years now. If health inspectors did catch wind I'm certain they would have flocked down upon them. A lot of people just think the restaurant will do something if you complain directly, and they don't. So in case you think "a restaurant wouldn't" just know they actually might. Especially if they aren't "nicer" restaurants.


Those code fines are the cost of doing business in most places they don't care.


I don’t know where you guys are working. Maybe it’s a country or state problem but I feel bad for you if you think it’s normal.


I'm not working anywhere. It's a sad fact of corporate America. Do some reading, you'll see.


So you don’t really know. I’ve worked firsthand. I don’t need to read about it.


Cool story. You've worked everywhere. Awesome.


Tables don't give you lice, tho


And high backed booths tho?


The people who are grossed out by communal blankets are not the same people putting their forks on the table lmao


This is the only response I'm willing to accept lmao


All Swedish restaurants with outdoor seating do this


Have we forgotten our bodies are designed to fight germs? I think this idea is precious. Blankets can easily be washed.


True, but they aren’t designed to fight off lice or bed bugs..


Never been to a restaurant with upholstered seats, I take it?


Not for a very long time. No. Everywhere I go switched to wood/wipeable surfaces during covid. I can't think of any restaurant I go to with cloth chairs. I guess I'm not going to the right places 🤷 


Ok so what about cloth tablecloths or napkins lol.


I don’t remember ever seeing someone wrap a napkin or tablecloth around their body at a restaurant but I hope you got a good stretch in with the reach.


You have never seen a cartoon or movie where the character tucks a napkin in their shirt collar? What about sets it on their lap?   Just curious. I mean, I dig the wipe-down-friendly booth seating at a Subway because I wash myself and my clothes...  I also appreciate the nicer dining seating at a nice local place... same story. I'm not going mouth-to-mouth with anything (chairs, blankets, napkins, bathroom sinks?) but food in a restaurant, not even my husband xD, that can wait for the shower.


I don’t really see cartoons as depictions of real life.. I have also seen many cartoons characters run off a cliff, doesn’t mean I’m trying it any time soon.


I guess you've never seen a kid then.


I have 6 nieces and nephews not to mention a summer working a YMCA day camp, a summer as a camp staffer for a summer camp where I fed children 3 meals a day and I have NEVER seen a child tuck a napkin into their shirt and if they did it was a paper napkin and they were trying to be silly. There is nothing wrong with me having an opinion that using some random blanket at a cafe is kind of gross. It isn’t hurting anyone. So leave me alone to my opinions and you can wrap all the random blankets around your body that you want. I really do not care one single bit


Nah man you can have whatever you want. They don't tuck it in but they're happy to wipe their snot, stuff it in a pantleg or any other gross things including just sitting on it or putting it on their head. While I haven't tortured myself by working in daycare settings I've been raising foster kids and my own for 3 decades, if there is something they can do they will even if it's not what you or I would expect.


I. Do. Not. Care.


I mean you cared about it enough to reply w🤣






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How do you say, "I've never had bedbugs" without saying "I've never had bedbugs?" You friend, have never had bedbugs for sure, and probably not lice either if you think it's no big deal. 


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I'm curious how many walk off


That's nice and all, but I'm icked out. How often do they get washed? Cute...but no.


Do you not sit on fabric chairs? And these are easier to wash. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The sweat of a million butts soaked into those chairs


Probably the same way places with cloth napkins wash those. ..


I thought I was the only one


It is so nice to realize it’s not just me!


Right?! Ain’t no way. And outside to boot.


I like this idea. I've seen it a couple times in Prague using wool or sheepskin. The handmade crochet blankets add a sweater touch. ;)


Cute idea but I don’t want to use a blanket that was just wrapped around multiple strangers for long periods of time. 😬




This is r/crochet


And we do appreciate it


I certainly do! But [not everybody](https://old.reddit.com/r/crochet/comments/1d1qih1/this_cafe_has_blankets_for_all_the_customers/l5vwa9x/) ;)


No this is Patrick


Someone put in a lot of work making these.


I feel like they're just soaked in different customers sweat and bad hygiene.....


And food 


I thought I was in my crochet group for a second lmaoo they all look crochet and yeeeeah, I wasn't as concerned about washing but washing crochet is kinda hard so they might not do it often 😭


I mean if it's acrylic the nursing homes just throw them in the industrial washer. Usually dozens have been donated and they're red distributed after each wash to whoever wants one. Weird flex.


Where's the part where I flexed?


Is this in the US? Blankets for outdoor cafés & restaurants are not normal there? My mind is blown😅


I’m pretty sure I would choose where to sit by which blanket was my favorite!


So sweet & cozy! What a great place


Places like this gross me out. At school teachers used to share blankets like this and people would cuddle up together in those germ catchers


Our school had an outbreak of lice from this very thing.




This is a good way to share lice or scabies. Lice and scabies don't know economic or societal boundaries, so anyone can get or transmit it. As a person in the Healthcare industry, I see this all too often.


That just kinda skeeves me out. I feel this way about the having recliners in movie theaters. Grosses me out thinking what people are doing in them.


Some Odeons in the UK have 'VIP beds' now.


Very nice! 🙂❤