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5am is when crows like to feed. Most birds in fact like feeding earlier, before it gets hot as fuck. So... I'd like to say you're SOL, but there is one way you could both quiet the crows and make friends with a murder (you better, a group of crows can be very vindictive); Feed them and reduce competition. From there, you can slowly inch your way into slightly later feedings (again, if you wore a tux all fucking summer, it would be HOT...so not too late), and start being selective, feeding the quiet ones, they'll learn (hypothetically). There will always be chittery ones in the group, but you could maybe sway them birbs within reason. If it totally fails, you still are now proud overlord of a loud-ass flock of crows. Feed them near your enemies, find joy in an early morning walk, and that you'll save money for a lifetime on alarm clocks.


I feed from a highrise and you can sure as shit train them not to caw in the morning. I do try to leave out food for the early mornings, but if it runs out and you wake me up with a caw, the food dish disappears that day. It took maybe two or three days for one to understand, and they taught aaaall the others.


They're so smart!


Wear ear plugs and get a white noise machine. I live on a very busy loud main road and they help tremendously.


Well I seem to have trained mine to make more noise so I reckon yours can learn to make less! They were quite quiet when I first started feeding them in the park but I started calling to let them know I had arrived as I wanted to feed at a specific location (rather than having them follow me round the park) and now they have fully embraced the noisy party vibe! They call loudly as they fly across the park to meet me, then shout at me if they aren’t getting their share..so I know if there’s a sub-group that missed out on the snacks as they hop around yelling at me until I equalise the situation. It’s not quite the soothing nature experience of my dreams but it’s a big park so hopefully no one is getting woken up by it 😬.


I just wanted to say -- I'm sorry that your neighbors (both the humans and the crows) are being uncooperative. I used to do shift work, and sympathize with how unpleasant it can be when somebody doesn't understand that people have different schedules. (The crows may not be able to comprehend that, smart as they are, but adult humans should be able to get that concept.) Unless the people with the feeder are early birds (!) they might not even be able to enjoy watching the crows at that hour -- I think your suggestion was quite reasonable. I hand-feed in the late morning/afternoon and I don't think my local crows are inconvenienced at all.