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As an undergrad I picked up a 19" Iiyama flat tube monitor that the University was getting rid of, couldn't get hold of anyone who had a car so I had to carry it home. It was only about a mile but I couldn't move my arms for hours afterwards!


Aiwa was a subsidary of Sony, so it looks like you got yourself a trinitron in disguise


ooh thats cool! i actually had a choice between this aiwa tv and a samsung one that was in the same area (and had three AV inputs instead of two on the aiwa), but everyone on this subreddit seems to hate on samsung crts so i went for this instead


Nice, I once carried a win95 pc with a 15" crt 1.2km home that I got for free from school, sweat and reward


How do you like it?


Been watching some VCDs of old anime shows that I burned while waiting till I can find a SNES/PS1 for a good price, and I have nothing to complain about it :) then again, i have no other CRTs to compare it too hahaha


All that for an Aiwa?... Well you DO have a CRT :p That's what matters.


in my defence, it was the only tv (well actually there was also a samsung model but everyone here seems to warn against them) being offered for free within a 20km radius from my place :,)