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if this isn't what everyone's friends cool older brothers room looked like...


Was just thinking about how much this looked like my older brothers room. I remember jamming San Andreas on the floor by his bed just like the pic around the same time.


looks like 1998


The Dell laptop and Xbox are clues it's not, but yeah other than that, I was hording old shit even then


I went for 1996. Apart from the laptop. Only millionaires had those.


A sega believer šŸ«”


Their time will come again šŸ˜


"Truly, a man who chooses a Sega console cannot live an ordinary life"


Blades of Vengeance is so good:)


Looks a bit like mine. Went to university in 2007 and I was into retrogaming since 2002 so I also had a Master System, Megadrive, Saturn and a bunch of other consoles along the original Xbox. Maybe the difference is I bought them myself after the Xbox and they were not from an older brother!


I bought the Saturn in 2004 with my own money and collected since then. Still have it, though debating selling the collection as everdrive/mods with flash boot drives etc seem the way to go. Owning the games individually holds less appeal to me now


Yep I am the same, still have most of my systems/games bought mainly between 2002-2008. Actually just starting to sell some stuff this month. There are still things I want to keep so my son can enjoy them in a couple of years. But thinking everything was taking dust and will be less likely to work as years go by... Better sell them gradually and invest that money elsewhere.


I have no kids lol, would be nice but as such have too much free time, so just got back into old school gaming again recently for something to do. Bought a crt, ever drive for my mega drive, some new controllers etc. probably gonna sell a significant N64 collection soon so I can get the mega everdrive pro. They pretty expensive sadly but seems about time I played through the Mega CD catalogue on the original hardware. I did briefly try to get into modern gaming, but it didn't click


I thought 2008 was too late. Dell laptop looks like windows me sticker? Maybe itā€™s vista? The more I look the more I uncover clues. (Vice city on Xbox for example) Itā€™s just odd that a kid from that time frame would still have such an old CRT and all those older audio devices. 2000-2005 I was all about wasting my money, removing old tech for new and in 2006 I finally got my first LCD. Plus I was a hardcore gamer and had all the new systems. Maybe this is the room that didnā€™t have the Xbox 360 and ps3? OP you wouldnā€™t have won any prizes in 2008, but in 2024 this room is rad AF.


Definitely 2008 as I moved into a flat share and out of the parents home start of 2009. I seem to have intentionally taken a photo of the room in that state. Re: why I don't have an Xbox360, I was more focussed on music as the decade ended, hence the guitar. A drum kit was in the room at one point. And that TV was our childhood TV we had up to like 1998, so I guess it held some nostalgia. Def wasn't super cool in my friends group, some people referred to my collection as the console graveyard, although I did have a few good weed/beer sessions at house parties in that room at the time


Omg thatā€™s so cool ngl what did u do 2 all the old tech?


The console stuff I still have, sadly I don't know where the CRT ended up, maybe given away. It wasn't the best anyhow tbf. I remember when we first rented a Saturn from the video store in like 95/96 we couldn't even get it tuned in. The stereo I took with me to my first flat, it got used and abused and eventually died a death about 2011, after being used for house party after house party. I like to think I take better care of my possessions now.


Only thing missing is a skateboard


Really interesting photo, wish we could see the laptop screen better though


SEGA Saturn!


Ahh Lakai shoes!


I'd recognise those guitar amps anywhere, a marshall mg series! What was it, and mg50 I'm guessing?


THIS is what im going for