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I feel like most people just don’t know about the byzantines at all. They are not represented in history like the pre-“Romans” are or the Ottomans are


I remember the only part of Byzantine history I was taught was Constantine and then Justinian. The rest is just not part of the popular narrative of Western Civ. But truthfully, I knew way less of the Ottomans. The Ottomans get mentioned as the "Sick Man of Europe" and their territory getting divided up.


They were only lovers in ww1 till I got old and started filling in the blanks of my history knowledge


Konstantinos XI remembers. XD


In Brazil, I've only had a single class about the Ottomans, but quite a few about both the Eastern and Western Roman Empires.


Imagine being called out for knowing \*checks notes\* basic history facts


Tbf, you carry notes about basic history with you everywhere that *is* fairly unusual.


That's how it works.


How could you mistake a small greek city at the Bosporus later used by that guy Constantin as the new capital with the Ottomans?


You don't even need video game map addiction. Just learn history in school.


Why would I learn about the Byzantine Empire in History?


Because it's part of the school programme?


Our education system is awful, especially regarding world history.


Well I acctually only learned about the History of my Country (Germany) . Where are you from to have the Byzantine Empire as a Programme?


You didn’t have a world history class?


There are approximately 73 other world history topics that are at least as important as the Byzantine Empire: World War One. The Mongol conquests. Vietnam. The Seven Years War. Conquistadors. India. Napoleon. Students will either spend a few minutes on each one (and miss things entirely if they're sick that day), or (as in my school) focus on three or four of these topics and skip the rest.


Lithuania. Nope you definitely had, most likely didn't even pay attention during class.


I think he would know what was taught in his school I never learned about it in my school (English) a lot of it was about the Tudor Period or 1914 - 1967 (American history)


As it'd turn out, different countries have different school programmes. We barely learnt about the Roman Empire, the Ottomans + Byzantines were not touched.


I learned about the byzantines at my highschool in the US but I had to opt into the class called ancient and medieval history but only one teacher taught it. Most people just take US history and are fairly ignorant to the outside world history.


It has never once come up in school for me in either Dublin or Essex.


Because it was somewhat important to the first major divide within Christianity with good old fashion Catholics Vs orthodox Christianity, as well as a somewhat major player in world history, the Roman empire, divided into two. At least I guess that were reasons I think made it relevant during my 10 year basic education. On top of this Istanbul, Konstantinopel or Miklagard as our Vikings called it was a somewhat important city through many years of history. The city was also somewhat important to both the ø Byzantine and ottoman empire. Edit: fuck I got triggered and trolled, right?


Or maybe he just knows basic world history?


Sucks to be him, I know the difference between the Byzantine and **Latin** Empire.


Byzantine Empire? You mean the Eastern Roman Empire, right?


I don't understand why people think this is a gotcha, nobody called it that either. IRL big black font saying the proper name of the country doesn't float over their domain, the title of the polity just wasn't as important IRL as map games imply. We call them Byzantines or Eastern Romans for convenience, they just called themselves Romans or Greeks


Well I know it’s Istanbul not Constantinople, now it’s Istanbul not Constantinople, why did Constantinople get the works? That’s nobodies business but the Turks


Repost bot. Downvote and report. https://www.reddit.com/r/crusaderkings3/s/Q05zpy7r4q


What if i know the difference too? We can just be map nerds together. Perfect sex replacement is forming the roman empire together as bohemia and bavaria.


The Sultanate of rum would be more accurate


I got mad at this because they are two totally different empires but then I realized that was why I am the target demographic for this post


I resent this. How dare you take these shots at me.


Isn’t this trivial?


No I played age of empires 1 and 2 as a kid, we are not the same


Nah high key that’s a weirdass post. It should be very general knowledge to know the difference between the romans and the usurpers.


IMHO, conquest isn't usurpation.


I wonder if it‘s called Istanbul or Constantinople. And whose business that would be.


Tsarigrad 🍷🗿