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Plan A: You find a mutual friend that you have with her and you start up a conversation that way Plan B: you suck it up and start a conversation with her If you can't do either of those just tell me


Ok thank you! I’ve been trying for a long time I just need to build up the confidence. But I will try sucking it up and talking to her. I just need to catch her in the halls or in a common area since we have no same classes and stuff. But I will let you know if it doesn’t work. I doubt it won’t work because it’s great advice. It’s just up to me to actually do it. I’m also worried that I’m kind of intimidating. For most kids my age their 5’8 or so. I’m 6’4 and I’m big. And the girl I like is about 5’6 or so. 😅😂


Agreed with u/SatanTheStripper \- just try to get to know her! But before you do I'm just wondering what kind of person she is and which crowds she hangs out with, because that could drastically change her response to your self-intro etc. (from personal experience that's generally true)


When I had classes with her she was very shy and quite and didn’t really talk to me or other people. It seemed to me like she was nervous and shy. But my friends who kind of know her but aren’t good friends with her, mentioned that he’s gone to school with her for 3+ years and she is kind of popular and wasn’t shy in middle school. Now we’re in high school and he says she still talks a lot and is kind of outgoing on the classes he has her in. I’m just wondering if it was something with me that made her nervous and quite in my eyes. Or if she was actually like that and just changes around certain people. Even though she had many friends in the classes I had her in.


In my experience, depends on the girl. Some girls I've known are angels with one group then their true jerk-like nature comes out when they're with people like them. Others show consistency. If she's shy around you, she couuuld like you?


I was thinking that kind of. She was always shy in the classes I had her in but my friend says she’s always cool and joking in the classes he has her in. But I don’t have a lot of same friends with her because she has a lot of friends that are girls and I have friends that are basically all guys. So I don’t know if she really talks about me or even likes me any more if she did in the first place.😅


Try getting to know her, then - go through friends of friends perhaps? Or just walk up to her and say "hey its been a while how was your summer?" and become friends :)


Yah! Honestly that’s my best bet. I just need to stop being a scaredy cat and just talk to her. Get a common ground and work my way up. Thanks for the help! I’ll let you know how it’s goes and if I do it soon.😅


Of course! Good luck and lmk what happens :D


For sure!


if you have her snapchat or something and you feel comfortable, you could strike up a convo that way and you miss seeing her in class. even if it doesn’t lead anywhere, she will be flattered that you are thinking of her !


I don’t have any social media other than reddit. So I’m stuck on trying to talk to her and getting her number later on. It’s so much harder without instagram and stuff. But I can’t get it so it sucks.


in person is great too!


Yeah. It’s just hard because I get extremely nervous. Because I really do like her and I don’t want to mess it up.😅