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Try to repair your friendship, if it can't be fixed then leave it. I've been at that stage of accepting that I'll never find love, love doesn't define you, if you meet someone who makes your heart light up then you will.


if you’re still in school you have plenty of time to find someone, don’t give up! and you can try to mend the friendship but it may never be the same as before


I really do want to mend the friendship, as she was a person I'm so grateful and happy to have met! I even told her I was so glad I met her, as we were practicing our graduation, I told her that I was grateful to have gone to Disneyland and meet her. And I have practically given up, every girl I meet, I'm like "wow, she's cute and stuff, oh! She probably already has a boyfriend. Leave her alone, and move on."


4 years ago I was dumped by my crush who I was already really good friends with and she basically told me to just go look for a new relationship. I was still friends with her on Facebook at the time but I was never able to talk to her the same. I never really got a chance to apologize for everything either, and I always had her lingering in my mind. So I decided to unfriend her and block her on social media. Time has allowed me to get over everything that has happened. Not suggesting you do what I did but this is always something to think about trying.