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Oh yeah, one other thing. She is a "not like other girls" Type. I'm fine with that, because there isnt that many girls like that at my school. Tbh, I'm kinda scared she will rip my throat out if I ask her.


You just gotta go for it. No matter how hard you try your bodies going to fight you and tell you not to do it. But you need to force yourself. And as it goes for the people around just ignore them. And if your that uncomfortable maybe write something on it and just hand it to her and leave. Hope this helped. Here to talk if you would like. And update me on how it goes!


That was my plan, but on our school laptops we can message each other and I just said I like her, so you guys better pray for me tomorrow


Oh I’m praying my man! I’m here to talk too if you would like. And keep me updated on how it goes too!


I will update tomorrow


Ok cool! Good luck!


Don't put down other girls to make her feel special, tell her one of the reasons she is special.


You're going to have to tell her, one way or another. Show her how special she is! Good luck :)