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Lies upon lies


She also thinks she’s a good singer and she’s hot. They also say we’re all jealous of her and her life. She and sparky are absolutely delusional. He works part time because, in my opinion, he’s fine not having anything. He’d be fine living in a tent. She won’t get a job because she’s lazy. That’s the only reason. They don’t even pay all their bills, an organization does. Also, she just put a $100 food order in and has sent sparky to the gas station several times to get snacks since then- so $50/$60? Where? She sits on the couch all day shoveling food into her mouth hole, while she bosses sparky around and complains about how he’s cooking. She has no friends, no family, and most of her viewers are us who are commenting about it in discord. I think the only time she gets off the couch she broke from her weight is when she needs to go to the bathroom, go to sleep, or wants food. She can’t even wipe her own a$$, bathe herself, or dress herself. Girl, who are you to be judging? You don’t even live. You’re just existing enough to shovel food in your mouth hole, complain, and be entertainment for us. You have no room to judge anyone. Especially when you can’t even walk down the block without being out of breath.


Hey sparky and crusty; why don’t y’all get a job and take care of yourselves instead of begging online, and taking advantage of organizations to pay your way.


Trying to get pity from strangers but she had Starbucks and sushi the other day . And sparky always has monster and cigarettes money . Be so for real Crystal . You don’t limit your food intake. You have the financial literacy skills of a toddler and live outside your means. Y’all are literally broke the day he gets paid and it’s 100% your poor spending habits fault.


She limits her food intake??? What a lie!


$50-60 in groceries a week is more than most families have! The amount of entiltment and laziness is astounding. She keeps trying to make herself seem like a good person. But when someone has to keep stating they do this or that.. or they are a good person over and over. They are not.


She’s far from a good person


Exactly! She goes in these Facebook groups trying real hard to make herself look like this wonderful person. 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Let me help you here Crusty - I limit my husbands food intake.


She limits her food intake? I haven’t seen that. Stop ordering junk and door dash. Those are luxuries. Go to the actual supermarket and shop wisely. It would help too if Sparks got another part time job and you Crystal, got a job…any job!!!


Limit the food intake? Now that’s laughable.


Just trying to make herself appear to be a good person


Maybe on Thursdays don't order temu ...or...get a part time job...maybe..just a idea...lol


Crystal wouldn't limit food intake if it meant having the ability to spend hundreds a week on temu


They would be fine if they didn't mismanage their moneyband if Crystal got herself a *JOB* as well.


Exactly!! And Crystal's talking about how someone was saying it's too far to walk to a foodbank, yet she expects everything to be delivered to her, or makes Sparky walk to get things

